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工程是以人的使用为目的的造物活动,人造的各种"工程"已经带来了自然环境及人类自身的严重危机。通过对工程及工程管理和谐性需求剖析,特别是工程管理发展阶段与工程项目管理缺陷性分析,基于工程哲学、工程系统、工程生态等思想,论述了工程和谐管理的发展必然性、概念内涵及其系统架构。  相似文献   

通过历史唯物史观的考察,指出工程是在人类生存、发展过程中的一项基本实践活动,工程在不同历史时期一直是直接生产力。工程活动是先于科学活动出现的。研究认为,有关自然的知识和活动应分为科学、技术、工程三元,科学活动的主要特征是“探索”、“发现”,技术活动的主要特征是“发明”、“创新”,工程活动的主要特征是“集成”、“构建”。从现代知识意义上看,“科学—技术—工程—产业”之间存在相关的知识链(知识网络),工程与产业的关系更直接、更紧密。工程是人类为了维持生存、繁衍和发展,为了建设家园及美好地生活而进行的实践活动,是人类智慧的凝聚和所追求理想的一种体现。从哲学视野看,工程活动的成果往往体现为构筑一个新的存在物,即在一定边界条件下优化构建起来的集成体。工程集成包涵了诸多技术要素的集成,也包括了技术要素与经济、社会、管理等方面的基本要素在一定条件下的优化—集成。在新世纪的背景条件下工程是创新活动的重要领域,也应是哲学思考的新领域,哲学的超越和工程的超越存在着诸多“交集”和“并集”,因而,工程需要哲学,哲学要面向工程,工程界与哲学界互动,是中国工程哲学兴起的特点。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于经济建设快速发展时期,许多重大工程相继建成并投入使用,凸现工程活动的重要地位和工程管理的巨大作用,标志着我国已经进入工程时代。工程时代呼唤工程哲学,工程建设管理活动离不开哲学思想指导,大力开展工程哲学研究既是哲学发展的必然,又是时代的迫切要求。文章在分析工程哲学的形成、发展及主要研究内容的基础上,提出了工程的哲学内涵与本质:物质性、变化性和时空性,进而对工程管理的理念、价值观、方法论、组织与创新等方面的哲学内涵进行了探讨,以促进我国工程管理理论的发展和管理水平的提高。  相似文献   

现代工程建设的规模日益宏大,结构日趋复杂,系统日显集成,故而现代工程管理活动也已远远超出了经济与技术的范畴,成为一项复杂的综合活动。立足于时代的高度,需要我们用辩证思维的方式对工程管理活动予以关注与思考。笔者从工程管理理论与工程管理实践循环推进,工程管理理念与工程管理方法深度融合,工程管理体系与工程管理细节协调统一,工程管理规范与工程管理创新互相促进,工程管理队伍与工程管理制度共同提升等方面对此进行了阐述和分析。  相似文献   

以“构建和谐发展的工业工程与管理创新”为主题的IEEE第16届工业工程与工程管理国际学术会议(IE&EM,2009)将于2009年10月21日至23日在北京举行。会议的宗旨是努力贴近中国经济建设,以首都经济发展为契机,探讨管理科学创新理论与方法,促进学科发展。  相似文献   

朱蕾 《中国科技博览》2013,(22):441-441
成本对于一项工程来说,是至关重要的,对于控制工程成本已经是各项工程负责人必须进行的工作。价值工程是一门多学科结合密切、以实现创新与优化为目的的现代管理技术,也是一种重要的管理理念。本文结合价值工程原理,探讨其控制工程成本的方法、特点及其意义;同时还讨论了在控制工程成本中起到的作用及其使用时应该注意的事项。  相似文献   

山东新汶矿业集团孙村煤矿为深入贯彻落实科学发展观,大力实施人才强企战略,培养造就适应企业发展要求的高素质职工队伍,实现企业发展和职工成长相统一,通过理论学习和实践锻炼,全面提升职工队伍的思想、文化、业务等综合素质,按照“实际、实用、实效”的原则,不断完善素质提升工程的运行模式,引导广大职工终身学习、持续进步、创新创造、建功立业,为矿井发展提供坚实的人才保证。  相似文献   

大科学工程是国家科技创新的重要研发平台,研究工程运行和科技研发全过程创新要素及其创新体系建构,对充分发挥大科学工程的科学效益具有重要作用。本文在分析大科学工程创新体系建构需求的基础上,梳理提炼了国内外不同领域大科学工程创新活动中的创新要素,构建出大科学工程创新体系;选取我国神光-Ⅲ工程开展实证研究,为我国各领域大科学工程的创新体系建构提供了一般范式。研究认为,大科学工程创新体系是在创新环境的推动下,创新主体、创新环节和创新资源要素协同开展创新活动并实现创新目标的动态系统;大科学工程创新体系注重四大创新要素的横向协调及创新主体和资源的纵向协同。研究建议,大科学工程创新体系的管理实践需重视核心创新主体的主导作用、创新参与主体的跨界融合、创新资源的有效配置以及创新环境的动态变化,以此形成创新要素有效协同、创新活动高效开展的互动创新体系。  相似文献   

朱晓庆 《硅谷》2013,(1):211-212,202
工程是人们运用科学技术的手段改造客观世界的活动及它所取得的成果。它是有特定的目的的,集体性的,较大规模的改变自然状况,改变人类物质生活条件的社会活动。在古代,已经有诸如都江堰、大运河、埃及金字塔之类的巨大工程,但古代的基本生产活动方式是以个体的,小生产的方式为主。随着社会的不断发展进步,现代社会的物质面貌已由现代工程塑造,另一方面,现代工程也受到现代社会的物质面貌的重要影响。现代社会的工程活动是一种高度综合性的活动,工程活动中不但包含技术活动因素,而且包括经济因素,管理因素,伦理因素等。它们在建设中都有着重要的作用。因此,工程伦理学在工程建设中就有着很大的作用。  相似文献   

在岩土工程实际建设的过程中,需制定完善的地基加固处理方案,创新管控模式,遵循现代化的技术要点对其进行处理,加大改革工作力度,创新管理形式,保证在实际发展的过程中,提升岩土工程地基建设稳定性与可靠性,满足在当前的实际建设需求。  相似文献   

从军事工程建设区别于民用工程建设的特点出发,提出了军事工程建设和谐管理的背景。以组织行为学、军事工程经济学、现代项目管理学、系统协同进化理论为理论依据,并从军事工程建设和谐管理的本体论、认识论、方法论出发,描述了军事工程建设和谐管理的"人—事—物"逻辑关系及其系统架构,以及军事工程建设和谐管理的运行机理,从而建立了军事工程建设和谐管理的理论架构。从"领导—员工—团队"主体要素的人理和谐、"质量—工期—成本"客体要素的物理和谐、"知识—工具—方法"关系要素的事理和谐、"军事—技术—经济"系统环境和谐4个方面探讨了军事工程建设和谐管理的实现模式,并构建了军事工程建设和谐管理模式的评价模型。  相似文献   

The emerging interest in ‘capability and maturity models’ for a variety of engineering processes, especially for the R&D function, has aspects of both being a serious development of a new management approach and that of being just another fad. Systematic deliberation and reflections on the roots of this methodology in modern conceptual thinking and economics, as well as its pragmatic and formal evaluations, are necessary to avoid the many potential pitfalls of its misapplication, misuse, overestimation of its power and effectiveness, and of failing to consider resulting adverse consequences. Conclusions of this study, supported by the author's encounters with five different maturity systems already in use, indicate that their objectives in process stability and predictability may be a poor fit to the observed dynamics and discontinuities of the engineering environment in the 1990s with their demands for high rates of innovation and flexibility in response to frequent changes. These conclusions also lead to suggestions how to improve the overall probability of success of both engineering management methodology developers and users, namely to the necessity to start with a comparison of maturity models effectiveness versus available alternative approaches, and with an assessment of appropriate strategies and levels of their application. It is crucial to ensure that the introduction of this new methodology is justified by a serious economic analysis of the necessary investment, instead of by a simple reliance on some assumed inherent, or supposedly self-evident value of suggested maturity schemes.  相似文献   

中国工程管理界的使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任宏 《中国工程科学》2008,10(12):45-52
通过对世界领袖型工程企业的研究,发现一流的工程管理软体是促进工程领域可持续发展的重要基础,中国工程管理领域与发达国家差距的根源在于软体建设,要取得突破性的发展,必须建设世界一流的工程管理软体,并由此提出具体的使命任务。  相似文献   

Empirical engineering knowledge (EEK), a specific technical know-how about solving engineering problems, is frequently accumulated and reused in this era of mass innovation and knowledge-driven economy. Since EEK is abidingly evolving because of the intense business competitions, continual technical renovations and wide industrial concern, it’s a new challenge both in theories and applications of knowledge management to analyse EEK evolution and its motivations. This paper proposes a novel approach to tackle this non-trivial issue. Based on the constructed domain hierarchy and EEK networks, EEK clusters are grouped and represented with populations, latent topics and distributions. Then four kinds of evolutional patterns are defined and recognised from the EEK clusters in neighbouring time intervals. The evolutional motivations of these patterns are discovered from the important evolutional events, with the proposed abductive reasoning algorithm. This paper also integrates all techniques, and implements a knowledge management system EEK-KEAS in computer-aided design (CAD), a typical engineering field. Experimental result shows that EEK-KEAS operations well in revealing the evolutional motivations of CAD EEKs, and outperforms the former approaches in feasibility and effectiveness, thereby opening up a novel way for further understanding the evolution of EEK.  相似文献   

At present, China’s economy is in rapid growth. The scale of engineering construction is significantly increasing and a number of major projects have been completed and put into use, bringing the engineering management practice new issues and challenges with each passing day. In the meantime, Chinese scholars are constantly summarizing what they have learnt in these activities and making great effort to gradually establish their own theoretical system of engineering management, of which the core essence of theoretical system of engineering management becomes a critically important topic. By studying our engineering management theory and practice, this paper preliminarily sums up the core essence of the engineering management theory in China as: “establishing a perfect harmony between human and nature through a people-oriented approach and dual innovation”, with a hope to help and enrich the research on the theoretical system of engineering management in China.  相似文献   

随着无纸化生产模式的普及,大量工程图和BOM数据的管理成了一个重要的研究领域。论文介绍一种基于设计环境的图纸BOM管理系统,该系统以整个产品或者是整个部件的图纸为划分,基于数据库技术,直接集成于CAD环境中,免去了PDM、PLM等管理软件繁琐的流程管理,更接近设计人员的使用习惯,系统以工程图纸为数据基础,可以生成多种格式的BOM报表,通过在企业的实际应用中证明了该系统的可靠和高效。  相似文献   

To keep up with the time, culture is integrated to large-scale construction project management in China, which will absolutely add more vitality into construction project management in our country. Engineering culture is an integration of project construction and engineering culture. However, engineering culture development enjoys its own particularity as a project is constructed once only within a limited period of time. This paper gives affirmative opinion that engineering culture development in large-scale projects backs project management on the basis of thorough investigation of engineering culture development in Sutong Bridge Project and after deepened analysis, proposes new thinking pattern of engineering culture development in large-scale projects in a systematic manner, including thorough understanding of the essence of engineering culture, principle and contents of engineering culture development as well as efficient method in respect of establishment and implementation of engineering culture, and therefore provides a standard reference and systematic thinking pattern for engineering culture development in future large-scale projects.  相似文献   

复杂产品开发工程管理的 动态决策理论与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂产品开发是一个技术与管理深度融合的系统工程。本文阐明了复杂产品开发工程管理应该从战略统筹的高度整合开发工程实践的多元价值目标,提出了复杂产品开发工程的管理思路,构建了由开发项目组合的战略选择、开发工程的分解与分级优化、开发过程的动态管理、技能型员工调度、供应商协同管理以及相应的决策支持系统技术组成的动态决策理论体系框架,设计了多种优化、调度与决策模型及其求解方法,提出了基于信息资源库和决策方法库的复杂产品开发决策支持系统技术与多阶段反馈式复杂产品开发决策支持系统技术,总结了复杂产品开发工程管理动态决策理论体系中的几类决策方法,并展望了云计算技术在复杂产品开发工程管理中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Managing information for concurrent engineering: Challenges and barriers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An ongoing research project with a large international manufacturing company has uncovered many critical issues for the development and introduction of systems that supportconcurrent engineering. Several of these issues can be solved through careful interface design, while others require significant technical and organizational changes. To reduce training costs and support a broad spectrum of users, computer system developers must create a single system image, giving the users the impression that they are accessing a single database through a consistent and easy to use interface. This interface, and the tools it contains, may be used to support concurrent engineering activities even when a company is geographically distributed over a large area. The complexity of the firm's products and processes and the need for rapid access to relevant performance information make it essential that developers identify suitable frameworks for organizing database queries.Design hierarchies, representations of the structure and function of the firm's products and processes, have proven to be powerful tools for effective query management, and for efficient navigation through the database. The database interface must also produce integrated displays of data drawn from a number of sources in response to prestructured queries. Beyond these interface design issues, there are a number of technical and organizational barriers to the implementation of large-scale engineering systems. In particular, the existence of many incompatible databases in different parts of an organization makes the introduction of a new, uniform system very difficult. Organizational issues also play a major role in achieving, or hindering, the implementation of new computer systems. This paper describes some of the technical innovations, and the motivations behind them, from one particular engineering design system. It also discusses the reactions of engineers and management, and explains why management may oppose innovation even when engineers enthusiastically support it.  相似文献   

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