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乳及其制品是目前不可缺少的饮品,品类众多且气味独特。乳中奶香味、果香味、甜味、酸味等特征风味由挥发性物质决定。挥发性物质包括醇类、醛类、酮类、酸类、酯类、内酯类、含硫、氮化合物及萜类等,主要由生物体内微生物降解以及成熟过程中生化反应产生。风味组学为组学技术中的新兴领域,是跟踪鉴定食品风味化合物的组学技术,可探究挥发性物质对食品风味的贡献程度以及影响机制。该综述乳中的主要风味物质、成分及其来源,从风味组学技术方面鉴别乳的品质和质地,为乳及其制品风味调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

石永祺  梁琪  宋雪梅  张炎 《食品工业科技》2020,41(3):321-326,331
乳脂肪是牦牛乳中的主要营养成分,但其易氧化产生酸败。牦牛乳平均脂肪含量为5.51%,脂肪含量高于普通荷斯坦牛乳,且含有普通牛乳所没有的功能性脂肪酸。牦牛乳本身的高脂肪含量易使其乳制品受到各种内在因素和外在因素影响而发生脂肪氧化。深入分析影响牦牛乳脂肪氧化的因素,可以更好地控制牦牛乳制品的品质。本文综述了抑制牦牛乳制品脂肪氧化的内在和外在因素,并从自动氧化、光敏氧化和水分含量及酶引发的酶促氧化三个氧化途径对外在因素的影响的研究进展进行了阐述,研究各种因素如何影响其脂肪氧化的发生,对调控牦牛乳制品脂肪氧化和青藏高原牦牛乳产业化发展有着重要意义。  相似文献   

A large variety of cheeses exist in Brazil, reflecting historical and cultural aspects. Brazilian artisanal cheeses present differences in the processing, ripening time (when applied), type of milk used, texture, size, shape, color, moisture content, flavor, the use or not of starter cultures, among others. This review describes the main artisanal cheeses produced in Brazil, focusing on general and particular characteristics associated with their making process and geographical identity. Overall, the high variability of the physicochemical data and deficiency of information on sensorial properties of Brazilian artisanal cheeses were noticed. On the other hand, culture‐dependent methods were mostly used to expand the knowledge into the microbiology of these cheeses, whereas their microbial diversity has been recently discovered through the use of 16S rRNA gene sequencing‐based methods. The certification of a geographical indication for Brazilian artisanal cheeses may encompass an essential milestone for adding value to these products. Regardless of their significance in the diet, culture, and economy of producing regions, taken together, the reviewed literature discloses the need of insightful studies to generate scientific data to support the expansion of the market, while ensuring the protection of historic aspects related to the production of Brazilian artisanal cheeses.  相似文献   

介绍了目前在世界乳品科技研究领域起重要作用的基础科学和相关技术 ,描述了世界乳品科技界已能在分子水平上认识物质 ,用同样分子的原料生产出结构和功能完全不同的产品的现状。以婴儿配方产品和酸奶产品为例 ,文章解释了作者关于乳品行业是一个技术性非常强的行业 ,只有科学技术才能赋予乳品行业广阔的发展空间和无穷的生命力的观点。最后 ,文章介绍了发达国家乳品科技研究活动的组织方法。  相似文献   

李阳  张希  李杨  冯凤琴 《食品工业科技》2018,39(13):347-352
特种乳是指牛乳以外的其它家畜乳,具有独特的口感与营养价值,能满足不同民族及地区消费者的特殊饮乳需求,特种乳的加工技术也是乳品工业的重要组成部分。本文综述了牦牛乳、羊乳、马乳等特种乳及其乳制品的加工技术进展,为特种乳资源的深度开发利用提供参考,以期丰富乳制品品种,推动我国各品种乳的协同发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a creamy ricotta using a mixture of goat and cow whey as the main ingredients, with the addition of whole goat and cow milk. The nutritional composition, texture and sensory characteristics of the ricotta cheese were evaluated over 14 days of refrigerated storage. There was a decrease in protein and ash content and pH changes during the assessed storage periods. The instrumental texture profile indicated that the creamy ricotta was easily deformable, with minimal inelasticity and a cohesive, soft and delicate texture. The medium‐ and long‐chain fatty acid content was higher than the short‐chain fatty acid content. The flavour and aroma of creamy ricotta were described by the panel as having a soft texture and wet appearance. The use of whey from goat and cow cheese in making creamy ricotta is feasible and does not cause negative impact in the final product.  相似文献   

骨质疏松症困扰着全球2亿患者,随着全球人口老龄化的加剧,骨质疏松发病率将不断增加,预防骨质疏松成为公共卫生领域亟待解决的问题。本文分析了乳制品基质、矿物质、维生素、乳蛋白、乳脂和乳糖调节肠道菌群对钙吸收和骨骼健康的作用机制,综述了强化添加VD、益生元和益生菌的乳制品对不同人群的干预效果及降低骨质疏松风险的研究进展,比较了乳制品与植物基替代品的干预功效,为乳制品精准干预改善骨骼健康提供科学参考。  相似文献   

对乳品污染物进行风险评估是保障乳品安全的重要手段之一。简单总结了风险评估的基本概念和研究方法,分别从化学性危害、生物性危害、物理性危害和乳品加工技术(如转基因技术和纳米技术)等方面,综述了近十年来国内外乳品安全风险评估的研究进展,小结了乳品安全风险评估研究中的难点和薄弱环节,并展望了未来的发展方向和潜在的研究热点。   相似文献   

乳制品质量与安全是一个全球性的重要问题。许多国家纷纷采取立法、行政、司法以及提高检验技术等多种措施,以提高乳及乳制品的质量与安全。近年来,我国进口乳及乳制品的种类和数量与日俱增,但由于国内外法规与标准检测指标差异,导致进口乳制品“安全风险难以发现”、出口乳制品“遭受贸易技术壁垒”事件频发。为维护我国进出口乳制品企业和消费者合法权益,保障乳制品质量安全,亟需明确国内外乳制品法规与标准在检测指标方面的差异,提升检测方法的针对性和准确度。本文对我国乳制品的标准现状、我国与主要贸易国在乳制品质量与安全方面主要检测指标的差异进行了比较分析,指出了中外乳制品法规、检测指标和限量值的不同,并对我国乳制品法规、检测指标及限量值等标准的改进给出了建议,以期为我国全面科学地优化进出口乳及乳制品法规提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着色谱技术飞速发展,二维气相色谱与二维液相色谱等高分辨色谱及其联用技术在乳品质量安全领域被广泛应用。乳及乳制品为复杂基质,基质组分种类多,含量差异性大,色谱共流出化合物给外源性风险物质分离检测带来困难。二维色谱具有峰容量大,分辨率和精确度高等优势,与质谱技术进行有效联用,可实现乳及乳制品中外源性风险物质的高通量、快速筛查。本文论述乳制品中风险物质及二维色谱的技术原理、工作流程,综述近十年来二维色谱在乳及乳制品中风险物质筛查研究的应用进展,对其发展趋势及相关应用前景进行了总结展望。  相似文献   

There is increasing demand for organic food products throughout the Western world. Health concerns have frequently been found to be the main motivation of consumers purchasing organic products, but the literature on consumer preferences and behavior is less clear about what ‘health’ means to consumers of these products, and because of this it remains unclear what exactly drives consumers to choose organic products. This article investigates health from the perspective of consumers, and analyzes negotiations of, and justifications behind, their consumption preferences. The analysis is based on a focus group study conducted in Denmark in 2016. Three different understandings of health can be found when consumers explain their preferences for organic products: Health as purity; Health as pleasure, and a Holistic perspective on health. The first two are familiar from the literature on food. The third, which reflects principles behind organic agriculture, is less documented in the context of consumption. Health as purity was the dominant understanding of health used by the participants when explaining why they purchased organic food products. When participants discussed healthy eating in general, detached from a specific context, most employed a purely nutritional perspective as a definitive argument in supporting claims about healthy eating. The paper’s findings have implications for future research on organic consumption. They also have practical implications for organic food producers and manufacturers.  相似文献   

蔬菜纸的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了可食用蔬菜纸的研究和发展现状,对蔬菜纸加工工艺中重要工序重点概括和总结,并对可食用性蔬菜纸在食品工业的研究方向和发展前景进行展望,以期为今后更深层次的研究作综合性的参考。  相似文献   

The thermal inactivation conditions (75 °C × 35 min, 80 °C × 10 min, 85 °C × 5 min and 90 °C × 5 min) for Protamex? following bovine whey protein concentrate (WPC) hydrolysis was studied with the view to limiting WPC hydrolysate (WPH) aggregation while maintaining bioactivity. A decrease in the amount of large WPH aggregates formed was observed at inactivation temperatures ≤85 °C. However, the WPC appeared to be more hydrolysed on heating at 75 °C × 35 min, as Protamex? was active for longer under these heating conditions. Significantly (< 0.05), higher WPH antioxidant (oxygen radical absorbance capacity – ORAC) activity was obtained on inactivation at temperatures ≤80 °C. In contrast, the dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP‐IV) inhibitory properties of all WPH samples were similar (> 0.05). A reduction in thermal treatment from 90 °C × 5 min to 85 °C × 5 min was sufficient to decrease the amount of large aggregates formed in the hydrolysate without altering its bioactive properties.  相似文献   

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