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A method for the control of the transmission coefficients of antenna elements of a system comprising an active phased array antenna (APAA) and a dome lens, which ensures formation of a deep boresight null of the elevation difference pattern, is proposed. The effect of the control method on the characteristics of receiving monopulse channels of the APAA depending on the intrinsic noise of antenna elements is analyzed. The results of the well-known theory of reception of a nonplane wave by an antenna with continuous aperture are extended to the case of an array antenna.  相似文献   

有源相控阵天线的近场校准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦禹  陈文俊 《电讯技术》2016,56(4):453-457
为实现对相控阵天线的校准,降低幅相误差和阵元失效对天线性能的影响,提出了一种考虑互耦效应的近场校准方法。在利用近场扫描法完成逐一通道校准的基础上,使用旋转矢量法进行二次校准。在应用旋转矢量法( REV)时,为使被测信号的变化明显,将大规模相控阵天线分为中间、边缘区域进行分区校准。通过二次校准可判定阵元是否失效,提高相控阵天线的幅相一致性;通过分区校准减小阵元间互耦的影响,缩短校准时间。仿真结果表明:此方法用于大型相控阵的校准具有较高的准确性,可改善校准结果。  相似文献   

针对海用环境下一种舰载有源相控阵雷达天线舱的腐蚀控制防护设计展开论述,从改善天线舱工作环境、天线舱框架主要材料选择、密封设计、涂覆体系等方面进行控制防护,满足舰载有源相控阵雷达腐蚀控制防护设计的总体需求。  相似文献   

This paper represents a new active phase array antenna for a Ku-band mobile service that will be possible with satellite broadcasting. The main idea for the antenna is to use minimum active array elements with cost-effective one-dimensional subarrays with an inclined pencil beam structure for a 34 dBi gain. For this antenna, we also used the squint beam tracking algorithm. This tracking gives a different way to the traditional monopulse tracking method in tracking capability. The electronic scanning angle of the beam peak in this antenna is over ±12° wide only with 20 phase shifter elements for its scan ranges. This antenna with the attractive hybrid-tracking concept has about 142 times less array elements than antennas with a two-dimensional array  相似文献   

为了减少毫米波大规模多输入多输出( Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)系统在数据传输过程中所使用的射频链数目,解决高硬件成本和高功耗的问题,可以将透镜天线阵列作为一个实际有效的解决方案部署在毫米波MIMO系统的基站端.利用透镜天线阵列具有基于方向的能量聚焦特性,对透镜阵列进行天线选...  相似文献   

风廓线雷达有源相控阵天线可以显著避免来自地杂波的干扰,非常适用于气象领域。文章从系统整体设计、天线辐射模块方案、收发单元的设计、功放单元的设计、天线阵的设计等方面详细阐述了此种天线的研发过程。  相似文献   

梁宇宏 《电讯技术》2016,56(6):692-696
为满足机载系统的需要,给出了共形相控阵天线的分析和设计过程,同时研制了一种高度仅为0.14波长的准八木天线单元。利用三维电磁仿真软件HFSS对天线单元和共形相控阵进行了仿真设计,并研制了一套L频段共形相控阵天线。该天线由天线阵面、波束形成网络和波控器等构成。天线阵面由4个天线单元组成,共形安装在机头上。经实际测试,共形相控阵天线阵面的和波束在扫描范围内增益大于10 dBi,并具有较低的副瓣电平;差波束零深小于-20 dB。  相似文献   

太赫兹超材料相控阵由于其强大的波束操纵能力在探测与通信一体化系统中具有重要的应用价值。为了提升系统的通信和探测性能,需要太赫兹超材料相控阵能够实现宽波束和窄波束的灵活切换。提出了一种基于反相位间隔(反相)编码的太赫兹超材料相控阵天线波束宽度调控方法。通过天线3 dB波束宽度表达式和目标波束宽度逆推阵列规模,保持其相位编码不变并对该阵列规模外的其余阵元进行反相编码,旨在实现相位相反相消。仿真结果表明,所提方法可以准确地调控太赫兹超材料相控阵天线的波束宽度,实现宽波束和窄波束的灵活切换。  相似文献   

采用全光移相网络的光控相控阵天线具有使空间波束实现宽带宽角扫描的优势.传统相控阵天线受电移相网络的自身特性限制,瞬时应用带宽有限.系统分析了典型全光移相网络的技术特点,以及各个技术合适的应用方向和方案.  相似文献   

毫米波矢量调制器及其在有源相控阵天线中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
矢量调制器芯片作为一种可以同时对载波进行相位和幅度调制的新型电路,能够替代传统的数字移相器和数字衰减器用在有源相控阵系统中.先设计了一款工作在Ka波段毫米波单片矢量调制器,在片测试结果显示可以实现- 12~-40 dB的幅度调制与360°的相位调制.然后设计了一个Ka波段1×8阵有源相控阵天线,改变矢量调制器的控制电压...  相似文献   

Microstrip antenna phased array with electromagnetic bandgap substrate   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Uniplanar compact electromagnetic bandgap (UC-EBG) substrate has been proven to be an effective measure to reduce surface wave excitation in printed antenna geometries. This paper investigates the performance of a microstrip antenna phased array embedded in an UC-EBG substrate. The results show a reduction in mutual coupling between elements and provide a possible solution to the "blind spots" problem in phased array applications with printed elements. A novel and efficient UC-EBG array configuration is proposed. A probe fed patch antenna phased array of 7/spl times/5 elements on a high dielectric constant substrate was designed, built and tested. Simulation and measurement results show improvement in the active return loss and active pattern of the array center element. The tradeoffs used to obtain optimum performance are discussed.  相似文献   

以平面相控阵天线为研究对象,在给出阵面天线方向图函数模型的基础上,详细描述了波控码的计算方法;分析了波束控制的系统架构,提出了查表法与分布式计算相结合的波控码计算方法,阐述了其软件处理流程,并与传统方法对比分析了该方法的技术优势.通过对阵面天线方向图的仿真分析,该方法可以控制波束指向,实现一维扫描与二维扫描、单向扫描与...  相似文献   

慈明儒  刘京郊  姜东升  韩龙  刘金生 《红外与激光工程》2018,47(4):406001-0406001(9)
借鉴微波相控阵雷达技术,有的放矢加快探测型激光相控阵雷达的技术发展与应用,从仿学微波相控阵雷达发射天线基础知识入手,提出微波相控阵雷达发射天线与光纤激光相控阵发射天线可比较的部分技术参数;分析了光纤激光相控阵发射天线的技术要点与潜在能力,并立足现有研发水平对其系统功能与规模进行了预测;尝试对光纤激光相控阵与微波相控阵天线的技术特点与面临主要问题进行了论述;提出两者体系内互相配置,不仅有助于提高微波相控阵雷达在复杂电磁环境下对中近程高速、隐身和多目标的探测、识别与定位能力;同时也可适当减少激光相控阵对目标大范围区域搜索的压力的观点。  相似文献   

针对传统的功率倒置算法应用在卫星信号接收时,不能在有用信号方向上形成主波束,不具有提高信噪比的功能,提出一种新的波束形成零陷算法,提高了该功能。通过软件仿真验证,结果表明提出的新算法克服了功率倒置算法在有用信号方向不能形成主波束的不足,不仅能在干扰方向形成更深的"零陷",而且具有更高的输出信噪比。  相似文献   

The tracking error of a phased array antenna between transmitting and receiving frequencies was measured by in-flight experiments using a geostationary satellite. The tracking error was found to depend on beam-scanning angle and the ratio of transmitting and receiving frequencies. Measured results agreed well with a theoretical prediction. An effective method to eliminate the tracking error is proposed  相似文献   

Microwave signals for all array elements in a phared array microwave antenna are simultaneously generated by spatial sampling of a moving sinusoidal interference pattern formed between two frequency-offset injection-locked laser diodes. The offset and radar frequency of 3.2 GHz were generated by a Bragg cell. A nearly distortionless antenna beam pattern and 180° steering are demonstrated in a linear seven-element array.  相似文献   

液晶相控阵作为一种新型的可编程相位调制器件,可实现小角度范围内的光束偏转。但由于液晶相控阵制作工艺难度大、且受温度及大气扰动等影响,使得光束偏转系统实际偏转角与预期偏转角之间存在一定误差。为了提高液晶相控阵光束偏转精度,本文提出了一种基于分数阶PI~λD~μ控制器的光束偏转闭环控制回路。CCD作为探测元件,接收待测物体漫反射回来的光。采用斜射式三角测量法,计算预期偏转角与实际偏转角的偏转误差。将误差信号输入到分数阶PI~λD~μ控制器,控制器生成控制信号传给被控对象液晶相控阵,最终实现光束精确偏转。经仿真实验和性能分析,系统阶跃响应测试经过2步迭代达到稳定输出状态,闭环带宽为7.67rad/s,对幅值为1、频率为1的正弦扰动信号系统抑制比为-18.06dB。验证了分数阶PI~λD~μ控制算法能够快速地抑制扰动和噪声,且扰动抑制效果好,稳定性高。  相似文献   

Peculiarities of using space-time multi-frequency signals, formed by the transmitting active phased antenna array of the radar with superfast electronic scanning of angular coordinate are considered. Connection of the signals’ structure, their spectral and correlation properties with the parameter of multi-frequency modulation in the antenna array and its characteristics is discovered. It is shown that the use of spaced in frequency complex partial signals in the elements of transmitting array and the selection of the corresponding modulation laws provides synthesis (restoration) of directional properties of the transmitting antenna with minimal losses and low side lobes in the angular observation sector in the receiver by means of correlation processing of the echoed signals.  相似文献   

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