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光线投射算法是一种应用广泛的体绘制基本算法,其存在的主要问题是绘制速度较慢.为了提高光线投射算法的绘制速度,利用光线间和光线内的并行性,结合三维地震数据场的特点和文件存储特性,提出了一种基于工作站机群的三维地震数据场的并行体绘制算法.地震油气解释实际应用表明本算法能满足地震解释的要求.  相似文献   

镜面反射和折射场景的真实感图形绘制一直是计算机图形学领域具有挑战性的研究课题之一.虽然传统的光线跟踪算法可以绘制出逼真的效果,但是计算量大、耗时长.为了快速地进行真实感图形的绘制,基于光学映射虚对象的概念,提出了一种基于二次曲面(球体、圆柱体等)反射折射场景的快速绘制技术,并给出了求解二次曲面物体反射和折射虚物体的计算公式,由于该技术可利用图形硬件像绘制实际物体一样绘制这些虚物体,从而可实现基于图形硬件加速的快速光线跟踪.实验证明,这种方法可以在普通图形加速卡上实现镜面反射和折射现象的快速绘制,从而极大地提高了真实感图形绘制的速度,特别适用于建筑物漫游、动画和虚拟现实等要求快速绘制的领域.  相似文献   

多层次并行体绘制算法的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三维数据场的体绘制技术是科学可视化中一个重要的研究方向,本文在研究和总结体绘制的发展历程与关键技术的基础之上,着重研究了体绘制中的光线投射算法,结合多核处理器机群系统,提出并实现了一种基于多层次并行编程模型的并行光线投射体绘制算法,并成功地将该算法应用于三维城市浅层地质模型,取得了良好的可视化效果。分别对MPI环境和多层次并行编程MPI+OpenMP环境下的光线投射算法进行了不同计算规模的性能比较实验。实验和分析表明,多层次并行光线投射体绘制算法加快了体绘制的速度,MPI+OpenMP多层次并行模型性能高于纯MPI编程模型的性能。  相似文献   

目前,计算机图形学的技术包括有光栅化,光线追踪,辐射度3种主流算法.而光线追踪又以其绘制的真实感性及实现的方便性,受到了广泛的应用.但光线追踪的最大问题在于性能.围绕光线追踪中的核心算法-射线与三角形相交算法展开讨论,引入基于Intel TBB并行编程工具的线程级并行技术以及基于SIMD的指令并行技术,提高其算法的速度.其加速技术可以使光线跟踪的性能在计算机多核的情况下,相对于串行跟踪方法有明显的改善.  相似文献   

为进一步提高基于硬件加速的体绘制技术的渲染性能,解决海量体绘制应用中体数据可视化环节的性能瓶颈,文中提出了一种基于硬件加速的实时切片体绘制技术的优化模型。相对于完全基于实时切片的体绘制系统,应用该技术在保证最终图像渲染质量的同时可节省动态判断切片方程的计算开销并大幅降低运行时的数据带宽需求。基于预计算的动态体绘制在切片方向选择空间中选取一组彼此正交的切片方案,并在预处理阶段生成切片几何数据,运行时根据视点位置通过特定判断算法进行方案选择。对基于分块的海量数据体绘制系统,该技术可有效降低海量体绘制的总体带宽消耗,从而进一步拓展系统的渲染规模。  相似文献   

提出了一种用反向光线弯曲绘制体数据自由变形的方法,并将经典的体绘制优化技术引入到基于反向光线弯曲的变形体数据绘制算法中,避免了变形绘制过程中大量对绘制结果没有贡献的无效运算.实验结果表明体数据变形绘制方法可明显加快变形绘制模拟速度.  相似文献   

基于CUDA海量空间数据实时体绘制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海量空间科学数据的精细及实时三维绘制需求,提出并实现了一种基于CUDA语言的并行化光线投射体绘制加速算法,利用传统体绘制算法中光线投射法的可并行特点和GPU中高速的纹理查询的优点,通过一个实际坐标到纹理坐标的转换函数实现了对不规则采样数据的准确采样,并完成了绘制算法的CUDA并行化改造,通过CUDA语言利用GPU强大的并行计算能力实现了对海量空间数据的实时三维光线投射绘制.  相似文献   

为了提高利用光线跟踪集群绘制生成高分辨率复杂场景画面的并行度,提出基于 贪心策略的多结点并行光线跟踪负载均衡算法。首先根据 GPU 的并行特性将屏幕空间划分成若 干正方形图像块,并基于移动物体球形包围体在屏幕空间的投影构建二值绘制时间影响度图。 然后依据时空相关性利用上一帧图像块耗时和二值绘制时间影响度图建立渲染任务队列,通过 两步负载均衡实现多渲染结点任务的动态分配。最后进行了实验验证和分析,结果表明该方法 具有良好的负载均衡效果,在 5 个渲染结点的绘制效率最高能提升 4.96 倍。  相似文献   

传统的医学体数据可视化通过计算机屏幕显示三维医学影像,由于使用者对二维屏幕缺乏深度感知,对于组织内各部位无法准确判断相对位置,难以观察理解。为了解决这个问题,结合虚拟现实(VR)技术与体绘制技术,提出并实现基于WebVR的医学体数据可视化系统。基于B/S模式设计系统的整体架构,浏览器端从服务器端获得体数据,使用WebGL调用本地显卡对渲染进行硬件加速。运用光线投射算法进行体绘制,渲染结果通过浏览器显示或使用WebVR连接至VR设备显示在虚拟空间中,实现沉浸式的可视化。同时,针对虚拟现实环境对光线投射算法提出优化方法,实现激光拾取、体数据内部可视化和平面裁剪的交互方式。系统实现了新的三维立体视觉的感知方式和方便灵活的交互功能,增强使用者对三维医学体数据可视化影像的感知。  相似文献   

基于线性八叉树的快速直接体绘制算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于线性八叉树的加速体绘制算法.利用线性八叉树对物体进行空间剖分,光线投射法跨越体数据集中的空体素,以提高绘制的速度.针对光线穿越体数据时的特殊情况,改进线性八叉树邻域查找的方法,特别是不同尺寸的邻域查找方法,克服了层次八叉树邻域查找的低效率,同时提出了光线离开平面的简洁判定方法,方便光线下一个采样点的计算.实验结果表明,该算法能够有效地提高绘制的速度.  相似文献   

Recent research on high‐performance ray tracing has achieved real‐time performance even for highly complex surface models already on a single PC. In this report, we provide an overview of techniques for extending real‐time ray tracing also to interactive volume rendering. We review fast rendering techniques for different volume representations and rendering modes in a variety of computing environments. The physically‐based rendering approach of ray tracing enables high image quality and allows for easily mixing surface, volume and other primitives in a scene, while fully accounting for all of their optical interactions. We present optimized implementations and discuss the use of upcoming high‐performance processors for volume ray tracing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of load balancing strategies for ray tracing on large parallel computer systems and cluster computers. Popular static load balancing strategies are shown to be inadequate for rendering complex images with contemporary ray tracing algorithms, and for rendering NTSC resolution images on 128 or more computers. Strategies based on image tiling are shown to be ineffective except on very small numbers of computers. A dynamic load balancing strategy, based on a diffusion model, is applied to a parallel Monte Carlo rendering system. The diffusive strategy is shown to remedy the defects of the static strategies. A hybrid strategy that combines static and dynamic approaches produces nearly optimal performance on a variety of images and computer systems. The theoretical results should be relevant to other rendering and image processing applications.  相似文献   

Spacetime ray tracing for animation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Techniques for the efficient ray tracing of animated scenes are presented. They are based on two central concepts: spacetime ray tracing, and a hybrid adaptive space subdivision/boundary volume technique for generating efficient, nonoverlapping hierarchies of bounding volumes. In spacetime ray tracing, static objects are rendered in 4-D space-time using 4-D analogs to 3-D techniques. The bounding volume hierarchy combines elements of adaptive space subdivision and bounding volume techniques. The quality of hierarchy and its nonoverlapping character make it an improvement over previous algorithms, because both attributes reduce the number of ray/object intersections that must be computed. These savings are amplified in animation because of the much higher cost of computing ray/object intersections for motion-blurred animation. It is shown that it is possible to ray trace large animations more quickly with space-time ray tracing using this hierarchy than with straightforward frame-by-frame rendering  相似文献   

Faster isosurface ray tracing using implicit KD-trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The visualization of high-quality isosurfaces at interactive rates is an important tool in many simulation and visualization applications. Today, isosurfaces are most often visualized by extracting a polygonal approximation that is then rendered via graphics hardware or by using a special variant of preintegrated volume rendering. However, these approaches have a number of limitations in terms of the quality of the isosurface, lack of performance for complex data sets, or supported shading models. An alternative isosurface rendering method that does not suffer from these limitations is to directly ray trace the isosurface. However, this approach has been much too slow for interactive applications unless massively parallel shared-memory supercomputers have been used. In this paper, we implement interactive isosurface ray tracing on commodity desktop PCs by building on recent advances in real-time ray tracing of polygonal scenes and using those to improve isosurface ray tracing performance as well. The high performance and scalability of our approach will be demonstrated with several practical examples, including the visualization of highly complex isosurface data sets, the interactive rendering of hybrid polygonal/isosurface scenes, including high-quality ray traced shading effects, and even interactive global illumination on isosurfaces.  相似文献   

Acceleration techniques for rendering a dynamic sequence of frames (animations) and static scenes using ray tracing are presented. The first technique discusses temporal acceleration for dynamic scenes which takes advantage of ray coherence, while the second technique discusses acceleration for complex static scenes based on parallelism. Several practical aspects of the parallel implementation on an nCUBE2 hypercube computer are included.  相似文献   

王华  朱丽华  顾耀林 《计算机工程》2008,34(10):274-276
针对旋转曲面场景提出一种基于综合包围盒技术快速光线跟踪算法。根据二次曲线的局部单调性原理,将母线划分成多个单调区间,连接所有单调区间构造一棵二叉树,在光线跟踪阶段对每个单调区间再剖分,得到的子区间作为二叉树的叶子节点,使用综合包围壳方法为每个子区间计算合适的包围壳。实验结果表明该算法对旋转曲面场景逼近程度好,绘制的图形质量高,平均绘制速率比Kajiya传统算法提高40%。  相似文献   

Ray tracing is a well known technique to generate life-like images. Unfortunately, ray tracing complex scenes can require large amounts of CPU time and memory storage. Distributed memory parallel computers with large memory capacities and high processing speeds are ideal candidates to perform ray tracing. However, the computational cost of rendering pixels and patterns of data access cannot be predicted until runtime. To parallelize such an application efficiently on distributed memory parallel computers, the issues of database distribution, dynamic data management and dynamic load balancing must be addressed. In this paper, we present a parallel implementation of a ray tracing algorithm on the Intel Delta parallel computer. In our database distribution, a small fraction of database is duplicated on each processor, while the remaining part is evenly distributed among groups of processors. In the system, there are multiple copies of the entire database in the memory of groups of processors. Dynamic data management is acheived by an ALRU cache scheme which can exploit image coherence to reduce data movements in ray tracing consecutive pixels. We balance load among processors by distributing subimages to processors in a global fashion based on previous workload requests. The success of our implementation depends crucially on a number of parameters which are experimentally evaluated. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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