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在Al2O3MgO 系浇注料中,添加的锆英石在1300 ℃时完全分解生成单斜ZrO2 和无定形SiO2 ,促进了试样的烧结,使试样在较低温度下可以获得较高的强度。锆英石在高温下分解时,产生的无定形SiO2 流出而在锆英石颗粒中留下空洞。产生的单斜ZrO2 与尖晶石的热膨胀系数几乎相同,二者可形成高度的直接结合;而方镁石的热膨胀系数是它们的2 倍,因此,在单斜ZrO2 和方镁石之间、尖晶石和方镁石之间产生显微裂纹,提高了试样的热震稳定性。  相似文献   

研究了三种不同骨料对Al2O3-尖晶石钢包浇注料性能的影响。结果表明:用电冶矾土刚玉骨科制得的浇注料具有较好的流动性、高温烧结性和抗渣性,但热震稳定性比电熔白刚玉有所降低。这主要与电冶矾土刚玉的组成和显微结构有关。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了MgO、Y2 O3 添加剂对原位反应制备ZTM/Al2 O3 材料常温力学性能的影响。实验表明 :MgO可明显提高材料的烧结致密度 ;Al2 O3 的含量越高 ,MgO的添加越有利于材料常温抗弯强度的提高 ;MgO对材料韧性的贡献小于Y2 O3 ;Y2 O3 可明显改善材料的韧性 ,但对常温抗弯强度的提高作用不大 ;对烧结致密化的作用小于MgO。Y2 O3 改善材料韧性的原因是与ZrO2 形成固溶体。  相似文献   

钢包渣线浇注料基质组成及其抗渣性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用特级高铝矾土熟料和电熔镁砂为主要原料,研究了Al2O3-MgO系浇注料中MgO/Al2O3质量比对浇注料基本性能的影响,并分析对比了基质中添加适量工业氧化格、镁锆合成料及矾土尖晶石对浇注料抗渣性的影响及其规律。结果表明:恰当控制基质中MgO/Al2O3质量比及在基质中添加适量的工业氧化铬等组分,可明显提高浇注料的抗渣性。  相似文献   

Sol-Gel法制备Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-ZrO2复合陶瓷膜的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将Sol-Gel法应用于无机膜的制备,成功的研制出一种新型的膜面平整、膜厚均匀且无宏观缺陷的Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-ZrO2复合陶瓷膜,复合膜含有γ-Al2O3、SiO2、TiO2、ZrO2和Al2SiO5等晶相,改变体系组成含量,晶相组成和含量随之变化,从而引起膜的显微结构的变化。利用XRD、SEM、AFM、EPMA等测试手段重点研究了膜的表面形貌和显微结构,并分析了添加剂、热处理方式等对膜的表面形貌和显微结构影响。  相似文献   

徐庆  刘晓芳  张枫  陈文  袁润章 《硅酸盐学报》2003,31(6):529-532,537
采用固相反应法制备名义组成为Mg2 ( 1x) Zn2xAl4Si5O1 8(x =0~ 0 .6)的红外辐射材料 ,测试了样品的红外辐射性能 ,并用XRD ,IR ,2 9SiMASNMR等方法研究了体系的结构。研究结果表明 :x≤ 0 .2时样品主要为Zn2 固溶α堇青石结构 ,Zn2 的固溶使T1 (与 [MgO6 ]八面体一起在六元环之间起连接作用的四面体 )和T2 (组成六元环结构的四面体 )四面体上Al,Si分布的有序度提高 ,引起α堇青石晶格产生畸变 ,增强了晶格振动的非简谐效应和样品的红外辐射性能。x =0 .2时样品的红外辐射性能达到最佳 ,其法向全波段比辐射率达到 0 .89,在 8~ 2 5 μm内各波段的辐射率达到 0 .90~ 0 .93。x >0 .2时样品的红外辐射性能随x的增大而降低 ,x≥ 0 .4时样品中主要形成 (Mg1xZnx)Al2 O4尖晶石固溶体和方石英  相似文献   

研究了预先合成的尖晶石对水泥含量低的高铝耐火浇注料性能的影响。  相似文献   

陈益坤  罗澜  陈玮  张干城 《硅酸盐学报》2003,31(7):707-710,720
通过DTA,XRD,TEM,SEM和EDS等测试手段,研究了MgO—Al2O3一SiO2一TiP2-CeO2微晶玻璃的相转变过程。研究结果表明:退火后的原始玻璃已存在液相分离结构。在热处理过程中硅钛铈矿(Ce2Ti2Si2O11)首先在840℃从富含Ti^4 ,Ce^4 的孤立液滴相中析出。金红石(TiO2)晶核于950℃开始形成。α堇青石相在1140℃左右从富含Si^4 ,Al^3 的玻璃相中大量生成。当温度升高到1205℃时,部分硅钛铈矿分解并与残余玻璃相反应生成金红石和新相氧化铈。通过控制晶化得到的MgO—Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2—CeO2微晶玻璃,其晶相由硅钛铈矿、金红石、α堇青石及少量氧化铈构成。  相似文献   

采用烧结莫来石、Secar71水泥及SiC为原料,制备了不同水泥和SiC含量的莫来石质浇注料,研究了浇注料的常温物理性能、热导率及热震稳定性,并借助XRD和EDS研究了材料的物相组成和显微结构.结果表明:随着水泥的加入,浇注料110℃ 24h显气孔率降低、抗折强度逐渐提高;1100℃ 3h和1400℃ 3h抗折强度呈现出先增大后逐渐减小的趋势,当水泥量为25%(质量分数,下同)时,浇注料的显气孔率最高,同时抗折强度达到最大值.随着水泥加入量的增多,浇注料的热震稳定性稍有降低,当水泥量超过25%后,浇注料的热震稳定性逐渐恢复;通过加入5%~10%的SiC,浇注料的热震稳定性明显改善.浇注料的性能同其物相组成及显微结构相关.  相似文献   

AlON加入量对MgO-Al2O3浇注料性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究了还原气氛下在MgO -Al2 O3 浇注料中加入AlON对其性能的影响。结果表明 :(1)在 16 0 0℃热处理后 ,随着AlON加入量的增加 ,浇注体强度变化不大 ,体积密度略有下降 ;(2 )在16 0 0℃进行抗渣试验 ,材料的抗侵蚀性和抗渗透性都随着AlON加入量的增加而有明显的提高 ,这可能是由于形成的MgAlON固溶体对熔渣润湿性较差 ,有利于阻碍熔渣的侵蚀和渗透。  相似文献   

纯铝酸钙水泥对镁铝钛系浇注料性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以镁铝钛电熔合成料颗粒和细粉(w(MgO)76.09%,w(Al2O3)15.67%,w(TiO2)5.05%)、镁砂细粉(w(MgO)>97.1%)、纯铝酸钙水泥(Secar71)、SiO2微粉、SiC细粉(≤0.074mm)及活性氧化铝微粉为原料制成镁铝钛系浇注料,研究了纯铝酸钙水泥含量(分别为2%、4%、6%)对镁铝钛系浇注料性能的影响,结果表明(1)水泥结合的镁铝钛浇注料具有较好的常温物理性能和抗水泥熟料侵蚀的性能,本试验条件下水泥加入量以<4%为宜;(2)高温下镁铝钛电熔合成料存在TiO2的脱溶现象,而脱溶可能对浇注料的理化性能产生影响;(3)在水泥结合镁铝钛系浇注料中加入SiC,对于抑制浇注料收缩是有益的。  相似文献   

This scientific paper gives consideration to the information on the structure of the triple component system,in particular MgO-Al2O3-TiO2 that serves as a basis...  相似文献   

MgO—Al2O3系浇注料的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沈继耀  谈家琪 《硅酸盐通报》1998,17(5):21-26,32
以相关知识和实践经验为依据,探讨了MgO-Al2O3系中铝镁质(含刚玉-尖晶石质和矾土熟料-尖晶石质)浇注料的基质料的设计和结合剂的合理选择问题。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(9):7073-7079
MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-La2O3 glass-ceramics were investigated with respect to the phase compositions and the microstructure as well as the microwave dielectric properties. Indialite, magnesium aluminum titanate (MAT, Mg4Al2Ti9O25), perrierite, and spinel were the main crystal phases in the studied 1.8MgO-1.2Al2O3-2.8SiO2-1.4TiO2-xLa2O3 (x=0.4, 0.3, 0.2) glass-ceramics. Mg4Al2Ti9O25 was detected inside the indialite domain as well as at the boundary while no decomposition product (rutile) is found, proving that Mg4Al2Ti9O25 is fully stabilized. After heat-treatment at 1200 °C, the quality factor (Q×f) of the glass-ceramics increases from 27,500 to 40,000 GHz with decreasing La2O3 concentrations. This is caused by the formation of more indialite and MAT. Meanwhile, the temperature coefficient (τf) shifts positively from −95 to −65 ppm/°C because of the smaller perrierite concentration. However, τf is still too negative due to the absence of rutile that possesses a high positive τf. For the 1.3MgO-1.2Al2O3-2.8SiO2-1.4TiO2-0.2La2O3 glass-ceramic with lower MgO molar composition, the peaks assigned to rutile is found and the chemical formula of MAT changes to MgAl2Ti3O10 while spinel disappears. MgAl2Ti3O10, which distributes mainly at the boundary, decomposes partially, leading to the precipitation of rutile inside the indialite domain. Thus, the τf of the glass-ceramic could be adjusted to near 0 ppm/°C with εr=9.9 and Q×f=28,600 GHz, which are favorable properties for microwave dielectric applications.  相似文献   

A new glass-ceramic material with dielectric constant εr~9–12 and optimum quality factor Q × f~29000 GHz was fabricated from xMgO-1.2Al2O3-2.8SiO2-1.2TiO2-0.4La2O3 (x = 1.0, 1.4, 1.8 and 2.2) system. The effects of MgO on crystallization, microstructure, and dielectric properties of the material were investigated by differential scanning calorimeter(DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and network analyzer. The results show that the glass-ceramic consists of multicrystalline phases, including perrierite, cordierite, magnesium aluminotitanate (MAT), rutile, and spinel (MgAl2O4). Rising MgO content promotes the formation of MAT with compositions richer in magnesia, stabilizes spinel at high temperature, and at the same time suppresses the existence of rutile in the material. Quality factor Q × f value of the material is significantly improved with increasing MgO, which is mainly attributed to the existence of more MAT and spinel, while the drop of dielectric constant is related to the decrease in rutile.  相似文献   

Glasses in the 30La2O3-40TiO2-30Nb2O5 system are known to have excellent optical properties such as refractive indices over 2.25 and wide transmittance within the visible to mid-infrared (MIR) region. However, titanoniobate glasses also tend to crystallize easily, significantly limiting their applications in optical glasses due to processing challenges. Therefore, the 30La2O3-40TiO2-(30−x) Nb2O5-xAl2O3 (LTNA) glass system was successfully synthesized using a aerodynamic containerless technique, which improves glass thermal stability and expands the glass-forming region. The effects of Al2O3 on the structure, thermal, and optical properties of base composition glasses were investigated by XRD, DSC, NMR, Raman spectroscopy, and optical measurements. DSC results indicated that as the content of Al2O3 increased, the thermal stability of the glasses and glass-forming ability increased, as the 30La2O3-40TiO2-25Nb2O5-5Al2O3 (Nb-Al-5) glass obtained the highest ΔT value (103.5°C). Structural analysis indicates that the proportion of [AlO4] units increases gradually and participates in the glass network structure to increase connectivity, promoting more oxygen to become bridging oxygen and form [AlO4] tetrahedral linkages to [TiO5] and [NbO6] groups. The refractive index values of amorphous glasses remained above 2.1 upon Al2O3 substitution, and a transmittance exceeding 65% in the visible and mid-infrared range. The crystallization activation energies of 30La2O3-40TiO2-30Nb2O5 (Nb-Al-0) and Nb-Al-5 glasses were calculated to be 611.7 and 561.4 kJ/mol, and the Avrami parameters are 5.28 and 4.96, respectively. These results are useful to design new optical glass with good thermal stability, high refractive index and low wavelength dispersion for optical applications such as lenses, endoscopes, mini size lasers, and optical couplers.  相似文献   

采用高温熔融法和-步法微晶化热处理制备了MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-TiO_2-La_2O_3(MASTL)微晶玻璃。利用差热分析、X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜和网络分析仪等手段研究了TiO_2含量对MASTL玻璃析晶相变过程、显微结构和微波介电性能的影响。结果表明,在玻璃热处理过程中先后有硅钛铈矿、金红石(TiO_2)、镁铝钛酸盐、尖晶石(MgAl_2O_4)和堇青石(Mg_2Al_4Si_5O_(18)))5种晶相析出。其中,镁铝钛酸盐含量相对较低,尖晶石是一个亚稳过渡相。随着TiO_2含量的增多,原始玻璃的析晶倾向增大,初晶相硅钛铈矿和主晶相金红石的析晶温度显著降低,而尖晶石的析晶温度升高;材料的介电常数和谐振频率温度系数均显著增大,这主要由样品中具有高介电常数(100.0)和较大正温度系数(400×10~(-6)/℃)的金红石相含量增多引起。同时,由于高品质因数相堇青石(40000GHz)的析出量略有减少,品质因数有所降低。  相似文献   

Conclusions We studied certain properties of ceramics in the systems Al2O3-TiO2 and Al2O3-TiO2-mullite, obtained by the use of the double-stage synthesis of aluminum titanate.We established the nature of the change in the high-temperature strength in relation to the ratio of Al2O3 and aluminum titanate. The maximum high-temperature strength (bending) at 1200°C is possessed by ceramic with a corundum matrix and a volume proportion of aluminum titanate equal to 40–45%.It is established that the addition of CaO + SiO2 made in amounts of up to 1.0–1.5% contributes to the partial breakdown of the aluminum titanate in the compositions Al2O3-TiO2 and the production of a ceramic with a bending strength of 160–190 N/mm2 at 20–200°C, thermal-shock resistance 650–800°C, and thermal conductivity of 1.9–2.1 W/(m·K).We studied the effect of the mullite concentration on the properties of the ceramic in the system Al2O3-TiO2-mullite. The introduction of mullite in amounts of not more than 50%, containing up to 3% of impurities, contributes to an increase in the ceramic's strength in the range 20–1300°C and in the thermal shock resistance.Translated from Ogneupory No. 2, pp. 22–26, February, 1988.  相似文献   

Generally, highly crystalline transparent glass-ceramics possess excellent physical and chemical properties compared to organic and other inorganic optical materials. We have successfully prepared highly crystalline transparent glass-ceramics in the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system by "extreme-time" nucleation & "finite-time" crystallization processes using P2O5, ZrO2 and TiO2 as multiple nucleating agents. The results revealed that the crystallization of glass is controlled by a three-dimensional interfacial crystal growth process. These glass-ceramics mainly consisted of cordierite crystals with a residual glassy phase, and crystallinity increased with crystallization time, but light transmittance decreased with crystallization time due to enlarged grain sizes. EDS mapping revealed a uniform distribution of elements within the glass-ceramic. In the optimal preparation condition (825?°C/96?h?+?990?°C/3?h), these glass-ceramics exhibited a high crystallinity (87.3?vol. %), high transmittance (78%), and excellent mechanical properties. This work provides a roadmap for preparing highly crystalline transparent glass-ceramics for applications in optical engineering.  相似文献   

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