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The application of FT-Raman microscopy to the non-destructive analysis of natural plant fibres is demonstrated with samples of flax, jute, ramie, cotton, kapok, sisal and coconut fibre. Vibrational assignments are proposed and characteristic features of each material are presented. Samples were not pre-treated chemically before analysis and were used directly from their respective storage collection; the adaptation of the Raman microscopic technique to the identification of specimens of natural fibres in archaeological burial sites is explored for its forensic potential.  相似文献   

Bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin, the major phosphorylated proteins of mammalian bone, have been proposed to function in the initiation of mineralization. To test this hypothesis, the effects of BSP and osteopontin on hydroxyapatite crystal formation were determined by using a steady-state agarose gel system. At low calcium phosphate concentrations, no accumulation of calcium and phosphate occurred in control gels or gels containing osteopontin. Gels containing BSP at 1-5 micrograms/ml, however, exhibited a visible precipitation band and significantly elevated Ca + PO4 contents. By powder x-ray diffraction, the precipitate formed in the presence of BSP was shown to be hydroxyapatite. These findings suggest that bone sialoprotein may be involved in the nucleation of hydroxyapatite at the mineralization front of bone.  相似文献   

The clinical use of hydroxyapatite (HA) coating is controversial especially in regard to the long-term performance of the coating and the effects of resorption. In each of 15 consenting patients we inserted two implants, coated with either HA or fluorapatite (FA) into the iliac crest. They were harvested at a mean of 13.6 +/- 0.6 months after surgery. Histological examination showed that bone ongrowth on the HA-coated implants was significantly greater (29%) than that on the FA-coated implants. When bone was present on the coating surface the HA coating was significantly thicker than the FA coating. When bone marrow was present, the HA coating was significantly thinner than the FA coating. The reduction in coating thickness when covered by bone or bone marrow was 23.1 +/- 9.7 microm for HA and 5.1 +/- 1.7 microm for FA (p < 0.01) suggesting that FA is more stable than HA against resorption by bone marrow. The findings suggest that in man the osteoconductive properties of HA coating are superior to those of FA. Resorption rates for both coatings were approximately 20% of the coating thickness per year. Bone ongrowth appears to protect against resorption whereas bone marrow seems to accelerate resorption. No adverse reaction was seen in the surrounding bone.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine the value of peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) in measuring bone mineral density. METHODS: In 50 healthy, eugonodal premenopausal women, we correlated measurements of total bone mineral content (BMCTB), made with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and bone mineral density, determined by pQCT. RESULTS: The partial correlations, adjusted for weight and age, between BMCTB and cortical bone density, total bone density, and trabecular bone density were .71 (p < .0001), .63 (p < .0001), and .32 (p < .05), respectively. CONCLUSION: These results and the advantages of pQCT--providing precise bone density determinations for trabecular and compact bone separately, having a high spatial resolution that allows a "compartmental" analysis of bone structure, having a low coefficient of variation, and having a minimal radiation dose (< 5 mrem)--confirm the adequacy of using this method for bone mass studies.  相似文献   

Conformational consequences of adduct formation between saccharides (trehalose, glucose, raffinose) and sorbitol with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) in multibilayers are revealed by relative intensity changes of the band components corresponding to the nu asN(CH3)3 and nu sC-N(CH3)3 stretching modes of the choline chain terminal and those of the nu C = O band. The conformational sensitivity of those modes was demonstrated previously (J. Grdadolnik et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids 65 (1993) 121) and used to demonstrate the effects of stepwise hydration of phosphatidylcholines. The latter are compared with the effects of saccharide binding and found to be qualitatively similar, but not identical. The same is true of the low frequency shifts of the nu asPO2- vibration: the shifts due to saccharide binding correspond to the binding of six to seven water molecules per phosphate which is about 20 cm-1 less than the shift caused by full hydration. A particularly interesting finding concerns the appearance of two bands in the nu asPO2- region of the DPPC-saccharide adducts. The relative intensities of the two bands (1243 and 1223 cm-1) change on additional hydration; it is the one at 1223 cm-1 that prevails at high hydration levels. Major changes in saccharide conformation are not detectable but minor differences between the DPPC bound and crystal spectra are observed.  相似文献   

A focus on the importance of leisure in the development of student nurses has been neglected in the 1990s. This study considers 444 prospective nurses on conventional, diploma and degree courses in two areas of England. It examines their activities associated with socializing, their social support networks and their use of clubs, sports and hobbies before entering nursing. It is evident that students enter nurse training with a wide variety of leisure experiences. Changing recruitment patterns and the structure of nurse training has an effect on the leisure needs of prospective nurses which must be addressed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe a preliminary investigation of a model of naltrexone therapy and counselling for use by primary care providers and evaluate its impact on drinking behaviors in a cohort of alcohol-dependent subjects. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The subjects enrolled in this study were 29 alcohol-dependent individuals. They were managed within a primary care treatment model located at a university-affiliated substance research program in New Haven, Connecticut. Subjects were assigned to a primary care provider for treatment of their alcohol dependence and were placed on naltrexone at a dose of 50 mg per day. They were seen for an initial "new patient" visit and 7 "brief" follow-up visits during the 10-week study. The primary outcomes for this study were completion of treatment, change in drinking behaviors from baseline, change in liver enzymes from baseline, provider ratings of improvement, and patient ratings of improvement and satisfaction with treatment. RESULTS: Of the 29 subjects: 21 (72%) completed treatment, and 10 (35%) relapsed to heavy drinking. All drinking behaviors improved significantly from baseline: percent of days abstinent increased from 36.6% to 88.8% (P < 0.0001), percent days abstinent from heavy drinking increased from 48.7% to 97.3% (P < 0.0001), and mean number of drinks per occasion decreased from 9.5 to 2.5 (P < 0.0001). The mean serum gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) for the group decreased from 67.1 U/L to 45.3 U/L (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: In this preliminary investigation, treatment of alcohol dependence with our model of naltrexone and counselling by primary care providers appeared to be both feasible and effective.  相似文献   

Small round cell tumors (SRCTs) of the bone make up a family of primary bone sarcomas with morphologically, biologically, and clinically specific features. Among them, Ewing's sarcoma (ES) is the most common entity, but several varieties such as atypical ES, large cell ES, and ES with neuroectodermal differentiation (peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the bone or neuroepithelioma of the bone) have been identified recently. Histology and electron microscopy together with the variable expression of several epitopes (as shown by immunohistochemistry, mainly HBA/71 [Mic2 antigen]) provide the basis for characterizing the group within the context of neuroectodermal-derived neoplasms. A number of other ES-like tumors with small round cells, mimicking those previously described, have been characterized; Askin's tumor of the thoracopulmonary region will be considered as an ES similar to those already described, but within a particularly anatomic location. On the other hand, the presence of an endothelial appearance within a poorly differentiated neoplasm may be present in some ES-like SRCTs (atypical ES with endothelial features). The differential diagnosis with other sarcomas defined by small round to spindle cell contours might prove difficult. Particular attention must be paid to small cell osteosarcoma and mesenchymal chondrosarcoma. Likewise, "primitive sarcoma of bone" is considered in this study because it is a very rare neoplasm differing from the formerly discussed types; its pluripotentiality provides this tumor a blastemic character and a multiphenotypic expression. Malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is an unusual presentation when primary to the bone, previous to any other anatomic location. Several subtypes have been considered within a histology that encompasses that seen in lymph nodes.  相似文献   

The crystal structure and magnetic properties of Co-W (4–6 at % W) and Co-P (2–5 at % P) coatings produced by electrodeposition at various temperatures (Co-W coatings) or sodium hypophosphite concentrations in an electrolyte (Co-P coatings) are studied. The coatings consist of crystallites having an hcp structure with a [001] and/or a [100] texture depending on the deposition conditions. The structural characteristics, the magnetic nonuniformity, and the magnetic intercrystalline interaction are found to correlate with each other.  相似文献   

Chimeras of the Halobacterium salinarum transducers HtrI and HtrII were constructed to study the structural determinants for their specific interaction with the phototaxis receptors sensory rhodopsins I and II (SRI and SRII), respectively. Interaction of receptors and transducers was assessed by two criteria: phototaxis responses by the cells and transducer-modulation of receptor photochemical reaction kinetics in membranes. Coexpression of HtrI with SRII or HtrII with SRI did not result in interaction by either criterion. Each receptor was coexpressed with chimeric transducers in which various domains of the two transducers were interchanged. The results show that the presence of the two transmembrane helices of HtrI in a chimera is necessary and sufficient for functional transducer complexation with SRI, i.e., for wild-type SRI photoreactions and attractant and 2-photon repellent phototaxis responses. Additionally, a previously demonstrated chaperone-like facilitation of SRI folding or stability by HtrI was shown to depend only on the two transmembrane helices of HtrI in chimeric transducers. Similarly, the two transmembrane helices of HtrII specify interaction with the repellent receptor SRII according to motility analysis and laser-flash spectroscopy. The results support a model in which the membrane domains of the receptor/transducer complexes, consisting of the seven helices of the receptor interacting with the four-helix bundle of the transducer dimer, produce SRI- and SRII-specific signals to the flagellar motor by means of interchangeable cytoplasmic domains.  相似文献   

The phase composition, structure, and properties of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)-compacted materials of the Ti-C-Al-Si system are investigated. It is shown that metal-like titanium compounds can be used as cathodes for vacuum-arc evaporators. The coatings fabricated from SHS cathodes are single-phase and represent cubic titanium nitride of the (Ti, Al, Si)N composition. The volume of a microdrop phase in them is smaller by a factor of 2.5–3.0 as compared with TiN, while their microstructure is not fragmented into low-strength columnar elements; the CSR size is twice smaller than that of titanium nitride. Being approximately identically hard, the (Ti, Al, Si)N coatings substantially surpass TiN coatings in elastic and plastic failure resistance due to the lower elasticity modulus. When milling the tungsten-copper alloy, the hardness of hard-alloy milling cutters with the (Ti, Al, Si)N coating is higher by a factor of 2.4 than with the TiN coating fabricated from the titanium cathode with the magnetic plasma flow separation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Although there have been many studies of the outcome of anorexia nervosa, methodological weaknesses limit their interpretation. The authors used a case-control design to try to improve knowledge about the outcome of anorexia nervosa. METHOD: All new female patients referred to an eating disorders service between Jan. 1, 1981, and Dec. 31, 1984, who had probable or definite anorexia nervosa were eligible for inclusion. Of these women, 86.4% (N = 70) were located and agreed to participate. The comparison group (N = 98) was a random community sample. All subjects were interviewed with a structured diagnostic instrument. RESULTS: A minority of the patients (10%) continued to meet the criteria for anorexia nervosa a mean of 12 years after initial referral. Even among those who no longer met these criteria, relatively low body weight and cognitive features characteristic of anorexia nervosa (perfectionism and cognitive restraint) persisted. The rates of lifetime comorbid major depression, alcohol dependence, and a number of anxiety disorders were very high. CONCLUSIONS: In the managed care/brief treatment era, therapeutic approaches with an excessive focus on weight gain that neglect the detection and treatment of associated psychological features and comorbidity may be inappropriate. Anorexia nervosa is a serious psychiatric disorder with substantial morbidity.  相似文献   

The effect of amorphous calcium phosphate (Ca/P) and poorly crystallized (60% crystalline) hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings on bone fixation to "smooth" and "rough" (Ti-6A1-4V powder sprayed) titanium-6Al-4V (Ti) implants was investigated. Implants were evaluated histologically, mechanically, and by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after 4 and 12 weeks of implantation in a rabbit transcortical femoral model. Histological evaluation of amorphous vs. poorly crystallized HA coatings showed significant differences in bone apposition (for rough-coated implants only) and coating resorption (for smooth- and rough-coated implants) that were increased within cortical compared to cancellous bone. The poorly crystallized HA coatings showed most degradation and least bone apposition. Mechanical evaluation, however, showed no significant differences in push-out shear strengths between the two types of coatings evaluated. Differences between 4 and 12 weeks were significant for coating resorption and push-out shear strength but not for bone apposition. Significant enhancement in interfacial shear strengths for bioceramic coated as compared to uncoated implants were seen for smooth-surfaced implants (3.5-5 times greater) but not for rough-surfaced implants at 4 and 12 weeks. Rough implants showed greater mean interfacial strengths than uncoated smooth implants at 4 and 12 weeks (seven times greater) and to coated smooth implants at 12 weeks only (two times greater). Mechanical failure of the bone/coating/implant interface consistently occurred within the bone, even in the case of the poorly crystallized HA coatings, which had almost completely resorbed on rough implants. These results suggest that once early osteointegration is achieved biodegradation of a bioactive coating should not be detrimental to the bone/coating/implant fixation.  相似文献   

The influence of different pretreatments upon locomotor stimulation, induced by injection of ergometrine into the nucleus accumbens of rats, was investigated. The noradrenergic antagonists phenoxybenzamine and propranolol and the serotonin antagonist methysergide produced no clear changes. Reserpine, alone or in combination with alpha-MPT, considerably shortened the delay between injection of ergometrine and start of locomotor stimulation. Ro-DOPA, but not Ro-5-HTP, clearly antagonized the locomotor stimulation. The effect of ergometrine was strongly diminished following injection of haloperidol directly into the nucleus accumbens. A strong inhibition was also observedfollowing intracerebral administration of the imidazoline derivative (3,4-dihydroxy-phenylamino)-2-imidazoline (DPI), but not after injection of the structurally related compound clonidine. DPI by itself and also the ergot derivatives ergocornine, bromocryptine, LSD, dihydroergotamine and methysergide in doses 5--10 times as high as that of ergometrine failed to produce locomotor stimulation following injection into the nucleus accumbens. The results are discussed, especially with regard to the role of dopamine.  相似文献   

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