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Abstract Learning support studies involving simulation‐based scientific discovery learning have tended to adopt an ad hoc strategies‐oriented approach in which the support strategies are typically pre‐specified according to learners' difficulties in particular activities. This article proposes a more integrated approach, a triple scheme for learning support design on the basis of the systematic analysis of the internal conditions of scientific discovery learning. The triple learning support scheme involves: (a) interpretative support that helps learners with knowledge access and the generation of meaningful and integrative understandings; (b) experimental support that scaffolds learners in systematic and valid experimental activities; and (c) reflective support that increases learners' self‐awareness of the discovery processes and prompts their reflective abstraction and integration. Two experiments were conducted with eighth graders (13‐year‐olds) to examine the effects of these learning supports embedded into a simulation program on floating and sinking. The overall results support the main hypotheses that learning supports in a simulation environment should be directed towards the three perspectives to invite meaningful, systematic, and reflective discovery learning.  相似文献   

Based on theories of scientific discovery learning (SDL) and conceptual change, this study explores students' preconceptions in the domain of torques in physics and the development of these conceptions while learning with a computer-based SDL task. As a framework we used a three-space theory of SDL and focused on model space, which is supposed to contain the current conceptualization/model of the learning domain, and on its change through hypothesis testing and experimenting. Three questions were addressed: (1) What are students' preconceptions of torques before learning about this domain? To do this a multiple-choice test for assessing students' models of torques was developed and given to secondary school students (N = 47) who learned about torques using computer simulations. (2) How do students' models of torques develop during SDL? Working with simulations led to replacement of some misconceptions with physically correct conceptions. (3) Are there differential patterns of model development and if so, how do they relate to students’ use of the simulations? By analyzing individual differences in model development, we found that an intensive use of the simulations was associated with the acquisition of correct conceptions. Thus, the three-space theory provided a useful framework for understanding conceptual change in SDL.  相似文献   

Computer‐assisted instruction can change the way introductory statistics and quantitative methods courses are taught. Using a two‐group pretest–posttest design, we conducted an experiment using an undergraduate social science student sample to investigate whether the introduction of statistical software to teaching quantitative methods would improve knowledge acquisition and attitudes toward quantitative methods courses. Our project confirmed that implementing computer‐assisted instructional methods increased knowledge acquisition in quantitative methods courses compared with students' academic performance in other courses, measured by grade point average. We also found that student attitudes have weak and mostly nonsignificant influence on quantitative methods knowledge tests. Additionally, the paper suggests a curriculum‐level approach to teaching quantitative methods to undergraduate students.  相似文献   

Using a computer-based scientific discovery learning environment on buoyancy in fluids we investigated the effects of goal specificity (nonspecific goals vs. specific goals) for two goal types (problem solving goals vs. learning goals) on strategy use and instructional efficiency. Our empirical findings close an important research gap, because in earlier studies the goal specificity effect either was restricted to one goal type or goal type was confounded with goal specificity. In addition, there is hardly a study with empirical evidence for the goal specificity effect on strategy use, which counts even more for a cognitive cost-benefit ratio as a dependent variable. Instead, in earlier studies the goal specificity effect has been attributed to differences in strategy use and cognitive cost-benefit ratio in a rather theoretical way. In the present study for strategy use an interaction was found between goal specificity and goal type, indicating that the goal specificity effect occurs only in case of problem solving goals, but not in case of learning goals. Compared to students provided with specific problem solving goals, students who worked on nonspecific problem solving goals, used a control of variables-strategy more frequently. Additionally, we found a main effect of goal specificity on instructional efficiency for both of the goal types, pointing at a more favorable relationship between performance gain and cognitive load caused by nonspecific goals.  相似文献   

The Graph Theorist, GT, is a system that performs mathematical research in graph theory. From the definitions in its input knowledge base, GT constructs examples of mathematical concepts, conjectures and proves mathematical theorems about concepts, and discovers new concepts. Discovery is driven both by examples and by definitional form. The discovery processes construct a semantic net that links all of GT's concepts together.
Each definition is an algebraic expression whose semantic interpretation is a stylized algorithm to generate a class of graphs correctly and completely. From a knowledge base of these concept definitions, GT is able to conjecture and prove such theorems as "The set of acyclic, connected graphs is precisely the set of trees" and "There is no odd-regular graph on an odd number of vertices." GT explores new concepts either to develop an area of knowledge or to link a newly acquired concept into a pre-existing knowledge base. New concepts arise from the specialization of an existing concept, the generalization of an existing concept, and the merger of two or more existing concepts. From an initial knowledge base containing only the definition of "graph," GT discovers such concepts as acyclic graphs, connected graphs, and bipartite graphs.  相似文献   

This study investigated how the online problem based learning (PBL) approach employed in an online learning environment influenced undergraduate students’ critical thinking skills (CTS) and content knowledge acquisition. The pretest–posttest control group design was used in the study. The subjects included the students who were enrolled at the Department of Primary School Mathematics Teaching in Anadolu University Education Faculty. Subjects attended to Computer II course in 2008 spring. Experiment group attended the online PBL course whereas the control group attended the online instructor-led course. Each group consisted of 20 students. Data collection tools consisted of a multiple choice content knowledge acquisition scale and the Watson–Glaser critical thinking skills test. The results of two-way mixed design ANOVA indicated that learning in the online PBL group did not have a significant effect on the content knowledge acquisition scores. It was also revealed that learning in the online PBL group had a significant effect on increasing the critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

Discovery simulations and the assessment of intuitive knowledge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract The objective of the present work is to have a closer look at the relations between the features of discovery simulations, the learning processes elicited, the knowledge that results, and the methods used to measure this acquired knowledge. It is argued that discovery simulations are 'rich', have a relatively low transparency, and require active involvement of learners. Discovery simulations are suited to support data-driven, partly implicit learning. Discovery learning leads to intuitive knowledge. To complement this conceptual investigation, a series of five experimental studies is described. In all five studies, learners were pre-tested and post-tested with several knowledge measures. Central to the set of tests was one with the objective of measuring intuitive knowledge. One conclusion of these experimental studies is that assignments contribute most clearly to the instructional effectiveness of simulations. Another conclusion is that the intuitive knowledge tests seem able to measure the results of learning with discovery simulations.  相似文献   

The study discussed here investigated the contribution of group support system(s) (GSS) to a particular aspect of organizational learning: knowledge acquisition at the group level. We present a model explaining the enabling effects of GSS on important attributes of effective collaborative learning that lead to higher levels of knowledge acquisition and discuss the results of an empirical study designed to test the predictions of the model. A GSS-mediated environment is compared to a non-GSS collaborative environment in terms of the participants' understanding of a problem-solving task. The results indicate that the GSS-mediated environment leads to a significantly higher level of understanding than the non-GSS environment.  相似文献   

An Overview of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
With massive amounts of data stored in databases,mining information and knowledge in databases has become an important issue in recent research.Researchers in many different fields have shown great interest in date mining and knowledge discovery in databases.Several emerging applications in information providing services,such as data warehousing and on-line services over the Internet,also call for various data mining and knowledge discovery tchniques to understand used behavior better,to improve the service provided,and to increase the business opportunities.In response to such a demand,this article is to provide a comprehensive survey on the data mining and knowledge discorvery techniques developed recently,and introduce some real application systems as well.In conclusion,this article also lists some problems and challenges for further research.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported the importance and benefits of situating students in a real-world learning environment with access to digital-world resources. At the same time, researchers have indicated the need to develop learning guidance mechanisms or tools for assisting students to learn in such a complex learning scenario. In this study, a grid-based knowledge acquisition approach is proposed and a Mindtool is developed to help students organize and share knowledge for differentiating a set of learning targets based on what they have observed in the field. An experiment has been conducted in an elementary school Natural Science course for differentiating different species of butterflies. Forty-one fifth-grade students have been assigned to a control group and an experimental group to compare the effect of the conventional approach and that of the proposed approach. The experimental results show that the proposed approach not only improves students’ learning achievements, but also significantly enhances their ability of identifying species in the field.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study, in an environment of Internet project‐based learning, is to undertake research on the effects of thinking styles on learning transfer. In this study, we establish an environment that incorporates project‐based learning and Internet. Within this environment, we divide our sample of elementary school students into four groups: Executive Group, Legislative Group, Judicial Group, and Mixed Group. Taking the learning of ‘Natural Science’ as an example, we investigate the effects of different thinking styles on learning transfer. The results of this study are:
  • (a) significant differences between the near transfer of the Executive Group and the Legislative Group,
  • (b) no significant differences in far transfer are found among groups of different thinking styles,
  • (c) the near transfer of the Mixed Group is superior to that of the Legislative Group and the Judicial Group, and
  • (d) the far transfer of the Mixed Group is superior to that of the Legislative Group.

The purpose of this study was to conduct a meta-study of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) studies in mathematics for students with learning disabilities (LD) focusing on examining the effects of CAI on the mathematics performance of students with LD. This study examined a total of 11 mathematics CAI studies, which met the study selection criterion, for students with LD at the elementary and secondary levels and analyzed them in terms of their comparability and effect sizes. Overall, this study found that those CAI studies did not show conclusive effectiveness with relatively large effect sizes. The methodological problems in the CAI studies limit an accurate validation of the CAI’s effectiveness. Implications for future mathematics CAI studies were discussed.  相似文献   

分布式综合知识发现系统结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用多Agent技术,采用多层次结构,建立基于内在机理研究基础上的分布式综合知识发现系统(DKD(D&K))总体结构模型。该模型设计了基于双库协同机制的分布式KDD*的知识发现线路,使得分布式数据的预处理、挖掘算法及挖掘结果的评价和导航等研究贯穿于一体,形成了一个完整的系统。该模型不仅较好的继承原综合知识发现系统KD(D&K)的主要特征,而且紧密结合了分布式数据库已经成熟的技术方法,并且与现在国际上比较典型的分布式知识发现系统比较有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

The effects of graphical overviews on knowledge acquisition in hypertext   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A central aspect of designing hypertext for learning concerns the structure of the information in the hypertext and the view the learner is offered of this structure. In this study, a hypertext environment was enhanced with a graphical overview that represented the basic, inherent, structure of the domain and the layout was designed in such a way that learners were unobtrusively encouraged to follow a sequence of exploration that followed the domain structure. This so-called 'visual' lay-out was compared with two lay-outs that presented randomly positioned nodes. One of these two lay-outs contained hints (using 'highlighting') to stimulate learners to follow a domain related exploration similar to the one incorporated in the visual lay-out. The other ('control') lay-out did not provide such hints. Results showed that participants from both the 'visual' and the 'hints' conditions demonstrated a more domain-related exploration pattern than participants from the 'control' condition. Participants in the 'visual' lay-out did not show a better recall of the content of the nodes as such, but showed a significantly better acquisition of knowledge of structure than participants from the other two conditions. These data indicate that a visual display conveys knowledge in its own right and that knowledge gained does not depend on the exploration route followed in the hypertext material.  相似文献   

This study aims to gain a better understanding of how the newly arisen social messaging may impact the practice of peer assessment. Seventy-nine ESL (English as second language) students reviewed each other's English essays in three peer assessment groups: a three-member group using wiki (wiki group), a three-member group using social messaging (small messaging group), and a six-member group using social messaging (big messaging group). Data analysis suggested that peer assessment facilitated by social messaging can be at least of the same effectiveness as wiki-facilitated peer assessment on ESL students' writing skills and intrinsic motivation. In addition, the findings indicated that students in the small messaging group outperformed students in the big messaging group on essay writing and reported a significantly higher rating on perceived competence, a positive indicator of the behavioural measures of intrinsic motivation, than students in the big messaging group.  相似文献   

基于资源信息细分的学习评价系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在网络化学习系统中,如何准确地发现学习者的缺陷是学习评价系统的主要任务,也是一个非常困难的问题。该系统通过对学习资源标注知识点、能力点、方法点、错误现象和错误归因等信息,将学习资源所包含的信息进一步细分和深化,再以测试结果为基础进行评价,能够更准确地发现学习者的缺陷。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的面向个性化知识的决策规则获取算法。从理论上证明了算法的正确性,给出了面向个性化的知识获取算法的描述。算法的重点在于规则合成的方法和可信度、覆盖度和规则强度计算的方法。最后通过例子说明了算法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

从数学历史发展过程中去发现数学的进化规律,从创造数学符号和包容对立的概念中获得了最早的数学知识.将数学符号组合而成的表达式和方程,使问题变换成了形式化表示,当表达式和方程通过推演和求证,判断其正确性时,就形成了公式和定理,它们是数学中的基础理论.推演和求证过程是采用了等价变换.数学进化中更重要的知识发现方法是利用进化变换(对变量、函数、方程、方法等的变换)来拓展数学的新概念和解决不能求解的问题(可拓变换),从而建立了数学的理论体系.创造、包容、形式化变换、等价变换和进化变换都是数学进化中的知识发现方法.  相似文献   

This study proposed an online learning system for energy education, modifying the typical rules of tic-tac-toe and incorporating multiple choice tests into the game in order to develop a game-based formative assessment tool for an online learning course. In order to explore how different gaming modes and feedback types in this game-based formative assessment affect knowledge acquisition effectiveness and participation perceptions, a tic-tac-toe quiz game (TRIS-Q) with two gaming modes: single-player online game (SOG) and multi-player online game (MOG), and two feedback types: immediate elaborated feedback (IEF) and no immediate elaborated feedback (no IEF), were developed. A 2(SOG vs. MOG) × 2(IEF vs. no IEF) between-subject experiment was also conducted to investigate the effects on 109 ninth-grade students from four junior high school classes. The research findings indicated that different gaming modes of TRIS-Q did not affect the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition; providing IEF for each question answered in the game facilitated the enhancement of both energy knowledge acquisition and student tic-tac-toe ability when comparing it with the no IEF type. Additionally, the different gaming modes and feedback types did not affect participation perceptions.  相似文献   

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