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A new methodology for an antibacterial assay based on capillary electrophoresis with multiple UV detection points has been proposed. The possible antibacterial activity of cationic molecules on bacteria (Gram-positive and Gram-negative) is studied by detecting the bacteria before, during, and after their meeting with the cationic antibacterial compound. For that, a UV area imaging detector having two loops and three detection windows was used with a 95 cm ×100 μm i.d. capillary. In the antibacterial assay, the bacteria (negatively charged) and the cationic molecules were injected separately from each end of the capillary. The bacteria were mobilized by anionic ITP mode while cationic molecules migrate in the opposite direction under conditions close to CZE. The cationic molecules were injected into the capillary as a broad band (injected volume about 16% of the volume of the capillary) to prevent dilution of the sample during the electrophoretic process. Bacteriolytic activity, as well as strong interactions between the small antibacterial molecules and the bacteria, can be investigated within a few minutes. The assay was used to study the antibacterial activity of dendrigraft poly-L-lysines on Micrococcus luteus and Erwinia carotovora. Because dendrigraft poly-L-lysines are nonimmunogenic and have low toxicity, this new class of dendritic biomacromolecules is very promising for antibacterial applications.  相似文献   

Attomole quantities of 4-(dimethylamino)azobenzene-4'-sulfonyl chloride derivatized amino acids are separated by using capillary zone electrophoresis in a mixed acetonitrile/aqueous buffer system. Detection is performed with an on-column thermooptical absorbance detection technique based on a 130-mW argon ion pump laser. Detection limits for the concentration of analyte injected onto the column range from 5 x 10(-8) M for methionine to 5 x 10(-7) M for aspartic acid. Only 37 amol of methionine and 450 amol of aspartic acid are contained within the subnanoliter injection volume. It is interesting to note that these limits are a factor of 4 superior to the best fluorescence detection limit reported for chromatographic separation of amino acids. A subnanoliter sample of derivatized human urine was analyzed with this technique; quantities of amino acids contained within the sample are 3 orders of magnitude greater than the detection limit.  相似文献   

Han F  Huynh BH  Shi H  Lin B  Ma Y 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(7):1265-1269
Pteridines are a class of compounds excreted in urine, the levels of which are found to elevate significantly in tumor-related diseases. For the first time, we have developed a method, based on high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection, to monitor the pteridine levels in urine. HPCE provides better separation than high-performance liquid chromatography and the LIF detector enables us to detect minute amounts of pteridines in body fluid. Eight different pteridine derivatives were well separated in 0.1 M Tris-0.1 M borate-2 mM EDTA buffer (pH 8.75) using a 60-cm fused-silica capillary (50-micron i.d., 35-cm effective length), six of which were detected and characterized in urine samples from normal persons and different cancer patients. The detection limits of these pteridines are under 1 x 10(-10) M. The levels of neopterin, pterine, xanthopterin, and pterin-6-carboxylic acid were found to be significantly elevated in urine excreted by cancer patents, while the level of isoxanthopterin dropped in these patients. No significant change of biopterin level was found between healthy individuals and cancer patients. This method can be used in clinical laboratories either for cancer monitoring or for precancer screening.  相似文献   

Ro KW  Lim K  Shim BC  Hahn JH 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(16):5160-5166
We have developed an integrated light collimating system with a microlens and a pair of slits for extended optical path length absorbance detection in a capillary electrophoresis (CE) microchip. The collimating system is made of the same material as the chip, poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), and it is integrated into the chip during the molding of the CE microchannels. In this microchip, the centers of an extended 500-microm detection cell and two optical fibers are self-aligned, and a planoconvex microlens (r = 50 microm) for light collimation is placed in front of a light-delivering fiber. To block stray light, two rectangular apertures, realized by a specially designed three-dimensional microchannel, are made on each end of the detection cell. In comparison to conventional extended detection cell having no collimator, the percentage of stray radiation readout fraction in the collimator integrated detection cell is significantly reduced from 31.6 to 3.8%. The effective optical path length is increased from 324 to 460 microm in the collimator integrated detection cell. The detection sensitivity is increased by 10 times in the newly developed absorbance detection cell as compared to an unextended, 50-microm-long detection cell. The concentration detection limit (S/N = 3) for fluorescein in the collimator integrated detection cell is 1.2 microM at the absorbance detection limit of 0.001 AU.  相似文献   

Direct on-column surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection is demonstrated in capillary electrophoresis (CE). Distinctive SERS spectra of two test compounds, riboflavin and Rhodamine 6G, are obtained in 100 microm i.d. fused-silica capillaries under CE conditions using running buffers that contain silver colloidal solutions. Detection is performed using an unmodified commercial Raman spectrometer in a confocal microscope mode of operation. The effects of laser power, wavelength, spectra acquisition time, silver colloidal concentration, and applied voltage (i.e., flow rate) on the quality of SERS spectra are evaluated. Using laser powers of 17 mW (at the sample) at 515 nm and employing 1 s spectral acquisition times, spectra with bands exhibiting signal-to-noise ratios greater than 10 could be obtained for 1.0 x 10(-6) M riboflavin and very low nanomolar concentrations of Rhodamine 6G. This was accomplished without optimization of silver colloidal solution compositions and by using a low-throughput spectrometer. Incorporation of the colloidal solutions into running buffers is shown to have little effect on the separation of the test compounds as monitored using a laser-induced fluorescence instrumental scheme. However, SERS spectra degrade if the capillary is not rinsed between experiments. Riboflavin and Rhodamine 6G spectra are obtained on-the-fly for actual CE separations. In the case of the latter solute, the injected quantity was approximately 90 amol.  相似文献   

The ability to detect sub-nanomolar concentrations of ricin using fluorescently tagged RNA aptamers is demonstrated. Aptamers rival the specificity of antibodies and have the power to simplify immunoassays using capillary electrophoresis. Under nonequilibrium conditions, a dissociation constant, Kd, of 134 nM has been monitored between the RNA aptamer and ricin A-chain. With use of this free-solution assay, the detection of 500 pM (approximately 14 ng/mL) or 7.1 amol of ricin is demonstrated. The presence of interfering proteins such as bovine serum albumin and casein do not inhibit this interaction at sub-nanomolar concentrations. When spiked with RNAse A, ricin can still be detected down to 1 nM concentrations despite severe aptamer degradation. This approach offers a promising method for the rapid, selective, and sensitive detection of biowarfare agents.  相似文献   

A commercial portable capillary electrophoresis (CE) instrument has been used to separate inorganic anions and cations found in postblast residues from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) of the type used frequently in terrorism attacks. The purpose of this analysis was to identify the type of explosive used. The CE instrument was modified for use with an in-house miniaturized light-emitting diode (LED) detector to enable sensitive indirect photometric detection to be employed for the detection of 15 anions (acetate, benzoate, carbonate, chlorate, chloride, chlorite, cyanate, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, perchlorate, phosphate, sulfate, thiocyanate, thiosulfate) and 12 cations (ammonium, monomethylammonium, ethylammonium, potassium, sodium, barium, strontium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, zinc, lead) as the target analytes. These ions are known to be present in postblast residues from inorganic IEDs constructed from ammonium nitrate/fuel oil mixtures, black powder, and chlorate/perchlorate/sugar mixtures. For the analysis of cations, a blue LED (470 nm) was used in conjunction with the highly absorbing cationic dye, chrysoidine (absorption maximum at 453 nm). A nonaqueous background electrolyte comprising 10 mM chrysoidine in methanol was found to give greatly improved baseline stability in comparison to aqueous electrolytes due to the increased solubility of chrysoidine and its decreased adsorption onto the capillary wall. Glacial acetic acid (0.7% v/v) was added to ensure chrysoidine was protonated and to enhance separation selectivity by means of complexation with transition metal ions. The 12 target cations were separated in less than 9.5 min with detection limits of 0.11-2.30 mg/L (calculated at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3). The anions separation system utilized a UV LED (370 nm) in conjunction with an aqueous chromate electrolyte (absorption maximum at 371 nm) consisting of 10 mM chromium(VI) oxide and 10 mM sodium chromate, buffered with 40 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane at pH 8.05. All 15 target anions were baseline separated in less than 9 min with limits of detection ranging from 0.24 to 1.15 mg/L (calculated at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3). Use of the portable instrumentation in the field was demonstrated by analyzing postblast residues in a mobile laboratory immediately after detonation of the explosive devices. Profiling the ionic composition of the inorganic IEDs allowed identification of the chemicals used in their construction.  相似文献   

We describe a method, based on pressure-assisted capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (PACE/ESI-MS), that allows the simultaneous and quantitative analysis of multivalent anions, such as citrate isomers, nucleotides, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotides, and flavin adenine dinucleotide, and coenzyme A (CoA) compounds. Key to the analysis was using a noncharged polymer, poly(dimethylsiloxane), coated to the inner surface of the capillary to prevent anionic species from adsorbing onto the capillary wall. It was also necessary to drive a constant liquid flow toward the MS by applying air pressure to the inlet capillary during electrophoresis to maintain a conductive liquid junction between the capillary and the electrospray needle. Although theoretical plates were inferior to those obtained by CE/ESI-MS using a cationic polymer-coated capillary, the PACE/ESI-MS method improved reproducibility and sensitivity of these anions. Eighteen anions were separated by PACE and selectively detected by a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a sheath-flow electrospray ionization interface. The relative standard deviations (n = 6) of the method were better than 0.6% for migration times and between 1.4% and 6.2% for peak areas. The detection limits for these species were between 0.4 and 3.7 micromol/L with pressure injection of 50 mbar for 30 s (30 nL), that is, mass detection limits calculated in the range from 12 to 110 fmol at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. The utility of the method was demonstrated by analysis of citrate isomers, nucleotides, dinucleotides, and CoA compounds extracted from Bacillus subtilis cells.  相似文献   

X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy is demonstrated here as a novel, element-specific detector for capillary electrophoresis. Monochromatic 10 keV X-rays from a synchrotron light source are used to excite core electrons, causing emission of characteristic Kalpha X-ray fluorescence (XRF) lines. Using this technique, XRF energies provide elemental identification, while XRF intensities can be used to quantitate the metal composition of each eluent. An X-ray transparent polymer coupling is used to create a window for the on-line, X-ray detection. This coupling contributes no measurable extra-column variance, and electrophoretic mobilities for the metal complexes used as model solutes are highly reproducible. The combination of XRF detection with capillary electrophoresis (CE-XRF) creates the first on-line detection system that is element-specific, nondestructive, and directly applicable to a broad range of applications including nonelectroactive species. CE-XRF is successfully demonstrated here for high binding-constant complexes of Fe(III), Co(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II). Within a single injection, electropherograms are obtained for each element of interest, with the element identity obtained directly from the emission energy. In contrast with ICPMS, this detection technique is directly on-line and does not require volatilization of the eluent. As a result, element-specific detection is not limited by the sample or the buffer volatility or atomization efficiency. Simultaneous XRF and UV absorbance detection can be used to provide an on-line determination of metal/chelate ratios. Although XRF detection limits are presently only in the 0.1 mM (0.5 ng) range, both collection geometry and incident intensity have yet to be optimized. Further optimization is expected to enhance this detection limit by another 2-3 orders of magnitude. As a result, the advent of XRF detection combined with the separating power of CE presents new possibilities for on-line, element-specific analysis.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy represents a promising on-line detector for capillary electrophoresis (CE). The inherent poor sensitivity of NMR mandates the use of NMR probes with the highest mass sensitivity, such as those containing solenoidal microcoils, for CE/NMR hyphenation. However, electrophoretic current degrades the resolution of NMR spectra obtained from solenoidal coils. A new method to avoid microcoil NMR spectral degradation during continuous-flow CE is demonstrated using a unique multiple solenoidal coil NMR probe. The electrophoretic flow from a single separation capillary is split into multiple outlets, each possessing its own NMR detection coil. While the CE electrophoretic flow is directed through one outlet, stopped-flow, high-resolution NMR spectra are obtained from the coil at the other outlet. The electrophoretic flow and NMR measurements are cycled between the outlets to allow a continuous CE separation with "stopped-flow" detection. As a new approach for improving multiple coil probe performance, the magnetic field homogeneity is automatically adjusted (via the shim coils of the magnet) for the active coil. The multiple microcoil CE/NMR coupling has been used to analyze a <3 nmole mixture of amines while obtaining between 1 and 2 Hz line width, demonstrating the ability to avoid electrophoretic current-induced line broadening.  相似文献   

He Y  Lee HK 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(5):995-1001
This paper describes a straightforward approach for stacking extremely large volumes of sample solutions containing small organic and inorganic anions in capillary electrophoresis. The methodology involves the stacking of large sample volumes and the separation of the stacked anions in an acidic buffer (pH <4) without intermediate polarity switching. More than 300-fold enrichment was readily attained in a few minutes in the stacking of two similar organic (maleic and fumaric acids) and two inorganic (bromide and nitrate) anions. The applicability of the technique was tested in the determination of trace amounts of nitrate anion (analyte-to-matrix ratio being 1:2 × 10(4) and 1:2.5 × 10(6)) in analytical-grade potassium bromide and boric acid.  相似文献   

High-speed capillary electrophoresis (CE) was employed to detect binding and inhibition of SH2 domain proteins using fluorescently labeled phosphopeptides as affinity probes. Single SH2 protein-phosphopeptide complexes were detected and confirmed by competition and fluorescence anisotropy. The assay was then extended to a multiplexed system involving separation of three SH2 domain proteins: Src, SH2-Bbeta, and Fyn. The selectivity of the separation was improved by altering the charge of the peptide binding partners used, thus demonstrating a convenient way to control resolution for the multiplexed assay. The separation was completed within 6 s, allowing rapidly dissociating complexes to be detected. Two low molecular weight inhibitors were tested for inhibition selectivity and efficacy. One inhibitor interrupted binding interaction of all three proteins, while the other selectively inhibited Src only leaving SH2-Bbeta and Fyn complex barely affected. IC(50) of both selective and nonselective inhibitors were determined and compared for different proteins. The IC(50) of the nonselective inhibitor was 49 +/- 9, 323 +/- 42, and 228 +/- 19 microM (n = 3) for Src, SH2-Bbeta, and Fyn, respectively, indicating different efficacy of the nonselective inhibitor for different SH2 domain protein. It is concluded that high-speed CE has the potential for multiplexed screening of drugs that disrupt protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Single cells of bacteria and fungi were detected using a capillary electrophoresis-based test for microbial contamination in laboratory samples. This technique utilizes a dilute cationic surfactant buffer to sweep microorganisms out of the sample zone and a small plug of "blocking agent" to negate the cells' mobility and induce aggregation. Analysis times are generally under 10 min. Previously, a nutrient broth media was reported as an effective blocking agent; however, the natural background fluorescence from the nutrient broth limited the detection sensitivity to approximately 50 cells. In order to enhance the sensitivity of the technique down to a single cell, an alternative synthetic blocking agent was sought. Various potential blocking agents were screened including salts, polypeptides, small organic zwitterions, and surfactants. Zwitterionic surfactants are shown to be attractive alternatives to a nutrient broth blocker and mimic the nutrient broth's effects on cellular aggregation and mobility. Specifically, caprylyl sulfobetaine provided the sharpest cell peaks. By substituting caprylyl sulfobetaine in place of the nutrient broth, the fluorescence of the blocker plug was reduced by as much as 40 x. This reduction in background noise enables detection of a single microorganism in a sample and allows this technique to be potentially used as a rapid sterility test. All single cells analyzed using this technique displayed signal-to-noise ratios between 5 and 9.  相似文献   

Ren J  Huang X 《Analytical chemistry》2001,73(11):2663-2668
Highly sensitive and universal indirect chemiluminescence detection for capillary electrophoresis of cations was described. This novel method is based on use of the ultrasensitive cobalt(II) as a probe ion in the running buffer. A strong and stable background chemiluminescent signal can be generated by the luminol-hydrogen peroxide reaction catalyzed by cobalt(II) ion. Displacement of the cobalt(II) probe ion in the running buffer by a migrating sample cation results in a quantifiable decrease in the background signal. The conditions for electrophoresis and the chemiluminescent reaction were systematically investigated using a commercial capillary electrophoresis instrument with an in-house-built chemiluminescence detector. Under the optimal conditions, the detection limits of the concentration for manganese(II), cadmium(II), nickel(II), lead(II), and 14 lanthanides were (3.0-6.0) x 10(-9) mol/L (S/N = 3), which was approximately 3 orders of magnitude better than indirect UV detection and 2 orders better than indirect laser-induced fluorescent detection. A mixture of 18 metal ions including 14 lanthanides was efficiently separated within 3.5 min using lactate to partially complex the metal ions. Our data demonstrated that CE with indirect CL detection was a powerful and universal tool for analysis of inorganic and organic cations.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis has been used to separate metal ions characteristically associated with nuclear fission. Indirect UV absorbance and on-line radioactivity detection were used simultaneously to monitor the analytes. The radioactivity detector consists of conical plastic scintillating material with the capillary passing through the center to provide a 4π detection geometry. The wide end of the cone is optically coupled to a photomultiplier tube. Transient isotachophoretic techniques were employed to stack large volumes of samples which had low specific activities. Radioactivity detection of (152)Eu and (137)Cs was achieved at the nanocurie level for 80-100 nL injections. The detector is approximately 80% efficient, enabling samples resident in the detector window for 0.1 min to be reliably assayed. The separation of (137)Cs and (137m)Ba isotopes, which are in secular equilibrium, was modeled to demonstrate the effects of the rapid decay of (137m)Ba.  相似文献   

Liu W  Lee HK 《Analytical chemistry》1998,70(13):2666-2675
Simultaneous speciation of lead, mercury, and selenium was carried out by capillary electrophoresis. The method used a polyaminocarboxylic acid, triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid (TTHA), as an off-column complexing agent to form UV-absorbing complexes with the analytes for direct UV detection. TTHA was also added to the background electrolyte for the on-column complexations of the analytes, as well as for improving resolution and detection. To describe the migration behavior of the complexes, a theoretical model, considerating pH value and the concentrations of TTHA and SDS, was proposed. The parameters in the model were calculated on the basis of the experimental data, by nonlinear regression. The results were in good agreement with those from the literature. The model can be used for the prediction of migration behavior and for the optimization of the separation conditions. Field-amplified stacking injection was performed because the complexes were charged. Up to 1500-fold on-line enrichment and down to sub-nanogram-per-milliliter detection limits were obtained for the analytes under the optimal stacking conditions. Finally, the applicability of the method was evaluated on seawater samples.  相似文献   

He H  McGown LB 《Analytical chemistry》2000,72(24):5865-5873
A scheme for multiplex detection of dye-labeled DNA fragments in DNA sequencing is described in which on-the-fly, frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime detection is used to discriminate among the dye-labeled fragments of the four terminal bases in a single-lane CE separation. Two four-dye systems were evaluated, one excited at 488 nm and the other, at 514 nm. The 488 nm system proved successful for four-decay detection. Base calling was achieved either directly from on-the-fly lifetimes or from lifetime-resolved electropherograms recovered for each base from the electropherogram of the mixture of sequencing reaction products. The latter method was found to be more accurate (99% for two bases and 98.5% for three bases) and could achieve longer read lengths, but it was unsuccessful for sequencing of all four bases. The first method gave a base-calling accuracy of 96% for four-base sequencing over the fragment length range of 41-220 bases.  相似文献   

The fundamental aspects and the capillary electrophoresis usage of thermal marks are presented. The so-called thermal mark is a perturbation of the electrolyte concentration generated by a punctual heating of the capillary while the separation electric field is maintained. The heating pulse is obtained by powering tungsten filaments or surface mount device resistors with 5 V during a few tens to hundreds of milliseconds. In the proposed model, the variation of the transport numbers with the rising temperature leads to the formation of low- and high-concentration regions during the heating. After cooling down, the initial mobilities of the species are restored and these regions (the thermal mark) migrate chiefly due to the electroosmotic flow (EOF). The mark may be recorded with a conductivity detector as part of a usual electropherogram and be used to index the analyte peaks and thus compensate for variations of the EOF. In a favorable case, 10 mmol/L KCl solution, the theory suggests that the error in the measurement of EOF mobility by this mean is only -6.5 x 10(-7) cm2 V-1 s-1. The method was applied to the analysis of alkaline ions in egg white, and the relative standard deviations of the corrected mobilities of these ions were smaller than 1%. This is a challenging matrix, because albumin reduces the EOF to 20% of its initial value after 11 runs. The combination of thermal mark, electrolysis separated, and contactless conductivity detection allowed the measurement of the EOF of a silica capillary with unbuffered KCl solution with constant ionic strength. The overall approach is advantageous, because one can easily control the chemical composition of the solution in contact with the inner surface of the capillary.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the analysis of nanoliter volumes using 1H NMR microcoils have led to the application of microcoils as detectors for capillary electrophoresis (CE). Custom NMR probes consisting of 1-mm-long solenoidal microcoils are fabricated from 50-micron diameter wire wrapped around capillaries to create nanoliter-volume detection cells. For geometries in which the capillary and static magnetic field are not parallel, the electrophoretic current induces a magnetic field gradient which degrades the spectroscopic information obtainable from CE/NMR. To reduce this effect and allow longer analyte observation times, the electrophoretic voltage is periodically interrupted so that 1-min high-resolution NMR spectra are obtained for every 15 s of applied voltage. The limits of detection (LODs; based on S/N = 3) for CE/NMR for arginine are 57 ng (330 pmol; 31 mM) and for triethylamine (TEA) are 9 ng (88 pmol; 11 mM). Field-amplified stacking is used for sample preconcentration. As one example, a 290-nL injection of a mixture of arginine and TEA both at 50 mM (15 nmol of each injected) is stacked severalfold for improved concentration LODs while achieving a separation efficiency greater than 50,000. Dissolving a sample in a mixture of 10% H2O/90% D2O allows H2O to serve as the nearly ideal neutral tracer and allows direct observation of the parabolic and flat flow profiles associated with gravimetric and electrokinetic injection, respectively. The unique capabilities of CE and the rich spectral information provided by NMR spectroscopy combine to yield a valuable analytical tool, especially in the study of mass-limited samples.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of on-the-fly fluorescence lifetime detection (OFLD) for multiplex single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis by capillary electrophoresis (CE). The dye labels studied for multiplex SSCP-OFLD-CE analyses included RG, NBD, and BODIPY-FL. The dyes were first investigated for a model system of "Wild Type" and "Mutant" 43-base fragments designed to vary by a single A/T substitution. Two dye pairs, BODIPY-FL/ RG and BODIPY-FL/NBD, were then used to detect the G20210A mutation in the human prothrombin gene. Mobility correction was required for the BODIPY-FL/RG system. Three "blind" analyses were performed of three mixtures that combined a control fragment (wild type-BODIPY-FL) with two "unknown" fragments selected among four possibilities (wild type or mutant labeled with NBD or RG). In each multiplex analysis, the "origin" of the unknown fragments was correctly identified on the basis of fluorescence lifetime of the dye label and the presence or absence of the mutation was correctly determined on the basis of conformation-induced differences in migration time.  相似文献   

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