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According to politeness theory (P. Brown & S. Levinson, 1987), politeness serves to both reflect and regulate social distance. On the basis of this notion and on construal level theory (N. Liberman & Y. Trope, 2008; N. Liberman, Y. Trope, & E. Stephan, 2007), it was predicted that politeness would be related to abstract construal, temporal distance, and spatial distance. Eight studies supported this prediction. Politeness increased when the addressees were construed abstractly (Study 1), were temporally distant (Studies 2, 3), and were spatially distant (Study 4). It was also found that increasing politeness produced abstract construals (Study 5), greater temporal distance (Study 6), and greater spatial distance (Study 7, 8). These findings shed light on the way politeness operates in different cultures and is conveyed in different languages, and they support the idea that dimensions of psychological distance are interrelated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analysis of the horizontal-vertical illusion in terms of possible depth cues allows the prediction of a bisection illusion in which the length of the lower portion of the vertical is underestimated relative to the length of the upper segment. Significant variations in illusion magnitude as a function of line length and angle of inclination indicates that height in the plane is the depth cue which is evoking inappropriate size constancy scaling. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A striking finding about human memory is that people's level of accuracy in remembering the orientation of heads on coins is often not simply at the chance level but significantly below it. However, S. W. Kelly, A. M. Burton, T. Kato, and S. Akamatsu (2001) reported that this is not so when two-alternative forced-choice visual recognition is employed. The Kelly et al. result could not be replicated here with a copy of their stimuli. However, the result was successfully replicated with newly created stimuli. A series of experiments provided converging evidence that the mnemonic illusion is suppressed when recognition alternatives possess sharp visual detail. The role of a sensory signature in suppressing the mnemonic illusion and in modulating visual recognition performance in general is delineated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What distinguishes scenes from nonscenes? Photographs of objects on both naturalistic and blank backgrounds yielded boundary extension (BE: memory for unseen spatial expanse outside the picture's boundaries). However, line-drawn objects on blank backgrounds did not (Experiment 1). Perhaps the blank background was construed as depicting a real-world surface in the photograph condition but was construed as depicting nothing in the line-drawn condition. To change background construal, the authors used objects cut out of photographs; these were placed on blank backgrounds while viewers watched (Experiments 2 and 3). BE was eliminated. The authors propose that amodal continuation is a fundamental aspect of scene perception. However, not all pictures are scenes--only pictures construed as depicting a truncated view of a continuous world, (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Some well-known psychological "facts" are actually false, but dispelling them is difficult. One such false fact is that Titchener introduced the illusion depicting a circle ringed by smaller circles, which appears larger than an equivalent circle surrounded by larger circles. A review of contemporary sources indicates that Ebbinghaus probably introduced this illusion in the 1890s, although not in any explicit publication, and Titchener neither had nor asserted any authorship of this figure. There are also 3 other illusions that are sometimes labeled the Ebbinghaus illusion. The modern custom of attributing the surrounded-circles illusion to Titchener, although widespread in the 1960s and 1970s, does not appear before 1957. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The results of two experiments showed that an illusion of memory can be produced by unconscious perception. In a first phase of those experiments, a long list of words was presented for study. For the test of recognition memory given in the second phase of each experiment, presentation of a "context" word preceded that of most recognition test words. Ss were to judge whether or not the test words had been presented during the earlier study phase of the experiment. Effects of a context word on this recognition memory decision were opposite when Ss were aware vs. unaware of its presentation. For example, as compared to a condition in which no context word was presented, the probability of false recognition was increased when Ss were unaware but decreased when Ss were aware of the presentation of a context word that matched the recognition test word. Results are discussed in terms of unconscious influences on an attribution process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Elevated power increases the psychological distance one feels from others, and this distance, according to construal level theory (Y. Trope & N. Liberman, 2003), should lead to more abstract information processing. Thus, high power should be associated with more abstract thinking-focusing on primary aspects of stimuli and detecting patterns and structure to extract the gist, as well as categorizing stimuli at a higher level-relative to low power. In 6 experiments involving both conceptual and perceptual tasks, priming high power led to more abstract processing than did priming low power, even when this led to worse performance. Experiment 7 revealed that in line with past neuropsychological research on abstract thinking, priming high power also led to greater relative right-hemispheric activation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In cross-cultural studies it was noted that "the perception of motion as represented in the rotating trapezoidal window is governed, under optimal conditions, by nativistic determinants or by the unconscious utilization of residual (but not immediately relevant) experience, or both… . At the same time, object connotation (meaning) based on closely relevant cultural experience helps to determine the nature of the perceived movement under marginal conditions." 24 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The illusion of truth is traditionally described as the increase in perceived validity of statements when they are repeated (Hasher, Goldstein, & Toppino, 1977). However, subsequent work has demonstrated that the effect can arise due to the increased familiarity or fluency afforded by repetition and not necessarily to repetition per se. We examine the case of information retrieved from memory. Recently experienced information is expected to be subsequently reexperienced as more fluent and familiar than novel information (Jacoby, 1983; Jacoby & Dallas, 1981). Therefore, the possibility exists that information retrieved from memory, because it is subjectively reexperienced at retrieval, would be more fluent or familiar than when it was first learned and would thus lead to an increase in perceived validity. Using a method to indirectly poll the perceived truth of factual statements, our experiment demonstrated that information retrieved from memory does indeed give rise to an illusion of truth. The effect was larger than when statements were explicitly repeated twice and was of comparable size to when statements were repeated 4 times. We conclude that memory retrieval is a powerful method for increasing the perceived validity of statements (and subsequent illusion of truth) and that the illusion of truth is a robust effect that can be observed even without directly polling the factual statements in question. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The perceived distance between touches on a single skin surface is larger on regions of high tactile sensitivity than those with lower acuity, an effect known as Weber's illusion. This illusion suggests that tactile size perception involves a representation of the perceived size of body parts preserving characteristics of the somatosensory homunculus. Here, we investigated how body shape is coded within this representation by comparing tactile distances presented in different orientations on the hand. Participants judged which of two tactile distances on the dorsum of their left hand felt larger. One distance was aligned with the proximodistal axis (along the hand), the other with the mediolateral axis (across the hand). Across distances were consistently perceived as larger than along ones. A second experiment showed that this effect is specific to the hairy skin of the hand dorsum and does not occur on glabrous skin of the palm. A third experiment demonstrated that this bias reflects orientation on the hand surface, rather than an eye- or torso-centered reference frame. These results mirror known orientational anisotropies of both tactile acuity and of tactile receptive fields (RFs) of cortical neurons. We suggest that the dorsum of the hand is implicitly represented as wider than it actually is and that the shape of tactile RFs may partly explain distortions of mental body representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors describe a new visual illusion first discovered in a natural setting. A cyclist riding beside a pair of sagging chains that connect fence posts appears to move up and down with the chains. In this illusion, a static shape (the chains) affects the perception of a moving shape (the bicycle), and this influence involves assimilation (averaging) rather than opposition (differentiation). These features distinguish the illusion from illusions of motion capture and induced motion. The authors take this bicycle illusion into the laboratory and report 4 findings: Na?ve viewers experience the illusion when discriminating horizontal from sinusoidal motion of a disc in the context of stationary curved lines; the illusion shifts from motion assimilation to motion opposition as the visual size of the display is increased; the assimilation and opposition illusions are dissociated by variations in luminance contrast of the stationary lines and the moving disc; and the illusion does not occur when simply comparing two stationary objects at different locations along the curved lines. The bicycle illusion provides a unique opportunity for studying the interactions between shape and motion perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the filled duration illusion in children in comparison to adults, using a temporal bisection task with two ranges of anchor durations (1 vs. 4s and 2 vs. 8s). The results revealed a marked filled duration effect when filled and empty durations were presented in the same session (within-subjects condition), with the filled durations being judged to be longer than the empty durations in all age groups. However, the magnitude of this effect appeared to be larger in the children than in the adults. Furthermore, the filled duration effect decreased with the longest duration stimuli, and apparent reversals of this effect were observed with the empty durations being judged longer. In the between-subjects experiment, the filled duration effect disappeared in all age groups. However, in the children, the variability in the temporal judgment appeared to be greater for the empty than for the filled durations, thus indicating a lower sensitivity to empty durations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

56 high-grade institutionalized adolescent retardates and 56 normals of equated CA were, after training, split into 4 groups: Groups I and II observed a rotating trapezoidal window monocularly and binocularly, respectively; Groups III and IV observed a rotating trapezoidal shape, which had no windows cut out or shadows painted on it, monocularly and binocularly, respectively. Analysis of variance shows that visual conditions and stimuli are significant, but groups are not. The finding that retardates do not differ from normals on a reduced-cue ("experiential") illusion, contrasts with previous findings that they differ on full-cue ("physiological") illusions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A review of recent experiments showing that where the perception of voluminous fog does not occur consistently under conditions attempting homogeneity of visual stimulation, there are sources of inhomogeneity which can produce the impression of a surface. As homogeneity is approached, the volume experience becomes more reliable. A view of this phenomenon, other than Gibson's—which does not deal with it on the grounds of poor reliability—or Koffka's—which attributes it to the fundamental nature of the perceptual system, is presented. It is based on kinesthetic stimulation as a likely source of visual space anisotropy with respect to perceived distance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the play, M. Butterfly (Hwang, 1989), the experience of being duped by a man masquerading as a woman is shared by protagonist and audience alike. In a parallel process, both simultaneously know and do not know the realities of the impostor's gender. Cross-dressing, as a variety of imposture, is explained by expanding on Freud's (1927) contribution of the "fantasy of the phallic woman." A full psychoanalytic understanding of perverse and fetishistic resolutions of early developmental conflicts about the nature of gender requires a consideration of the fear of the vagina along with the wish for a woman with a phallus. This approach to a study of imposture suggests that fantasies shared in common by all people help to account for the success of even gross impostures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many kinds of common and easily observed causal relations exhibit property transmission, which is a tendency for the causal object to impose its own properties on the effect object. It is proposed that property transmission becomes a general and readily available hypothesis used to make interpretations and judgments about causal questions under conditions of uncertainty, in which property transmission functions as a heuristic. The property transmission hypothesis explains why and when similarity information is used in causal inference. It can account for magical contagion beliefs, some cases of illusory correlation, the correspondence bias, overestimation of cross-situational consistency in behavior, nonregressive tendencies in prediction, the belief that acts of will are causes of behavior, and a range of other phenomena. People learn that property transmission is often moderated by other factors, but under conditions of uncertainty in which the operation of relevant other factors is unknown, it tends to exhibit a pervasive influence on thinking about causality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of an orientation illusion on perception and 2 different actions were investigated. An 8-cm?×?2-cm cylindrical bar was placed in front of participants at various orientations. A background grating was used to induce an orientation illusion. In a perception task, the illusion affected participants' ability to align the bar with their sagittal planes. In one reaching task, a similar effect of the illusion was found on the choice between 2 possible grasping postures. In a second reaching task involving a single grasping posture, the orientation illusion affected the orientation of the hand at the beginning of the reach but not near its end. The authors argue that reaching trajectories are planned and initiated through a context-dependent representation but are corrected on-line through a context-independent representation. The relation of this model to a more general dichotomy between perception and action is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychotherapy is a culturally encapsulated healing practice that is created from and dedicated to specific cultural contexts (Frank & Frank, 1993; Wampold, 2007; Wrenn, 1962). Consequently, conventional psychotherapy is a practice most suitable for dominant cultural groups within North America and Western Europe but may be culturally incongruent with the values and worldviews of ethnic and racial minority groups (e.g., D. W. Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis, 1992). Culturally adapted psychotherapy has been reported in a previous meta-analysis as more effective for ethnic and racial minorities than a set of heterogeneous control conditions (Griner & Smith, 2006), but the relative efficacy of culturally adapted psychotherapy versus unadapted, bona fide psychotherapy remains unestablished. Furthermore, one particular form of adaptation involving the explanation of illness—known in an anthropological context as the illness myth of universal healing practices (Frank & Frank, 1993)—may be responsible for the differences in outcomes between adapted and unadapted treatments for ethnic and racial minority clients. The present multilevel-model, direct-comparison meta-analysis of published and unpublished studies confirms that culturally adapted psychotherapy is more effective than unadapted, bona fide psychotherapy by d = 0.32 for primary measures of psychological functioning. Adaptation of the illness myth was the sole moderator of superior outcomes via culturally adapted psychotherapy (d = 0.21). Implications of myth adaptation in culturally adapted psychotherapy for future research, training, and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

转炉炼钢是一个高温冶金过程,传统的方法难以计算炼钢过程中氧枪冲击钢水的深度。关于氧枪枪位和冲击深度的关系式有些是出于理论计算,有些是经验的。利用Fluent软件对不同枪位的氧枪冲击深度进行模拟,发现模拟结果与现有理论公式相差较大,然后利用origin数学工具软件拟合出较合理的枪位和冲击深度的关系式。  相似文献   

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