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以往关于油气运移路径的认识,多是基于微观尺度上的物理模拟实验,或是利用计算机模拟进行的,而对油气运聚单元尺度的油气运移路径的确定研究还相对较少.以东濮凹陷濮卫地区为例,从砂体和断层要素研究出发,分析油气的优势运移通道,结合生烃灶和油气的分布,对优势运移通道的有效性进行评价,进一步结合含氮化合物指标,识别实际发生油气运移的路径.研究表明,构造脊分析与地球化学指标追踪相结合可以较准确地识别油气运移路径,砂体顶面构造脊和断层断面脊是油气运移的优势通道,其能否成为运移路径,以及作为运移路径运载量的多少则取决于生烃灶总烃量.濮卫地区油气沿断面脊纵向运移为主,洼陷内部和濮城构造东翼斜坡带沿砂体顶面构造脊的横向运移次之,含氮化合物指标分析表明该区大多数构造脊均为实际的油气运移路径.  相似文献   

This paper presents a decision support system for multipurpose reservoir operation. The mathematical models in the system are formulated for monthly operation of hydropower reservoirs. The key components of the system are four main modules: database management, inflow modeling and forecasting, operation management, and real-time operation. Flexibility is the key feature of the system, providing the users with different decision tools and different indices for measuring the performance of each tool. A cost function is developed based on the present value of the total capital cost and the cost of operation and maintenance of the system. This cost function, which is developed based on “reasonable” estimates of water and energy prices, is used to measure the performance of reservoir operation policies. A utility function based on multicriterion decision making (MCDM) that uses an analytical hierarchy process is also developed. The MCDM utility function enables decision makers to incorporate the priority of different objectives in developing optimal operating policies and can be effectively used when the priority of objectives is not clear and the decision-making process relies mainly on the decision maker’s preferences. Both economic and MCDM utility functions are implemented and coupled with deterministic and stochastic optimization models. The decision support system (DSS) is applied to the largest surface water resources system in Iran, namely, the Dez and Karoon river-reservoir system. The results of the case study have shown that the DSS has been able to significantly increase the long-term power generation of the system while satisfying water demands for different purposes.  相似文献   

Drought Mitigation through Long-Term Operation of Reservoirs: Case Study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dealing with climate variability in a river basin presents many challenges in managing a water resources system. Occurrence of severe and persistent droughts deplete reservoirs storage to critical levels, which may lead to future water supply disaster. This paper illustrates certain benefits of using long-lead streamflow forecasts as well as restriction rules for reservoir operation to help manage the water resources system in the Zayandeh-rud River Basin in Iran. An approach is developed for activating restrictions on allocating water to agricultural demands during a drought and predicting low flow regimes using long-lead forecasts. The long-lead forecasts could utilize valuable hydroclimatic information such as the El-Nino southern Oscillation and northern Atlantic Oscillation to predict seasonal streamflow values. Hedging rules for optimal water supply releases is developed based on the benefit functions of release and carryover storage at each agricultural season. Hedging rules are triggered by different levels of drought indices determined by the predicted water availability at the beginning of each agricultural season. The method is used on an historical data set of hydroclimatic variables of the system to simulate the real time operation of the Zayandeh-rud Reservoir. The utility of the method is demonstrated for operating the Zayandeh-rud Reservoir from the drought mitigation point of view. Furthermore, the proposed model is compared to a stochastic dynamic programming model by investigating different indices such as drought duration, drought severity, drought loss, and reliability of agricultural water demands allocation. The results indicate that the use of the proposed approach can significantly reduce the vulnerability of the system during hydrological droughts and increases the long-term benefits of agricultural water demand allocation.  相似文献   

为了揭示歧口凹陷古近系岩性地层油气藏分布规律并指导钻探,应用层序地层学理论,结合三维地震、测井和岩心资料对岐口凹陷滨海地区古近系开展了层序地层分析.古近系作为一个超层序组发育3个超层序、11个三级层序.根据同沉积构造坡折类型,可以把层序划分为挠曲坡折型层序和断坡型层序2种层序类型.其中:断坡型层序主要发育在超层序1,挠曲坡折型层序主要发育在超层序2和超层序3.在滨海斜坡区,超层序2和超层序3由挠、由坡折控制的层序低位体系域和高位体系域砂体与湖扩展体系域优质烃源岩配置良好、埋深适中、成藏条件优越,是地层岩性油气藏发育有利区.提出了模型正演和有效数计算相结合的地震属性优选方法及地震属性控制下的储层预测技术,并利用该项技术在有利区内预测了6个有利目标.  相似文献   

四川盆地东部上石炭统黄龙组是天然气藏的主力产层.在岩心观察、野外剖面实测和室内薄片鉴定分析的基础上,结合钻井、测井、物性分析和X-衍射分析资料,对川东黄龙组碳酸盐岩储层沉积-成岩系统进行了深入研究.认为川东黄龙组主要发育萨勃哈、有障壁海岸和陆棚3个相带以及特殊的古喀斯特相,储集岩类型以白云质岩溶角砾岩及颗粒白云岩为主,有效的储集宅间类型主要为晶间孔、晶间溶孔,最重要的储层类型为孔洞缝型,最有利储层发育部位为岩溶上斜坡中的坡地和残丘微地貌单元.综合分析认为,沉积-成岩系统与储层在时空上具有良好的耦合关系,粒屑滩沉积微相控制了黄龙组储层的区域分布,早-中成岩阶段压实卤水成岩系统、古表生期大气水成岩系统以及埋藏成岩阶段的温压水成岩系统对优质储层发育贡献最大.  相似文献   

以东北半干旱地区典型流域--洮儿河流域为研究对象,应用SWAT模型对流域水文过程进行了模拟研究;选择流域上游子流域和中下游子流域分别进行参数敏感性分析,识别出影响模拟结果的敏感参数,研究发现部分参数敏感性存在空间变异性,分析主要原因在于气候和下垫面的空间异质性导致了流域上下游产流模式存在差异.采用1988-1997年水文气象数据进行模型率定和验证,结果表明:干流水文站月流量过程率定期Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数平均值为0.78,验证期为0.72,相关系数都达到0.86以上,水量误差大多在20%以内,对日过程的模拟也有较高的精度;枯水年模拟结果较差,主要是因为流域降水站数量不够,难以反映降水的时空分布.对于水文、气象等资料相对缺乏的东北半干旱地区,SWAT模型的模拟结果总体令人满意,可以应用于与流域径流相关的各种模拟分析,研究成果对进一步加强洮儿河流城水资源综合管理提供了依据和手段.  相似文献   

Slit-check dams are widely employed in mountain river control. However an analysis of their performance in the field is still lacking. In the present work a field verification to evaluate the interaction between solid discharge regime and four slit-check dams built in two subcatchments of the Versilia River in Tuscany, Italy is presented. The analysis is based on a relatively detailed field knowledge consisting of hydrological, topographical, and sedimentological data, together with a recent model proposed by Armanini and Larcher. Slit-check dam efficiency is analyzed in terms of deposit formation during major floods and its influence on long-term sediment transport regime. Results suggest that the design efficiency is affected by the high sediment trapping capacity associated with the relatively minor floods. A comparison between the deposit geometry predicted by the theory and the field measurements gathered during a systematic monitoring activity shows good agreement.  相似文献   

新疆库米什地区植被覆盖率低、基岩裸露度高,为遥感地质找矿提供了良好条件。为了提高该地区的找矿效率、实现找矿突破,系统收集了库米什地区的矿产、地质及遥感资料,并采用"掩膜+Crosta主成分分析+阈值分割"方法从ETM+遥感数据中提取了蚀变异常信息。在矿产、地质和遥感多源信息的基础上,总结出矿(化)点、岩体内外接触带、蚀变带、断层、羟基蚀变异常信息和铁染蚀变异常信息6个控矿因子,采用基于知识驱动的层次分析法建立了成矿预测模型,利用数学方法和GIS平台完成了综合成矿预测。最后,以部分未加入模型的矿点与野外实地考察结果,验证了成矿预测效果。结果表明:运用层次分析法在新疆库米什地区初步进行多源信息综合成矿预测,其结果具有一定的准确性,能够为该区进一步地质找矿工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Because of the competitive nature of the engineering profession, combined with the approaching retirement age of many owners, transition of ownership for small-to-medium-sized consulting firms is an important issue within the civil engineering community. This fictional case study presents background information along with a typical income-and-balance sheet for a small consulting firm that its owner wishes to sell. Ownership transition options, to include employee ownership (transfer to several key employees), employee stock option plans, and purchase by another company, are explored by three reviewers experienced in the field of ownership transition. These reviewers present their analysis of how much the company is worth and how to maximize profits from the selling of the company. They also provide insight into how to prepare for the sale of a company.  相似文献   

This hypothetical case study provides a vehicle for illustrating typical project cash flows and the day-to-day events that can influence these flows. The case study also shows the interaction between project cash flows and a firm's overall financial condition. As the title implies, it is a simplified caricature of what actually happens in more complex and realistic setting, where a project manager has to worry about a multitude of problems, including the concerns of project scope schedule, and budget, plus the technical challenges of getting the job done. Isolating the management of the cash flow from the rest of these concerns allows an examination of what a project manager might need to contend with respect to cast and financial management of a project. Three industry experts-Robert J. Berg, Francis D. Leathers (Member ASCE), and Mark C. Zweig-provide analysis of the case study.  相似文献   

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