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This paper investigates a local observer-based leader-following consensus control of one-sided Lipschitz (OSL) multi-agent systems (MASs) under input saturation. The proposed consensus control scheme has been formulated by using the OSL property, input saturation, directed graphs, estimated states, and quadratic inner-boundedness condition by attaining the regional stability. It is assumed that the graph always includes a (directed) spanning tree with respect to the leader root to develop matrix inequalities for investigating parameters of the proposed observer and consensus protocols. Further, a new observer-based consensus tracking method for MASs with saturation, concerning independent topologies for communicating outputs and estimates over the network, is explored to deal with a more perplexing and realistic situation. In contrast to the traditional methods, the proposed consensus approach considers output feedback and deals with the input saturation for a generalized class of nonlinear systems. The efficiency of the obtained results is illustrated via application to a group of five moving agents in the Cartesian coordinates.  相似文献   

Group consensus of multi-agent systems with directed information exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We discuss a new consensus problem – a group consensus problem – in networks of dynamic agents. For a complex network consisting of several sub-networks owing to physical quantities or task distributions, it is concerned with this case that the agents in a sub-network share a consistent value while there is no agreement between any two sub-networks. When the information exchange is directed, a novel consensus protocol is designed to solve the group consensus problem. The convergence analysis is discussed and several criteria are established based on graph theories and matrix theories. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The edge event-triggered consensus control for multi-agent systems with single- or double-integrator dynamics under directed communication topologies is investigated in this paper. With the edge event-triggered sampling strategies, a class of novel consensus protocols is proposed to reduce control update frequency. The main features of the proposed edge event-triggered control include three aspects: (i) measurement errors are defined based on directed information flow and thus they allow that the communication topology is directed, (ii) each individual controller updates its output only when the associated edge event occurs and the control actions are independent of other agents, and (iii) the proposed edge event-triggered control does not exhibit Zeno behaviour and it is shown that the inter-event intervals are lower bounded by a positive constant. In the consensus analysis, matrix transformation techniques are used to convert the high-dimensional system into a low-dimensional system, and some sufficient consensus conditions are derived for the multi-agent systems with single- or double-integrator dynamics. Finally, the effectiveness of the edge event-triggered sampling strategies is illustrated by simulations.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the leader-following scaled consensus problem of second-order multi-agent systems under directed topologies. Three novel leader-following scaled consensus protocols are designed. First, a novel scaled consensus protocol is proposed. It can guarantee the velocity of each agent in one sub-group exactly follow that of a leader, and the follower agents achieve scaled consensus. Second, another proposed protocol enables the agents' positions and velocities of one sub-group accurately track those of a leader, and the follower agents achieve scaled consensus. Third, consider the case where the leader's states available to one or multiple followers and the leader travels with a varying velocity, a novel scaled consensus tracking protocol is proposed. Sufficient and necessary conditions are obtained to guarantee scaled consensus tracking for the three cases,respectively. Finally, simulation examples are made to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

针对一类受到未知干扰的非线性多智能体系统,提出了一种鲁棒一致性控制与故障检测算法.首先,针对每个智能体系统设计了一个未知输入非线性观测器.然后,基于观测器的状态估计信息,设计了鲁棒一致性控制协议.控制协议保证了给定的干扰抑制性能指标.接着,考虑智能体出现故障的情形,采用自适应阈值法,提出了一种分布式故障检测算法.最后,以多个直流电机驱动的单摆系统为例进行了仿真实验,仿真结果表明了一致性控制与故障检测算法的有效性.  相似文献   

This article studies the bipartite resilient event-triggered consensus control for a class of the heterogeneous multi-agent systems. Due to the external cyberattacks, some agents may become the Byzantine agents and will affect the behavior of the other agents. To improve the security of the multi-agent systems against the Byzantine agents, a novel bipartite event-triggered heterogeneous mean-subsequence-reduced algorithm is designed. First, to handle the heterogeneous multi-agent systems, a state transformation is carefully designed, to facilitate the design and analysis of the bipartite resilient consensus algorithm. Based upon the designed state transformation, the bipartite resilient control inputs are constructed, where the structural balance analysis shows that the resulting effective signed graph and the equivalent signed graph are both structurally balanced, if the signed graph of the multi-agent systems is structurally balanced. In addition, a dynamic event-triggered mechanism is proposed, where a set of dynamic factors are introduced into the event-triggered functions to prevent the usage of the global topology information. By virtue of the designed algorithm, it is guaranteed that the heterogeneous multi-agent systems can achieve the bipartite consensus in the presence of the Byzantine agents, and the communication burden among the agents can be reduced. The numerical simulations are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the group consensus problem of heterogeneous multi-agent systems. Based on the feature of heterogeneous agents, a novel protocol is proposed for heterogeneous multi-agent systems. First, the state transformation method is used and an equivalent system is obtained. Then, the group consensus problem is analysed and some sufficient and/or necessary conditions are given for heterogenous multi-agent systems under undirected and directed networks, respectively. Finally, simulation examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the consensus problem for linear multi-agent systems from the viewpoint of two-dimensional systems when the state information of each agent is not available. Observer-based fully distributed adaptive iterative learning protocol is designed in this paper. A local observer is designed for each agent and it is shown that without using any global information about the communication graph, all agents achieve consensus perfectly for all undirected connected communication graph when the number of iterations tends to infinity. The Lyapunov-like energy function is employed to facilitate the learning protocol design and property analysis. Finally, simulation example is given to illustrate the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

本文研究了带有观测器的广义多智能体系统的二分一致性问题.根据符号图的特性,提出了一种基于广义观测器的分布式二分一致性控制协议.以广义系统稳定性理论和代数图论为主要研究工具,分析并得到了广义多智能体系统实现二分一致性的充分条件.利用广义观测器的相对和绝对信息设计了两种新的二分一致性控制协议.数值仿真验证了理论结果的准确性和有效性.  相似文献   

通信时延下多智能体系统的安全一致性控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了离散时间多智能体系统存在通信时延条件下的安全一致性问题.本文的目标是设计一种一致性控制算法能够使得网络中各正常智能体抵御敌对智能体的攻击并实现最终状态一致.该算法仅利用个体的自身状态和相邻个体的时延信息作为控制输入,并根据控制器参数、拓扑属性和通信时延,获得了所提算法实现收敛的充要条件.最后,通过仿真实例对理论结果进行了验证.  相似文献   

Consensus strategies find extensive applications in coordination of robot groups and decision-making of agents. Since balanced graph plays an important role in the average consensus problem and many other coordination problems for directed communication networks, this work explores the conditions and algorithms for the digraph balancing problem. Based on the analysis of graph cycles, we prove that a digraph can be balanced if and only if the null space of its incidence matrix contains positive vectors. Then, based on this result and the corresponding analysis, two weight balance algorithms have been proposed, and the conditions for obtaining a unique balanced solution and a set of analytical results on weight balance problems have been introduced. Then, we point out the relationship between the weight balance problem and the features of the corresponding underlying Markov chain. Finally, two numerical examples are presented to verify the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the robust consensus control problem of heterogeneous unknown nonlinear fractional-order multi-agent systems (FOMASs) without leader and with multiple leaders of bounded inputs. More specifically, FOMASs with nonidentical unknown coupling nonlinearities and external disturbances are considered in this paper, which takes the first-order MASs as its special case. Based on the σ-modification adaptive control technique, some class of discontinuous robust adaptive control protocols are proposed to solve the leaderless consensus problem and containment consensus problem, respectively. By means of the set-valued maps theory and by artfully choosing Lyapunov function, it is shown that the proposed consensus protocols are user friendly in that they are capable of compensating uncertain coupling nonlinearities, rejecting disturbances, rendering smaller control gains and thus requiring smaller amplitude on the control input while preserving global consensus convergence. All of the proposed robust adaptive consensus protocols are independent of any global and unknown information and thus are fully distributed. Some numerical simulations are provided to validate the correctness of the obtained results.  相似文献   

针对未知动力学模型非线性离散时间多智能体系统,在信息传递过程中的数据量化问题,以及智能体之间的合作与竞争关系,提出了一种数据驱动控制算法,实现了多智能体系统的双向一致性跟踪控制.首先,利用紧凑形动态线性化(CFDL)方法,将未知动力学模型的非线性智能体转化为含有时变参数的数据模型,并通过设计性能指标函数获得时变参数的估...  相似文献   

This study presents a distributed observer-based consensus control for general linear multi-agent systems under measurement noises and external disturbances. By using the state linear transformation with the matrix constructed from the incidence matrix of a virtual chained directed spanning tree, we transform the observer-based consensus problem into an asymptotic stability problem of a corresponding augmented linear system. The augmented linear system consists of the reduced-order system deduced from dynamic equations of the agents and state estimation error system. Based on asymptotic stability of the augmented linear system, we present some sufficient conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities for the existence of the distributed observer-based consensus controller. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

In this paper, observer-based distributed consensus for general nonlinear multi-agent systems with interval control inputs under strongly connected balanced topology is encountered when the relative states of agents are unavailable or undesirable. Theoretical analysis method is further extended to the case of general nonlinear multi-agent systems under switching setting. Moreover, tracking problem on the leader–follower scenario is also explicitly investigated under a mutual assumption that the communication graph, which represents the interaction among agents, contains a directed spanning tree with the leader as its root. It is shown that the consensus for underlying considered multi-agent systems can be desirable as long as the data missing rate does not exceed a certain threshold. Finally, simulation examples are presented to effectively corroborate the analytical findings.  相似文献   

本文针对一阶非线性多自主体系统,考察了切换拓扑下的事件触发一致性控制问题.当切换拓扑子图的并图包含有向生成树时,基于一阶保持器提出了一种分布式事件触发一致性算法,用以降低网络的通信负载.运用迭代法和不等式法,得到了多自主体系统达到有界一致性的充分条件.此外,证明了所提事件触发机制不存在Zeno现象,并得到了触发间隔的正下界.最后,给出仿真实例,验证了所提事件触发一致性算法和理论分析结果的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, the leader-following consensus problem of fractional-order multi-agent systems is considered via adaptive pinning control. The dynamics of leader and all followers with linear and nonlinear functions are investigated, respectively. We assume that the node should be pinned if its in-degree is less than its out-degree in the paper. Under this assumption and based on the stability theory of fractional-order differential systems, some leader-following consensus criteria are derived, which are easily obtained by matrix inequalities. The control of each agent using local information is designed and detailed analysis of the leader-following consensus is presented. The design technique is based on algebraic graph theory and the Riccati inequality. Several simulation examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

本文研究了一类多智能体系统在牵制控制下的群一致性问题,提出了融合群内信息交互、群间信息交互和牵制控制器的一致性协议.对固定拓扑下的二群组智能体系统和切换拓扑下的多群组智能体系统,利用稳定性理论和图论分别给出了适用于任意拓扑结构的充要条件,使得智能体系统在所提协议和牵制控制器的联合作用下实现预期的群一致.针对拓扑图中含有生成树这一特例,分析了被施加牵制控制的智能体在结构中的具体位置.此外,对切换拓扑下进行非线性交互的多群组智能体系统,利用Lyapunov方法推导出一充分条件,得出只要对多智能体系统的一部分主体进行牵制控制,则所有智能体即可在所提协议和牵制控制器的作用下渐近收敛于各自的期望一致平衡点.最后,仿真例子验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Event-triggered sampling control is motivated by the applications of embedded microprocessors equipped in the agents with limited computation and storage resources. This paper studied global consensus in multi-agent systems with inherent nonlinear dynamics on general directed networks using decentralised event-triggered strategy. For each agent, the controller updates are event-based and only triggered at its own event times by only utilising the locally current sampling data. A high-performance sampling event that only needs local neighbours’ states at their own discrete time instants is presented. Furthermore, we introduce two kinds of general algebraic connectivity for strongly connected networks and strongly connected components of the directed network containing a spanning tree so as to describe the system's ability for reaching consensus. A detailed theoretical analysis on consensus is performed and two criteria are derived by virtue of algebraic graph theory, matrix theory and Lyapunov control approach. It is shown that the Zeno behaviour of triggering time sequence is excluded during the system's whole working process. A numerical simulation is given to show the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

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