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In this paper two dynamic configuration schemes are discussed for megabit BiCMOS static random access memories (SRAMs). Dynamic reconfiguration schemes allows failure detection at the chip level and automatic reconfiguration to fault free memory cells within the chip. The first scheme is a standby system approach where the I/O lines of the memory can be dynamically switched to spare bit slices in the SRAM. This scheme is implemented through a switching network at the memory interface. Every memory access is controlled by a fault status table (FST) which memorizes the fault conditions of each memory block. This FST is implemented outside the memory system. A second dynamic reconfiguration scheme for BiCMOS SRAMs is addressed through a graceful degradation approach. Basic design considerations and performance evaluation of megabit BiCMOS SRAMs using dynamic reconfiguration schemes are presented. The basic properties of the proposed schemes and a prototype VLSI chip implementation details are discussed. BiCMOS SRAM access time improvement of about 35%, chip area of 25%, and chip yield of 10% are achieved, respectively, as compared to conventional methods. A comparison of reliability improvement of 1 Mb BiCMOS SRAMs using dynamic configuration schemes is presented. These two dynamic reconfiguration schemes have considerable importance in reliability improvement when compared to conventional methods. The major advantage is that the size of reconfiguration of the system can be considerably reduced.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors evaluate the timing and power performance of three skew-tolerant clocking schemes. These schemes are the well known master–slave clocking scheme (MS) and two schemes developed by the authors: Parallel alternating latches clocking scheme (PALACS) and four-phase parallel alternating latches clocking scheme (four-phase PALACS). In order to evaluate the timing performance, the authors introduce algorithms to obtain the clock waveforms required by a synchronous sequential circuit. Separated algorithms were developed for every clocking scheme. From these waveforms it is possible to get parameters such as the non-overlapping time and the clock period. They have been implemented in a tool and have been used to compare the timing performance of the clocking schemes applied to a simple circuit. To analyse the power consumption the authors have electrically simulated a simple circuit for several operation frequencies. The most remarkable conclusion is that it is possible to save about 50% of the power consumption of the clock distribution network by using PALACS.  相似文献   

A survey of clustering schemes for mobile ad hoc networks   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

Congestion control for IP multicast on the Internet has been one of the main issues that challenge a rapid deployment of IP multicast. In this article, we survey and discuss the most important congestion control schemes for multicast video applications on the Internet. We start with a discussion of the different elements of a multicast congestion control architecture. A congestion control scheme for multicast video possesses specific requirements for these elements. These requirements are discussed, along with the evaluation criteria for the performance of multicast video. We categorize the schemes we present into end-to-end schemes and router-supported schemes. We start with the end-to-end category and discuss several examples of both single-rate multicast applications and layered multicast applications. For the router-supported category, we first present single-rate schemes that utilize filtering of multicast packets by the routers. Next we discuss receiver-based layered schemes that rely on routers group?flow control of multicast sessions. We evaluate a number of schemes that belong to each of the two categories.  相似文献   

The detection of radar targets in a background, the statistical parameters of which are unknown and may not be stationary, can be effectively achieved through CFAR processors. The CA-CFAR scheme performs optimally for homogeneous and exponentially distributed clutter observations. However, it exhibits severe performance degradation in the presence of outlying target returns in the reference set or in regions of abrupt change in the background clutter power. The OS-CFAR processor has been proposed to solve both of these problems. Although this processor may treat target multiplicity quite well, it lacks effectiveness in preventing excessive false alarms during clutter power transitions. The TM-CFAR algorithm, which implements trimmed averaging after ordering, can be considered as a modified version of OS technique. By knowingly trimming the ordered samples, the TM detector may actually perform better than the OS processor. To simultaneously exploit the merits of CA, OS, and TM schemes, two combinations namely CAOS and CATM have been suggested. Each one of these versions optimizes good features of two CFAR detectors, depending on the characteristics of clutter and searched targets, with the goal of enhancing the detection performance under constant level of false alarm. It is realized by parallel operation of two standard types of CFARschemes. Our goal in this paper is to analyze these two developed versions in heterogeneous situations, to show to what extent they can improve the behavior of the conventional CFAR processors.  相似文献   

SoftCast-based linear video delivery (LVD) schemes have been proposed as an alternative to traditional video transmission schemes in wireless error-prone environments. The end-to-end performance of SoftCast-based schemes have been evaluated in Xiong et al. (2016), where a theoretical model based on the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) metric has been proposed. The latter is limited to the use of a Zero-Forcing (ZF) estimator at the receiver side, and does not consider bandwidth restrictions. Nevertheless, bandwidth restrictions are common and necessary in practice, especially when considering the transmission of video content. It is mandatory to take this aspect into consideration as it may drastically influence the received video quality. In this paper, we provide valid and significant extensions of the initial model. In total, three models are introduced taking into account both (1) bandwidth constraints (i.e., data compression applied), (2) the use of a Linear Least Square Error (LLSE) estimator instead of the ZF one as well as (3) the use of the optimal power allocation. We show that regardless of the bandwidth reduction applied, the type of estimator as well as the power allocation used, the end-to-end video quality can be accurately modeled and predicted at the transmitter according to the video content characteristics, the type of estimator used at the receiver and the channel conditions. The validity of these three models is assessed through extensive end-to-end simulations. These new models give solid theoretical guidelines for optimizing and studying the performance of linear video delivery schemes.  相似文献   

Efficient resource management is mandatory to achieve maximum system capacity for next generation communications systems. Resource management deals with the available spectral band, time, power, and space for a transmission signal. It includes (i) the frequency planning, (ii) the selection of transmit power, and (iii) the assignment of the channels and access nodes to the users. The paper presents a generalized notation as well as graph algorithms for resource management problems. Impairment graphs can be used for frequency planning, whereas flow graphs are suitable for channel access problems. To evaluate the performance of the resource management, service criteria (such as blocking or the carrier to interference ratio C/I) or efficiency criteria (bandwidth requirements) can be derived from the graphs. The resource management techniques are applied to satellite networks with non‐geostationary orbits yielding time‐variant network topologies. As a simple example, the channel assignment and capacity optimization of the EuroSky Way system are shown. Furthermore, a comparison of fixed, dynamic and hybrid channel allocation schemes (FCA, DCA, HCA) for a typical MEO satellite scenario is given. Satellite diversity and its impact on bandwidth requirement and transmission quality is also examined. Finally, it is shown how spread spectrum systems can be investigated with the presented tools. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors propose an efficient scheme for key management, incorporating smart card technology and the master key concept, for both users and providers in multiservice environments over a large-scale network. This scheme has the following features. Every service can handle its own authentication and administration. Every user has a smart card with a single master key. The service keys can be regenerated within the card in a very secure manner. Users can also update their master keys by themselves without third-party intervention. As there is no need for storing any user password in the service center (except, perhaps, for a user PIN number), security is greatly enhanced  相似文献   

公钥证书撤消机制综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李新  张振涛  杨义先 《通信学报》2003,24(9):109-116
如何撤消证书一直是公钥基础设施(PKI)研究和应用中的一个难点问题。本文对目前应用和研究中的证书撤消机制进行了综述,详细描述了各种机制的工作原理,并对各种机制的优缺点进行了详细剖析。1  相似文献   

In the last decade, the rising trend in the popularity of smartphones motivated software developers to increase application functionality. However, increasing application functionality demands extra power budget that as a result, decreases smartphone battery lifetime. Optimizing energy critical sections of an application creates an opportunity to increase battery lifetime. Smartphone application energy estimation helps investigate energy consumption behavior of an application at diversified granularity (eg, coarse and fine granular) for optimal battery resource use. This study explores energy estimation and modeling schemes to highlight their advantages and shortcomings. It classifies existing smartphone application energy estimation and modeling schemes into 2 categories, ie, code analysis and mobile components power model–based estimation owing to their architectural designs. Moreover, it further classifies code analysis–based modeling and estimation schemes in simulation‐based and profiling‐based categories. It compares existing energy estimation and modeling schemes based on a set of parameters common in most literature to highlight the commonalities and differences among reported literature. Existing application energy estimation schemes are low‐accurate, resource expensive, or non‐scalable, as they consider marginally accurate smart battery's voltage/current sensors, low‐rate power capturing tools, and labor‐driven lab‐setting environment to propose power models for smartphone application energy estimation. Besides, the energy estimation overhead of the components power model–based estimation schemes is very high as they physically run the application on a smartphone for energy profiling. To optimize smartphone application energy estimation, we have highlighted several research issues to help researchers of this domain to understand the problem clearly.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the impact of primary user activity, secondary user activity, interface switching, channel fading and finite-length queuing on the performance of decentralized cognitive radio networks. The individual processes of these service-disruptive effects are modeled as Markov chains based on cross-layer information locally available at the network nodes. A queuing analysis is conducted and various performance measures are derived regarding the packet loss, throughput, spectral efficiency, and packet delay distribution. Numerical results demonstrate the impact of various system parameters on the system performance, providing insights for cross-layer design and autonomous decision making in decentralized cognitive radio networks.  相似文献   

A great many control schemes for a robot manipulator interacting with the environment have been developed in the literature. This paper is aimed at presenting a survey of robot interaction control schemes for a manipulator, the end effector of which comes in contact with a compliant surface. A salient feature of the work is the implementation of the schemes on an industrial robot with open control architecture equipped with a wrist force sensor. Two classes of control strategies are considered, namely, those based on static model-based compensation and those based on dynamic model-based compensation. The former provide a good steady-state behavior, while the latter enhance the behavior during the transient. The performance of the various schemes is compared in the light of disturbance rejection, and a thorough analysis is developed by means of a number of case studies  相似文献   

The introduction of IP-based real-time services in next-generation mobile systems requires coupling mobility with quality of service. The mobility of the node can disrupt or even intermittently disconnect an ongoing real-time session. The duration of such an interruption is called disruption time or handover latency, and can heavily affect user satisfaction. Therefore, this delay needs to be minimized to provide good quality of VoIP services. In this article, we focus on network-layer mobility and mobile IP since it is a natural candidate for providing such mobility. We evaluate different low-latency schemes based on mobile IP and compare their performances in terms of disruption time for VoIP services. Low-latency handoffs are performed by anticipating and/or postponing the mobile IP registration process. With these methods, disruption time is reduced to 200 ms in most considered cases.  相似文献   

A basic framework is given for performance comparisons of several frame detection schemes used to identify individual channels within a DS1 digital transmission system in either the superframe (SF) or extended superframe (ESF) format. Key criteria include mean misframe times, out-of-frame detection times, reframe times, tolerance to error bursts and application considerations. Through the use of Markov chain models, analytical solutions for the mean misframe and out-of-frame detection times are derived in terms of the bit error ratio and frame period. Performance comparisons of several frame detection schemes in various error conditions are made  相似文献   

Some institutions do not have centralized computer network operations. In the case of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, some domains have their own group of people in charge of such a task locally and other domains do not. The paper describes the university's network approach, as well as the fault management tools to support such an approach. One of them, the CINEMA Alert System, analyzes the network after polling entities and generates alerts when required. Another, the CINEMA trouble ticket system, helps the decentralized operations staff in cooperating during network failure recovery processes. The main features of the tools and software modules' organization to achieve a cooperative integrated network management environment are presented  相似文献   

Under the memoryless binary symmetric channel assumption, the author evaluates performance estimation schemes for DS1 transmission systems carrying live traffic. Bipolar violations, framing bit errors, and code-detected errors are commonly used to estimate bit error ratios and the respective numbers of errored seconds and severely errored seconds that are fundamental parameters in characterizing the performance of DS1 transmission systems. A basic framework based on the coefficient of variation is proposed to evaluate several estimation schemes. Serious drawbacks of the existing estimation schemes based on the superframe (D4) format are identified. A new method for estimating the number of errored seconds is proposed. A computer simulation shows that this proposed method performs much better than the conventional counting method. The performance of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code of the extended superframe (ESF) format is also evaluated through the use of a computer simulation model. The simulation results show that all the errored seconds are detected by the CRC code. This is a welcome feature of the code for real-time performance monitoring. Furthermore, the results suggest a new threshold of 326 CRC errors per second for determining severely errored seconds  相似文献   

This article provides a detailed discussion of wireless resource and channel allocation schemes. The authors provide a survey of a large number of published papers in the area of fixed, dynamic, and hybrid allocation schemes and compare their trade-offs in terms of complexity and performance. We also investigate these channel allocation schemes based on other factors such as distributed⁄centralized control and adaptability to traffic conditions. Moreover, we provide a detailed discussion on reuse partitioning schemes, the effect of handoffs, and prioritization schemes. Finally, we discuss other important issues in resource allocation such as overlay cells, frequency planning, and power control.  相似文献   

Nakamura  M. Kodama  T. 《Electronics letters》1988,24(22):1369-1370
Automatic-repeat-request schemes which provide high system reliability with simple error-control are widely used in data communication systems. This letter presents a new evaluation method for ARQ schemes, which makes it possible to compare performances for various error-control schemes, such as FEC, ARQ and hybrid ARQ, with each other  相似文献   

Network system designers need to understand the error performance of wireless mobile channels in order to improve the quality of communications by deploying better modulation and coding schemes, and better network architectures. It is also desirable to have an accurate and thoroughly reproducible error model, which would allow network designers to evaluate a protocol or algorithm and its variations in a controlled and repeatable way. However, the physical properties of radio propagation, and the diversities of error environments in a wireless medium, lead to complexity in modeling the error performance of wireless channels. This article surveys the error modeling methods of fading channels in wireless communications, and provides a novel user-requirement (researchers and designers) based approach to classify the existing wireless error models.  相似文献   

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