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《International Dairy Journal》2000,10(5-6):359-367
The rheological properties of high-pressure-treated (50–400 MPa, 1 h) and untreated Gouda cheese were compared. Immediately after pressure release, oscillation measurements gave lower storage and loss moduli from 50 MPa onwards. Simultaneously, tan δ was higher, indicating a relatively less solid-like behaviour of the pressurized samples. Creep measurements showed that samples treated at 400 MPa got less rigid, less solid-like, and more viscoelastic; from 50 MPa onwards, the samples had less resistance to flow at longer times. Texture profile analysis revealed that samples treated at 225 and 400 MPa showed no macroscopical breakage. Relaxation measurements gave a higher level of stress decay at long relaxation times and a higher rate at which the stress relaxes. During further ripening after pressure release, differences between pressure-treated and untreated samples became smaller. At 42 days of ripening, any or only a slight difference could still be observed. Dissolution experiments showed that hydrophobic interactions in Gouda cheese were weakened by pressure treatment. This possibly led to structural changes of the paracasein network causing the rheological property changes. These pressure effects on proteins in Gouda cheese are possibly reversible as hydrophobic interactions and rheological properties were restored during ripening.  相似文献   

荷兰高达干酪工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用L9(34)正交试验确定了生产高达干酪的最佳工艺参数为:发酵剂添加量为0.9%,凝乳酶添加量为25mL/100L,食盐溶液浓度为18°Bx和腌制时间为4h。  相似文献   

高达干酪的生产工艺及控制要点   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
介绍了高达干酪的生产加工工艺以及在生产中的关键控制点。同时对高达干酪的生产工艺在理论上进行了探讨。高达干酪生产主要控制点包括发酵时间、凝乳时间、凝块的软硬程度以及酸度的控制。并且整个工艺过程都要控制好温度和搅拌速度。干酪在后期成熟时的成熟时间、温度、湿度及环境卫生的控制也非常重要。  相似文献   

Summary The effects of ripening temperature, type of packaging film and storage period before packaging were related to the degree of proteolysis and the texture of Gouda cheese, so as to determine the optimum ripening conditions. Gouda cheeses from a local plant were subjected to different ripening conditions. A factorial design of 23× 5 was used, where the three factors selected in two levels were: (1) time of storage before packaging, 4 and 10 days, (2) ripening temperature, 10 and 20 °C and (3) plastic film, BK1 and BK5 (Grace, Quilmes, Argentina). Ripening time was a fourth factor analyzed; sampling times were 15, 25, 35, 49 and 70 days after production. Cheeses traditionally ripened (without packaging) were also analyzed. Water content and pH were determined. Nonprotein nitrogen (soluble in 12% trichloracetic acid (TCA)) was quantified by the Kjeldhal method. Cheese texture was analyzed by compression and relaxation tests which were done by using an Instron Universal Testing Machine (Instron Corp., Canton, MA, USA). The pH and water content of cheeses which ripened at 20 °C were lower than the corresponding ones ripened at 10 °C. Only ripening time and temperature had a significant effect on water content, nonprotein nitrogen concentration and rheological parameters. Results show that texture properties of Gouda cheese ripened in plastic films with low gaseous permeability are similar to those of traditionally ripened Gouda. Texture development was accelerated by increasing the storage temperature.  相似文献   

This study aimed at the interception of flavour deviations of salt-reduced Gouda-type cheeses, salted in sodium-reduced brines (NaCl + KCl brine) compared with a reference brine (NaCl brine), by the addition of adjunct strains of Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus paracasei, next to the common mixed-strain starter culture for Gouda. A multiphasic analysis of carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids, and volatile flavour compounds was performed. After 56 days of ripening, the sensory characteristics of the cheeses were evaluated. Trained taste panel analysis determined some significant differences (P < 0.05) in saltiness, bitterness, texture and preference. The selected chemical fingerprint techniques, combined with multivariate data analysis, could be used to characterise Gouda cheeses that varied in ripening time and to which adjunct cultures were added. The variations were related to proteolysis and metabolic processes during ripening. There were no significant differences in the chemometric results between the reference NaCl-brined cheeses and the NaCl + KCl-brined cheeses.  相似文献   

Natural cheese is the major ingredient utilized to manufacture process cheese. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of natural cheese characteristics on the chemical and functional properties of process cheese. Three replicates of 8 natural (Cheddar) cheeses with 2 levels of calcium and phosphorus, residual lactose, and salt-to-moisture ratio (S/M) were manufactured. After 2 mo of ripening, each of the 8 natural cheeses was converted to 8 process cheese foods that were balanced for their composition, including moisture, fat, salt, and total protein. In addition to the standard compositional analysis (moisture, fat, salt, and total protein), the chemical properties (pH, total Ca, total P, and intact casein) and the functional properties [texture profile analysis (TPA), modified Schreiber melt test, dynamic stress rheometry, and rapid visco analysis] of the process cheese foods were determined. Natural cheese Ca and P, as well as S/M, significantly increased total Ca and P, pH, and intact casein in the process cheese food. Natural cheese Ca and P and S/M also significantly affected the final functional properties of the process cheese food. With the increase in natural cheese Ca and P and S/M, there was a significant increase in the TPA-hardness and the viscous properties of process cheese food, whereas the meltability of the process cheese food significantly decreased. Consequently, natural cheese characteristics such as Ca and P and S/M have a significant influence on the chemical and the final functional properties of process cheese.  相似文献   

This study examines the property changes of cholesterol-reduced processed cheese spread made by cross-linked β-cyclodextrin. Its composition was similar to that of the control and 91.5% of the cholesterol was removed. Total free amino acids content, gumminess and brittleness scores were significantly higher in cholesterol-reduced cheese spread over all storage periods than those in the control. Yellowness, bitterness and elasticity scores were significantly higher, whereas processed flavour and slimy texture were significantly lower in cholesterol-reduced cheese spread. This study indicates that although some differences were observed, most of the properties were comparable with the control processed cheese spread.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was the evaluation of different fibres (bamboo, acacia, potato or citrus) addition on texture, rheological and sensory properties of acid casein processed cheese sauces. Fibres used in production of sauces had an impact on the texture, viscosity, viscoelastic and sensory properties. The largest increase in viscosity was observed in products with addition of potato fibre, which have good water holding and adsorption capacity. Processed cheese sauce with the addition of citrus fibre was characterised by the highest values in general, and the increase of this feature in the tested samples was regular. Adhesiveness was the highest in products with 1% addition of every fibre. The lowest values of viscosity single shear, G′ and G″ moduli, among all tested, had sauces with acacia fibre. Moreover, they had the most thin liquid consistency, which was different from preferred one.  相似文献   

The nitrate and nitrite contents in cheese of the Gouda type, produced by the Milk Complex of Havanna, were investigated and compared with those found in 5 types of imported cheese consumed in Cuba. No significant differences were found in the mean value (x) of NaNO3, whereas in the mean value (x) of NaNO2 differences were found when comparing all cheeses against each other. From these results it is inferred that the consumption of Gouda type cheese does not represent an important contribution to the daily intake of nitrates and nitrites, precursors in the synthesis of cancerogenic N-nitroso compounds.  相似文献   

The volatile composition and sensory properties of industrially produced Idiazabal cheeses made from ewes’ raw milk (RM) or pasteurised milk (PM) and with addition of different starter cultures were compared. Cheeses were analysed at 90 and 180 d of ripening. Acids were the major volatile compounds in RM cheeses. Methyl ketones were the major volatile compounds in PM cheeses at 90 ripening days. However, the content of acids strongly increased with ripening whereas the content of ketones decreased in PM cheeses. The concentration of esters was higher in RM cheeses than in PM cheeses. No differences were found in the content of alcohols. Most aldehydes, hydrocarbons, terpenes and furans identified were minor volatile compounds in both RM and PM cheeses. In RM cheeses, characteristic sensory attributes for the aroma of Idiazabal cheese were present at 3 months, whereas in PM cheeses those desirable sensory attributes did not appear until 6 months of ripening.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different types of fat (butter oil, partially hydrogenated soybean fat and soybean oil) on the functionality, rheology and sensory acceptance of spreadable cheese analogues. Analogues made with partially hydrogenated soybean fat or soybean oil in substitution to butter oil presented lower fat globule size. As a consequence, these analogues showed lower melting, lower spreadability, higher hardness and higher values for the elastic and viscous moduli than cheese made with butter oil. Despite not managing to imitate the flavour of the traditional cheese, the analogue made with partially hydrogenated soybean fat showed good sensory acceptance.  相似文献   

The effect of pectin addition on viscoelastic properties of model processed cheeses with 40% w/w dry matter and 50% w/w fat in dry matter after 42 days of storage at temperature 6 ± 2 °C has been investigated using dynamic oscillation rheometry (plate–plate geometry; frequency range 0.1–50.0 Hz; temperature 20 °C). The role of pectin concentration (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% w/w) has been studied. Also, the sensory evaluation of samples has been made to assess cheese appearance, rigidity, spreadability and flavour. All samples with the pectin addition were more rigid and less spreadable compared with processed cheeses without pectin. With the increasing concentration of pectin the storage ( G ') and loss ( G ) moduli rose at the whole tested frequency range (0.1–50.0 Hz). Growing pectin content resulted in the decrease in loss tangent (the nature of gel was changed to more elastic material). The dependence of processed cheese rigidity on pectin concentration (in range 0–0.8% w/w) was not linear. The appearance and flavour were not worse by pectin addition.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to prepare mathematical models based on the Arrhenius equation as predictive tools for the assessment of changes in quality parameters during the storage of spreadable Gouda cheese at temperatures of 8, 20 and 30 °C. The activation energy value and the chemical reaction rate constant enabled the construction of kinetic models, which helped to estimate the direction and rate of changes. Moreover, the activation energy (Ea) of the quality parameters was used to determine the sequence of their vulnerability during storage. The value of activation energy corresponding to temperature changes resulted in the following order of susceptibility of the quality parameters: ΔC?>?ΔE?≈?water activity?>?texture parameters?>?pH?>?colour?>?sensory parameters?>?rheological parameters. The research showed limited applicability of the mathematical models for estimation of quality parameters referring to spreadable processed Gouda cheese.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation was undertaken to determine the effects of four single starter strains, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 303, Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP, Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2, and Lactobacillus helveticus DPC4571 on the proteolytic, lipolytic and sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheese. Cheeses produced using the highly autolytic starters 4571 and AM2 positively impacted on flavour development, whereas cheeses produced from the poorly autolytic starters 303 and HP developed off-flavours. Starter selection impacted significantly on the proteolytic and sensory characteristics of the resulting Cheddar cheeses. It appeared that the autolytic and/or lipolytic properties of starter strains also influenced lipolysis, however lipolysis appeared to be limited due to a possible lack of availability or access to suitable milk fat substrates over ripening. The impact of lipolysis on the sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheese was unclear, possibly due to minimal differences in the extent of lipolysis between the cheeses at the end of ripening. As anticipated seasonal milk supply influenced both proteolysis and lipolysis in Cheddar cheese. The contribution of non-starter lactic acid bacteria towards proteolysis and lipolysis over the first 8 months of Cheddar cheese ripening was negligible.  相似文献   

李博  张亮  高鑫 《中国酿造》2015,34(4):110
对蒙古干酪的颜色、质构、微观结构和感官品评进行了研究。蒙古干酪外部亮度稍暗,偏微红色,内部干酪颜色趋向于纯色。在质构上,其硬度、弹性、黏着性和回复性分别为23.18 N、47.25、7.40和5.60,在硬度上和Cheddar干酪类似,但是其他3个方面要差一些。蒙古干酪具有致密的酪蛋白胶束组成微观结构,脂肪脱去形成的孔洞很少。蒙古干酪的综合感官分为69.23分,由于质地和口感的原因使得得分较低,但仍在可接受范围内。  相似文献   

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