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A computer-driven pressure controller connected to the junction point of a series-coupled ensemble of two capillary GC columns having different stationary-phase selectivity is used to obtain on-the-fly (programmable) changes in ensemble selectivity. Changes in the junction-point pressure result in differential changes in the local carrier gas velocity in the two columns, and this results in changes in the pattern of peaks eluting from the ensemble. When used with relatively fast temperature programming (30 degrees C/min), the pattern of eluting peaks can be very sensitive to the time at which a selectivity (junction-point pressure) change is implemented. These elution pattern changes are described for a set of six PCB congeners that elute with a small range of retention times. The components are considered as a group, and changes in their elution pattern are described for a single junction-point pressure change, which is implemented at various times after sample injection. If the pressure change is implemented after the components have migrated across the junction point, the final pressure has relatively little impact on the ensemble retention pattern. Pressure changes implemented prior to the components reaching the junction can have a large effect and usually result in a pattern of peaks similar to the pattern obtained when the final pressure is used for the entire separation. For pressure changes made when the group of components is near the junction point, the observed peak pattern may be very sensitive to the time of the pressure change. The time at which the junction-point pressure change occurs is varied in 1.0-s intervals. Artifacts such as peak doubling and peak focusing or broadening are observed if a migrating band is crossing the column junction point at the time of the programmed pressure change. 相似文献
A computer-driven pressure controller is used to deliver pressure pulses to the junction point of two series-coupled columns using different stationary-phase chemistries. The column ensemble consists of a trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane column followed by a dimethyl polysiloxane column. Each pressure pulse causes a differential change in the carrier gas velocities in the two columns, which lasts for the duration of the pulse. A pressure pulse is used to selectively increase the separation of a component pair that is separated by the first column but coelutes from the series-coupled ensemble. If both components are on the same column when the pulse is applied, a small change in the ensemble separation occurs. If one component of the pair is on the first column and the other component is on the second column, a pressure pulse can result in a much larger change in the ensemble separation for the component pair. A model with a spreadsheet algorithm is used to predict the effects of a pressure pulse on the trajectories of component bands on the column ensemble. The effect of the initiation time of a pressure pulse is investigated for a two-component mixture that coelutes from the column ensemble. For the case where the entire pressure pulse occurs when one of the components is on the first column and the other component is on the second column, the peak separation from the ensemble increases nearly linearly with the product of the pressure pulse amplitude and the pulse duration. Peak shape artifacts are observed if the pressure pulse occurs when a solute band is migrating across the column junction point. 相似文献
The development of lightweight, portable GC instrumentation is handicapped by the need for compressed carrier gas to drive the separation. The use of air as carrier gas eliminates the need for compressed gas tanks. If a vacuum pump is used to pull carrier gas and injected samples through the column, atmospheric pressure air can be used as carrier gas. Vacuum outlet operation also improves performance for high-speed separations by reducing detector dead time and by shifting optimal carrier gas velocity to higher values. Under vacuum outlet conditions using atmospheric pressure air as carrier gas, a 6-m-long, 0.25-mm-i.d. capillary column can generate approximately 12,500 theoretical plates, and a 12-m-long column can generate approximately 44,000 plates but with a 3-4-fold increase in separation time. The principal issues in column selection for high-speed GC with air as a carrier gas are efficiency and stability. Several bonded and nonbonded stationary phases were evaluated for use with air as carrier gas in the analysis of volatile organic compounds of interest in airmonitoring applications. These include dimethylpolysiloxane, 50% phenyl-50% methyl polysiloxane, 50% cycanopropylphenyl-50% methyl polysiloxane, trifluoropropyl polysiloxane, poly(ethylene glycol), and dicyanoallyl polysiloxane (nonbonded). The dimethyl polysiloxane and the trifluoropropyl polysiloxane columns showed good efficiency and no significant deterioration after 5 days of continuous operation with air as carrier gas. The 50% phenyl-50% methyl polysiloxane and the 50% cycanopropylphenyl-50% methyl polysiloxane columns showed poorer efficiency, and the poly(ethylene glycol) and dicyanoallyl polysiloxane columns showed excessive deterioration in air. 相似文献
A portable, high-speed, vacuum-outlet GC vapor analyzer employing air as carrier gas and surface acoustic wave detection 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Vacuum-outlet GC with atmospheric-pressure air as the carrier gas is implemented at outlet pressures up to 0.8 atm using a low-dead-volume polymer-coated surface acoustic wave (SAW) detector. Increases in the system outlet pressure from 0.1 to 0.8 atm lead to proportional increases in detector sensitivity and significant increases in column efficiency. The latter effect arises from the fact that optimal carrier gas velocities are lower in air than in more conventional carrier gases such as helium or hydrogen due to the smaller binary diffusion coefficients of vapors in air. A 12-m-long, 0.25-mm-i.d. tandem column ensemble consisting of 4.5-m dimethyl polysiloxane and 7.5-m trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane operated at an outlet pressure of 0.5 atm provides up to 4 x 10(4) theoretical plates and a peak capacity of 65 (resolution, 1.5) for a 3-min isothermal analysis. At 30 degrees C, mixtures of vapors ranging in vapor pressure from 8.6 to 76 Torr are separated in this time frame. The SAW detector cell has an internal volume of < 2 microL, which allows the use of higher column outlet pressures with minimal dead time. The sensor response is linear with solute mass over at least 2-3 decades and provides detection limits of 20-50 ng for the vapors tested. The combination of atmospheric-pressure air as carrier gas, modest operating pressures, and SAW sensor detection is well-suited for field instrumentation since it eliminates the need for support gases, permits smaller, low-power pumps to be used, and provides sensitivity to a wide range of vapor analytes. 相似文献
A series-coupled ensemble of a nonpolar dimethyl polysiloxane column and a polar trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane column with independent at-column heating is used to obtain pulsed heating of the second column. For mixture component bands that are separated by the first column but coelute from the column ensemble, a temperature pulse is initiated after the first of the two components has crossed the column junction point and is in the second column, while the other component is still in the first column. This accelerates the band for the first component. If the second column cools sufficiently prior to the second component band crossing the junction, the second band experiences less acceleration, and increased separation is observed for the corresponding peaks in the ensemble chromatogram. High-speed at-column heating is obtained by wrapping the fused-silica capillary column with resistance heater wire and sensor wire. Rapid heating for a temperature pulse is obtained with a short-duration linear heating ramp of 1000 degrees C/min. During a pulse, the second-column temperature increases by 20-100 degrees C in a few seconds. Using a cold gas environment, cooling to a quiescent temperature of 30 degrees C can be obtained in approximately 25 s. The effects of temperature pulse initiation time and amplitude on ensemble peak separation and resolution are described. A series of appropriately timed temperature pulses is used to separate three coeluting pairs of components in a 13-component mixture. 相似文献
A tandem ensemble of two 4.5-m-long x 0.25-mm-i.d. capillary columns with the first using a 0.50-microm film of nonpolar dimethyl polysiloxane and the second using a 0.25-microm film of polar trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane is operated with atmospheric pressure air as the carrier gas and an outlet pressure of 50.5 kPa established using a small vacuum pump. A thicker stationary-phase film is used in the first column to increase retention for very volatile compounds. This significantly increases the resolution of these compounds. The thicker film in the first (nonpolar) column decreases the polarity of the tandem column ensemble and, thus, changes its selectivity. A low-dead-volume valve, connected between the column junction point and a source of atmospheric pressure air, is used to obtain pulsed modulation of the carrier gas flow through the column ensemble. When the valve is open, the ensemble inlet pressure and the junction-point pressure are nearly the same, and carrier gas flow nearly stops in the first column, and flow in the second column increases. Enhanced resolution of a component pair that is separated by the first column but coelutes from the column ensemble can be obtained if the valve is opened for a few seconds after one of the components has crossed the junction and is in the second column, but the other component is still in the first column. A sequence of appropriately timed pulses is used to obtain enhanced resolution of several pairs of components that coelute from the column ensemble. These methods enabled the complete separation of an 18-component vapor mixture of common solvents in air in 3.5 min. 相似文献
A series-coupled (tandem) ensemble of two capillary GC columns using different stationary phases and a pneumatically actuated low-volume valve connecting the column junction point to an atmospheric-pressure vent line is used to adjust the ensemble separation of selected pairs of target compounds. The valve is normally closed, and the pressure at the column junction point assumes the value that would occur in the absence of any other connections. The valve can be opened for brief periods of time, thus producing pulses of atmospheric pressure at the column junction point. If a component pair is separated by the first column but coelutes from the column ensemble, the ensemble separation can be increased if a pulse occurs when one of the components has migrated across the column junction but the second component is still on the first column. All of the mixture components that are on the same column during the time that the valve is open (pulse duration) will be shifted to either larger or smaller retention times, but the pattern of peaks (elution order) for these components from the column ensemble will be relatively unaffected by the pressure pulse. Multiple pulses can be used to enhance the separation of different component pairs, which sequentially reach the column junction point. Performance of the valve-operated system is described. Time-of-flight mass spectrometry with time-array detection is used to examine the effects of pulse duration on the separation achieved for different component pairs. 相似文献
A model and a spreadsheet algorithm is described for the prediction of solute-band migration trajectories in a series-coupled combination of two capillary GC columns with pressure-tunable and -programmable selectivity and operated under temperature-programmed conditions. The model takes into account the acceleration of carrier gas in the two columns as a result of decompression effects, the deceleration of carrier gas as a result of the increase in viscosity during temperature programming, the decrease in solute retention factors with increasing temperature during the temperature program, the differences in retention factors for the two columns, and programmed changes in the carrier-gas flow rates in the two columns during selectivity programming. In the model, the 20-meter-long column ensemble is divided into 1-cm-long intervals, and the carrier-gas velocity and column temperature are assummed to be constant in any interval. Migration times for all of the mixture solutes are computed for each column interval, and the solute-band positons in the column ensemble are plotted versus the running sum of these migration times to obtain band trajectory plots. The sum of these migration times for all 2,000 intervals gives the ensemble retention times for the solutes. Isothermal retention factors (k) for all of the mixture components at various column temperatures (Tc) are used as imput to the algorithm. Slope and intercept values of In(k) vs 1/Tc plots are used in the algorithm. General features of the model are tested using a mixture of C12-C24 normal alkanes. A mixture of polar and nonpolar compounds is used to test the utility of the model for the predicition of peak separations and retention times with pressure-tunable and -programmable selectivity. Good agreement is observed in all cases. 相似文献
A pneumatically actuated valve is used to connect the junction point of a series-coupled column ensemble to a ballast chamber containing carrier gas at the ensemble inlet pressure in order to periodically stop the carrier gas flow in the first column. When the valve is opened, mixture components, which have migrated across the column junction, are accelerated toward a time-of-flight mass spectrometer that is used as an ensemble detector. Mixture components, which are still in the first column, are frozen in position. This allows for the insertion of time windows into the ensemble chromatogram that can aid in the separation of some overlapping component peaks. The capillary column ensemble (0.18-mm i.d. x 0.18-microm film thickness) consists of a 7.0-m length of polar, (trifluoropropyl)methyl polysiloxane column followed by a 7.0-m length of nonpolar dimethyl polysiloxane column. A flame ionization detector located at the column junction point is used to monitor a portion of the effluent from the first column in order to determine the valve timing sequence needed to enhance the separation of component pairs that are separated by the first column but coelute from the column ensemble. When one of the components of a targeted pair has crossed the junction but the other component is still in the first column, the valve is opened, typically for 1-5 s. The stop-flow system is used to enhance the separation of a mixture containing some common essential oil components and a mixture containing some common pesticides. 相似文献
Silicon microfabricated column with microfabricated differential mobility spectrometer for GC analysis of volatile organic compounds 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lambertus GR Fix CS Reidy SM Miller RA Wheeler D Nazarov E Sacks R 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(23):7563-7571
A 3.0-m-long, 150-microm-wide, 240-microm-deep channel etched in a 3.2-cm-square silicon chip, covered with a Pyrex wafer, and coated with a dimethyl polysiloxane stationary phase is used for the GC separation of volatile organic compounds. The column, which generates approximately 5500 theoretical plates, is temperature-programmed in a conventional convection oven. The column is connected through a heated transfer line to a microfabricated differential mobility spectrometer. The spectrometer incorporates a 63Ni source for atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization of the analytes. Nitrogen or air transport gas (flow 300 cm(3)/min) drives the analyte ions through the cell. The spectrometer operates with an asymmetric radio frequency (RF) electric field between a pair of electrodes in the detector cell. During each radio frequency cycle, the ion mobility alternates between a high-field and a low-field value (differential mobility). Ions oscillate between the electrodes, and only ions with an appropriate differential mobility reach a pair of biased collectors at the downstream end of the cell. A compensation voltage applied to one of the RF electrodes is scanned to allow ions with different differential mobilities to pass through the cell without being annihilated at the RF electrodes. A unique feature of the device is that both positive and negative ions are detected from a single experiment. The combined microfabricated column and detector is evaluated for the analysis of volatile organic compounds with a variety of functionalities. 相似文献
In this study, we propose the novel "thermally tuned tandem column (T3C)" concept for the optimization of selectivity in LC by continuous adjustment of the stationary phase. Two columns with distinctly different chromatographic selectivities (e.g., polybutadiene- and carbon-coated zirconia) are serially coupled and independently temperature-controlled. Selectivity is "tuned" by adjusting the individual temperatures of the two columns. The effect of changing column temperature is quite analogous to changing the relative column lengths, thereby altering the relative and absolute contribution each column makes to the overall retention time in T3C. The distinct selectivity differences between polybutadiene- and carbon-coated zirconia as well as the extraordinary thermal stability of zirconia-based phases (thermally stable to 200 degrees C) allow us to tune the overall chromatographic selectivity over a very substantial range. We have developed a simplified useful model, which characterizes retention and selectivity for the T3C system as a function of the two column temperatures. The model is in good agreement with the experimental results. We also describe a simple computer-assisted optimization strategy based on the window diagram method, which facilitates the optimization of the T3C system with only four or five initial runs. 相似文献
The combination of a tandem column ensemble and an on-line microsorption trap is used for the analysis of organic compounds in human breath samples. The four-bed sorption trap uses a series of discreet sorption beds containing three grades of graphitized carbon and a carbon molecular sieve to quantitatively remove most organic compounds from 0.8-L breath samples. The trap is then heated to 300 degrees C in approximately 1.5 s and maintained at this temperature for 10 s. The resulting vapor plug width is in the range 0.7-1.3 s for the compounds found in the breath samples. The separation is performed with a 15-m-long, 0.25-mm-i.d. capillary using a 0.5-microm-thick film of nonpolar dimethyl polysiloxane coupled in series to a polar column, either trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane or poly(ethylene glycol). Both column combinations are successful in separating the early-eluting compounds acetone, isoprene, pentane, methyl alcohol, and ethyl alcohol, which are all common in breath samples. The poly(ethylene glycol) combination gave better separation but showed relatively fast deterioration for repeated analysis of wet samples. Breath samples were obtained under different conditions (smoker, nonsmoker, gum chewer), and 25 compounds were identified in the various samples. Many additional peaks are observed but not identified. Analytical curves (log-log) of peak area versus sample volume for test compounds are linear in the range 80-800 cm3. Detection limits (3sigma) for several volatile compounds in 800-cm3 samples are in the 1-5 ppb range. 相似文献
Dependence of thermal mismatch broadening on column diameter in high-speed liquid chromatography at elevated temperatures 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
In this paper, we compare a narrow-bore column (2.1-mm i.d.) to a conventional-bore column (4.6 mm i.d.) at elevated temperatures under conditions where thermal mismatch broadening is serious and show that narrow-bore columns offer significant advantages in terms of efficiency and peak shape at higher linear velocities. We conclude that the so-called thermal mismatch broadening effect is largely due to a radial retention factor gradient and not a radial viscosity gradient. The lower volumetric flow rates inherent with the use of narrower columns lead to lower linear velocity in the heater tubing and longer eluent residence times in the heater. Thus, with the same heater tubing at the same column linear velocity, narrow-bore columns give better thermal equilibration between the eluent and the column compared to wider bore columns. This means that high-temperature, ultrafast liquid chromatography no longer requires excessively long preheater tubing to thermally equilibrate the eluent to the column temperature. Consequently, the use of narrow-bore columns at high-temperature improves analysis speed and efficiency over wider bore columns. We also discuss the advantages of using liquid heat-transfer media as compared to air as the heat-transfer media. We show that an air bath ought not be used to heat the mobile phase because at high temperature (>80 degrees C) and high column linear velocity (> 1.5 cm/s) the length of tubing needed to heat the mobile phase to column temperature is prohibitively long. Using accurate, empirical heat-transfer correlations, we estimated the length of tubing needed to heat the eluent as a function of the column linear velocity for both air and liquid heat-transfer media. 相似文献
In reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC), the retention of weak acids and bases is a sigmoidal function of the mobile-phase pH. Therefore, pH is a key chromatographic variable to optimize retention and selectivity. Furthermore, at an eluent pH close to the pKa of the solute, the dependence of ionization of the buffer and solute on temperature can be used to improve chromatographic separations involving ionizable solutes by an adequate handling of column temperature. In this paper, we derive a general equation for the prediction of the retentive behavior of ionizable compounds upon simultaneous changes in mobile-phase pH and column temperature. Four experiments, two limiting pH values and two temperatures, provide the input data that allow predictions in the whole range of these two variables, based on the thermodynamic fundamentals of the involved equilibria. Also, the study demonstrates the significant role that the choice of the buffer compound would have on selectivity factors in RPLC at temperatures higher than 25 degrees C. 相似文献
A pressure-tunable series-coupled ensemble of two capillary GC columns is combined with a time-of-flight MS detector for the high-speed characterization of mixtures containing hydrocarbon compounds. The column ensemble consists of a nonpolar 5% phenyl poly(dimethylsiloxane) column and a very polar poly(ethylene glycol) column. The TOFMS instrument uses time-array detection to obtain up to 500 complete electron mass spectra per second. Instrument software allows for automated peak finding and the spectral deconvolution of severely overlapping unknown chromatographic peaks, if their fragmentation patterns are significantly different and if at least two spectra can be recorded between the peak apexes. By adjusting the carrier-gas pressure at the column-junction point, the separations between adjacent peak pairs can be adjusted to enhance the capabilities of the TOFMS detector. The sensitivity of peak-pair separation to changes in junction-point pressure is studied for combinations of alkanes, olefins, and aromatic compounds. When complete separation is required, the use of pressure-tunable column ensembles cannot always provide sufficient control of peak-pair separation for structurally similar compounds. However, complete chromatographic separation typically is not required with the TOFMS detection, and a pressure-tunable column ensemble is very useful for the high-speed characterization of hydrocarbon mixtures. 相似文献
Columns in capillary electrochromatography (CEC) most commonly have the detection window located immediately after the retaining frit of the packed segment. Here, the properties of "duplex" columns having a predetection open segment between the frit and the detector window are examined with particular regard to the effect of the relative lengths of the packed and open segments on the separation of mixtures containing neutral and charged components. This configuration allows the use of columns with short packed segments in contemporary instruments for rapid separations. It is shown that, by varying the length of the packed segment, the balance of chromatographic and electrophoretic forces can be shifted, and the selectivity can be adjusted if the separation involves the interplay of both mechanisms. Expressions are presented for estimating the retention time in a duplex column if the chromatographic and electrophoretic properties of the sample components are known. The results are expected to facilitate CEC method development in selection of the respective column segment lengths for optimum separation. 相似文献