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我国藏东南水能资源的开发潜力与作用分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
任东明  张庆分 《中国能源》2010,32(12):10-13,28
本文首先对藏东南水能资源量和水电开发现状进行了归纳分析,在充分估计未来开发背景和各类影响因素的基础上,对藏东南水能资源开发潜力进行了预测。认为藏东南水能资源的开发将对"西电东送"工程起到支撑所用,同时对电源地区和受电地区经济社会的持续发展具有战略意义。  相似文献   

预测了西北5省(区)非水电可再生能源的配额量和交易量,建立了配额制下可再生能源电力跨区、跨省交易经济性评价模型和方法,分析了新疆、甘肃和青海等西北可再生能源主要基地跨区、跨省交易送出的主要目标市场,提出了争取可再生能源电力输电补贴、水电比重偏大省份可再生能源发电企业的结算价格采用本省平均购电价格等政策建议。  相似文献   

新能源基地化开发和电力外送是实现能源电力清洁低碳转型的重要途径。新能源发电间歇性和波动性以及有限的输电走廊资源要求基地配置调节电源以提高新能源电力外送工程的可靠性和源网利用率。提出了基于广域长期历史气象数据,采用时序生产模拟电源扩展优化模型,进行不同送电方案下调节电源与新能源装机优化组合策略的研究方法。以内蒙古沙漠地区新能源基地为例的研究表明,电化学储能为代表的无源型调节电源应配置为外送通道容量的35%左右,从而实现合理的通道利用率和基地发输电经济性;配置有源型调节电源,可实现更高的外送通道利用率。以送电曲线为研究对象,进一步分析了按照新能源出力特性和考虑受端用电月特性送电两种情景下的调节电源需求变化,提出了新能源多基地联合开发、配置可季节性调整的绿电载能产业等解决思路。  相似文献   

藏东南是我国水能资源富集区,建设藏东南水电能源基地,开发藏东南丰富清洁的水能资源,对优化我国能源结构,应对全球气候变化和实现我国能源可持续发展将发挥战略作用。由于藏东南是极为特殊的地区,建设藏东南水电能源基地将面临跨境河流问题、生态环境问题、移民和宗教问题、经济技术问题等一系列重大问题。对这些问题进行了研究,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

我国“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要提出了“西电东送”的战略决策。由于我国水能资源主要分布在西部,要加快开发水电,就必须加快西部水能资源开发;要加快西部水电开发,仅仅依靠西部的电力市场是不够的,必须实现“西电东送”。所以“西电东送”是我国加快开发水电的战略方针。我国“西电东送”已经起步,但是也还存在一些问题需要研究解决,其中主要问题是对“西电东送”战略意义的认识、“西电东送”的市场问题和“西电东送”的竞争力问题。一、“西电东送”是缓解我国能源问题的重要措施之一早在1980年邓小平同志就已指出:“能源…  相似文献   

杨晶 《中国能源》2023,(11):49-59
云南是全国重要清洁电力生产基地和最大的清洁电力外送基地。在承接东部产业转移过程中,云南以“电价洼地”和“清洁水电”优势引入大量电解铝,造成用电量急剧攀升,电力供需形势迅速转紧,由弃水转向常态化缺电,连续三年限电限产。研究发现,云南缺电“诱因”是干旱少雨、水电发电量下降的偶然因素,但深层次原因在于电力供需的结构性矛盾。建议统筹施策,短期内加快省内电源建设、调整高耗能产业发展节奏、提升煤炭和煤电保障能力、加强与周边省份电力互济互保;长期看从国家层面重新论证怒江水电开发的必要性,探索以高比例可再生能源为主体的新型电力系统支撑制造业稳定用电需求的应对之道。  相似文献   

新一轮电力体制改革为我国梯级水电消纳带来了契机,基于西南大型梯级水电基地工程实际,考虑市场不确定性电价因素,提出了梯级水电站群参与省内和西电东送市场的组合交易优化模型,通过引入调度期内不同市场间的电量比例约束以及各调度时段梯级参与省内市场的最小电量约束,提高模型实用性。求解中,首先对电价不确定性进行描述,然后利用场景缩减技术降低模型复杂度,并采用LINGO 17软件进行仿真求解。最后以乌江梯级为例,验证所提模型有效性并与常规调度模式相比较。结果表明,所提方法可更好地响应市场电价变化、提高梯级市场化收益。  相似文献   

从储能系统平抑控制策略和运行方式2方面,探究固定储能配比对风电集中外送输电容量规划的经济性影响。首先对不同控制策略、不同运行方式的平抑风电功率波动效果进行对比分析;其次使用平抑后的风电功率优化规划风电基地外送输电容量;最后,依据外送输电容量优化规划结果,探究不同控制策略、不同运行方式下对外送输电工程的经济性影响。算例表明平抑效果较佳的控制策略对输电容量改善明显,相同控制策略下储能系统在集中运行方式下更能显著改善储能的工作效率,并提高外送输电工程效益。  相似文献   

西北区域在电力外送市场运营中,采用"电量库"交易机制,实施部分外送电量市场化交易模式。为客观、定量地反映西北外送电力市场运营绩效的发展和变化趋势,采用主成分分析方法对西北区域电力外送市场的运营进行综合绩效评价,并通过实证检验发现,通过近几年的不断发展和完善,西北区域开展电力市场化运营后,绩效是逐步增加的,西北外送电量在不断满足跨区电量需求的同时,也为自身的电力外送市场发展奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

以甘肃电网为例,从电源层面不确定性特征凸显、发电基地与负荷中心逆向分布、电源灵活性不足、电力电量不平衡等角度,从电网层面灵活性不足、适应性问题突出等方面,对电力市场与电网水平相互制约、跨区域市场平衡等问题总结面临的挑战。针对上述问题,从新能源机组涉网特性、电源组织方案、传统火电灵活性改造、自备电厂调峰能力挖掘、“双计划”发电模式、储能技术应用的角度在电源层面提出思考,从外送通道建设、网架结构优化、运行能力提升、跨省区合作强化在电网层面提出思考,从建立互补性电力市场、加强交易计划校核、发挥能源结构优势对电力市场交易机制提出思考,旨在为其他具有高比例新能源大外送电网的区域提供借鉴,支撑新能源电网的健康发展。  相似文献   

Wind energy, as a reliable, natural and renewable electrical power supply, produces no emissions and so it is an excellent alternative to conventional, more heavily polluting fuels in the long term based on the worldwide concern about the environment and energy supply. Wind energy resources in China are affluent, but its distribution are uneven, centralized, and far from both the utility and the high electricity demand markets. This made China's onshore wind power development have such characteristics as large scale, high centralization and far transmission, which is different with that in Europe, where the characteristics are even distribution, decentralized. In past two decades, considering the economic, technical and environmental benefits of wind power, China has given priority to its development. Besides the dramatic growth of large scale grid-connected wind power, household-scale wind power has been used most successfully in remote rural regions in China. Therefore, the development of wind power will be of great importance to alleviate the energy crisis and environmental pollution resulting from the rapid economic growth of China in the future. In this paper, the current development of wind energy utilization in China is investigated, and some critical barriers are discussed. Finally, the perspective of wind energy utilization is presented, where focuses are placed on seven wind power bases.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the technical and economic potential of energy-intensive industries to provide demand-side management (DSM) in electricity and balancing markets through 2030. Increasing shares of renewables will lead to a rising demand for ancillary services at the same time that less conventional plants will be available to provide these services. This paper makes projections on the extent to which DSM from industrial processes can provide economic benefits in electricity markets with renewables by providing tertiary reserve capacity. Different industrial processes and their specific technical and economic properties are investigated and compared with other storage devices and electricity generation technologies. Based on an extension of an existing European electricity market model, simulations are used here to make long-term forecasts for market prices, dispatch and investments in the electricity markets through linear optimization.  相似文献   

青藏联网后电力交易有关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了西藏电网运营的技术属性和经济属性,以及青海海西光伏并网现状和发展情况,从促进可再生能源发展、保障西藏电力供应出发,提出了海西富余光伏直送西藏等4种交易方案,设计了相应的交易价格机制,并从技术、经济角度对相关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The ability to predict how national electricity industries will respond to the challenges of competition and the demand for sustainability requires a good understanding of the nature of technological systems and a workable theory of technology choice. So far, two distinct theoretical perspectives, the economic and socio-political concepts of technological systems, have competed for dominance in policy analysis and policy making. This paper is a comparative study of the way in which the electricity industries of Denmark and France responded to a series of challenges beginning with the 1973 oil crisis and continuing through the present push to liberalise electricity markets. Focussing on the forces that directed technological change in these two nations, I examine the relative importance of economic and socio-political factors. My analysis indicates that socio-political factors which, together, can be described as political traditions have shaped technology choice. The Danish and French electricity industries have pursued several objectives in addition to economic efficiency. This has limited the function of free markets. Thus, they should be understood as political structures whose most important characteristic is the distribution of power. In this context, the economic perspective represents a normative demand for the re-arrangement of political values. Technological choice which radically departs from the status quo implies a significant redistribution of political power and is, therefore, very difficult.  相似文献   

The structure of the oil and gas industry is being disrupted by technical developments which increase supply and reduce demand, the reversal of growth in demand in transport in OECD countries and less dependence of the US and Europe on Middle East oil supplies. Upstream, expectations of scarcity are changing to expectations that, at current prices, national oil companies face increasing competition from public listed companies which use diverse advanced technologies to develop reserves in areas outside NOC control. The public listed companies also have the opportunity to bring specialized technology to match NOC needs. Downstream oil markets are dividing into the OECD markets where growth has been reversed and a non-OECD markets where it continues. This is a challenge for the major public listed companies whose downstream operations are concentrated in the OECD. They may respond by focusing on local advantages or by separating the downstream from their upstream businesses. The natural gas industry is being transformed by new discoveries, particularly in the US, but regional markets remain separated by transport costs and pricing systems. The challenge will be to find prices which will grow both the supply and demand in each region.  相似文献   

This paper examines the technical and economic feasibilities of: (1) using cryogenic hydrogen to cool a.c. cryoresistive or a.c. superconducting power transmission cables and, (2) delivering liquid hydrogen concurrently with cryoresistive or superconducting electrical power through a common cable. Cryogenic hydrogen coolant options considered are subcooled liquid and slush. Cryogenic nitrogen and helium coolants are also considered for cryoresistive and superconducting cables, respectively, to provide reference data for comparison with our H2-coolant calculations. Thermodynamic analyses are performed to optimize the coolant flow rate and refrigerator spacing for each specific coolant, coolant fluid state, cable design, cable insulation quality and energy delivery option. The use of hydrogen as a coolant in electrical cables is discussed from a safety viewpoint.Helium-cooled and hydrogen-cooled superconducting power transmission lines are shown to be economically competitive and offer lower unit·transmission costs than conventional underground power lines. The hybrid hydrogen-superconducting cable concurrently transmits liquid hydrogen and electricity at the lowest unit cost of all cryocable energy systems examined. Hydrogen-cooled power lines and hybrid hydrogenelectric energy cables appear to be technically and economically feasible; however, they do not currently provide sufficient economic incentive to warrant the increased hazard of operation.  相似文献   

Globally, the increasing power demand is coupled with environmental constraints and strong competition that require advanced solutions for global power transmission. System reliability and congestion relief are imperative under dynamic market conditions to ensure that transmission systems provide a steady return on investment and cash flow as well as operate with the flexibility and security that will be required to serve future demand and load growth. Given all of the factors that must be balanced, the one certainty is that new technology will be a key enabler to move transmission investment forward and increase capacity. A few of the innovations that have the potential to shape the future of the global power system are already available or will soon be commercially available. Some, but definitely not all, of these new technologies are briefly discussed in this article including flexible AC transmission system (FACTS), HVDC transmission, short current limiters, overhead lines, gas insulated transmission lines, gas insulated switchgear, and grid connected wind generation.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on the electricity market: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change will impact electricity markets through both electricity demand and supply. This paper reviews the research on this topic. Whereas there is much that remains unknown or uncertain, research over the last few years has significantly advanced our knowledge. In general, higher temperatures are expected to raise electricity demand for cooling, decrease demand for heating, and to reduce electricity production from thermal power plants. The effect of climate change on the supply of electricity from non-thermal sources shows great geographical variability due to differences in expected changes to temperature and precipitation. Whereas the research frontier has advanced significantly in the last few years, there still remains a significant need for more research in order to better understand the effects of climate change on the electricity market. Four significant gaps in the current research are regional studies of demand side impacts for Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America, the effects of extreme weather events on electricity generation, transmission and demand, changes to the adoption rate of air conditioning, and finally, our understanding of the sensitivity of thermal power supply to changes in air and water temperatures.  相似文献   

从输电杆塔钢结构技术发展与市场方面,论述了当前我国输电杆塔的用钢现状、存在的问题和发展趋势,指出随着电网建设的不断发展,输电杆塔对钢材的品种和规格将提出更多的要求,塔材材质方面将向高强度环保型、节约型方向发展,输电杆塔对优质高强的钢材需求量巨大。  相似文献   

太阳能烟囱综合利用海水系统的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对目前太阳能海水淡化技术和太阳能烟囱发电技术在经济或技术上存在的问题,提出了太阳能烟囱综合利用海水系统,在利用太阳能烟囱进行海水淡化的同时,以制取的淡水进行水力发电。首先以天津汉沽地区的气象数据对综合系统的性能进行了初步估算;其次建立并优化小型实验系统,获取不同冷凝方式的实验结果。通过实验与理论估算结果的对比来分析该综合系统的理论和经济可行性。理论和实验研究结果表明:采用间壁冷凝换热方式,所提出的综合设计方案具有可行性,并同时推动太阳能烟囱技术和海水淡化技术的发展。  相似文献   

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