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针对分割灰度不均或者边缘模糊图像时出现的问题,提出一种改进的活动轮廓模型。首先,利用图像的统计信息构建新的全局力和局部力。其次,将这两种力加权组合得到一个混合的能量函数。采用水平集方法最小化该能量泛函,得到水平集演化方程并不断更新。最后,采用高斯滤波方法规则化水平集方程。合成图像和真实图像的实验结果表明:优化模型能有效地分割非同质或弱边缘图像,对噪声以及初始轮廓曲线具有较好的鲁棒性以及高的计算效率等优点。  相似文献   

Background subtraction is an elementary method for detection of foreground objects and their segmentations. Obviously it requires an observation image as well as a background one. In this work we attempt to remove the last requirement by reconstructing the background from the observation image and a guess on the location of the object to be segmented via variational inpainting method. A numerical evaluation of this reconstruction provides a “disocclusion measure” and the correct foreground segmentation region is expected to maximize this measure. This formulation is in fact an optimal control problem, where controls are shapes/regions and states are the corresponding inpaintings. Optimization of the disocclusion measure leads formally to a coupled contour evolution equation, an inpainting equation (the state equation) as well as a linear PDE depending on the inpainting (the adjoint state equation). The contour evolution is implemented in the framework of level sets. Finally, the proposed method is validated on various examples. We focus among others in the segmentation of calcified plaques observed in radiographs from human lumbar aortic regions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a new active contour model for image selective segmentation. The model adopts cascade anisotropic diffusion prcprocessing and a selective term in level set function. Cascade anisotropic diffusion filtering is powerful and tlexible to enhance image for various segmentation tasks. The selective term in level set function can evolve a single curve to capture a selective segmentation region which we are interested in. This is useful for intentional segmentatioa tasks. We ,:an al, so realize the multi-region segmentation by varying selecting term conditions. Furthermore, we obviously speed the process of the new algorithm by using AOS scheme in cascade anisotropic diffusion filtering aad discarding mean curvature motiou in level set function. We illustrate the performance of our segmentation method on images generated by different modalities.  相似文献   

Based on recent work on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs), this paper presents a simple and well-founded method to implement the stochastic evolution of a curve. First, we explain why great care should be taken when considering such an evolution in a Level Set framework. To guarantee the well-posedness of the evolution and to make it independent of the implicit representation of the initial curve, a Stratonovich differential has to be introduced. To implement this differential, a standard Ito plus drift approximation is proposed to turn an implicit scheme into an explicit one. Subsequently, we consider shape optimization techniques, which are a common framework to address various applications in Computer Vision, like segmentation, tracking, stereo vision etc. The objective of our approach is to improve these methods through the introduction of stochastic motion principles. The extension we propose can deal with local minima and with complex cases where the gradient of the objective function with respect to the shape is impossible to derive exactly. Finally, as an application, we focus on image segmentation methods, leading to what we call Stochastic Active Contours.  相似文献   

提出一种结合超声前列腺图像的局部特征和前列腺的先验形状知识的分割方法。该方法在传统图像分割方法中引入了前列腺的先验形状约束,使得分割能够一定程度地避免由于超声图像中噪声、伪影、灰度分布不均匀等因素对前列腺分割所造成的影响。算法分为两个部分:先验形状模型的学习和先验形状约束的分割。在先验形状模型学习阶段,采用主成分分析方法对形状作特征提取,以高斯分布作为形变参数的估计;在先验形状约束分剖阶段,将基于局部高斯拟合特征的活动轮廓模型与形状模型相结合对前列腺图像分割。实验表明,所提出的方法在超声前列腺图像中取得了良好的分割效果,为临床诊断和治疗提供了定量分析的工具。  相似文献   

在复杂背景下对多个非刚性目标进行跟踪是计算机视觉中的一个难点。在短程线主动轮廓模型的基础上,利用力场正则化方法,并加入运动边缘信息,提出了一种在复杂背景下多个非刚性目标进行跟踪的方法。该方法由运动检测和跟踪两部分组成:运动检测利用运动边缘信息对运动目标的运动做出检测,让轮廓曲线运动到目标轮廓附近;跟踪利用当前帧中的静态边缘信息对运动检测的结果加以修正,而跟踪这一步引入的偏差将在下一帧的运动检测中得到修正。实验表明该方法能够有效地在复杂背景中对多个非刚性运动目标进行跟踪。  相似文献   

Recently, Caselles et al. have shown the equivalence between a classical snake problem of Kass et al. and a geodesic active contour model. The PDE derived from the geodesic problem gives an evolution equation for active contours which is very powerfull for image segmentation since changes of topology are allowed using the level set implementation. However in Caselles' paper the equivalence with classical snake is only shown for 2D images and 1D curves, by using concepts of Hamiltonian theory which have no meanings for active surfaces. This paper propose to examine the notion of equivalence and to revisite Caselles et al. arguments. Then a notion equivalence is introduced and shown for classical snakes and geodesic active contours in the 2D (active contour) and 3D (active surface) case.  相似文献   

图像分割是医学三维重建、医学可视化等的基础,对疾病的诊断和治疗有着重要的临床意义,目前,用于医学图像分割的算法很多,而活动轮廓模型(Active Contour Model)的提出则是这个领域的一个重大突破。介绍活动轮廓模型从参数活动轮廓模型到几何活动轮廓模型的发展过程及发展现状,提出活动轮廓模型的研究和发展方向。  相似文献   

基于变宽邻域图割和活动轮廓的目标分割方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐秋平  郭敏 《计算机工程》2009,35(8):233-237
基于图割的活动轮廓算法是一个结合图割优化工具和活动轮廓模型迭代变形思想的目标分割算法。针对算法在迭代过程中对已达目标边界的活动轮廓线所在邻域重复切割的不足,将活动轮廓线分为已达目标曲线段和未达目标曲线段,仅对未达目标曲线段进行膨胀得到可变宽度轮廓线邻域,从而减少了对邻域的切割时间。实验表明,改进算法效率提高为原来的2~3倍。  相似文献   

王建华  姜红 《现代计算机》2011,(Z1):43-45,56
图像分割是医学三维重建、医学可视化等的基础,对疾病的诊断和治疗有着重要的临床意义,目前,用于医学图像分割的算法很多,而活动轮廓模型(Active Contour Model)的提出则是这个领域的一个重大突破。介绍活动轮廓模型从参数活动轮廓模型到几何活动轮廓模型的发展过程及发展现状,提出活动轮廓模型的研究和发展方向。  相似文献   

In this paper we address the problem of segmentation in image sequences using region-based active contours and level set methods. We propose a novel method for variational segmentation of image sequences containing nonrigid, moving objects. The method is based on the classical Chan-Vese model augmented with a novel frame-to-frame interaction term, which allow us to update the segmentation result from one image frame to the next using the previous segmentation result as a shape prior. The interaction term is constructed to be pose-invariant and to allow moderate deformations in shape. It is expected to handle the appearance of occlusions which otherwise can make segmentation fail. The performance of the model is illustrated with experiments on synthetic and real image sequences.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于活动轮廓模型的胃窦B超序列图象边缘轮廓的提取与跟踪方法.对于序列中的第一幅图象,通过人工取点,B样条拟合的方法,提取其初始轮廓,再运用活动轮廓模型,进行边缘轮廓的逼近,以获得比较精确的胃窦边缘轮廓.在后续图象处理中,将活动轮廓模型与光流模型相结合,实现了轮廓的跟踪.实验的结果证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel variational framework to deal with frame partition problems in Computer Vision. This framework exploits boundary and region-based segmentation modules under a curve-based optimization objective function. The task of supervised texture segmentation is considered to demonstrate the potentials of the proposed framework. The textured feature space is generated by filtering the given textured images using isotropic and anisotropic filters, and analyzing their responses as multi-component conditional probability density functions. The texture segmentation is obtained by unifying region and boundary-based information as an improved Geodesic Active Contour Model. The defined objective function is minimized using a gradient-descent method where a level set approach is used to implement the obtained PDE. According to this PDE, the curve propagation towards the final solution is guided by boundary and region-based segmentation forces, and is constrained by a regularity force. The level set implementation is performed using a fast front propagation algorithm where topological changes are naturally handled. The performance of our method is demonstrated on a variety of synthetic and real textured frames.  相似文献   

李昌利  张琳  樊棠怀 《计算机科学》2018,45(12):223-228
在高光谱图像分类中,选择合适的样本作为训练样本对分类器进行训练非常重要。将样本的不确定性与代表性相结合,通过自适应主动学习方法来完成样本的选择。用核K均值聚类来获取具有代表性的样本,用最优标号和次优标号的概率差值与两者比值的加权和来度量不确定性。此外,为了提高分类的准确率,利用联合双边滤波来获取高光谱图像的空间信息,并将其融入分类过程中。最后,提出一种融合自适应主动学习与联合双边滤波的空谱结合高光谱图像分类方法,并通过实验验证了所提方法的优越性。  相似文献   

龚勋  杨菲  杜章锦  师恩  赵绪  杨子奇  邹海鹏  罗俊 《软件学报》2020,31(8):2245-2282
超声诊断是甲状腺、乳腺癌首选影像学检查和术前评估方法.但良恶性结节的超声表现存在重叠,仍欠缺定量、稳定的分析手段,严重依赖操作者经验.近年基于计算机技术的医疗影像分析水平快速发展,超声影像分析取得了一系列里程碑性的突破,为医学提供有效的诊断决策支持.本文以甲状腺、乳腺两类超声影像为对象,梳理计算机视觉、图像识别技术在医学超声图像上的学术进展,以超声影像自动诊断涉及的一系列关键技术为主线,从图像预处理、病灶区定位及分割、特征提取和分类4方面对近年主流算法进行详尽的综述分析,从算法分析、数据和评估方法等方面做多维度梳理.最后讨论了具体面向这两种腺体的超声图像计算机分析存在的问题,并对此领域的研究趋势和发展方向进行展望.  相似文献   

提出一种基于小波和各项异性非线性扩散的新图像去噪算法。小波域局部阈值维纳滤波是一种简单有效的去噪方法,利用该方法先对原始图像进行初步去噪,以此引导非线性扩散模型中的边缘检测函数,再用非线性扩散进行去噪。实验表明:该算法不仅很好地保存了图像的边缘信息,而且有效地去除了图像中的大部分噪声,无论是视觉效果还是客观标准上都优于单纯的小波域维纳滤波或各项异性非线性扩散去噪。  相似文献   

乳腺微钙化簇是早期乳腺癌的重要征象,计算机辅助的微钙化簇检测是医学影像领域的难题。为了提高检测系统的准确率,往往需要大量病灶标记,除了搜集样本本身的难度外,还需花费专家的大量时间。目前的研究工作很少涉及这个问题的解决方法。首次将基于主动学习的支持向量机技术应用到该领域,针对钙化簇感兴趣区域的特点,提出了选择训练集合的样本应该满足的基本条件。标准数据库上的实验证明,提出的方法能够大量地减轻样本标记的工作,并使乳腺癌微钙化簇检测系统的分类性能基本不变。  相似文献   

曹冬梅  徐军 《计算机科学》2014,41(11):301-305,316
提出了一种新颖的基于先验形状学习的混杂活动轮廓(SHAC)模型,该模型采用变分水平集方法,融合自适应区域信息与边界信息,运用主成分分析的方法从给定的含有目标物体轮廓的训练集学习得到最佳形状信息,并将其作为先验形状。将自适应区域特征和轮廓特征作为局部信息,先验形状作为全局信息,在迭代过程中结合全局和局部信息实现对演化曲线的形变进行指导和约束,达到分割目标物体的目的。通过定量和定性地分析低对比度的乳腺核磁共振图像中的乳腺轮廓的分割,以及具有复杂背景的自然图像中感兴趣区域的分割结果,验证了SHAC模型比传统活动轮廓模型具有更高的准确率,表明了该模型不仅提高了图像分割中对弱边界的识别度,减弱了非目标轮廓的干扰,而且具有良好的抗噪能力。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的主动轮廓线模型——P-snake(Pokarized Snake)。该模型选取目标中心一点作为原点建立极坐标,用等夹角抽样的n个点描述目标轮廓,通过迭代在图像中找出使得能量最小的轮廓点,将P-snake应用于医学癌变细胞图像的分割中,取得了满意的效果,实验结果表明,P-snake能有效跟踪目标轮廓,具有较强的抗噪能力。  相似文献   

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