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从含铝锂钴废料中回收氧化钴工艺研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进行了从含铝锂钻废料中回收氧化钴的工艺研究,确定了工艺中碱溶、酸溶、净化除锂、铝等工艺条件.结果表明,该工艺能有效地除去锂、铝等杂质制得纯氧化钻粉,钴的总回收率达93%.  相似文献   

镁合金废料的回收与利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
镁合金铸造及镁合金产品的广泛应用造成了大量的镁合金废料.本文讨论了镁合金废料的来源、分类、回收和再生技术,指出回收镁合金的质量和应用。  相似文献   

镁合金铸造及镁合金产品的广泛应用造成了大量的镁合金废料.本文讨论了镁合金废料的来源、分类、回收和再生技术,指出回收镁合金的质量和应用.  相似文献   

从废旧镍-镉电池中回收镍和镉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出采用湿法冶金回收工艺回收废旧镍-镉电池中的镍和镉。该工艺首先用硫酸将废旧电池溶解,调节pH除铁,获得含有镍和镉的溶液。然后采用旋转圆盘电极体系回收金属镉。高速旋转的电极既可以随时清除枝型晶体,又抑制了浓差极化。金属镉的回收率达到98.0%以上;镍的回收采用化学沉淀法,回收率可以达到99.5%。  相似文献   

为了从多金属复杂难选金矿中综合回收金、铜等有价元素,采用氧化强化浮选工艺,在原矿w(Cu)=1.09%、w(Au)=3.92g/t的情况下,充气氧化时间为10min时,可较好地实现铜硫分离,可获得铜品位15.11%、回收率77.48%~77.72%,含金36.35~38.42 g/t、回收率59.00%~62.35%的合格铜精矿.  相似文献   

为了从多金属复杂难选金矿中综合回收金、铜等有价元素 ,采用氧化强化浮选工艺 ,在原矿 w(Cu) =1 .0 9%、w(Au) =3 .92 g/ t的情况下 ,充气氧化时间为 1 0 min时 ,可较好地实现铜硫分离 ,可获得铜品位1 5 .1 1 %、回收率 77.48%~ 77.72 % ,含金 3 6.3 5~ 3 8.42 g/ t、回收率 5 9.0 0 %~ 62 .3 5 %的合格铜精矿 .  相似文献   

研制了联合使用化学沉淀法的电解回收装置,该装置用于含重金属Ni废水治理,能有效的回收金属Ni,彻底消除二次污染。  相似文献   

从废料中提取果胶的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果胶是食品和医药工业中常用的添加剂,存在于水果、蔬菜以有其他植物的细胞膜中,一般从果皮、果渣及碎果中提取。笔者针对各种原料中果胶的不同种类,确定了提取果胶的不同工艺流程,并对有关工艺要求进行了论述,提出了利用多种废料生产果胶的方法。  相似文献   

以质量分数35%的过氧化氢水溶液及冰醋酸为氧化剂,采用超声氧化消解的方法从含铼离子液体中分离回收铼。当高铼酸盐离子液体为2.5mmol时,超声氧化消解含铼离子液体的适宜条件为质量分数35%的H2O2水溶液为25mmol、冰醋酸为15mmol时,50℃条件下超声氧化24h,使用氨水将溶液pH调至9~10。经回收得到铼化合物的最佳回收率为69.07%。实验结果表明,经以上过程得到铼产品为高铼酸铵,粗产品纯度为99%。  相似文献   

Solidified sludge undergoes progressive depletion of the alkalinity materials under natural weathering condition and releases out of heavy metals. The leaching of heavy metals from solidified sewage sludge was studied by acid neutralization capacity (ANC) test and flow-through leaching test. The results of ANC test showed that heavy metals release at high concentration when the pH of extract lowers than 6. The disintegration of solidified sludge and the transformation of heavy metals are the main reasons for the resolubilisation of contaminants. Flow-through leaching test indicated that leaching of heavy metals from solidified sludge occurs in a slow way. A mathematical model has been developed to predict the stabilization time of heavy metals in solidified sludge. The research results showed that decreasing hydraulic conductivity is more important than cement addition for controlling the release of heavy metals from solidified sludge. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50678075)  相似文献   

以(NH4)2HPO4作为沉淀剂,通过选择性沉淀,进行酸性含砷冶金废水回收铁及砷铁分离研究,考察了pH、搅拌速度、温度、磷铁摩尔比等因素对铁的回收及砷铁有效分离的影响,得到合适的工艺条件为:pH 2.0,搅拌速度500 r·min-1,温度50℃,磷铁比n(P)/n(Fe)为3.5.此条件下铁的回收率99.83%,液相中砷的存留率98.64%,实现了铁的回收和砷铁的有效分离.  相似文献   

The influence of different illumination intensities on cyanobacterial calcification induced removal of heavy metals from contaminated mine water was studied. Cyanobacterial calcification experiments were performed using a growth medium intended to simulate contaminated mine water. The results indicate that calcification can promote the removal of heavy metal ions. As the illumination intensity became stronger calcification rates increased and the removal of Zn2+ and Cd2+ became more obvious. When the illumination intensity was 10000 lux the removal of Pb2+ was the largest observed: stronger or weaker illumination reduced the amount of lead removed. The removal of three different heavy metals complies with an index function. For identical illumination intensities different ions were removed to different degrees.  相似文献   

The solidifying qffect of cement addition on municipal solid waste incineration fly ash ( MSWFA for short, collected from the gas exhaust system of MSW incinerator), the interaction of MSWFA with cement and water and the leaching of heavy metals from cement-solidified MSWFA are investigated. The main results show that : ( 1 ) when MSWFA is mixed with cement and water, 112 evolution, the formation and volume expansion of AFt will take place, the volume expansion can be reduced by ground rice husk ash addition ; (2) heavy metals do leach from cement-solidified MSWFA and at lower pH more leaching will occur; (3) compared with cement - so-lidified fly ash, the leachate of solidified MSWFA is with higher heavy metal contents ; (4) with the increment of cement addition leached heavy metals are decreased ; and (5) concentrations of Zn , Mn , Cu and Cd in all the leachates can meet the relevant Standards of Japan, but as the regulations for soil and groundwater protection of Japan are concerned, precautions against the leaching of Pb , Cl^- and Cr^6 and so on are needed.  相似文献   

工业废气的生物处理方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物法处理工业废气是一种经济有效的方法,生物滤池和生物滴滤池是两种最常用的生物处理系统,适于处理多种挥发性有机物(VOCs)和许多工业废气中的无机蒸气物质,介绍了生物滤池和生物滴滤池处理废气系统的特点,原理和应用实例。  相似文献   

为了能够充分回收利用冶金污泥中的有价金属,采用盐酸作为浸取剂浸出污泥中的重金属,并进行浸出工艺的优化.首先对污泥性质进行分析,分别采用烘干法测定冶金污泥的含水率,用X射线荧光光谱仪测定试样中金属成分及质量分数,用X射线衍射仪对试样中各元素的物相特征进行定性和定量分析.结果显示:污泥含水率为75.88%;干污泥含铜和锌的质量分数分别是1.51%和1.71%;污泥矿物相中铜主要以单质形式存在,锌主要以闪锌矿形式存在.然后采用盐酸作浸取剂,在单因素条件下进行浸出反应.研究了冶金污泥中铜、锌、镉、铅等重金属的浸出规律,并考察了浸出温度、浸出时间、盐酸浓度、液固比、粒径等因素对浸出率的影响.盐酸浸出污泥中重金属最佳工艺参数:浸出温度为25℃,浸出时间为10 min,盐酸浓度为1mol/L,液固比为25∶1(mL/g),干污泥粒度小于150μm.在此条件下,铜、锌、镉、铅的浸出率可分别达到84.4%、88.1%、98.8%、85.4%.盐酸浸出最佳工艺条件的确定,对工业应用有一定实用价值.  相似文献   


为研究Cu2+在缺氧和好氧不同环境中对活性污泥沉降性及脱氮性能的影响,在3个完全相同以缺氧/好氧方式运行的序批式反应器(SBR)中,采用以乙酸钠为唯一碳源的合成废水,待系统的硝化反硝化过程运行稳定后,SBR 1#作为对照试验,每周期分别在SBR 2#的缺氧段和SBR 3#的好氧段投加CuSO4溶液,每次按反应器内5 mg/L Cu2+投加.研究结果表明:在缺氧段投加Cu2+能引发污泥膨胀,而在好氧段投加Cu2+并未引起污泥沉降性的恶化;在缺好氧环境中Cu2+都未引起丝状菌的大量增殖;Cu2+能刺激微生物分泌更多的胞外聚合物抵御Cu2+的毒害作用,抑制微生物贮存聚-β-羟基烷酸酯(PHA)的能力;在SBR 2#的缺氧段投加Cu2+有利于短程硝化反硝化的形成,但长期投加并不能维持短程硝化,而在SBR 3#的好氧段投加Cu2+后,系统迅速丧失脱氮性能.


黄姜皂素行业传统工艺产生的废渣的综合利用方法主要包括制备燃料、肥料、板材和活性炭以及栽培食用菌等,通过比较分析,提出利用废渣制备炭材料,并将其用于农业、废水处理等领域具有较好的经济技术价值,可以成为黄姜皂素行业废渣处置和利用的重要发展方向.此外,采用直接分离法生产皂素的新工艺可以减少环境和能源方面的压力,具有较高的清洁生产水平,是黄姜皂素行业的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The feasibility of high calcium fly ash (CFA)-based geopolymers to fix heavy metals were studied. The CFA-based geopolymers were prepared from CFA, flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGDG), and water treatment residual (WTR). The static leaching showed that heavy metals concentrations from CFAbased geopolymers were lower than their maximum concentration limits according to the U.S. environmental protection law. And the encapsulated and fixed ratios of heavy metals by the CFA-based geopolymers were 96.02%–99.88%. The dynamic real-time leaching experiment showed that concentration of Pb (II) was less than 1.1 μg / L, Cr (VI) less than 3.25 mg / L, while Hg (II) less than 4.0 μg / L. Additionally, dynamic accumulated leaching concentrations were increased at the beginning of leaching process then kept stable. During the dynamic leaching process, heavy metals migrated and accumulated in an area near to the solid-solution interface. When small part of heavy metals in “the accumulated area” breached through the threshold value of physical encapsulation and chemical fixation they migrated into solution. The dynamic leaching ratios and effective diffusion coefficients of heavy metals from CFA-based geopolymer were very low and the long-term security of heavy metals in CFA-based geopolymer was safe.  相似文献   

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