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In the present contribution experimental and numerical investigations of multiphase flow in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) are presented. In the bioreactor the formation and growth of granular activated sludge (GAS) with diameter up to 5 mm occurs. In order to experimentally analyse multiphase flow patterns in a mixture of water, air and granules in the SBR, optical in situ techniques are applied. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) and particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) are employed to observe the velocity fields of fluid and granules. For the three-dimensional numerical simulation of the flow problem the Euler-Euler approach is used. The comparison of experimental and numerical results shows a lot of similarities. The characteristic flow patterns can be observed in three zones of the SBR. It can be shown that effect of normal strain rate up to and shear strain rate up to , besides biochemical activities have a major influence on the formation, shape and size of the granules in the SBR under aerobic conditions. 相似文献
Reappearance of azimuthal waves in turbulent Taylor-Couette flow at large aspect ratio 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Velocity field data were acquired for Taylor-Couette flow in the annular gap between an inner rotating cylinder and a stationary concentric outer cylinder using particle image velocimetry (PIV) in a meridional plane of the annulus. Data were acquired for several rotational Reynolds numbers with the ratio of the rotational and critical Reynolds numbers ranging from 6 to 200, corresponding to flow states ranging from laminar wavy Taylor vortex flow to turbulent Taylor vortex flow. Spatial correlations of velocity fluctuations were found to exhibit a sharp decrease as R, the ratio of Reynolds number to the critical Reynolds number, increases from 16, indicating the disappearance of azimuthal waves and the onset of turbulence, reaching a minimum at R=18. However, correlation lengths subsequently increase with increasing R, displaying a secondary peak from 20?R?38, suggesting the reappearance of azimuthal waves. The reemergence of azimuthal waves was confirmed through other methods including analysis of the axial velocity. At still higher Reynolds numbers, correlation lengths decay once again. The magnitude and Reynolds number associated with the secondary peak in the fluctuation velocity correlations were found to be dependent on the location of the basis point used in the calculations. Specifically, correlation lengths were longest near the outer cylinder in the inflow boundary and near the inner cylinder in the outflow boundary. This was shown to be due to the spatial dependence of Reynolds stresses in turbulent Taylor-Couette flow. 相似文献
膜生物反应器中膜的清洗研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对膜生物反应器处理柠檬酸酸洗废水中膜的清洗进行了研究,通过不同的清洗方法对膜通量的恢复程度进行评价。确定了反冲洗时间及反冲洗周期,经过试验研究与分析,在反冲洗的同时结合正洗的清洗方法,效果好于单纯的反冲洗方法;确定了化学清洗剂种类、清洗剂的用量以及化学清洗周期。采用物理清洗与化学清洗相结合的方法,清洗效果很好。保证了MBR的稳定运行。 相似文献
This paper presents experimental and numerical results related to the dynamic behavior of a two-liquid phase mixing layer induced by a gradient of phase fraction at the flow inlet. A particle image velocimetry-based technique has been used together with a refractive index matching method in order to measure the volume phase fraction and the continuous phase velocity in the two-dimensional (2D) flow. The analysis of experimental results reveals the strong unsteady feature of the flow and the development of large-scale coherent structures. Experimental data have been compared to numerical simulations obtained using both a two-fluid model and a single-fluid mixture model (where only the density difference is accounted for). The similarities and discrepancies between numerical and experimental results provide an understanding of the relative importance of variable density effects compared to the two-phase interfacial exchanges in the momentum and the turbulent transport. 相似文献
The role of hydrodynamic conditions and solution chemistry on protein fouling during ultrafiltration 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This study investigates the effect of hydrodynamic conditions and solution chemistry on protein fouling during ultrafiltration. Drastic flux reduction was observed at high initial flux and/or low cross-flow velocity. A limiting flux existed during BSA filtration, beyond which membrane flux cannot be sustained. Further increase in pressure over the limiting value did not enhance the stable flux. The rate and extent of BSA fouling were also strongly dependent on the feedwater composition, such as BSA concentration, pH, and ionic strength. Foulant concentration had no effect on the stable flux, although the rate approaching to the stable flux increased proportionally with increasing foulant concentration. Fouling was most severe at the isoelectric point of BSA (pH 4.7), where the electrostatic repulsion between foulant molecules is negligible. Membrane fouling became less severe at pHs away from the isoelectric point. Increasing ionic strength at pH 3.0 promoted severe fouling likely due to electric double layer (EDL) compression. On the other hand, the flux behavior was insensitive to salt concentration at pH 4.7 due to the lack of electrostatic interaction. At a solution pH of 5.8, effect of ionic strength on long-term flux behavior was directly opposite to that on the transient behavior. While the long-term flux was lower at higher ionic strength due to EDL compression, the transient behavior was also affected by the BSA retention of the membrane. 相似文献
稳定膜透水率的新方法-恒流控制 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
本文从理论上分析了减轻膜污染、提高膜产水量的有效方法之一是降低的平均操作压力,并在此基础上提出了恒流控制的操作方式,即保证在一个周期内膜组件的透过液流量恒定,以及实现恒流控制的三种方法。本研究还通过实验在分置式膜生物反应器中比较了相同条件下恒流控制与传统的恒压控制时膜的产水量,结果表明前者比后者提高了12.6%。 相似文献
The flow in the wake and near-wake regions of individual Taylor bubbles rising through stagnant and co-current vertical columns of Newtonian liquids was studied, employing simultaneously particle image velocimetry (PIV) and pulsed shadowgraphy techniques (PST). Experiments were made with water and aqueous glycerol solutions covering a wide range of viscosities , in an acrylic column of 32 mm ID.Different wake structures (laminar, transitional and turbulent) are identified, in both stagnant and co-current flow conditions. In stagnant liquids, the wake flow pattern is only dependent on the dimensionless group Nf. The different types of wakes obtained are in accordance with the critical Nf numbers proposed in previous works. For co-current flow conditions, the flow patterns in the wake depend on the Reynolds number based on the relative (to the bubble) average velocity of the upward liquid flow, the laminar-transitional and transitional-turbulent limits being for the first time experimentally determined.The wake flow patterns are quantified by means of instantaneous and average flow fields. Values for the wake length and wake volume are also presented and compare well with correlations found in literature. Study of the flow in the near-wake zone enabled determination of the distance needed to recover the undisturbed liquid velocity profile.The detailed study of the flow in the wake and near-wake regions is an important contribution to better understanding the interaction and coalescence mechanisms between Taylor bubbles.The data reported are relevant to the validation of numerical simulation codes in the vertical slug flow regime. 相似文献
The flow in the nose region and in the annular film around individual Taylor bubbles rising through stagnant and co-current vertical columns of liquid were studied, employing particle image velocimetry (PIV) and pulsed shadowgraphy techniques (PST) at the same time. The combined techniques enabled simultaneous determination of the bubble shape and the velocity profiles in the liquid film. Experiments were performed with water and aqueous glycerol solutions in a wide range of viscosities , in an acrylic column of 32 mm ID.Values for the distance ahead of the nose in which the flow is disturbed by the presence of the bubble are presented for the conditions studied. The bubble shapes in the nose region are compared with Dumitrescu's shape for potential flow. The velocity profiles show that after the nose region the liquid begins to accelerate downwards, and at a certain distance from the bubble nose the velocity profile and the liquid film thickness stabilise. The liquid film acquires characteristics of a free-falling film. Values of the developing length and film thickness are reported for the experimental conditions studied. Average velocity profiles in the fully developed film are also presented. A critical Reynolds number of around 80 (based on the mean absolute velocity in the liquid film and on the film thickness) is reported for the transition from laminar to turbulent regime. Shear stress profiles (in the fully developed film) are also provided.The data reported are relevant for the validation of numerical codes in slug flow. 相似文献
膜生物反应器以其突出的优点迅速成为污水处理的新的发展方向,但一直以来膜污染都是其推广应用的障碍.在膜生物反应器中投加滑石粉,主要通过膜通量等参数来研究滑石粉对膜污染的减缓作用,试验结果表明当滑石粉的投加量为1.4 g/L时膜通量下降最为缓慢,污泥沉降性能也相对较好. 相似文献
膜分离技术在生物化工领域的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在简要介绍膜分离技术特点及其在生物化工产品分离应用现状基础上,指出了膜分离技术在应用中仍存在的一些问题,并进一步对其解决对策进行了论述,最后对膜分离技术在生物分离方面的发展方向和应用前景进行了展望。 相似文献
Hasan Idrees Ibrahim M. A. ElSherbiny Meagan Hecket Qirong Ke Christian Staaks Ahmed S. G. Khalil Mathias Ulbricht Stefan Panglisch 《化学,工程师,技术》2021,93(9):1408-1416
Reusing wastewater from oil-related industries is becoming increasingly important, especially in water-stressed oil-producing countries. Before oily wastewater can be discharged or reused, it must be properly treated, e.g., by membrane-based processes like ultrafiltration. A major issue of the applied membranes is their high fouling propensity. This paper reports on mitigating fouling inside ready-to-use ultrafiltration hollow-fiber modules used in a polishing step in oil/water separation. For this purpose, in-situ polyzwitterionic hydrogel coating was applied. The membrane performance was tested with oil nano-emulsions using a mini-plant system. The main factors influencing fouling were systematically investigated using statistical design of experiments. 相似文献
The suspended carriers were efficient in controlling membrane fouling in hybrid membrane bioreactor with porous suspended carriers (HMBR). The purpose of this study consisted in investigating the effect of suspended carriers on the sludge suspension, especially the filterability of sludge suspension. The filterability of sludge suspension in HMBR and general membrane bioreactor (MBR) were investigated and compared in parallel conditions by dead-end filtration for better evaluating the influence of suspended carriers on the sludge suspension. Several aspects of sludge suspension such as filtration resistance, specific cake resistance and particle size were discussed. During long-term operation the filtration resistances rose gradually in the early stage (about 100 days) and then increased rapidly, but there was a slight difference between MBR and HMBR with the prolongation of operation time. The granulometric analysis revealed that the mean particle size of sludge suspension of HMBR decreased more sharply than that of MBR, because the fluidized carriers in HMBR would impose shear stresses on sludge flocs and induce the destruction of the network of sludge zoogloea. Dead-end filtration experiments indicated that the resistance-increasing rates of three portions of sludge suspension were in the order of supernatant > dissolved organics > microbial flocs. In order to further understand the filterability of sludge suspension, the specific cake resistance (α or α.C) of sludge suspension and supernatant in HMBR and MBR were determined. During long-term operation the α and α.C increased with operation time. These results revealed that the suspended carriers in HMBR had appreciably negative effect on the biological characteristics and filterability of the sludge suspension, but they were efficient in controlling membrane fouling during continuous operation of HMBR. 相似文献
造纸工业是我国水资源消耗大户,造纸废水水量大、有机物含量高、造成的环境污染影响大,对造纸废水治理在全世界范围内都在关注废水回用,提高水循环利用率,减少水资源消耗和废水排放污染。膜分离技术是在一定压力下进行混合液分离的技术,近年来膜分离技术快速发展,在海水淡化、化工、食晶、医药、电子等工业废水处理中应用较多,本文对膜分离技术在国内外造纸工业废水回用中的应用研究进行了介绍,并对膜分离技术在造纸工业废水回用的研究方向进行了论述。 相似文献
Jun-Young Kim In-Soung Chang Hun-Hwee Park Chang-Yong Kim Jong-Bum Kim Ji-Hyun Oh 《Desalination》2008,230(1-3):153-161
Excess aeration to membrane surface is common for controlling membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) system, but significant energy is consumed for excess air production. Therefore, an alternative strategy for membrane fouling control is currently needed. A new configuration of MBR was proposed in this study to control membrane fouling effectively. To reduce biosolids concentration near the membrane surface, the position of the membrane module in MBR was elevated from the bottom to the top in the reactor. This could divide the reactor to two different zones: upper and lower zone. Air was not supplied at the lower zone whereas aeration was given to the upper zone where the membrane filtration was carried out. Biosolids concentration was reduced in the upper zone because the mixed liquor was settled down to the lower zone. Membrane fouling could be lessened in the upper zone due to the reduced biosolids concentration. Therefore, to verify if this new configuration of MBR could mitigate membrane fouling, the effect of changing vertical position of the membrane module in MBR on membrane fouling was investigated. Prior to verification the effect of elevation of membrane module on membrane fouling, influence of MLSS concentration on membrane fouling was investigated first. Transmembrane pressure (TMP) increase became steep as MLSS concentration increased. And the immersed membrane module was elevated from the bottom to the top of the MBR. When the upper membrane was located in the bioreactor, less membrane fouling was observed. This could demonstrate a possibility of new MBR design to control membrane fouling. In addition, reduced dissolved oxygen level in the returned sludge to anoxic tank could increase denitrification efficiency if this configuration is directly applied to biological nutrient removal processes. 相似文献
The particle motion within a stable swirling operation regime of a fluidized bed is investigated. Particle image velocimetry was used to elaborate the hydrodynamics of multi‐sized particles fluidized at different air distributor blade angles. The experimental results revealed that the superficial velocity is the most prominent aspect affecting the hydrodynamics of a swirling fluidized bed (SFB) followed by the bed weight, particle shape, and blade inclination angle. Particles of different sizes and shapes fluidized well in the SFB which emphasizes its superiority over contemporary techniques. The slug‐wavy regime in the SFB is promising and has considerable potential, especially for diffusion‐controlled reactions and processes in the industry. The particle velocity increased with air flow rate at shallow bed height but decreased with bed weight. 相似文献
Suspending particles in liquids is an important and versatile case for industrial stirring processes. By using advanced optical, non‐invasive measurement techniques like particle image velocimetry (PIV), it is possible to gain deep insights into the involved fluid dynamics without affecting the flow. However, for suspensions, the application of PIV is not trivial since both, suspended and tracer particles are present and need to be discerned during experiments. The here presented method development solves this problem and thus leads to a better insight into turbulent kinetic energy distribution, which can be utilized for process optimization through improved stirred vessel design. 相似文献
Within the food industry, membrane separation is commonplace due to its relatively low energy consumption. It allows fractionation of various feeds (e.g., milk) into starting materials for food design. We feel that considerable progress can still be made. For this, the specific properties of the components of interest would need to be taken into account, such as their mobility in flow, and their deformability in relation to the actual membrane structure. Furthermore, improvements are possible through cascaded use of membrane processes, and upgrading waste streams, which leads to new opportunities. 相似文献
A bench‐scale submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) was employed to treat vegetable oil plant wastewater with complete sludge retention. Treatment performance and membrane fouling of the SMBR were investigated. The system stably removed high amounts of total organic carbon, oil, and ammonia from vegetable oil wastewater and reduced the chemical oxygen demand, demonstrating the great potential of the SMBR in removing pollutants. The membrane fouling layer was not only governed by deposition of organic substances composed of extracellular polymeric substances like proteins, polysaccharides etc., and oil substances but also by inorganic elements. Organic foulants coupled to inorganic precipitation enhanced the formation of a gel layer and triggered severe membrane fouling in the SMBR. 相似文献
Four nanofiltration and low pressure reverse osmosis membranes were investigated concerning their retention and fouling behavior during filtration of a surface water (River Alb) spiked with four polar micropollutants. Filtration and cleaning experiments were also conducted in deionized water spiked with the model contaminants in order to evaluate the influence of the water matrix on retention. Steric and electrostatic effects were found to be the most important factors influencing retention of the organic substances. In the presented experiments, fouling had little influence on retention. In case of the DI water experiments, treatment of the membranes with NaOH solution considerably lowered the retention of the investigated micropollutants, whereas in the experiments with river water the effect of alkaline treatment on the rejection of the trace organic substances decreased to an insignificant amount already 1 h after membrane cleaning. 相似文献