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Effects of Cerium on Rooting and Physiological-Biochemical Metabolism of Tissue Culture Plantlet from Dioscorea Zingberensis  相似文献   

Rareearthshaveledtowidespreadinterestsinlifescience ,whilethescientistsdoresearchesdeeplyinmedicalandbiochemicalfields .Rareearthsplaypotentialrolesininhibitingcancer ,andalargenum berofscientistsdedicatethemselvestoit[1] .Thema trixmetalloproteinases (MMPs)areafamilyofatleast1 7humanzinc dependentendopeptidasesthatareca pableofdegradingalmostallextracellularmatrix(ECM)components .Theyareessentialinmanyphys iologicalprocessesandseveralpathologicalconditions ,suchastumorprogression .MMPsare…  相似文献   

To evaluate the security of using thulium, comparision between effects of La and those of Ce on acidic phosphatase activities in red soil and yellow soil in Zhejiang district was studied under conditions of ambient temperature and humidity. Results show that the acid phosphatase from different soil respondes to La and Ce differently. The activity of acid phosphatase in soil 1 declines with the increase of the concentration of La and Ce. The maximum inhibitory ratio of La and Ce reaches 69.8% and 71.0% respectively. But La and Ce have stimulative effect on the activity of acid phosphatase in soil 2.Under the effect of same concentration of the thulium, the acid phosphatase in two soils increases with the extending of culture time.  相似文献   

CellcultureofTaxusspp .maybeviewedasapotentialalternativetowholeplantextrac tionasasourceoftheantineoplasticagenttax olandrelatedtaxanes ,currentlyinshortsup ply .Therefore ,howtoincreasetheproductivi tyoftaxolintheplantcellculturehasdrawnmuchattention .Eli…  相似文献   

Cerium addition plays an important role in sintering, transformation and phasicochemical properties of cordierite ceramics. The present work aims at studying the distribution of Ce4+ in cordierite ceramics and its effect on the structure of cordierite crystal by means of differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electronic microscope (SEM) so as to clarify the behavior of Ce4+. Results show that Ce4+ can exist in two forms of CeO2 particles and solid solution in Ce4+ -modified cordierite ceramics by the sol-gel method. The CeO2 particles separately distribute in the cordierite matrix. Ce4+ dissolves little into cordierite crystal, resulting in a decrease of lattice constants ofthe crystal. This kind of distribution behavior of Ce4+ makes us to easily tailor the properties of the cordieritc ceramics.  相似文献   

Currentlytheincidenceandlethalityofthrombusillnessareveryhigh ,anditseriouslythreatenspublichealth .Thrombolysisisoneoftherelativelyeffectivemethodstotreatthedis ease .Single chainurokinase typeplasminogenactivator (scu PA 3 2k )oflowmolecularweight(3 2kD)wasdi…  相似文献   

Effects of Cerium on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Zn-22%Al Vibration Damping Alloy  相似文献   

The behaviors of La and Ce on gram boundaries in carbon manganese clean steel were investigated by high-reso- lution transmission elecetron microscope (HRTEM), scanning elecetron microscopy(SEM ), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis. The existing forms of rare earths (RE) in clean steel were as follows: dissolved in sohd solution, forming inclusion or second phase containing RE (RE-Fe-P, La-P, Fe-La eutectic and Fe-Ce phase). The dissolved La or Ce segregated at grain boundaries. The segregation of both S and P at gram boundaries was reduced with suitable RE content. The impact toughness of the steel was improved obviously. La and Ce had effecets on purifying molten steel and modifying inclusions in clean steel, whereas with excessive La or Ce, La-Fe-P, La-P and Fe-La eutecetic phase or Ce-Fe-P and Fe-Ce intermetallic compound would form along grain boundaries, causing the impact energy to decrease significantly.  相似文献   

iththerapiddevelopmentofrareearthindustryandextensiveapplicationofrareearthinagriculture ,agreatmanyofrareearthelements (REEs)werere leasedintoenvironment ,especiallywaterenviron ment ,andtheconsequentseriousenvironmentpollu tionhasattractedpeople′satten…  相似文献   

A series of Ce-doped Ni-B amorphous alloy catalysts were prepared by a KBH4 reduction method, characterized by ICP, BET, XRD, H2-chemisorption, H2-TPD, etc., and tested in the hydrogenation of 2-ethylanthraquinone. The results of characterization show that with the addition of Ce the amount of H2-chemisorption and H2-TPD areas first increases markedly and then decreases with the maximum appears at the atomic ratio of Ce to Ni of 0.036. The hydrogenation activity also shows the same trend. The effects of Ce are attributed to its dispersion of Ni particles, resulting in the formation of more surface Ni centers. However, much higher Ce contents may result in the decrease of the surface Ni contents. After heat treatment at higher temperatures, the amorphous structure of Ni-B is destroyed.  相似文献   

Characteristics of carbon deposition of CH4 and C2H4 decomposition over supported Ni and Ni-Ce catalysts were studied by using a pulse reaction as well as BET, TPR, XPS and hydrogen chemisorption techniques. It is found that there is a metal-semiconductor interaction (MScI) in the Ni-Ce catalyst, and the effect of MScI on the carbon deposition of CH4 decomposition is opposite to that of C2H4. A novel model of carbon deposition of CH4 or C2H4 decomposition was proposed.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to examine the effects of cerium on the growth and physiological characteristics ofCyclo-carya paliurusseedlings by spraying the foliage with different concentrations of ce...  相似文献   

Rareearthelementshavebeenincreasinglyusedinagriculture ,animalhusbandryandfisheryinChinasinceREcanpromotegrowthofcropsandani mals[1,2 ] .However ,studieshaveshownthatoverex posureofREmayhavenegativeortoxiceffectsonor ganisms ,forexample ,inhibitingenzymeactivityandinterferinginmetabolism ,havinghighaffinitytoCa2 bindingsitesanddown regulatingabsorptionandfunc tionofCa2 ,blockingbloodclotting ,inducingpatho histologicallesionsofliver ,aswellasaffectinggo nadalfunction[3~6 ] .Furthermore ,…  相似文献   

The effects of various rare earth elements on growth and isoflavonoid production in hairy root cultures of Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi (strain TR2) cultured in 500 ml flasks were studied. After 32 days of culture, the biomass of hairy roots increase 15 times and reach 3.2 g dry weight. Hairy root growth was inhibited by Y203, NaSeO3 and Sm^3 be-cause of brown formation. But significant promoting effect on root growth due to callus formation was observed in La^3 treatments. It is the most noteworthy that the production of total isoflavonoids and puerarin was enhanced greatly by La^3 treatment. A major portion of increased total isoflavonoids and puerarin was released into medium in La^3 treatment whilethe hairy root viabilities were preserved. Some specific secondary metabolite release processes could be induced by La^3 and their possible mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

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