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为了了解实际雷电流的波形参数,需在高塔或输电线路等构筑物上对雷电流波形进行监测,但实际测量到的结果是受构筑物影响后的雷电流。笔者主要讨论雷电流监测装置安装位置对于监测结果的影响。在构筑物模型中考虑了雷电流传播过程中的衰减、畸变以及冲击接地电阻等的因素,采用电磁暂态分析程序对不同高度的构筑物进行仿真计算。分析结果表明,构筑物在不同安装位置处得到的雷电流差别很大,顶部监测到的电流受到的影响很小,底部监测到的雷电流受到的影响非常大,雷电流测量设备应当安装在构筑物顶部,这样测量到的雷电流参数比较准确。 相似文献
染污绝缘子污闪全过程泄漏电流波形及谐波特性分析 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
污闪是高压输电线污秽绝缘子沿面放电的极端结果,要预防污闪必须及时准确地做出表面污秽度的预测。为此,针对泄漏电流与绝缘子表面污秽度之间的紧密联系,基于污闪发展全过程的3区段思想,通过反复的实验测试,研究污秽沿面放电全过程中泄漏电流的3区段典型波形,提取出波形的区段变化特性;利用频域谐波分析方法,揭示出污闪过程中3区段泄漏电流的主要谐波成分的变化特点和规律;利用系统波形畸变率来分析波形质量的原理,建立了污闪发展全过程泄漏电流波形的畸变率,确立了3区段波形畸变率的变化范围。研究表明,电流波形、谐波以及波形畸变率都是泄漏电流特性很好的描述参量,这些特性参量的变化规律与绝缘子片数、污秽度和绝缘子形状等参量无关,具有可推性和一致性。实验分析证明,泄漏电流波形、谐波以及波形畸变率从图形和量值两方面出发,可以为污闪区段预警提供更明确的理论指导,有利于更清晰地建立污闪预警系统。 相似文献
雷电流全参数及避雷器状态在线监测研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
为给分析判断雷击线路杆塔号、雷击形式及实现快速定位提供充分的依据,研究了一种雷击输电线路和避雷针的雷电流全参数在线监测系统,采用罗氏电流传感器和前置机,配合GPRS公共平台远端传输接收数据,首次得到了雷击杆塔的电流波形、幅值、极性和雷击点位置。此外,还研究了线路用带间隙避雷器的运行寿命和配网避雷器运行状态的在线监测指示器,其中采用大电流通过次数的计数方法以确定带间隙避雷器的剩余寿命,设计的状态指示器的起始动作电流<100A,大电流时能可靠动作,告警和吊牌复位机构满足可靠性要求。配网避雷器采用阻性电流分量作为检测对象,当检测到的阻性电流达到设定阈值时,装置将自动发出双重故障指示。在多个变电站实际运行的结果表明:该装置动作可靠、标识明确、使用方便,减少了检修和停电导致的经济损失,提高了配电网的供电可靠性。 相似文献
针对目前应用较为广泛的双指数函数、霍德勒(Heidler)函数和脉冲函数雷电流模型,从函数波形特点、一阶可导性和频谱分析对这三种雷电流数学模型进行了对比分析,据此提出非精确的雷电流仿真计算研究可采用双指数函数模型;精确的雷电流特性的研究可采用Heidler函数模型;雷电电磁场等领域的研究可采用脉冲函数模型。 相似文献
Masaru Ishii Mikihisa Saito Fumiyuki Fujii Michihiro Matsui Naoki Itamoto 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2010,170(1):8-15
Lightning electric‐field waveforms related to power line faults in winter have been identified. Most of those waveforms appear to be associated with upward lightning discharges with absolute peak currents of over 100 kA. They are quite different from common return‐stroke waveforms, and the lightning discharges which produce these characteristic waveforms are called GC (Ground to Cloud) flashes. These high‐current lightning discharges are distributed around the coastline in different ways depending on their polarities. The spatial distributions of high‐current lightning discharges around Japan are also investigated. It is revealed that the region of Honshu Island along the coastline of the Sea of Japan belongs to the area in which the density of high‐current lightning flashes is the highest in Japan through the year. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 170(1): 8–15, 2010; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20874 相似文献
A study of remanent magnetization is made at the areas of lightning strikes. In the case of triggered lightning (Okushishiku, Hokuriku district), the magnetic direction of the specimens shows a clockwise rotation pattern around the point of lightning strike. At an archaeological site in Miyagi Prefecture, an anticlockwise pattern of the magnetic direction was detected. These results indicate that a stable remanent magnetization is acquired by the strong magnetic field induced surrounding the lightning current, both in negative and positive lightning flashes. Also, a detailed analysis of magnetization clarifies the electric current flow underground caused by the lightning. The study of remanent magnetization will become a useful method to elucidate the path of the lightning current. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 123(4): 41–47, 1998 相似文献
剩磁法是一种雷灾鉴定中判定是否发生雷击事故的方法,但标准中只给出判定的参考剩磁数据,其数据通用性有待斟酌。为了探究铁件剩磁量的规律,通过模拟雷电流的发生,选取一定的试样进行冲击测试后测量剩磁,得出了影响剩磁的主要因素有铁件材质、尺寸、所在位置、测量位置、雷电流大小、冲击条件、次数等,并得出0.5~1.5 mT区间的数据同样可以作为判定依据。而当冲击次数为5次以后,由于铁件的剩磁累积效应,铁件的剩磁量逐步达到饱和。得到的结论为雷灾鉴定工作提供了一定的理论基础。 相似文献
SF6 gas is widely used in electric power apparatus such as gas‐insulated switchgears (GIS), because of its superior dielectric properties; however, it has been identified as a greenhouse gas at COP3 in 1997, and alternative insulation gases to SF6 have recently been investigated. One of the candidates is CO2 gas, which has lower global warming potential (GWP). However, CO2 gas has a lower withstand voltage level than SF6 gas; therefore, it is necessary to rationalize the equipment insulation level and reexamine the insulating test voltage for electric power apparatus as low as possible. From our previous investigation, in SF6 gas insulation system, we obtained that the insulation requirements of the real surges (called nonstandard lightning impulse waveform) are not as severe as those of the standard lightning impulse waveform. This paper describes the evaluation method for real surges, based on insulation characteristics of CO2 gas gaps. Furthermore, the method was applied to typical field overvoltage waveform in the lightning surge time region for 500‐kV systems and it is obtained that the equivalent peak value of the standard lightning impulse waveform is possibly reduced by 10 to 15%. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 163(3): 1– 9, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20560 相似文献
In order to improve power supply reliability, it is necessary to prevent lightning faults in transmission lines and substation apparatus. However, faults are caused occasionally in lower-voltage power systems, particularly at the 77 kV level. The governing factor for insulation strength of substation apparatus is the lightning impulse voltage, and it is necessary to know the voltage level and distribution in a substation caused by lightning surges in order to investigate rational insulation coordination. For this purpose, the authors measured lightning surges at two 77 kV conventional substations from 1990 to 1993. In this paper, the characteristics of induced lightning surges and back flashover lightning surges are described. Comparisons of related surge voltages at two substations, the power line phases in grounding faults, and the equivalent capacitance of the substations are also discussed. 相似文献