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Synthesis and io n transport characterization of hot-pressed solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) membranes:(1 ? x) poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO):x NaHCO3, where 0 < x < 50 wt.%, have been reported. SPE films have been synthesized using a hot-press technique in place of the traditional solution-cast method. A conductivity enhancement of the two orders of magnitude was achieved in SPE film:70PEO:30NaHCO3 and this composition has been referred to as optimum conducting composition (OCC). Materials characterization was done with the help of XRD, SEM, FTIR, DSC and TGA techniques. The ion transport behavior in SPE membranes has been discussed on the basis of experimental measurements on their ionic conductivity (σ), ionic mobility (μ) and some other important parameters. A solid-state polymer battery was fabricated using SPE OCC at room temperature, as a device application. 相似文献
D. Arsova E. Skordeva D. Nesheva E. Vateva A. Perakis C. Raptis 《Glass Physics and Chemistry》2000,26(3):247-251
The Raman spectra of glasses in the ternary (Ge2S3)
and (GeS2)
systems are reported. It is shown that the degree of disorder in the (Ge2S3)
glasses increases with an increase in the Ge content. The differences in the spectra of glasses with the same molar content
of As2S3 are discussed in terms of the changes occurring in the local structure due to deviations from the stoichiometry. The observed
changes in the intensity of the boson peak indicate changes in the medium-range order structure of the glasses under study. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2023,43(6):2498-2505
In spite of the significance from both scientific and technological viewpoints, systematical studies on the dielectric spectra of (K,Na)NbO3-based lead-free ceramics particularly in the poled state had been scarcely performed so far. In this study, the compositional series of (1-x)(K0.48Na0.52)(Nb0.96Sb0.04)O3?x(Bi0.50Na0.50)ZrO3 ceramics were chosen representatively to shed more light on the characters of dielectric properties. All the ceramics in the unpoled state show dielectric spectra of large dispersion with the relaxational characteristic frequency higher than the measured upper limit of 60 MHz at room temperature. Additional resonance peaks due to the electromechanical coupling of piezoelectric effect appear and are accompanied by a large step-like reduction of dielectric permittivity ε′ in the dielectric spectra after poling. An abnormal phenomenon that poling induces the increase of low-frequency ε′ occurs in those ceramics with x ≥ 0.04 at room temperature, and is confirmed to associate closely with the orthorhombic-tetragonal and rhombohedral-orthorhombic polymorphic phase transitions. Further study of domain structure indicates that the origin of this abnormal phenomenon should be ascribed to the enhancement of domain-wall mobility because of the large reduction of domain-wall density due to the poling. 相似文献
Self-Assembled 3D Flower-Like Hierarchical β-Ni(OH)2 Hollow Architectures and their In Situ Thermal Conversion to NiO 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lu-Ping Zhu Gui-Hong Liao Yang Yang Hong-Mei Xiao Ji-Fen Wang Shao-Yun Fu 《Nanoscale research letters》2009,4(6):550-557
Three-dimensional (3D) flower-like hierarchical β-Ni(OH)2 hollow architectures were synthesized by a facile hydrothermal route. The as-obtained products were well characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM (HRTEM), SAED, and DSC-TGA. It was shown that the 3D flower-like hierarchical β-Ni(OH)2 hollow architectures with a diameter of several micrometers are assembled from nanosheets with a thickness of 10–20 nm and a width of 0.5–2.5 μm. A rational mechanism of formation was proposed on the basis of a range of contrasting experiments. 3D flower-like hierarchical NiO hollow architectures with porous structure were obtained after thermal decomposition at appropriate temperatures. UV–Vis spectra reveal that the band gap of the as-synthesized NiO samples was about 3.57 eV, exhibiting obviously red shift compared with the bulk counterpart. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2020,40(4):1325-1329
In this study, MgO.(Fe2O3)1−x(Bi2O3)x (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08) samples were prepared by the conventional ceramic process. Microstructure studies revealed that the samples contain MgFe2O4 grains surrounded by insulating Bi2O3-rich phases. DC electrical resistivity of the samples was increased by Bi2O3 content up to 1.1 MΩ.cm for the sample with x = 0.08. Current density- electric field investigations suggested that the samples with x = 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 exhibited varistor properties. The sample with x = 0.01 showed excellent varistor properties with a non-linear coefficient of 45 and a threshold electric field value of 160 V/cm. Variation of D.C electrical conductivity versus temperature indicated that the activation energy values for the conduction were increased by Bi2O3 content from 0.334(5) eV to 0.857(5) eV. A.C electrical conductivity spectra of the samples obey the universal power law and the charge transport mechanism is based on electron hopping via sudden translational motion between the ferric and ferrous ions. 相似文献
The electronic charge carrier concentration in La1?x Sr x FeO3?δ was shown to depend on the partial pressure of O2 (pO 2). Chemical diffusion coefficient and surface exchange coefficient, k chem, were determined by conductivity relaxation in O2/N2 and CO/CO2 mixtures. k chem was proportional to pO 2 1.06 in O2/N2, while in CO/CO2 k chem was controlled by a reaction mechanism involving both CO and CO2. 相似文献
Ho2O3 and Tm2O3 doped Bi2O3 composite electrolyte type materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating at intermediate-temperature were investigated. The bismuth-based ceramic powders were produced by using conventional solid-state synthesis techniques. The products were characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis/thermal gravimetry (DTA/TG), and the four-point probe technique (4PPT). XRD and DTA/TG measurements indicate that all of the samples have the stable fluorite type face centered cubic (fcc) δ-phase. 4PPT measurements were performed in the temperature range 150–1000 °C in air and these measurements showed that the electrical conductivity of the samples decrease with increasing amount of Tm2O3. This increase in the electrical conductivity of the samples could be attributed to the increase in the numbers of highly polarizable cations and oxide ion vacancies. The highest conductivity value was found as 5.31×10?1 Ω cm?1 for the (Bi2O3)1?x?y(Ho2O3)x(Tm2O3)y ternary system (for x=20 and y=5 mol%) at 1000 °C. The activation energies of the samples were calculated from log σ graphics versus 1000/T. These calculated results showed that the translation motion of the charge carriers, oxygen vacancies, and space charge polarizations are responsible for the change in activation energy as a function of temperature. 相似文献
Mustafa Saeed Shalaby Soraya Abdelhaleem Eman O. Taha Nashwa M. Yousif 《应用聚合物科学杂志》2023,140(6):e53439
The (PANI)1−x(Bi2Te3)x composites were successfully synthesized. These composites have a simple physical combination of intrinsic conducting polymer and nanocrystal topological insulator materials which are promising new materials for unusual applications. The influence of γ-irradiation (100 kGy doses) on the performance of the (PANI)1−x(Bi2Te3)x composites was described by atypical techniques to assess the radiation hardness of the samples. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy measurements show the semi-crystalline phases, the other structural parameters, and the phonon modes. The compositional analysis and the morphological properties were investigated by energy-dispersive X-ray, while transmission electron microscopy imaging confirmed the morphology of the dopants of Bi2Te3 nanoparticles into the polyaniline (PANI) matrix, which shows the accumulation of the particles. Thermogravimetric analysis figured out the degradation behavior of the compositions. The representative electron spin resonance (ESR) signal exhibits a narrow single-line ESR spectrum for PANI/Bi2Te3 nanoparticle concentrations. (PANI)1−x(Bi2Te3)x illustrates unexpected ferromagnetic behavior that confirms the magnetic performance of the samples without introducing any magnetic dopants. The obtained materials showed promising performance for using such hybrid materials as a positive temperature coefficient thermistor. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2015,41(6):7897-7902
The piezoelectric and dielectric properties of the (1−x)(Bi,Na)TiO3–x(Bi,K)TiO3 (x=0.12, 0.14, 0.18, 0.20 and 0.30) lead-free ceramics were investigated. Specimens were prepared by the conventional mixed oxide method and sintered at 1170 °C in air. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that increasing x from 0.12 to 0.30 causes a decrease in the grain size. The (1−x)(Bi,Na)TiO3–x(Bi,K)TiO3 ceramics shows a homogeneous microstructure and excellent dielectric and piezoelectric properties. Specimens with optimum composition showed a piezoelectric charge constant d33 of 166 pC/N, an electromechanical coupling factor kp of 0.5, a dielectric constant εr of 1591.32 at 1 kHz and generated power output of 37.49 nW/cm2. 相似文献
L. G. Protasova 《Glass Physics and Chemistry》2000,26(5):487-489
The properties of melts in the Se(90−0.9x)S(10−0.1x)Me x and Se(60−0.6x)S(40−0.4x)Me x (Me = Sb, Ge) systems (wherex ranges from 2.5 to 15 mol % with a step of 2.5 mol %) have been investigated. The density and surface tension of melts and the wetting angles of the PbSe semiconductor by melts are measured. The work of adhesion and adhesion strength of the glass coating are calculated. The experimental data are processed using the least-squares method, and the corresponding regression equations are derived. From the materials of the paper reported at the International Conference “Glasses and Solid Electrolytes” (St. Petersburg, 1999, May 17–19). 相似文献
A. A. Zatsiupa L. A. Bashkirov G. S. Petrov L. S. Lobanovskii S. V. Trukhanov 《Glass Physics and Chemistry》2013,39(5):589-596
The molar magnetic susceptibility (χmol) of Bi1 ? x La x Fe1 ? x Co x O3 solid solutions (x = 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, or 0.7) with a crystal structure of rhombohedrally distorted perovskite (R $\bar 3$ c) has been investigated in the temperature range of 5–300 K in a 0.86 T magnetic field. In the temperature range where χmol depends on temperature T according to the Curie-Weiss law, the resulting effective magnetic moments of Fe3+ and Co3+ ions ( $\mu _{eff,Fe^{3 + } ,Co^{3 + } ,} \mu _{eff,Fe^{3 + } } $ and $\mu _{eff,Co^{3 + } } $ ) have been determined for the solid solutions under study. Fe3+ ions in the solid solutions have been found to be in the mixed intermediate spin (IS) and high spin (HS) states ( $\mu _{eff,Fe^{3 + } } $ is 4.26μB and 4.68μB for the temperature range of 5–100 and 150–300 K, respectively). It is shown that 8% Co3+ ions in LaCoO3 at 5–19 K are in the paramagnetic IS state and they determine to a great extent the magnetic susceptibility. It is established that only 9% and 18% Co3+ ions in Bi1 ? x La x Fe1 ? x Co x O3 solid solutions (x = 0.9 or 0.8) are in the paramagnetic IS state in the temperature ranges of 5–30 and 5–110 K, respectively, while the other ions are diamagnetic. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2022,48(8):11056-11063
Ce2[Zr1?x(Ca1/3Sb2/3)x]3(MoO4)9 (CZ1?x(CS)xM) (x = 0.02–0.10) ceramics were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction method. The correlations between the chemical bond parameters and microwave dielectric properties were calculated and analyzed by using the Phillips–Van Vechten–Levine (P–V–L) theory. Phase composition and microstructures were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction patterns. Lattice parameters were obtained by Rietveld refinements based on XRD data. Excellent properties for Ce2[Zr0.96(Ca1/3Sb2/3)0.04]3(MoO4)9 ceramic sintered at 775 °C: εr = 10.68, Q×f = 85,336 GHz and τf = ?7.58 ppm/°C were achieved. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2020,46(10):16416-16421
The magnetic, ferroelectric, and photocatalytic properties of (1-x)BiFeO3-xBaTiO3 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) powders synthesized by sol-gel method have been investigated. X-ray diffractometry confirms that the phase of the samples changed from rhombohedral to cubic with the increase in BaTiO3 content. The grain size decreases and the particle shape becomes homogeneous with the introduction of BaTiO3. BaTiO3 substitution enhances the multiferroic properties of the ceramics and the maximum remnant magnetization (0.261 emu/g) and remnant polarization (20 μC/cm2) have acquired in 0.8BiFeO3-0.2BaTiO3 and 0.7BiFeO3-0.3BaTiO3, respectively. The absorbance in ultraviolet and visible light regions is improved obviously for powder with x = 0.3. The energy band gap of the samples decreases from 2.06 eV to 1.57 eV with the introduction of BaTiO3, indicating that the excitation rate of photogenerated electron-hole pairs is improved. The highest methylene blue degradation efficiency of ~62% within 3 h under the visible light is achieved in the 0.7BiFeO3-0.3BaTiO3 which can be attributed to its suitable energy band gap and large remnant polarization. 相似文献
M. Ashtar G.S. Gong Y.X. Gao L.M. Xu M.A. Marwat Y.Q. Wang S.L. Yuan Z.M. Tian 《Ceramics International》2019,45(8):10236-10242
We investigate the electrical and magnetic properties of the Bi2Fe4-xGaxO9 (0?≤?x?≤?1.6) polycrystalline samples synthesized via solid-state reaction technique. Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that lightly doped samples (x?<?0.8) undergo successive transitions, from high-temperature paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic phase followed by a low-temperature spin-glass state while the samples with heavy doping (x?>?0.8) demonstrate paramagnetic to spin-glass (SG) transition. The variation of irreversible temperature obtained from zero field cooling (ZFC) and field cooling (FC) susceptibilities versus measured magnetic field and low-temperature magnetic hysteresis (M-H) loops support the existence of spin-glass phase. The dielectric constant (?r) of Bi2Fe4-xGaxO9 with Ga-dilution reveals a weak-temperature sensitivity in high-temperature range (300?K?≤?T?≤?550?K), which is advantageous for high temperature capacitor applications and electronic devices. 相似文献
Sylvain Dubois Guo P. Bei Christophe Tromas Véronique Gauthier-Brunet Pascal Gadaud 《International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology》2010,7(6):719-729
Ti3Sn(1−x)AlxC2 MAX phase solid solutions are successfully synthesized from different reactant mixtures. Rietveld refinement allows to carefully characterize their structures and the ocathedra and trigonal prims distortion parameters as a function of the Al content. Mechanical properties of solid solutions are studied from nanoindentation experiments and dynamic resonant method. It is shown that solid solution hardening is not operative in this system. Elastic modulus is found to increase from Ti3SnC2 to Ti3AlC2, and such a result is discussed in terms of Ti–A bond stiffness. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2016,42(9):10608-10613
xBaTiO3–(1−x)(0.5Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3-0.5BiScO3) or xBT–(1−x)(0.5BMT–0.5BS) (x=0.45–0.60) ceramics were prepared by using the conventional mixed oxide method. Perovskite structure with pseudo-cubic symmetry was observed in all the compositions. Dielectric measurement results indicated that all the samples showed dielectric relaxation behavior. As the content BaTiO3 was decreased from 0.60 to 0.45, temperature coefficient of permittivity (TCε) in the range of 200–400 °C was improved from −706 to −152 ppm/°C, while the permittivity at 400 °C was increased from 1208 to 1613. The temperature stability of permittivity was further improved by using 2 mol% Ba-deficiency. It was found that lattice parameter and grain size of the 2 mol% Ba-deficient ceramics were smaller than those of their corresponding stoichiometric (S) counterparts, with TCε in the range of 200–400 °C to be improved noticeably. For example, TCε of the Ba-deficiency sample with x=0.45 was −75 ppm/°C in the temperature range of 200–400 °C and the permittivity was 1567 at 400 °C. The results obtained in this work indicated that xBT–(1−x)(0.5BMT–0.5BS) ceramics are very promising candidates for high temperature capacitor applications. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2023,49(7):10506-10512
TiO2 doping content affects the critical temperature (Tc) and the variations of local structure on Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ. The (Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ)1-x(TiO2)x samples were fabricated with the solid-state reaction process, where x = 0, 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, and 0.01. The Tc values of the samples were obtained by measuring resistivity versus temperature, indicating that Tc gradually decreased with increasing doping content (x). To explain the obtained degradation of Tc, carrier properties, role of interlayer coupling, and local structure were systematically investigated using Azlamozov–Larkin theory and its Lawrence–Doniach modification for strong anisotropic superconductors. The calculation of excess conductivity at the mean field region showed that the c-axis coherence length (ξc) and the effective inter-layering spacing (d) increased with increasing doping content. X-ray diffraction patterns also showed that the bond distances increased with increasing TiO2 content. The copper valence (V) and carrier concentration (p) of the samples were determined by analyzing the Cu L2,3-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure spectra. The values of V and p showed the same trend of decreasing with increasing x. A close correlation between the changes in local structure parameters and degradation of Tc of (Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ)1-x(TiO2)x was then probably concluded. 相似文献
Dzung T. Tran An T. Pham Ha H. Pham Nhung T. Nguyen Nguyen H. Nam Nguyen K. Man Won-Nam Kang I-Jui Hsu Wantana Klysubun Duc H. Tran 《Ceramics International》2021,47(12):16950-16955
In this work, a close correlation between variations of critical temperature (Tc) and the hole concentration of (Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ)1-x(Fe3O4)x systems was studied. The (Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ)1-x(Fe3O4)x samples were fabricated using the solid-state reaction method, where x ranged from 0 to 0.2. The Tc values of the samples deduced from magnetization versus temperature measurement gradually decreased with increasing the Fe3O4 content (x). To investigate a possible reason for the observed decrease in the values of Tc in the samples, the valence state of copper (V) and the hole concentration (p) in all samples were examined by analyzing the Cu K-edge and Cu L2,3-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra. The values of V and p monotonously decreased with the increase in Fe3O4 doping content (x) and agreed with the behavior of Tc. The existence of Fe3+ was confirmed by analyzing Fe L2,3-edge XANES. Hence, Fe3+ ions possibly entered the lattice structure of the samples and filled the holes in CuO2 planes. The degradation of superconductivity in Fe3O4 doped samples was then explained. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》1999,19(6-7):879-882
Lithium ion conductors, Li3−2x(In1−xZrx)2(PO4)3 (0≦x≦0·20), were synthesized by a solid state reaction. A superionic conductive phase of Li3In2(PO4)3 was stabilized down to room temperature, assisted by the substitution of Zr4+ for In3+ sites of Li3In2(PO4)3. TG-DTA analysis indicated no phase transition in the samples with x superior to 0·05. The substituted samples showed much higher ionic conductivity by a couple of magnitude than that of Li3In2(PO4)3. In particular, the highest conductivity at room temperature was 1·42×10−5 Scm−1 for Li2·8(In0·9Zr0·1)2(PO4)3. Thin films with the composition of Li2·8(In0·9Zr0·1)2(PO4)3 was prepared by a sol–gel method. A coating solution was made from lithium isopropoxide, indium isopropoxide, zirconium isopropoxide and diphosphorus pentaoxide. Well crystallized films were obtained on silicon dioxide and quartz glass substrates by dropping the coating solution, followed by firing over 873 K. In the temperatures above 473 K the lithium ionic conductivity of the film was slightly higher than that of sintered samples prepared by the solid state reaction at 1373 K. 相似文献