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FC(倒装片)和WLP(圆片级封装)均要在圆片上制作各类凸点,它们与基板焊接互连后,由于各材料间的热失配可能造成凸点——基板间互连失效,从而影响了器件的可靠性和使用寿命。解决这一问题的通常做法是对芯片凸点与基板间进行下填充。本文介绍的柔性凸点技术是在焊球下面增加一层具有弹性的柔性材料,当器件工作产生热失配时,由于柔性材料的自由伸缩,将大大减小以至消除各材料间的失配应力,使芯片凸点与基板下即使不加下填充,也能达到器件稳定、长期、可靠地工作的目的。 相似文献
利用隔振原理,设计了矢量水声传感器系统中一种新型隔振封装结构模型,即加入橡胶减振器的新型封装结构。采用ANSYS软件对封装模型进行模态分析,研究模型结构和几何尺寸对其隔振性能的影响,确定最优隔振封装结构;对模型的几何尺寸及橡胶隔震材料力学参数进行优化,并对优化模型的隔振性能进行实验测试和评估。实验结果表明:所设计的新型橡胶减振结构具有一定的减振效果,隔离了一定程度的核心器件以外的外界振动干扰,提高了原有封装结构矢量水听器的探测灵敏度。再次验证了硅微MEMS仿生矢量水声传感器不但体积小、质量轻、结构简单,而且具有低频灵敏度高等优点。 相似文献
概述了晶圆键合技术穴WB雪和微电子机械系统穴MEMS雪的新进展。介绍了晶圆键合工艺、技术要求、应用选择以及对MEMS的作用;展示了MEMS制造技术和应用前景。 相似文献
FeNi合金与无铅焊料反应速率低,生成的金属间化合物(IMC)较薄,有望作为圆片级封装(WLP)凸点下金属(UBM)层材料.对两种FeNi UBM以及一种Cu UBM圆片级封装样品进行回流、湿热以及预处理实验,并通过推球的方法,对其焊点进行剪切测试.通过断面与截面分析,研究其在不同处理条件下的金属间化合物生长情况,分析其断裂模式.结果表明,FeNi UBM焊点剪切力高于Cu UBM.Fe47Ni UBM与焊料反应生成的金属间化合物较薄,对于剪切力影响较小,而Fe64Ni UBM与焊料反应生成离散的CuNiSn金属间化合物,对于其焊点强度有提高作用,Cu UBM与焊料反应生成较厚的金属间化合物,会明显降低焊点的剪切力.断面分析表明,Cu UBM会随焊球发生断裂,其强度明显小于FeNi UBM. 相似文献
D. Paci M. Mastrangeli A. Nannini F. Pieri 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》2006,48(1):41-47
Three different kinds of two-port flexural resonators, with both clamped and free ends, and with nominal resonance frequencies
between 5 MHz and 50 MHz, were designed and fabricated. Among them, a novel free-free third-mode resonator, as well as a tunable
free-free resonator, designed to maintain a high quality factor despite its tunability, are presented. Because of reduced
energy loss in the clamps, higher quality factors are expected from free-free devices.
To estimate the resonators performance, the effect of temperature and axial stresses on the resonators is investigated: for
the clamped-clamped resonator, a theoretical model is also presented. FEM simulations are performed for the three geometries
and the results are discussed.
Dario Paci studied electronic engineering at University of Pisa and at “Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna”. He received his Master Degree in
2003, with a dissertation on MEMS resonators for RF applications. In 2003 he worked at PEL-ETHZ for three months, modelling
chemical sensors. In 2005 he was visiting scholar at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), working at IMEC on MEMS resonators anchor losses
modeling. His research interests include MEMS modelling and design and development of circuits for MEMS conditioning. Now he is pursuing
the Ph.D. in Information Engineering at University of Pisa, and he is working as a research assistant for the IEIIT of the
Italian National Council for the Research (CNR).
Massimo Mastrangeli got the MS degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa (Italy) on July, 2005; his thesis concerned project
and measurements of MEMS flexural resonators. During summer 2005 he was visiting scholar at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
(Belgium), working at IMEC on the mechanical characterization of PolySiGe layers for MEMS applications. He is currently a
PhD student at KULeuven, developing a techniques for self-assembly of IC/MEMS for highly integrated microsystems.
Andrea Nannini received his laurea degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1982; He received his Ph.D degree
in 1987 at the end of the first Italian Ph.D course held by the University of Padova, Italy. From 1988 to 1992 he was a Researcher
at the "Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento S. Anna" – Pisa- Italy. Since 1992 he joined the Department
of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa as an Associate Professor. Since November 2000 he is a full professor
of “Sensor and Microsystem Design”. He is currently chairman of the postgraduate school of Electronic Engineering and vice-chairman
of the PhD school of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa. His main research interests concern solid state sensors,
microelectronic devices and technologies, MEMS.
Francesco Pieri received the laurea and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, both from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1996 and
2000 respectively. He joined the Department of Information Engineering of the same University as an assistant professor in
2001. His current research interests include applications of porous silicon to sensors and microtechnologies, and development
of microelectromechanical systems. 相似文献
研究了一种使用非光敏苯并环丁烯(BCB)材料的低温硅片级键合,并将其用于压力谐振传感器封装.采用AP3000作为BCB中的黏结促进剂,将谐振片与硅片或Pyrex 7740玻璃晶圆键合,程序简单,低成本,密封性能较高,且键合温度低于250℃.通过拉伸实验,这种键合的剪切强度高于40 MPa.所以此硅片级键合适用于压力传感器的封装. 相似文献