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Activated carbon injection is considered one of the most cost-effective options for mercury control at PRB-fired power plants. However, roughly 30% of sites firing PRB coal use SO3 for flue gas conditioning. The presence of SO3 in flue gas can decrease mercury capture by activated carbon, sometimes dramatically. Overcoming activated carbon performance limitations caused by SO3 conditioning for units with this configuration is essential to enable these plants to cost-effectively meet pending mercury emission regulations. Ameren's Labadie Unit 2 fires PRB coal and uses SO3 to enhance particulate capture in the electrostatic precipitator (ESP). Full-scale sorbent injection tests at Labadie were conducted from 2005–2007. Six sorbents were tested at SO3 injection concentrations ranging from 0 to 10.7 ppm. Sorbent performance was evaluated at two injection locations (the air preheater (APH) inlet and outlet). Native mercury capture on fly ash was typically less than 15%. When the mercury sorbents were injected downstream of the air preheater, the SO3 concentration resulted in a decrease in mercury capture from 85% (no SO3 injection) to 17% (SO3 injection set at 10.7 ppm). Mercury sorbents were more effective when injected upstream of the air preheater. With the SO3 system off, mercury removal increased from 75% when injecting 5.1 lb/MMacf of brominated carbon at the APH outlet, compared to 95% when injecting at the inlet. With the SO3 system on, test results indicated an increase from about 30% injecting at the outlet to 58% injecting at the inlet. Tests evaluating the ADA-ES patented onsite milling process showed that 85% mercury capture was achieved injecting 4 lb/MMacf of milled activated carbon compared to a requirement of 10 lb/MMacf to achieve the same removal using as-received carbon, representing a 60% reduction in activated carbon consumption. No changes in opacity, APH and ESP performance, or other balance-of-plant effects were observed in these tests.  相似文献   

Tang Qiang 《Fuel》2005,84(4):461-465
The aim of this paper is to study binary gas adsorption on the activated carbon in the fixed-bed reactor. Coal-based granular activated carbons can selectively adsorb SO2 and NO. Physically adsorbed NO is replaced and desorbed by SO2. Chemically adsorbed NO can promote the absorption of SO2. The presence of SO2 and NO can enhance the chemical adsorption of NO and SO2, respectively. When the diameter of granular activated carbon decreases and the specific surface area increases, both the penetration time of the activated carbon bed and SO2 removal efficiency increase. The whole removal efficiency of SO2 is more than 99% in the penetration time, but the whole removal efficiency of NO is only 55% in the coexistence of SO2 and NO. SO2 adsorption capacity of HNO3 dipped granular activated carbon is higher than that of non-treated one. The two experimental results are agree with each other.  相似文献   

M.C. Macías-Pérez 《Fuel》2008,87(12):2544-2550
The present paper analyses the role of the activated carbon (AC) properties on the SO2 uptake capacity of CaO/AC sorbents prepared by AC impregnation or ionic exchange with calcium acetate water solutions. Gas adsorption and mercury porosimetry have been used for textural characterization of the AC and surface oxygen groups have been characterized by temperature programmed desorption (TPD). Thermogravimetry has been used for SO2 retention tests and CO2 chemisorption at 300 °C for CaO dispersion (d) determinations. The results show that the surface calcium on CaO/AC samples, determined as “Ca loading · CaO dispersion” (parameter Ca(%) · d), governs the SO2 uptake. The surface oxygen content is the AC property that mainly controls both the calcium loading and surface calcium on CaO/AC samples, which could be explained by the fact that the surface oxygen lowers the hydrophobic character of the AC supports therefore favouring the interaction with the calcium acetate water solutions. The combination of high calcium loading and dispersion leads to SO2 uptakes up to 123 mg SO2/g. The textural properties of the supports have some influence in the calcium loading. However, the effect is masked by the blockage of AC porosity by the calcium loaded.  相似文献   

Ye Zhuang 《Fuel》2007,86(15):2351-2359
Pilot-scale experiments were conducted to investigate mercury transformations in coal flue gas when firing subbituminous coal with a CaCl2 additive. Cofiring the CaCl2 additive with the subbituminous coal resulted in approximately 50% oxidized mercury, as a result of reactive chlorine species formed in coal flue gas, compared to the dominance of elemental mercury in the baseline flue gas. The mercury data indicate that mercury-flue gas chemistry reactions may occur at fairly high temperatures (>400 °C) in chlorine-enriched flue gas. Field tests were conducted to further demonstrate the impact of cofiring CaCl2 on the eventual fate of mercury. These tests were completed on a 650-MW subbituminous coal-fired power plant equipped with selective catalytic reduction (SCR), a fabric filter (FF), and a wet scrubber. Overall mercury removals across the SCR-FF-wet scrubber system ranged from 75% to 96% with 200-800 ppm (coal basis) chlorine addition compared to 18-32% during baseline operations. Field data indicate that the SCR enhanced mercury oxidation, possibly as a result of the supplemental formation of reactive chlorine species and the aid of the SCR catalyst. As a result, most of the mercury in the flue gas was in an oxidized state and was removed in the downstream wet scrubber, indicating that cofiring CaCl2 is an effective mercury control approach for a subbituminous coal-fired plant equipped with an SCR and wet scrubber.  相似文献   

The potential of calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) as a medium for the simultaneous control of NOx and SOx emissions has been investigated using a pulverized coal combustion rig operating at 80 kW. A US and a UK coal of significantly different sulphur contents were used as primary fuel and CMA was injected in solution form into the combustion gases by horizontally opposed twin-fluid atomisers at temperatures of 1100-1200 °C. SO2 reductions typically greater than 80 and 70% were found for initial SO2 levels of 1000 and 1500 ppm, respectively, at Ca/S ratios greater than 2.5. There did not appear to be significant limitation on sulphation by pore blockage using CMA due to the open structure formed during calcination and there is clear potential for zero SO2 emissions at higher Ca/S ratios. The Ca content of the CMA in the form of CaO, via a droplet drying/particle calcination process, absorbs SO2 by sulphation processes by penetration into the open pore structure of these particles. The effect of primary zone stoichiometry (λ1=1.05, 1.15 and 1.4) on NOx reduction was investigated for a range of CMA feed rates up to a coal equivalent of 24% of the total thermal input. NOx reductions of 80, 50 and 30% were achieved at a primary zone stoichiometry of λ1=1.05, 1.15 and 1.4, respectively, for a reburn zone residence time of 0.8 s. At lower equivalent reburn fuel fractions, coal gave greater NOx reductions than CMA but similar levels were achieved above Rff=18%. The mechanism for NOx reduction involves the organic fraction of CMA which pyrolyses into hydrocarbon fragments (CHi), but to a lesser degree than coal, which may then react with NOx in a manner similar to a conventional ‘reburn’ mechanism where NOx is partly converted to N2 depending on the availability of oxygen.  相似文献   

The adsorption isotherms of N2 at 77K, CO2 at 251, 273 and 298K, and SO2 at 262 and 273K have been determined on a series of physically activated carbons with a wide range of micropore size distributions. Since the series includes carbons with very high burn-off, it shows the problems involved in the characterization of microporsity in superactivated carbons. On the other hand, the results show that the carbon surface-adsorbate interactions for SO2 at low relative pressures are weaker than for N2 and CO2, as a result of the strong adsorptive-adsorptive interactions in the bulk gas phase.  相似文献   

Two measurement campaigns were carried out at ENERGI E2's Asnæs Power plant, unit 5. The unit has a capacity of 620 MWe and is equipped with a wet flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) plant employing a counter-current spray absorber with five spray levels. In the first campaign, the power plant was firing Orimulsion® with 2.85 wt% S resulting in a flue gas concentration of SO2 exceeding 2000 ppmv. In the second campaign, the fuel applied was a low-S blended coal and the SO2 concentration in the raw gas was around 400 ppmv. A novel probe for in situ sampling of gas phase concentrations in wet FGD spray absorbers was developed and applied for measuring axial profiles of the SO2 gas phase concentrations in the absorber. The expected decrease in SO2 concentrations along the height of the absorber was found in the spray section (from height 26.5 to 36.2 m) whereas the SO2 concentration above the holding tank and below the gas inlet was quite low probably due to long local residence times in the region. Horizontal variations, due to somewhat different flow conditions near the column wall were investigated and the SO2 concentrations were found to be higher near the wall. Measurements at different gross loads showed that the SO2 gas phase concentration at a given position inside the absorber was roughly linearly related to the L/G ratio in the measuring interval. Turning off one of the lower spray levels, while burning coal with low S content, did not lower the overall removal efficiency of the absorber. However, the SO2 gas phase concentration inside the lower part of the absorber was increased by a factor of 2-3. Measurements of slurry pH at different positions showed a decrease of approximately 0.5 units from the upper to the lower part of the absorber. The full-scale measurements provide a detailed set of experimental data for validation of mathematical models of a wet FGD spray absorber.  相似文献   

Supporting V2O5 onto an activated coke (AC) has been reported to significantly increase the AC's activity in simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas. To understand the role of V2O5 on SO2 removal, V2O5/AC is studied through SO2 removal reaction, surface analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) techniques. It is found that the main role of V2O5 in SO2 removal over V2O5/AC is to catalyze SO2 oxidation through a VOSO4-like intermediate species, which reacts with O2 to form SO3 and V2O5. The SO3 formed transfers from the V sites to AC sites and then reacts with H2O to form H2SO4. At low V2O5 loadings, a V atom is able to catalyze as many as 8 SO2 molecules to SO3. At high V2O5 loadings, however, the number of SO2 molecules catalyzed by a V atom is much less, due possibly to excessive amounts of V2O5 sites in comparison to the pores available for SO3 and H2SO4 storage.  相似文献   

Fabrizio Scala  Riccardo Chirone 《Fuel》2011,90(6):2077-2082
A bubbling fluidized bed of inert material was used to increase the activated carbon residence time in the reaction zone and to improve its performance for mercury vapor capture. Elemental mercury capture experiments were conducted at 100 °C in a purposely designed 65 mm ID lab-scale pyrex reactor, that could be operated both in the fluidized bed and in the entrained bed configurations. Commercial powdered activated carbon was pneumatically injected in the reactor and mercury concentration at the outlet was monitored continuously. Experiments were carried out at different inert particle sizes, bed masses, fluidization velocities and carbon feed rates. Experimental results showed that the presence of a bubbling fluidized bed led to an increase of the mercury capture efficiency and, in turn, of the activated carbon utilization. This was explained by the enhanced activated carbon loading and gas-solid contact time that establishes in the reaction zone, because of the large surface area available for activated carbon adhesion/deposition in the fluidized bed. Transient mercury concentration profiles at the bed outlet during the runs were used to discriminate between the controlling phenomena in the process. Experimental data have been analyzed in the light of a phenomenological framework that takes into account the presence of both free and adhered carbon in the reactor as well as mercury saturation of the adsorbent.  相似文献   

Spinel nano-Co3O4 was prepared by solid-state reaction at room temperature and investigated for selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3 (NH3-SCR). Although suffering from pore filling and plugging, treatment of this catalyst by SO2 showed novel promoting effect on NH3-SCR above 250 °C. Bulk cobalt sulfate was observed over the sulfated Co3O4 with XRD, which would be an active component for NH3-SCR. The sulphated Co3O4 catalyst exhibited good resistance to SO2 (500 ppm, 100 ppm) and 10% H2O at a space velocity of about 25 000 h−1 at 300 °C, as tested for 12 h.  相似文献   

The effect of SO2 for the selective reduction of NO by C3H8 on Ag/Al2O3 was investigated in the presence of excess oxygen and water vapor. The NOx conversion decreased permanently even in the presence of a low concentration of SO2 (0.5–10 ppm) at <773 K. The increase in SO2 concentration resulted in a large decrease in NOx conversion at 773 K. However, when the reaction temperature was more than 823 K, the activity of Ag/Al2O3 remained constant even in the presence of 10 ppm of SO2. The sulfate species formed on the used Ag/Al2O3 were characterized by a temperature programmed desorption method. The sulfated species formed on silver should mainly decrease the deNOx activity on the Ag/Al2O3. The sulfated Ag/Al2O3 was appreciably regenerated by thermal treatment in the deNOx feed at 873 K. The moderate activity remains at 773 K in the presence of 1 ppm SO2 for long time by the heat treatment at every 20 h intervals.  相似文献   

Hancai Zeng  Jia Guo 《Fuel》2004,83(1):143-146
In this work, adsorption of vapour-phase elemental mercury (Hg0) from pulverised-coal combustion flue gas by commercially available granular activated carbons treated with zinc chloride (ZnCl2) impregnation was investigated. The experiment results showed that ZnCl2 impregnation significantly enhanced the adsorptive capacity for mercury vapour, but decreased the specific surface area of the activated carbon. This could be explained by the occurrence of chemisorption, which was confirmed by adsorption tests over a wide range of temperatures. The influence of ZnCl2 solution concentration on the mercury removal performance was also studied. Mechanisms of mercury adsorption onto the Cl-impregnated activated carbon were proposed.  相似文献   

Fullerene-activated carbon composite electrodes were prepared and their charge/discharge characteristics were studied for use in a high power electric double-layer capacitor. The capacitance of the C60-loaded activated carbon fiber (ACF) electrodes became greater than that of the unloaded ACF at charge/discharge current densities above 50 mA/cm2. In order to obtain a highly dispersed C60-loaded electrode, an ultrasonic treatment was performed. The size of the C60 agglomerate decreased from 1-2 to 0.1 μm or less, and the capacitance of the C60-loaded ACF electrodes increased with an increase in the ultrasonic treatment time. A higher capacitance of 172 F/g was obtained at 50 mA/cm2 on a 1 wt% C60-loaded electrode with ultrasonic treatment, and the C60-loaded ACF electrode also showed a higher cycle performance.  相似文献   

An olive factory residue was used as a precursor in the preparation of granular activated carbon by chemical activation with H3PO4. Effects of final activation temperature, time, and H3PO4 concentration used in the impregnation stage on the porous development were investigated. SO2 adsorption experiments were also performed for some of the activated carbon samples to represent their adsorption performance. Activation at low temperature represented that micropores were developed first at early stages of the temperatures. Mesoporosity developed at around 250 °C, enhanced up to 400 °C, and then started to decrease due to possibly shrinking of pores. The optimum temperature for olive stone was found to be around 400 °C on the basis of total pore volume and BET surface area. It was clearly demonstrated that H3PO4 concentration used in the impregnation stage was not only effective for development of surface area and pore volumes but also an effective tool for tailoring the pore structure and size distribution.  相似文献   

The corrosion behavior of X70 steel and iron in water-saturated supercritical CO2 mixed with SO2 was investigated using weight-loss measurements. As a comparison, the instantaneous corrosion rate in the early stages for iron in the same corrosion environment was measured by resistance relaxation method. Surface analyzes using SEM/EDS, XRD and XPS were applied to study the morphology and chemical composition of the corroded sample surface. Weight-loss method results showed that the corrosion rate of X70 steel samples increased with SO2 concentration, while the corrosion rate increased before decreasing with SO2 concentration for iron sample. Comparing resistance relaxation method results with weight-loss method results, it is found that the instantaneous corrosion rate of iron is much higher than the uniform corrosion rate of the iron tablet specimens which are covered with thick corrosion product films after a long period of corrosion. The corrosion product films were mainly composed of FeSO4 and FeSO3 hydrates. The possible reaction mechanism under such environment was also analyzed, and the electrochemical reaction between the dissolved SO2 in the condensed water film with iron is the critical reaction step.  相似文献   

This paper aims to clarify the influence of the clinker SO3 on the cement characteristics. The impact on the strength development rate and the level of sulfate resistance were studied .The results show that increasing the amount of clinker SO3 at low alkali level reduces the percentages of the tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and alite as well as the alite/belite ratio, leading to a modification in the cement quality.For these reasons cements produced from a clinker containing high sulfate and low alkali, have slower strength development and higher sulfate resisting level than that produced with low sulfate clinker.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show how a cheap carbonaceous material such as low rank coal-based carbon (or char) can be used in the combined SO2/NO removal from exhaust gas at the linear gas velocity used in commercial systems (0.12 m s−1). Char is produced from carbonization and optionally activated with steam. This char is used in a first step to abate the SO2 concentration at the following conditions: 100 °C, space velocity of 3600 h−1, 6% O2, 10% H2O, 1000 ppmv SO2, 1000 ppmv NO and N2 as remainder. In a second step, when the SO2 concentration in the flue gas is low, NO is reduced to N2 and steam at the following experimental conditions: 150 °C, space velocity of 900 h−1, 6% O2, 10% H2O, 0-500 ppmv SO2, 1000 ppmv NO, 1000 ppmv NH3 and N2 as remainder.It has been shown that the presence of NO has no effect on SO2 abatement during the first step of combined SO2/NO removal system and that low SO2 inlet concentration has a negligible effect on NO reduction in the second step. Moreover, this char can be thermally regenerated after use for various cycles without loss of activity. On the other hand, this regenerated char shows the highest NO removal activity (compared to parent chars, either carbonized or steam activated) which can be attributed to the activating effect of the sulfuric acid formed during the first step of the combined SO2/NO removal system.  相似文献   

Adsorption of gaseous SO2 and structural changes of montmorillonite   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Several montmorillonite samples after adsorption of gaseous SO2 were analyzed to evaluate structural and textural changes. The equilibrium adsorption of the SO2 gas was measured at 25 °C and 0.1 MPa. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR), swelling index (SI), pH measurements, and N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms. SO2 adsorption increased with the specific surface area of montmorillonite. SO2 retention decreased pH of the dispersed samples from 6 to 1 and released interlayer and octahedral cations from the structure, which increased the specific BET surface area and specific micropore surface similar to that of acid-activated montmorillonite.  相似文献   

The effect of coexisting SO2 on the catalytic activity of Ga2O3–Al2O3 prepared by impregnation, coprecipitation and sol–gel method for NO reduction by propene in the presence of oxygen was studied. Although the activity of Al2O3 and Ga2O3–Al2O3 prepared by impregnation (Ga2O3/Al2O3(I)) and coprecipitation (Ga2O3–Al2O3(CP)) was depressed considerably by the presence of SO2, NO conversion on Ga2O3–Al2O3 prepared by sol–gel method (Ga2O3–Al2O3(S)) was not decreased but increased slightly by SO2 at temperatures below 723 K. From catalyst characterization, SO2 treatment was found to cause two important effects on the surface properties: one is the creation of Brønsted acid sites on which propene activation is promoted (positive effect), and the other is the poisoning of NOx adsorption sites on which NO reduction proceeds (negative effect). It was presumed that the influence of SO2 treatment on the catalytic activity is strongly related to the balance between the negative and positive. The activity enhancement of Ga2O3–Al2O3(S) by SO2 was accounted for by the following consideration: (1) increase of the propene activation ability by SO2, (2) incomplete inhibition of NOx adsorption sites by SO2.  相似文献   

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