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Sukanya Wichchukit Michael J. McCarthy Kathryn L. McCarthy 《Journal of food science》2005,70(3):E165-E171
ABSTRACT: The rheological properties of chocolate, especially shear viscosity and yield stress, are important control parameters for enrobing processes in confectionery manufacture. The rheological parameters of molten milk chocolate were measured at 42°C during steady pipe flow using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) viscometric method. The experimental method combines shear rate values obtained from an MR velocity image and shear stress values obtained from an independent pressure drop measurement. The experimental factors were emulsifier type and emulsifier level. The rheogram data were fit by the Casson model to yield the Casson yield stress and plastic viscosity. The Casson yield stress ranged from 1.9 to 15.0 Pa; the Casson viscosity ranged from 6.0 to 14.6 Pa s as a function of emulsifier content. The rheological parameters were incorporated into a drainage theory model to predict coating thicknesses in the enrobing process. The model was solved numerically and yielded good approximations to the experimental values that were between 1.1 to 2.7 mm. 相似文献
J. Cooney;T. Kennedy;Luciana Monteiro;Silvana Martini; 《Journal of food science》2024,89(7):4419-4429
The objective of this research was to evaluate changes in flow behavior of chocolate during chocolate grinding using a stone grinder as affected by chocolate formulation. Three different types of chocolates were evaluated. Two chocolates without milk added (70% chocolate) and two chocolates with milk added and with different amounts of cocoa nibs (30% chocolate and 14% chocolate) were tested. For the 70% chocolates, nibs of two different origins were used; therefore, a total of four samples were evaluated. Chocolates were processed in a stone grinder, and samples were taken as a function of grinding time. For each timepoint, the flow behavior of the samples was measured using a rotational rheometer and fitted to the Casson model. Particle size was measured using a laser scattering instrument. Results showed that yield stress increased linearly while the Casson plastic viscosity decreased exponentially with grinding time (smaller particles). Particle size distribution of the chocolates showed a prominent bimodal distribution for short grinding times (∼9 h) with small (∼15 µm) and large (∼100 µm) particles; with longer grinding time, the population of larger particles decreased. Yield stress values were higher for the 70% chocolate, but they were not very different between the two milk chocolates tested. The Casson plastic viscosity was greatest for the 70% chocolate, followed by the 30% chocolate. The 14% chocolate had the lowest Casson plastic viscosity. Changes of Casson plastic viscosity with particle size were more evident for the dark chocolates compared to the milk ones. These results are helpful to small chocolate producers who need better understanding of how the formulation and grinding of chocolate affect its flow behavior, which will ultimately affect chocolate handling during production. 相似文献
Suitability of Bingham, Herschel-Bulkley, Casson, and Mizrahi-Berk models, to characterize the flow behavior of peach products during extrusion was investigated. The Casson equation sufficiently described the flow of peach extrudates within the 49 to 125 s-1 shear rate range. As concentration increased, yield stress and consistency coefficients increased. A rheological model was proposed to describe the viscosity of peach extrudates. The model incorporates the effect of shear rate by the Casson equation and the effect of concentration by a linear expression. The model provided good fit to the experimental data for peach extrudates reconstituted from drum-dried peach purees. 相似文献
S. Carbonell M.J. Hey J.R. Mitchell C.J. Roberts J. Hipkiss J. Vercauteren 《Journal of food science》2004,69(9):E465-E470
ABSTRACT: Rates of penetration of sunflower oil into beds of 3 types of chocolate crumb have been measured and the results analyzed using the Washburn-Rideal theory. The data show that the rates are a function of both the specific surface area of the crumb particles and their surface composition. Addition of an emulsifier to the oil reduces the penetration rate into the crumb made with full-cream milk powder, whereas for crumbs containing skimmed-milk powder, rates go through a maximum with increase of emulsifier concentration. Rheological data for dispersions of crumb in oil were fitted to the Casson equation. An inverse correlation was found between penetration rates and Casson yield values. 相似文献
Experimental fluid velocity profiles can be readily obtained by using tomographic techniques. Combining measurements of a fluid velocity profile with a simultaneous pressure drop permits the evaluation of rheological properties. In order to control a process and to assure product quality, it is useful to monitor the rheological properties in‐line or on‐line. Two tomographic techniques, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry (UDV), were used to obtain velocity profiles for a 65.7 °Brix corn syrup solution and a 4.3 °Brix tomato juice. The UDV technique provided velocity profiles that compared well with the MRI method. For the corn syrup, the shear viscosity of 1.37 Pa‐s (UDV) and 1.51 Pa‐s (MRI) agreed well with the offline measurement of 1.57 Pa‐s. The tomato juice was best characterized as a Bingham plastic fluid. The yield stress ranged from 4.44 Pa to 4.70 Pa, which matched well with the off‐line value of 4.50 Pa. The strengths and limitations of both techniques are presented. 相似文献
Oscillatory measurements were used to investigate the effect of temperature and concentration on the viscoelastic and gelling properties of basil seed gum (BSG). Linear viscoelastic region was determined by strain sweep and it was found in 0.5% strain. Storage modulus (G′) was greater than loss modulus (G″) in all concentrations and they increased by improving BSG concentration. Yield stress value was determined by stress sweep and it increased from 1.40 to 7.47 Pa when BSG concentration increased from 1% to 3%. Frequency sweep showed BSG solution was a typical weak gel, and complex viscosity (η*) had linear correlation with frequency. The effect of temperature on gel forming was investigated during heating (20–90 °C) and cooling (90–20 °C) phases. BSG was characterised as a thermo‐reversible gel and did not have thermal hysteresis. Gelling temperature was raised as BSG concentration was increased. Exhibiting special rheological properties of BSG makes it as a proper synergistic gel, which can be applied in real food systems such as dairy desserts. 相似文献
Three series of prepared set yogurt samples were tested using squeezing flow viscometry. Samples were compressed using an Instron UTM at constant deformation rate. The first series containing added caseinates exhibited deformation behaviour of a gel. Firmness was dependent on caseinate concentration. The second series contained skimmed milk powder. Their behaviour was more that of a colloidal dispersion at low added powder content and of a gel at higher added amounts. The third series contained carrageenan salts. Their behaviour was that of a dispersion irrespective of the carrageenan concentration. The consistency of the samples examined was evaluated using plots of stress growth coefficients as function of biaxial strain rate. The results indicated that the technique could be used to distinguish changes in yogurt structure caused by the addition of various additives at various concentration levels, to milk to enhance yogurt consistency. 相似文献
The steady-shear and small-amplitude oscillatory rheological properties of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) juice concentrate (TJC) were studied in the temperature range of 10-90 °C using a controlled-stress rheometer. Under steady-shear deformation tests, shear stress-shear rate data were adequately fitted to the Herschel-Bulkley and Casson model at lower (10-30 °C) and higher (50−90 °C) temperature range, respectively. The Carreau model was applied to describe the shear-thinning behaviour of the concentrate, and the model parameters estimated empirically showed temperature dependence. Oscillatory shear data of TJC revealed predominating viscous behaviour (G″>G′) at lower frequency range while the elastic modulus predominating over the viscous one (G′>G″) at higher frequency range. The Cox-Merz rule that relates steady shear and dynamic material functions was tested and not followed by most of the temperatures. The specific heat of TJC increased with temperature and the glass transition temperature of the product was found to be −70.74 °C. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: With an increasing consumption of lipids nowadays, decreasing the fat content in food products has become a trend. Chocolate is a fat-based suspension that contains about 30%wt fat. Reducing fat content causes an increase in the molten chocolate viscosity. This leads to 2 major issues: difficulties in the process and a loss of eating quality in the final product, reported to have poor in-mouth melting properties, remain hard, and difficult to swallow. Literature shows that optimizing the particle size distribution (PSD), that is, having one with an increased packing fraction, can decrease the viscosity of highly concentrated suspensions. This study focuses on the impact of the PSD and fat content on the rheological properties, melting behavior, and hardness of chocolate models (dispersions of sugar in fat). We show that optimizing the PSD while reducing the fat content to a critical amount (22%wt) can decrease the viscosity of the molten material and reduce the hardness of the crystallized chocolate models. Melting in the mouth, characterized by an in vitro collapse speed, is faster for the samples with an optimized PSD. The decrease in the viscosity by optimizing the PSD in systems with a constant fraction of medium phase is based on the decrease of interparticle contact, reducing the particle aggregates strength, and structure buildup during flow or meltdown. In its crystallized state, the particle network is less interconnected, providing less resistance to breakage and meltdown. 相似文献
本将介绍两种新型的乳化剂产品:磷胺酯(YN)E442,聚甘油聚篦麻酸酯(PGPR)E476及其在巧克力和冰淇淋涂层中的功能特性。磷胺酯是一种大豆磷脂的替代产品,无味,稳定,安全,除有磷脂的功能外,与聚甘聚蓖麻酸酯有更好的协同作用。聚甘油聚蓖麻酸酯是用甘油和篦麻油聚合得到的多聚物,与磷脂或磷胺酯配合使用可降低巧克力浆料的粘度和屈服应力,并使其具有相当的耐水能力。上述特性在章中进行了阐述并列举了配方实例和对比效果。结论对于巧克力和冰淇淋涂层的生产具有指导和实际意义。 相似文献
巧克力涂层与烘焙类、冰淇淋类等食品的复合型产品一直以来都广受消费者欢迎。而不同的食品类别对涂层巧克力专用油脂的性能和品质要求不同。本文分别对巧克力专用油脂在烘焙和冰淇淋两大涂层类食品中的应用进行分析和探讨,并展望了巧克力涂层专用油脂未来的发展趋势。 相似文献
Rheological characteristics of pimento purée were investigated at different temperatures (5 to 40 °C). The purée serum was a cloudy liquid (0to40 μm particles) with Newtonian behavior, and flow activation energy of 25.9 kJ/ mol. The power law model was applied to fit the pseudoplastic behavior of pimento purée. The activation energy for flow, evaluated with the Arrhenius‐Guzman equation, was low and depended on the variety. A modified Krieger‐Dougherty model with 2 parameters was proposed to describe the effect of wet pulp fraction on the relative viscosity. In the semi‐empirical model, the colloidal contribution to the viscosity at low shear rate and the parameter variations with the shear rate were considered. 相似文献
Dry whole-milk powders containing 0, 30, 50 and 70% nominal lactose prepared by spray-drying alone, or followed by post-drying crystallization, were incorporated into milk chocolate to give 0–50% substitution of lactose for sucrose. Increasing the concentration of amorphous lactose from spray-dried powders in the chocolates decreased viscosity, increased particle size of refined chocolate mass, and lowered the concentration of surface-active agents at which a minimum in Casson yield value was observed. Increasing the concentration of crystalline lactose from milk powders in the chocolates increased viscosity, decreased particle size, and increased the concentration of surface-active agents at which a minimum in Casson yield value was observed. Conditions which affect lactose crystallinity in milk powders, such as improper storage and handling prior to use in chocolate production, could be responsible for variations in chocolate viscosity noted sometimes by processors. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Yield stresses (τ) of whipped foams prepared from various ratios of native whey protein isolate (WPI) and polymerized whey protein isolate (pWPI) were characterized by means of vane rheometry Yield stress displayed a parabolic response to increasing concentrations of pWPI, peaking at 50%. Foam air phase volume steadily decreased with increasing pWPI content, whereas equilibrium surface tension steadily increased. Dynamic surface tension measurements revealed that native WPI adsorbed much more rapidly than pWPI, presumably because of the latter's larger size. Interfacial dilatational elasticity (E') displayed a parabolic trend with increasing pWPI content, peaking at 50%. This suggested that pWPI coadsorbs with native WPI, bolstering E' of native WPI interfaces. However, too much pWPI caused a weakening of the network. A positive, curvilinear relationship between E' and τ was observed, consistent with a previous observation for WPI foams formed at various pH levels and salt concentrations, further suggesting a general link between these parameters. 相似文献
J.E. Taylor I. Van Damme M.L. Johns A.F. Routh D.I. Wilson 《Journal of food science》2009,74(2):E55-E61
Grazielly de Jesus Silva Ben‐Hur Ramos Ferreira Gonalves Josane Cardim de Jesus Mrcia Cristina Teixeira Ribeiro Vidigal Luis Antonio Minim Sukarno Olavo Ferreira Renata Cristina Ferreira Bonomo Sibelli Passini Barbosa Ferro 《Journal of texture studies》2019,50(6):547-555
The objective of this study was to assess the microstructural characteristics of goat's milk chocolates formulated with different concentrations of cocoa mass by rheological measurements and microscopy. For rheological characterization, rotational and oscillatory tests were performed, while crystal morphology was observed by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and 3D optical profilometer. It was verified that the chocolates presented pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior. The Herschel–Bulkley model adequately described the flow behavior of the formulations. In the oscillatory tests, it was found that the tangent δ (loss) decreased from 0.33 to 0.17 as a function of the increase in cocoa mass concentration. The creep recovery tests were consistent with the other rheological tests. The analysis of AFM and profilometer indicated that there are different microscopic pores on the surface of the chocolates, and that with the increase in the concentration of cocoa mass, it has a structure with greater interactions. 相似文献