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Copper-based activated carbon adsorbents (Cu/AC) were prepared and used to investigate the effects of various copper precursors, impregnation solution concentration, and calcination temperature on phosphine (PH3) adsorption removal from yellow phosphorus tail gas. N2 adsorption isotherm and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) were used for characterizing the Cu/AC adsorbents. It can be seen that the Cu(N)/AC adsorbent prepared from the Cu(NO3)2 precursor has higher PH3 breakthrough adsorption capacity than other three adsorbent because the surface copper status of it is mainly CuO. Fresh activated carbon requires an optimal impregnation solution concentration (0.05 mol/L) to reach this optimal PH3 breakthrough adsorption capacity (78.62 mg/g). The result shows that the surface chemical characteristics (Cu content) of activated carbon is more important than the physical ones (specific surface or pore volume) for the PH3 adsorption performance. When the calcination temperature is 350°C, the Cu(N)/AC adsorbent has the biggest PH3 breakthrough adsorbed amount of 112.38 mg/g. The present study confirmed that the Cu/AC adsorbents would be one of the candidates for PH3 adsorption removal from yellow phosphorus tail gas. 相似文献
Expanded bed adsorption (EBA), a promising and practical separation technique, has been widely studied in the past two decades. The development of adsorbents for EBA process is a challenging course, with the special design and preparation according to the target molecules and specific expanded bed systems. Many types of supporting matrices for expanded bed adsorbents have been developed, and their preparation methods are being consummated gradually. These matrices are activated and then coupled with ligands to form functionalized adsorbents, including ion-exchange adsorbents, affinity adsorbents, mixed mode adsorbents, hydrophobic charge induction chromatography adsorbents and others. In this review, the preparation of the matrices for EBA process is summa-rized, and the coupling of ligands to the matrices to prepare functionalized adsorbents is discussed as well. 相似文献
以粉煤灰中的未燃炭粒(UC)和粉状活性炭(PAC)为吸附剂,研究对水体中残余煤油吸附性能。结果表明,UC和PAC的吸附过程符合Freundlich等温式和准2级反应动力方程,在吸附初期主要由边界层扩散为主,后期主要以微孔内扩散为主,并最终达到平衡状态。在搅拌转速190 r/min、吸附剂的质量浓度0.5 g/L时适宜吸附,且升温有利于吸附。对于初始煤油的质量浓度250 mg/L的水体,PAC在任何pH下,去除率都在70%以上;UC在pH=2时,吸附能力为佳,去除率为74.24%。AC能直接用于浮选废水处理,而UC需要进一步活化处理,提高吸附能力和适应性。 相似文献
本文研究了陶瓷基瓦楞纸片及块体、陶瓷基分子筛瓦楞纸片的制备。在制备过程中,探讨了润湿剂、干燥方式和分子筛质量分数对陶瓷基纸片及陶瓷基分子筛块体的影响。最终优化条件为,采用0.15%wt的OP-10润湿陶瓷基瓦楞纸,微波干燥,分子筛质量分数不高于23.08%。 相似文献
采用烧杯试验探讨了水溶液中颗粒活性炭(GAC)对亚氯酸盐(ClO-2)的去除特点。结果表明:GAC投加量越大,去除率越高;当投加比大于1∶1、反应120 min时,去除率可达100%;ClO-2初始浓度小于5 mg/L时,受GAC表面与溶液中ClO-2浓度差的影响,ClO-2去除率随初始浓度增加而迅速升高;在pH的影响下,会改变GAC表面的电性,酸性条件下带正电,促进GAC对ClO-2的去除,反之碱性条件下抑制ClO-2的去除;GAC吸附ClO-2为自发吸热的物理吸附反应,温度低于20℃时受温度影响较大,温度在20℃以上时,几乎不影响ClO-2去除效果;搅拌强度对ClO-2去除基本不产生影响,只需要GAC与ClO-2充分接触即可;粒度主要影响去除速率,充分反应的条件下,粒度对ClO-2去除效果影响较小。 相似文献
以生物吸附剂花生壳和甘蔗渣作为吸附剂,讨论了原料粒径大小、吸附时间、温度、初始溶液p H值、加入量、振荡速率对吸附效率的影响。结果表明最佳吸附条件为:甘蔗渣吸附剂过80目筛,投加量为0. 8 g,吸附溶液初始p H为2. 0,35℃时以200 rpm的速率振荡300 min,对实验室废水中Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附率可达95. 10%;花生壳吸附剂过120目筛,投加量1. 0 g,35℃时以150 rpm的速率振荡180 min,对实验室废水中Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附去除率达到97. 52%。 相似文献
将不同配比的活性氧化铝、硅藻土和氧化锌混合得到吸附剂载体,考察了载体的组成和扩孔剂对吸附剂脱硫性能的影响.结果表明,当载体中的χAl2O3,SiO2和ZnO质量比为2∶1∶2,以分子量为1 000的聚乙二醇为扩孔剂,扩孔剂的质量为载体质量的15%时,吸附剂脱硫效果较好.采用等体积超声一常规浸溃相结合的方法制备负载活性组分Ni和Co的脱硫吸附剂,在常温常压下考察了浸溃液浓度、浸溃时间、干燥方式和还原温度等条件对吸附剂吸附脱硫效果的影响,得到合适的吸附剂制备条件为一次浸溃采用硝酸镍溶液,浓度为1.0 mol/L,二次浸溃采用硝酸钴溶液,浓度为0.4 mol/L,先超声浸渍0.5 h,然后常规浸溃5.5 h,微波干燥15 min,320℃还原2 h,在此条件下得到的吸附剂的穿透硫容可达4.02 mg/g. 相似文献
以13x分子筛和氯化锶为主要原料,采用浸泡、压块和焙烧3种方法制备用于吸附制冷的复合吸附剂;用静态法测定自制复合吸附剂的水吸附量,焙烧法制得的复合吸附剂最高吸附量达57.6%,大大高于13x的水吸附量;通过正交实验优化自制复合吸附剂的原料配比。在吸附制冷模拟实验装置上评价复合吸附剂的制冷性能,测得COP值和SCP值最高为0.27和0.079w/g。综合实验结果,焙烧法制得的复合吸附剂优于其他两种方法。 相似文献
The impact of acid and base adsorption capacities of activated carbon (AC) particles with activation condition, contact time, specific surface area (SSA), particle size, concentration, and temperature was studied. AC was pre-treated by sonication to improve the surface characteristics and enhance its adsorption capacity. Sonication increased the SSA of AC. SEM imaging showed good dispersion and uniform AC particles with an average diameter of about 0.6 μm. The adsorption results demonstrated that AC surfaces possessed effective interactions with acids and bases, and the greatest adsorption capacity was achieved with CH3COOH, where data were analyzed by Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. It was found that the isotherm data correlated well with the Freundlich isotherm. Adsorption of raw AC particles increased under sonication conditions. The adsorption process with sonicated and unsonicated AC particles obeyed pseudo first-order kinetics. 相似文献
Abstract The properties of a new type of polyamphoteric activated carbon fiber (ACF) were investigated theoretically and experimentally. Results are compared with those from granular activated carbon (GAC) and ion-exchange resin (IER) materials. The adsorption rate of ACF was found to be two orders of magnitude higher than that of the GAC and one order of magnitude higher than that of the IER. 相似文献
赤泥的堆放会对环境造成污染,但其具有较高的吸附性能,因此研究制备赤泥吸附剂能达到以废治废的目的。实验分别采用平果和德保赤泥制备吸附剂,研究了赤泥原料及赤泥吸附剂的物相组成,采用除氟及除铜实验研究了赤泥产地及赤泥堆放时间对吸附剂吸附性能的影响。结果表明,以平果、德保赤泥制备的吸附剂,在焙烧温度500℃、焙烧2 h、溶液p H值为6的条件下,氟浓度可分别从19 mg/L降低到0.21、0.19 mg/L;铜浓度可分别从64 mg/L降低到0.32、0.51 mg/L。对氟的吸附容量均可达0.94 mg/g;对铜吸附容量分别可达3.18、3.17 mg/g;对氟、铜的去除率分别在99%、98%以上。 相似文献
不同基体的活性炭纤维(PACF、VACF),通过静态吸附乙醚、丁酮、CCl4等气体,考察相当吸碘值、相当收率的不同基体ACF的吸附量、吸附速率情况。结果表明,PACF吸附量和吸附速率较VACF有较大的优势。 相似文献
以法国梧桐絮为原料、KOH为活化剂,通过碳化制备多孔纤维碳材料,并在此基础上组装了超级电容器器件。通过SEM、EDS、XRD、Raman、FTIR、BET等对制备的多孔纤维碳材料进行表征,并研究了多孔纤维碳材料电极的电化学性能。结果表明:在扫描速率为50 mV·s~(-1)时,800℃下碳化制备的梧桐絮多孔纤维碳材料电极的比电容可以达到236 F·g~(-1);所组装电极在循环10 000次后,比电容仍维持原来的99.8%,表明梧桐絮多孔纤维碳材料在超级电容器领域有巨大的应用潜力。 相似文献
介绍了活性炭纤维的生产原料和工艺,阐述了活性炭纤维在物理吸附性能和化学改性后吸附性能的研究进展,指出活性炭纤维在废气、水处理、催化、医学领域、电子工业等领域有广泛的应用,并对活性炭纤维的发展前景进行展望。 相似文献