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Specific heats C v and C p, entropy S, enthalpy H, and speed of sound W have been calculated using a new thermal equation of state with a small number of variable constants, which includes regular and scale contributions with a new transition function. The calculation results correspond to the accuracy level of the modern reference equations of state with a large number of determined parameters in the regular behavioral region of SF6 properties; in the critical region, these results make it possible to supplement the existing reference data with the related tables, taking into account the scaling-theory advances. The experimental and tabular data on C v, C p, S, H, and W have not been used to determine the constants of the calculation equations (except for isochoric specific heat, C v, in the ideal-gas state). These data have been applied only for comparison of the calculated values with the experimental and tabular values. To calculate the behavior of thermal properties in the critical region, universal critical indices α, β, and γ have been used according to the threedimensional Ising model. The mean error in describing thermal properties of SF6 does not exceed the error of the existing experimental data. The calculated values coincide with the modern reference data in the regular region in the entire range of gas and liquid states. The discrepancies in the critical region are due to the application of the scale equation of state (in contrast to the regular equations used previously in this region for composing reference tables).  相似文献   

The relative cross sections of a dissociative ionization of SF6 molecules by electron impact in the near-threshold energy region have been determined. The experiments were performed on a setup providing for ion mass separation and detection using a monopole mass spectrometer. The energy dependences of the cross sections of fragment ion formation have been measured and the corresponding appearance thresholds are determined.  相似文献   

We have developed centrifugal separation technology for ultrapurification of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and arsine (AsH3). The content of volatile impurities in sulfur hexafluoride (∼0.15 mol %) was reduced by more than a factor of 1500. The purity of the resultant product was 99.9999+ mol %. The impurity content of arsine (∼0.02 mol %) was reduced by more than a factor of 20. The purity of the resultant product was 99.999+ mol %.  相似文献   

The high-temperature enthalpy of lutetium orthophosphate has been determined as a function of temperature in the range 432.92–1744.58 K using drop calorimetry. The present and earlier experimental data have been used to calculate temperature-dependent heat capacity of LuPO4 in the range 1–1750 K.  相似文献   

High-temperature mass spectrometry is used to investigate vaporization processes and determine SiO2 activity in the Al2O3-SiO2 system between 1850 and 1970 K. The results are consistent with the known phase equilibria in this system.__________Translated from Neorganicheskie Materialy, Vol. 41, No. 4, 2005, pp. 434–441.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Bondar, Lopatin, Stolyarova.  相似文献   

The transport properties of Cs0.97Rb0.03H2PO4 have been studied using polycrystalline samples and single crystals. The mixed salt is isostructural with cesium dihydrogen phosphate and has slightly smaller unitcell parameters. The cation substitution increases the low-temperature ionic conductivity of the material by about two orders of magnitude but has an insignificant effect on the conductivity of the high-temperature phase. The low-temperature conductivity of single-crystal samples exhibits significant anisotropy, with σ a < σ b±c . The conductivity of the polycrystalline material is close to σ b±c . The substitution reduces the temperature of the superionic phase transition by 20°C and enhances the thermal stability of the high-temperature phase at low humidity (1 mol % H2O).  相似文献   

Compressibility of boron subphosphide B12P2 has been studied under quasi-hydrostatic conditions up to 26 GPa and 2600 K using laser-heated diamond anvil cell and angle-dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction. 300-K data fit yields the values of bulk modulus B 0 = 192(11) GPa and its first pressure derivative B 0′ = 5.5(12). It has been found that at ambient pressure the thermal expansion is quasi-linear up to 1300 K with average volume expansion coefficient α = 17.4(1) × 10?6 K?1. The whole set of experimental p–V–T data is well described by the Anderson-Grüneisen model with δT = 6.  相似文献   

The heat capacity of a strontium tetraborate (SrB4O7) single crystal has been determined in the temperature range 55–300 K by adiabatic calorimetry, and its Debye characteristic temperature, entropy change, enthalpy increment, and phonon mean free path have been calculated as functions of temperature.  相似文献   

Tb2Sn2O7 has been prepared by solid-state reaction in air at 1473 K over a period of 200 h and its isobaric heat capacity has been studied experimentally in the range 350–1073 K. The C p(T) data for this compound have no extrema and are well represented by the classic Maier–Kelley equation. The experimental C p(T) data have been used to evaluate the thermodynamic properties of terbium stannate (pyrochlore structure): enthalpy increment H°(T)–H°(350 K), entropy change S°(T)–S°(350 K), and reduced Gibbs energy Ф°(Т).  相似文献   

The spectroscopic study of Nd3+ in Sr6NdSc(BO3)6 crystal had been performed. Based on the Judd-Ofelt theory to analyze the optical strengths measured in absorption spectra, the following spectral parameters were obtained: intensity parameters are 2 = 1.108 × 10–20 cm2, 4 = 2.884 × 10–20 cm2, 6 = 3.085 × 10–20 cm2, the radiative lifetime is 385 s, the quantum efficiency is 12.5%. The fluorescence branch ratios were calculated: 1 = 0.423, 2 = 0.482, 3 = 0.092, 4 = 0.005.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline TbBiGeO5 and DyBiGeO5 samples have been prepared by solid-state reactions, by firing stoichiometric mixtures of Tb2O3 (Dy2O3), Bi2O3, and GeO2 in air at 1003, 1073, 1123, 1143, 1173, and 1223 K. The molar heat capacity of the bismuth terbium and bismuth dysprosium germanates has been determined by differential scanning calorimetry. The experimental C p (T) data obtained in the range 350–1000 K have been used to evaluate the thermodynamic functions of the synthesized oxide compounds: enthalpy increment, entropy change, and reduced Gibbs energy.  相似文献   

Fine Ti5Si3 powder has been mechanochemically synthesized from a mixture of elemental Ti and Si powders. When Ti5Si3 is added as a catalyst into Li3AlH6, it shows a good catalytic ability by reducing the decomposition temperature and improving the decomposition kinetics as well. Although its catalytic effect is not as good as well-known TiCl3, the use of Ti5Si3 has a benefit of releasing more hydrogen than TiCl3 during dehydrogenation. This can be explained by that Ti5Si3, unlike TiCl3, does not incur any chemical reactions with Li3AlH6 and thus remains inert during milling for dispersion.  相似文献   

A new polymer-ceramic composite was prepared using PTFE and low loss Sr2ZnSi2O7. The dielectric properties of the composite were studied in the microwave and radiofrequency ranges. The relative permittivity (εr) and dielectric loss (tan δ) increased with the filler loading from 0.10 to 0.50 volume fractions (vf). The observed values of εr, thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) were compared with the corresponding theoretical predictions. The ability of the composite towards moisture absorption resistance was studied as a function of filler loading. It was also found that the variation of εr was less than 2% in the temperature range 25–90 °C, at 1 MHz. For a filler content of 0.50 vf, the PTFE/Sr2ZnSi2O7 composite exhibited εr = 4.4, tan δ = 0.003 (at 4–6 GHz), CTE = 38.3 ppm/°C, thermal conductivity = 2.1 W/mK and moisture absorption = 0.09 wt%.  相似文献   

A quantum-mechanical calculation of the relative stability, structural parameters, and vibrational frequencies of V2O3 molecule isomers for different spin states was carried out using the BPW91/6-311+G(d, p) method. It was shown that the isomer with the C s structure (nonplanar VOVO rectangle with an O atom attached to it) in the X 5 A″ electronic state possesses the maximum stability. The energy of the C 2v symmetry structure was higher than the lowest energy by just 23 cm−1. It definitely indicated the impossibility of usage of the harmonic model in order to calculate the thermodynamic functions of V2O3 (g). A model is proposed based on which the energy levels and vibrational sums of states for this type of motion were calculated for the C s C 2v C s transition coordinate. These data, as well as results obtained from quantum-mechanical calculations, were used to calculate the thermodynamic functions of V2O3 (g) in the temperature range of T = 100–6000 K. The calculations were performed with the five excited electronic states with energies from 1000 to 9000 cm−1 taken into account. A comparison with the data calculated in the “rigid rotator-harmonic oscillator” approximation was performed.  相似文献   

The equilibrium subsolidus phase diagram of the TlBr-Tl2Se-TlSe system has been mapped out using X-ray diffraction analysis and emf measurements on thallium concentration cells. Tl5Se2Br has been shown to have a broad homogeneity region. The emf results are used to evaluate the relative partial thermodynamic functions of the thallium in the alloys studied and the standard integral thermodynamic functions (ΔG 0(298 K), ΔH 0(298 K), S 0(298 K)) of the Tl5Se2Br-based solid solutions.  相似文献   

A simple mechanism of ionization spreading in a dense gas, based on the background electron multiplication wave in an inhomogeneous electric field, is considered. This process is independent of the sign of the field projection onto the direction of propagation. An analytical expression for the velocity of the ionization front propagation is obtained, which agrees well with the results of numerical calculations performed using both the simple background electron multiplication model and a detailed diffusion-drift theory. The ionization wave front velocity as a function of the field strength at the streamer boundary has been tabulated for He, Xe, N2, and SF6. Some peculiarities observed in the motion of streamers, such as the velocity jerks, can be related to the recently discovered nonmonotonic dependence of the ionization rate on the field strength.  相似文献   

In the present study the analysis of available data on structural, thermodynamic and mechanical properties of B6O has been performed. Although the compound is known for half a century and has been extensively studied, many properties of this boron-rich solid remain unknown or doubtful. A semi-empirical analysis of our experimental and literature data has allowed us to choose the best values of main thermodynamic and mechanical characteristics among previously reported data, to predict the thermo-elastic equation of state of B6O, and dependence of its hardness on non-stoichiometry and temperature.  相似文献   

We report the results of magnetic, magnetocaloric properties, and critical behavior investigation of the double-layered perovskite manganite La1.4(Sr0.95Ca0.05)1.6Mn2O7. The compounds exhibits a paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) transition at the Curie temperature T C = 248 K, a Neel transition at T N = 180 K, and a spin glass behavior below 150 K. To probe the magnetic interactions responsible for the magnetic transitions, we performed a critical exponent analysis in the vicinity of the FM–PM transition range. Magnetic entropy change (??S M) was estimated from isothermal magnetization data. The critical exponents β and γ, determined by analyzing the Arrott plots, are found to be T C = 248 K, β = 0.594, γ = 1.048, and δ = 2.764. These values for the critical exponents are close to the mean-field values. In order to estimate the spontaneous magnetization M S(T) at a given temperature, we use a process based on the analysis, in the mean-field theory, of the magnetic entropy change (??S M) versus the magnetization data. An excellent agreement is found between the spontaneous magnetization determined from the entropy change [(??S M) vs. M 2] and the classical extrapolation from the Arrott curves (µ0H/M vs. M 2), thus confirming that the magnetic entropy is a valid approach to estimate the spontaneous magnetization in this system and in other compounds as well.  相似文献   

Ceramic samples based on ZnTa2O6 and ZnTa2O6–MO2 (M = Ti, Zr) systems have been obtained by the solid state ceramic route. The phase composition and microstructure of samples were investigated. The effect of the aliovalent substitution of ions Zn2+ and Ta5+ by M4+ (M = Ti, Zr) in the structure of ZnTa2O6 on microwave dielectric properties of ceramics was studied. The way of the compensation of the positive temperature coefficient of resonant frequency of dielectric resonators based on ZnTa2O6 ceramics with using the aliovalent substitution of cations was proposed. Dielectric resonators with the high temperature stability of the resonant frequency and high dielectric properties in the microwave range based on the ZnTa2O6–ZrO2 system were obtained for application in electronics.  相似文献   

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