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刘凤洲  潘炜  罗斌  孟超 《光通信技术》2006,30(11):26-29
研究了WDM光网络中的动态业务下的波长分配问题,在无波长转换器的条件下提出了一种改进的动态门限算法.该算法不仅能保证高优先级请求有较低的阻塞率,同时还能优化低优先级请求的阻塞率,从而改善全网的平均阻塞率.此外,该算法利用负载均衡算法,能更加精确地描述波长分配对全网状态的影响,从而更加有效地利用了网络资源.计算机仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

After analyzing the merits and shortcomings of Fixed-Alternated Routing algorithm (FAR) and Least Loaded Routing algorithm (LLR), we propose one novel dynamic optical routing algorithm. Having considered the influences of path's length and path's congestion just like in FAR and LLR, we take into account the network resource status-amount of free wavelengths in the network. Proposed algorithm sets up connections on three possible paths according to amount of available free wavelengths in the network, which effectively decreases the blocking probability. The National Science Foundation (NSF) network and mesh-torus network simulation results show that the performance of this algorithm is better than that of FAR and LLR.  相似文献   

基于节点功能的WDM光网络分布式路由与波长分配算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了一种具有节点功能区分的WDM多波长光网络模型,根据节点功能将其分为A、B两类,在此基础上提出了波长等价弧和等价网络等概念,并根据此类多波长光网络模型的节点和网络结构特点以及相应的选路和波长分配策略,提出了一种基于节点功能的多波长光网络分布式路由与波长分配算法——BONF算法,证明了算法的可行性,分析了算法的计算复杂度,比较了此算法与其它同类型算法的区别,指出了BONF算法的优点和不足。  相似文献   

波分复用全光网络路由和波长分配算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据波分复用全光网络路由和波长分配(RWA)实现过程的不同把算法划分为两大类;路由和波长分配分解法和路由和波长分配并行法。对这两类分别讨论了动态和静态RWA算法。  相似文献   

针对光突发交换(OBS)网络中如何高效解决频繁发生的光突发竞争问题,提出了一种支持业务均衡的OBS自适应多可达性路由机制(AMR-LB).首先根据发送端发送业务量大小和当前网络业务承载状态,按需地为光突发确定多可达性路由;然后在非线性规划下,自适应地调整各条路由的业务承载比例.通过性能仿真,并与自适应替代路由算法(AA...  相似文献   

全光网静态路由选择和波长分配的分层图算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出一种将路由选择和波长分配结合起来的启发式的路由选择和波长分配(RWA)算法.通过这种新的分层图算法和限制光跳距的加权系数来优化全光网的静态路由选择和波长分配,使建立光连接时所需的波长数达到最少.最后对实际的ARPANet等5种光网络进行了计算机仿真,证明了本算法比以前的算法有更好的性能.  相似文献   

Photonic Network Communications - Elastic optical network, due to its flexibility of spectrum assignment, has been the most promising technology in the next generation of backbone transport...  相似文献   

Optical burst contention is one of the major factors that cause the burst loss in the optical burst switching (OBS) networks. So far, various contention resolution schemes have been proposed. Among them, the deflection path is more attractive due to its low requirement for optical buffer in capability and quantity. However, these deflection path algorithms do not consider the successful transmission rate of deflection traffic, and the deflection traffic??s impacts on the original traffic of the deflection path are not concerned. Meanwhile, the offset-time deficit problem for deflected bursts is ignored. Therefore, in order to reduce the burst loss probability in OBS networks, a Distributed Backoff-channel DeFlection algorithm with load balancing, for short DBDF-LB, is proposed. It consists of two parts, that is, the deflection with load balancing and the backoff-channel buffering scheme. Firstly, from the perspective of the network-wide load balancing, the optimal deflection path, on which the contention-failure burst is deflected with the minimum hops and the least burst loss probability, is selected. Secondly, the extra offset-time for the deflected burst is provided through the backoff-channel scheme. Finally, by numerical simulations, compared with the classical shortest path deflection algorithm, the DBDF-LB can obviously reduce the burst loss probability, about 50%, with a little extra overhead.  相似文献   

文章提出了一种非循环的应用于光突发交换(OBS)网络的偏射路由算法.它基于各网络节点的路径度和平均跳转数来确定偏射路径.通过建立OBS网络仿真模型。从数据突发的丢失率、平均跳转次数和端到端延时等方面来对其进行评价.仿真结果表明,该算法能确定有效的非循环偏射路径,为OBS网络提供了公平的网络资源利用.  相似文献   

Presents a heuristic algorithm for effectively assigning a limited number of wavelengths among the access stations of a multihop network wherein the physical medium consists of optical fiber segments which interconnect wavelength-selective optical switches. Such a physical medium permits the limited number of wavelengths to be re-used among the various fiber links, thereby offering very high aggregate capacity. Although the optical connectivity among the access station can be altered by changing the states of the various optical switches, the resulting optical connectivity pattern is constrained by the limitation imposed at the physical level. The authors also study two routing schemes, used to route requests for virtual connections. The heuristic is tested on a realistic traffic model, and the call blocking performance of new requests for virtual connections is studied through extensive simulations and compared against the blocking performance of an ideal infinite capacity centralized switch (lowest possible call blocking caused exclusively by congestion on the finite capacity user input/output links, never by the switch fabric itself). Surprisingly, the authors find that, for a wide range of parameters, the blocking performance of the lightwave network is almost the same as that of the ideal centralized switch. From these results, they conclude that the heuristic algorithm is effective and the routing scheme is efficient  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology has been recently gaining increasing attention in flexible optical networks due to its significant spectrum efficiency, flexibility, and superior tolerance against impairments. In this paper, we put forward a novel distance-adaptive routing and spectrum assignment algorithm to select the proper modulation format dynamically based on OFDM according to the transmission reach, thereby effectively improving the spectrum utilization. The presented simulation results show that our proposed algorithm achieves significantly improved spectrum efficiency.  相似文献   

提出了一种在WDM网络中基于优先级的多任务波长路由分配算法。算法设计旨在提高光网络资源的利用率、降低网络请求阻塞率。分析了任务请求的路由类型以及负载容量对请求优先级划分的影响方式,给出了网络请求优先级划分策略,结合网络的实时状态提出了一种基于优先级的多任务波长路由分配算法。仿真结果表明,该算法相比现有算法降低了网络请求阻塞率,提高了资源利用率。  相似文献   

路由与波长分配问题是波分复用光网中的一个关键问题.文章从经济学的角度出发提出了路由与波长分配问题的一种数学模型,并且进行了分析和仿真.结果表明,模型较大程度地反应了现实,对网络运营商而言很有参考价值.  相似文献   

李明群  彭肖  罗正华 《通信学报》2003,24(12):106-110
研究了WDM光网络中的静态波长路由问题,基于负载的均衡可以改善网络的性能这一事实,提出了一种优化的路由算法(O-Spread算法),文中进行了算法仿真,结果表明优化算法与传统的最短路由算法相比,能够有效地减小网络对于波长数目的需求。  相似文献   

Many recent studies have convincingly demonstrated that network traffic exhibits a noticeable self-similar nature, which has a considerable impact on network performance, and most studies of optical burst switching (OBS) networks are under a fundamental assumption that full wavelength conversion is available throughout the network. In practice, however, economic and technical considerations are likely to dictate a more limited and sparse deployment of wavelength converters in the optical network. Therefore, we present a novel scheme for OBS networks, called logical cascaded private subnet (LCPN) with start wavelength assignment policy. We define the concept of canoe relative to cluster in self-similar traffic, and introduce a new device named payload segregator at the edge node as a gateway to the core node in OBS Networks. According to the changes in the edge node framework, we put forward the concept of cluster private subnet and canoe private subnet in the core node correspondingly. A new start wavelength assignment policy is proposed for the absence of (full) wavelength conversion capabilities in the core node of OBS Networks. The performance study indicates that, our new scheme is robust under self-similar traffic and wavelength continuity constraint.  相似文献   

文章在一种已有的"子图+ADD(代数决策图)"的波长转换器配置算法的基础上,提出了用优先配置最大度节点的启发式思想对该算法进行改进,得到了新的"子图+BDF(大度节点优先分配)"算法.通过对两种算法进行计算机仿真,得到的模拟结果显示新算法在保持结果准确的同时,有效降低了运算的时间复杂度.  相似文献   

The exponential growth of Internet traffic necessitates high-capacity optical networks and has also highlighted the importance of bandwidth-flexible and multi-granularity transport platforms. Improving both transport capacity and bandwidth flexibility is a significant challenge in optical networks. A bitrate flexible network architecture that is based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing has been proposed as a promising solution for meeting this challenge. In the current study, we focus on the online routing and spectrum assignment problems in the aforementioned network architecture and introduce a general solution for dynamic bitrate flexible traffic in distributed environments. A novel spectrum representation method based on continuous spectrum segments is introduced into the networks. Segment-based routing and signaling mechanisms provide general solutions that support both the conventional slot-based networks and the ideal fully gridless networks. The routing algorithms and spectrum selection approaches are demonstrated and compared in a simulation. Performance estimation indicates that random spectrum segment assignment achieves the lowest capacity blocking rate in light traffic, whereas the adaptive routing plus minimum residual spectrum scheme obtains the lowest capacity blocking rate under heavy traffic.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an effective method of fault location based on a binary tree for optical burst switching (OBS) network. To minimize the monitoring cost, we divide the network into several monitor domains by introducing monitoring-cycle algorithms. In order to generate an exclusive code, we modify the monitoring cycle algorithm when two nodes have the same code. Through the binary tree algorithm, a pre-computation of faults in the OBS network can be achieved. When a fault happens, we can locate it immediately and accurately. Examples have proved that the algorithm has general applicability.  相似文献   

弹性光网络(EON)中的传统路由频谱分配(RSA)算法多考虑路由跳数或频谱资源占用情况,缺乏时域与相邻链路的信息有效利用.提出一种结合预测的多维感知RSA算法,对持续时间已知业务的历史时间信息通过后向传播神经网络预测未来业务的时间信息,在路由时综合考虑时间、频谱和相邻链路资源占用程度.仿真结果表明:与传统RSA算法相比...  相似文献   

A framework for optical burst switching network design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyze optical burst switching (OBS) systems. The analysis leads to a framework which provides guidelines for OBS design. We identify conditions for OBS feasibility and the relationship between burst size, or equivalently burst assembly delay, and throughput, taking into consideration control packet processing and the number of available wavelengths per fiber  相似文献   

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