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The process of learning the sound-symbol correspondences of the Phonetic Alphabet can be facilitated through a computer-based training program in which the sound and graphic representations of individual items can be selected and presented for learning and for testing. We have implemented such a program on a Vax 11/730 computer, using a colour graphics display together with high-quality sound presented through a digital-to-analogue converter. We have had good success in using this program to teach a Phonetic Alphabet to students who have no previous phonetics training, as part of their courses in Auditory Processing and in Psycholinguistics.  相似文献   

This paper describes the LT NSL system (McKelvie et al., 1996), an architecture for writing corpus processing tools. This system is then compared with two other systems which address similar issues, the GATE system (Cunningham et al., 1995) and the IMS Corpus Workbench (Christ, 1994). In particular we address the advantages and disadvantages of an SGML approach compared with a non-sgml database approach. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Conventional database languages rely on the user specifying what relations are to be used when evaluating a query. Consequently they preclude queries which involve searching for unspecified connections or associations in the database. In this paper we present Hydra, a functional language with all the facilities to define, update and query a database, which also enables users to carry out associational queries. Hydra uses a graph-based data model in which nodes represent values or entities and arcs the relationships between them. Associational facilities are made possible by the provision of built-in functions which find paths through the database graph. The mappings between sets of nodes in the database graph are represented as functions at the Hydra language level and it is as lists of such functions that associational results are returned. The use of a functional language is important since such languages allow functions to be returned as results; such an approach could not be adopted in a logic-based language which would not permit predicates to be returned as answers. Hydra also allows users to define general computational functions which are not considered to form part of the database. This use of two sets of functions achieves a computationally complete system which extends the query power of previous database systems without compromising their expressive or query power.  相似文献   

杨全  彭进业 《计算机工程》2014,(4):192-197,202
为有效识别手语字母,提出一种手语视觉单词(SLVW)的识别方法。采用Kinect获取手语字母视频及其深度信息,在深度图像中,通过计算获得手语手势的主轴方向角和质心位置以调整搜索窗口,利用基于深度图像信息的DI_CamShift方法对手势进行跟踪,进而使用基于深度积分图像的Ostu方法分割手势,并提取其尺度不变特征变换数据。将局部特征描述子表示的图像小区域量化生成SLVW,统计一幅手语图像中的视觉单词频率,用词包模型表示手语字母,并用支持向量机进行识别。实验结果表明,该方法不受颜色、光照和阴影的干扰,具有较高的识别准确性和鲁棒性,对复杂背景手语视频中的30个手语字母的平均识别率达到96.21%。  相似文献   

This contribution reports ongoing research concerning a legislative drafting system named SOLON.1 The system was developed at the Institute of Social Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. SOLON is designed to support the implementation of the basic principles of legislative technique and is specifically based on the translation into computer algorithms of the 254 drafting guidelines of the Flemish government. First, specific attention will be paid to the Flemish guidelines, second, the features and particular functions of the system will be discussed.  相似文献   

针对传统英语发音学习过程中存在的发音不准确、缺乏发音评价和纠错指导的现状。提出了基于Android平台开发一款发音跟读、发音比对、发音评分和纠错多功能应用的英语发音训练系统。基于短时过零率端点检测进行语音预处理,获得较为稳定的语音段信号,利用美尔倒普系数(MFCC)提取语音信号特征值,获得每帧语音频谱特性。通过矢量间距离计算表征信号的匹配度,在自适应(AP)评价法来实现平均匹配距离与发音评分间的逻辑关系,得到发音共振峰包络图,利用生成的发音共振峰对比图构建发音共振峰和读音口型模型进行发音跟读质量反馈。实际应用结果表明:开发的系统应用能够准确进行定性化的发音口型纠正,有效满足现代英语学习过程中的智能化、实时性和便携化需求。  相似文献   

C#语言是一门简单、现代、优雅、面向对象、类型安全和平台独立的新型组件编程语言,其语言风格源自C/C++家族,融合了VisualBasic的高效和C/C++的强大,深受世界各地程序员的好评和喜爱.C#源于C语言家族,因此,C、C++和java的程序员能很快熟悉它,C#获得了ECMA和ISO/IEC的国际标准认证,它们分别是ECMA-334标准和ISO/IEC 23270标准,Microsoft用于.NET框架的C#编译器就是根据这两个标准实现的.  相似文献   

本文详细讨论了信息管理系统中实现语音模糊查询的三个关键技术:获得汉字拼音数据字典,创建高效安全的汉字拼音数据库,设计和实现可靠的同音字检索算法。并给出了基于VB环境具体实现的核心代码。  相似文献   

The ALS–a portable, retargetable, integrated environment–is being designed to meet rigorous Stoneman requirements. It addresses critical development and maintenance problems of embedded computer systems.  相似文献   

基于单片机的无线射击自动报靶系统具有报靶精度高、计算速度快、产品体积小、软件可移植、系统升级方便等优点,在降低了成本的同时既提高了射击训练效率,又能避免因报靶人员主观原因造成的误判,还在一定程度上保障了靶场人员的人身安全,能很好地满足运动射击练习中安全高效的要求。  相似文献   

The standard view of classical cognitive science stated that cognition consists in the manipulation of language-like structures according to formal rules. Since cognition is ‘linguistic’ in itself, according to this view language is just a complex communication system and does not influence cognitive processes in any substantial way. This view has been criticized from several perspectives and a new framework (Embodied Cognition) has emerged that considers cognitive processes as non-symbolic and heavily dependent on the dynamical interactions between the cognitive system and its environment. But notwithstanding the successes of the embodied cognitive science in explaining low-level cognitive behaviors, it is still not clear whether and how it can scale up for explaining high-level cognition. In this paper we argue that this can be done by considering the role of language as a cognitive tool: i.e. how language transforms basic cognitive functions in the high-level functions that are characteristic of human cognition. In order to do that, we review some computational models that substantiate this view with respect to categorization and memory. Since these models are based on a very rudimentary form of non-syntactic ‘language’ we argue that the use of language as a cognitive tool might have been an early discovery in hominid evolution, and might have played a substantial role in the evolution of language itself.  相似文献   

Lazy functional languages are declarative and allow the programmer to write programs where operational issues such as the evaluation order are left implicit. This should be reflected in the design of debuggers for such languages to avoid burdening the programmer with operational details, e.g. concerning the actual evaluation order. Conventional debugging techniques tend to focus too much on operational aspects to be suitable in this context. A record of the execution that only captures the declarative aspects of the execution, leaving out operational details, would be a viable basis for debugging lazy functional programs. Various declarative debugging tools could then be developed on top of such records. In this paper we propose a structure which we call the Evaluation Dependence Tree (EDT) for this purpose, and we describe two different construction methods. Performance problems are discussed along with possible solutions.  相似文献   

基于多平台的智能社区信息化系统集成的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 概述在当今网络经济时代的大潮中,智能社区信息化的建设显得越来越重要。国外的许多大公司都已经进军智能社区信息化的建设行业。国内也建成了一批“智能化社区”,其信息化建设的水平还比较低。2000年5月在北京召开的“二十一世纪数字城市论坛”中,将智能社区的信息化建设提到了一个相当的高度,深圳还出台了智能社区信息化建设的指导性文件。  相似文献   

This paper describes the Syrinx Spoken Language System (Sylan), an automated dialogue system that is fully integrated with the Syrinx Large Vocabulary Speech Recogniser (Sycon) into the Syrinx SpeechMaster platform. This platform combines speech recognition, natural language processing, dialogue management, telephony and database integration into a robust and flexible Voice User Interface that permits the deployment of natural language dialogue systems in automated call centres. We first describe the architecture of Sylan which, being modular, allows us to build a system whose domain-independent components are reusable from application to application. We then present those components from the point of view of application developers, describing the data structures used by the system and the utilities to build them. The two prototypes that have already been developed using Sylan are briefly presented, and we conclude by drawing the lessons learned along the way and pointing to further research directions.  相似文献   

肖明彦  孙珠峰 《计算机仿真》2004,21(11):106-109
由于对智能代理应用需求的不断增长,代理间合作与相互通信变得越来越重要。代理很少孤立存在,它需要一个环境来作为其宿主以支持通信与信息发布。该文介绍了利用HLA/RTI作为多代理环境的优点,以及设计实现代理行为体系结构的方法。最后文章给出了一个海军战斗想定的实例。  相似文献   

In carrying out SDC's Formal Development Method, one writes a specification of a system under design in the Ina Jo™ specification language and proves that the specification meets the requirements of the system. This paper develops an abstract machine model of what is specified by a level specification in an Ina Jo specification. It describes the state as defined by the front matter, computations as defined by initial states and transforms, and invariants, criteria, and constraints as properties of computations. The paper then describes a number of formal design methods and the kinds of abstractions that they require. For each of these kinds of abstractions, there is a characteristic relationship between refinements that should be proved as one is carrying out the method.  相似文献   

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