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Using in situ hybridization, we examined the mRNA expression for several immediate early genes in dopamine-innervated brain areas following electrical burst vs. regular stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle in anaesthetized rats. Two hours after 5 Hz burst stimulation, the expression of the nerve growth factor-inducible clone A (NGFI-A) mRNA was increased in the medial part of the striatum. This increase was prevented by pretreatment with the dopamine-D1 receptor antagonist, SCH23390 (0.1 mg/kg i.p.). After 8 Hz burst stimulation, NGFI-A mRNA expression was increased in the medial, central and lateral parts of the striatum. Induction occurred predominantly in cells expressing mRNAs for the dopamine-D1 receptor, substance P and dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein (DARP-32). Regular stimulation had no effect on NGFI-A mRNA expression. The induction of NGFI-A was related to the levels of dopamine released by burst or regular stimulation as demonstrated with in vivo amperometry. Two hours after stimulation, the expression of none of the other genes studied was altered. One hour after 8 Hz burst stimulation, the expression of NGFI-A, NGFI-B and jun-B mRNAs was increased in the striatum and that of NGFI-A, NGFI-B, c-fos, fos-B and jun-B mRNAs was variably increased in the nucleus accumbens and lateral septum. These results provide additional support for the physiological importance of burst firing activity in midbrain dopamine neurons for the activation of their target cells. They demonstrate a spatial and temporal specificity as regards the brain region, the gene activated, the receptor involved and the phenotype of the cells affected.  相似文献   

Extracellular dopamine levels were measured in the rat nucleus accumbens by means of in vivo microdialysis. Delivery of rewarding medial forebrain bundle stimulation at a low rate (5 trains/min) produced a sustained elevation of dopamine levels, regardless of whether train onset was predictable. When the rate of train delivery was increased to 40 trains/min, dopamine levels rose rapidly during the first 40 min but then declined toward the baseline range. The rewarding impact of the stimulation was reduced following prior delivery of stimulation at the high, but not the low, rate. These results support the idea that dopamine tone plays an enabling role in brain stimulation reward and is elevated similarly by predictable and unpredictable stimulation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Exogenous and endogenous glutamate has been shown to evoke dopamine (DA) release in the striatum using both in vitro and in vivo techniques. We hypothesized that stimulation of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) would phasically enhance striatal DA release via the glutamatergic corticostriatal pathway. To test this hypothesis, in vivo brain microdialysis was employed to measure extracellular concentrations of DA in the striatum during electrical stimulation of the PFC. Five rats were implanted with bilateral electrodes located in the medial PFC and dialysis probes in the dorsal striatum. Two days later the PFC of these awake, freely moving rats was stimulated first at 50 microA and then at 100 microA for 20 minutes at 2-hour intervals. Both currents significantly increased DA release. Extracellular DA rose rapidly during stimulation, peaked immediately afterward, and then slowly returned to baseline values. Dopamine reached 118% of baseline values with 50 microA stimulation and 138% with 100 microA stimulation. Histologic analysis using the fluorescent retrograde dye Fluoro Gold confirmed that cells projecting to the vicinity of the striatal dialysis probe originated in the vicinity of the PFC electrodes. These results provide direct evidence for phasic, excitatory modulation of striatal DA release by the PFC.  相似文献   

The results of collision and refractory period tests were used to compute conduction velocity estimates for reward-relevant neurons activated by electrodes aimed approximately 3 mm apart along the trajectory of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Collision tests consisted of delivering pairs of pulses in alternating fashion to the lateral hypothalamus and ventral tegmental area. As the interval between pulses was increased the behavioral effectiveness of double-pulse stimulation abruptly increased and then levelled off at longer pulse-pair intervals. In 6 subjects the C-T interval at which the abrupt rise was observed ranged from 1.0 to 3.0 ms. Refractory periods were estimated using an analogous paradigm but with both pulses applied through the same electrode. Recovery was first evident at pulse-pair intervals greater than 0.4-0.6 ms. Conduction velocity was determined for each subject by dividing the interelectrode distance by the difference between the collision interval and the refractory period; a range of 1.0-4.5 m/s was obtained, values that are inconsistent with the reported conduction velocities for catecholaminergic fibers. It is proposed that the substrate for brain-stimulation reward in the MFB consists of small, myelinated, non-catecholaminergic fibers.  相似文献   

Five groups of ovariectomized rats were tested during in vivo microdialysis, and concentrations of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites were determined in dialysate. In striatum, DA increased more in hormone-primed ovariectomized female rats pacing copulation than in those engaging in sex that could not pace, those that were hormone primed but tested without a male present, or oil-treated groups. Administration of estrogen before microdialysis resulted in enhanced striatal DA in response to a male rat relative to the animals tested without a male. Female rats that were pacing sexual behavior also exhibited a greater increase in accumbens DA than did the no-male, estrogen-primed, or oil-treated groups. Nonpacing animals displayed a significant decrease in DA from accumbens 30 min after introduction of the male rat but otherwise were not different from pacing animals. Estrogen-treated animals also had an enhanced increase in accumbens DA compared with oil-treated rats. These data suggest that DA release in the striatum and accumbens is dependent on the context in which sexual behavior occurs and that estrogen may in part modulate these dopaminergic responses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of lesioning the pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPTg) and laterodorsal tegmentum (LDTg) on the reward effectiveness of medial forebrain bundle (MFB) stimulation. Although the focus is on the effects of unilateral lesions made ipsilateral to stimulation sites in the hypothalamic and ventral tegmental MFB, the effects of contralateral lesions of both targets are also investigated. Reward effectiveness was assessed using the rate-frequency curve shift paradigm. In nine rats with unilateral PPTg lesions and five rats with unilateral LDTg lesions, the frequency required to maintain half-maximal response rats was generally not changed by more than 0.1 log units relative to prelesion baseline mean. In three rats with contralateral PPTg lesions and four rats with contralateral LDTg lesions, required frequency was also not substantially changed. The results are interpreted in terms of a previously proposed hypothesis regarding the role in MFB self-stimulation of ascending cholinergic input from the pontomesencephalon to ventral tegmental dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Unilateral frontal-plane knife-cut lesions were made in the anterior medial forebrain bundle ipsilateral to a lateral hypothalamic self-stimulation electrode. Behavioral effects of the knife cut on self-stimulation reward and operant performance capacity were measured via the reward summation function method. Knife cuts placed at the level of the anterior commissure were ineffective in altering reward or motor/performance capacity, whereas knife cuts just posterior in the caudal lateral preoptic area degraded reward and sometimes impaired motor/performance capacity. In a second experiment, knife cuts placed posterior to the ventral tegmental area were ineffective unless they intruded on the ventral tegmental area itself. Several small knife cuts placed just anterior to the ventral tegmental were effective in reducing self-stimulation reward. The results are discussed in terms of the anatomical substrate of lateral hypothalamic self-stimulation reward and as a first step in a larger mapping study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Dual perfusion in vivo brain microdialysis was used to monitor extracellular levels of dopamine in the medial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum during the acquisition and extinction of a classical aversive conditioning paradigm in rats. The main finding was a dissociation in the pattern of release in the two brain areas. The first stimulus-footshock pairing elicited large increases in cortical dopamine over baseline levels that were much greater than the increases elicited by different stimuli of equivalent salience that were unpaired with footshock. In contrast, dopamine levels in ventral striatum were unchanged under these conditions. Over the next two pairings, there was a decline in the cortical response and an increase in the response in ventral striatum. The first presentation of the aversive conditioned stimulus in a separate context elicited the largest response in ventral striatum. Post-conditioning, the cortical response to the conditioned stimulus was smaller than that elicited by the initial stimulus-footshock pairing and was equivalent in magnitude to that elicited by stimuli unpaired with footshock. Over the final two conditioned stimuli presentations, in the absence of the footshock reinforcer (extinction), responses declined in both brain areas. Simultaneous monitoring of behaviour indicated that the neurochemical events were accompanied by effective aversive learning, as indexed by conditioned freezing responses. The data are discussed in terms of the hypothesis that medial prefrontal cortex is especially engaged during novel circumstances which may, potentially, require new learning, whilst ventral striatal dopamine more closely follows the expression of conditioned responding during learning and extinction.  相似文献   

After electrolytic lesions to the cortical and adjacent amygdaloid subnuclei, thresholds for rewarding medial forebrain bundle (MFB) stimulation were tracked in 19 rats with bilateral implants and 8 with single implants. Results were categorized into 3 groups depending on the magnitude of the lesion effect on ipsilateral frequency thresholds: substantial (> 60%), small (> 26%), or none (  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine whether brain stimulation reward and exploration are induced by activation of the same set of neurons along the medial forebrain bundle. The behavioral version of the collision test was utilized with electrodes in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA). A collision effect obtained between LH and VTA in one behavior at the exclusion of the other was treated as evidence of the involvement of two different sets of fibers. In 4 rats, a collision effect was observed only in self-stimulation, whereas in 1 rat, a collision was obtained in exploration at the exclusion of self-stimulation. Three animals showed no collision in either behavior. These data suggest that coexistence of self-stimulation and exploration following medial forebrain bundle stimulation can be explained by current spread on two different sets of fibers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats with an electrode in the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) in or near the ventral tegmental area and another at the level of the rostral hypothalamus sustained large electrolytic lesions at either the rostral or the caudal electrode. The rewarding efficacy of stimulation through the other electrode was determined before and after the lesion. Massive damage to the MFB in the rostral lateral hypothalamus (LH) generally had little effect on the rewarding efficacy of more caudal stimulation, whereas large lesions in the caudal MFB generally reduced the rewarding efficacy of LH stimulation by 35–60%. Similar reductions were produced by knife cuts in the caudal MFB. These results appear to be inconsistent with the hypothesis that the reward fibers consist either of descending or ascending fibers coursing in or near the MFB. It is suggested that the reward fibers are collaterals from neurons with both their somata and their behaviorally significant terminals located primarily in the midbrain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B/3 is characterized by multiple mucosal neuromas, a marfanoid appearance, medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, gastrointestinal ganglioneuromatosis, and thickened corneal nerves. This rare syndrome is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. Early recognition followed by appropriate screening and treatment can be life-saving.  相似文献   

Salvage and de novo purine and pyrimidine nucleotide syntheses were studied in H9 (a human lymphoid cell line) and H9-AZT cells (chronically zidovudine-exposed H9 cells). H9-AZT cells incorporated 18% and 27% more hypoxanthine and uridine, respectively, than H9 cells. The incorporation of the formate and bicarbonate was similar in both cell lines. Purine and pyrimidine de novo synthesis was inhibited by hypoxanthine and uridine, respectively. Hypoxanthine and uridine salvage pathways, however, were not affected by formate or bicarbonate. Short-term AZT exposure of cells had no effect on nucleotide synthesis. Some of the problems encountered in the studies of purine and pyrimidine synthesis are also discussed.  相似文献   

Cocaine and cocaine-associated cues elicit craving in addicts and reinstate cocaine-seeking behavior in rats. Craving and cocaine-seeking behavior may be mediated by withdrawal-induced changes in dopamine (DA) neurotransmission in the amygdala. To examine whether there are concomittant changes in cocaine-seeking behavior and extracellular DA levels during withdrawal, experimental rats were trained to self-administer cocaine (0.75 mg/kg i.v.). After 14 daily 3-hour training sessions, animals underwent either a 1-day, 1-week, or 1-month withdrawal period. Extracellular DA levels were assessed during baseline, extinction, cue reinstatement, and cocaine (15 mg/kg i.p.) reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior (i.e., defined as the difference in nonreinforced lever presses on an active minus inactive lever). Cocaine-seeking behavior became more intense during the course of cocaine withdrawal. Additionally, basal and cocaine-induced extracellular DA levels were enhanced after the 1-month withdrawal period. We suggest that the former may reflect a persistent elevation in tonic extracellular DA levels in the amygdala, whereas the latter may reflect a persistent elevation in phasic extracellular DA levels.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, a conditioned emotional response (CER) paradigm was presented to 2 groups of male albino Sprague-Dawley rats (N?=?20) during intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS). One group barpressed for medial forebrain bundle (MFB) stimulation reward; the other group barpressed for septal stimulation reward. The MFB ICSS was found to be suppressed by the CER procedure, but this procedure failed to suppress septal ICSS. The difference between the 2 sites was found only when both MFB and septal ICSS current intensities were available at their optimal levels. When ICSS current intensities were lowered to either threshold or medium level, both groups exhibited the CER suppression effect. Ss were also tested for a possible analgesic effect produced by the ICSS. MFB stimulation was found to produce some degree of analgesia, but septal stimulation failed to produce any analgesic effect. Thus, the possibility that the attenuation of the CER suppression effect in the septal group was due to analgesia was excluded. The difference in MFB and septal ICSS behavior during the presentation of the aversive stimulus suggests a possible qualitative distinction between the reward functions of the 2 sites, and a possible fear-reduction property of the septal area. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Binding of the D2-like (D2/D3/D4) radioligand [3H]nemonapride under selective conditions (with 300 nM S[-]-raclopride and other masking agents to occlude D2/D3 receptors and non-specific binding sites) revealed a subset of raclopride-insensitive binding sites considered D4-like receptors. These sites were stereoselective to R(-)-N-n-propylnorapomorphine (NPA) over its S(+)-NPA in a similar fashion to cloned D4 receptors expressed in cell lines. In addition, the highly D4-selective agent L-745,870 displaced 74-83% of these sites in rat brain regions, suggesting that most were D4 receptors. These apparent D4 receptors represented a relatively high proportion of D2-like receptors in hippocampus, dorsolateral frontal, medial prefrontal and entorhinal cortex, but fewer in caudate-putamen and nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments with 93 Long-Evans male hooded rats, cathodal electrolytic lesions of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) at posterior hypothalamic levels produced a mild, transient hypodipsia and lowered jump thresholds to footshock. Lesions produced marked deficits in passive avoidance performance in a paradigm that paired discrete, linearly incrementing footshock intensities with contact of a water spout following 48 hrs of water deprivation. Injections of levo-dextro-5-hydroxytryptophan (75 mg g, ip), the immediate metabolic precursor of serotonin, had no effect on the passive avoidance performance of either experimental or operated control Ss. Lesions of the MFB also resulted in deficient acquisition in a 1-trial step-through passive avoidance paradigm not using motivation to drink and caused a severe acquisition deficit in a 1-way active avoidance task. Lesions of the septal nuclei produced lowered jump thresholds but did not affect acquisition in the 1st passive avoidance task. Results are interpreted as indicating a lesion-induced deficiency in fear learning, independent of the serotonergic functions of the MFB. (45 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The parathyroid hormone (PTH) gene is expressed and translated in the rat hypothalamus, and the possibility that PTH may modulate neural activity was therefore examined in anesthetized rats. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of 1.0 or 10.0 micrograms rat, human, or bovine PTH(1-34) was followed 60 min later by increased concentrations of DOPAC (dihydroxyacetic acid) and the DOPAC:dopamine (DA) ratio in the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH), but not in other (brainstem, cerebral cortex, cerebellum) regions of the brain. Tissue concentrations of norepinephrine and serotonin were unchanged by ICV PTH administration, although MBH concentrations of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) were increased following PTH administration. An increase in MBH DA turnover (as indicated by an increased DOPAC:DA ratio) was also induced by the ICV injection of 10 micrograms PTH-related protein [PTHrP(1-34)]. Pretreatment with the receptor antagonists PTH(7-34) or PTHrP(7-34) completely blocked the subsequent DOPAC response to ICV PTH or PTHrP, respectively. The DOPAC concentrations in hypothalamic extracellular fluid (ECF), sampled by microdialysis, were also increased within 20 min of PTH(1-34) perfusion, in the absence of changes in the ECF concentrations of 5-HIAA. These results demonstrate that PTH and PTH-like peptides specifically increase DA turnover in the rat MBH and suggest novel roles for these hormones in neural regulation.  相似文献   

Changes in neuronal activity and extracellular concentrations of ions were measured in rat striatum for 60-90 min after intrastriatal injection of quinolinic acid, an agonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. The excitotoxin induced bursts of synchronous electrical activity which were accompanied by rises in [K+]e (to approximately 6 mM) and decreases in [Ca2+]e (by less than 0.1 mM); [H+]e usually increased (0.1-0.3 pH unit) after a short and small (< 0.1 pH unit) alkaline shift. The magnitude and frequency of these periodic changes decreased with time; after 90 min the amplitudes fell to 10-20% of the early values and the frequency to about one every 8 min as compared to one every 2-3 min immediately after quinolinate injection. By 90 min there was an increase in [K+]e from 3.3 mM to 4.2 mM and a decrease in [Ca2+]e from 1.34 mM to 1.30 mM. It is postulated that activation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor causes disturbances in neuronal activity and ion gradients; restoration of the original ionic balances raises utilization of ATP and places an additional demand on energy-producing pathways. Increased influx of calcium into neurons may lead to an enhanced accumulation and subsequent overload of mitochondria with the cation. This, in turn, could result in dysfunction of the organelles and account for the decrease in respiration and [ATP]/[ADP] that have been observed previously in this model. The results of the present study lead to the conclusion that quinolinic acid produces early changes in activity of striatal neurons and movements of several cations which may contribute to subsequent abnormalities in energy metabolism and ultimately, cell death.  相似文献   

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