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Surface-analysis techniques (x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy) and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) have been used to study the mechanism of steady-state high-temperature oxidation of Al-Mg alloys. Two high-purity alloys containing 0.4 and 2.0 wt.% Mg were heat-treated in dry air at 550°C up to 90 hr. It was found that the oxide layer was composed of MgO and spinel (MgAl2O4), the major constituent being MgO. The molar concentration of MgO decreased with increasing depth, while that of spinel increased. The rate-controlling mechanism for the growth of the oxide layer in the Al-0.4Mg alloy was the solid-state diffusion of Mg in the MgO-spinel constituents. For alloys of higher-magnesium content, the growth of the oxide layer was controlled by solid-state diffusion of Mg through the adherent protective oxide areas and by the transport of Mg vapor across voids formed between the alloy substrate and the oxide layer.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONIntherecentfew years ,Al richmetallicglasshasbeenpaidmoreandmoreattentiontointhenovelmaterialsresearchfield ,notonlyduetoitshighstrength ,hardnessandlowdensity ,butalsobecauseanew typeAl basednanophasecompositecanbeob tainedfromitbypartialcrystallization[17] .ManyAl basedamorphous/nanocrystallinealloyscontainingrareearth(RE =La ,Y ,Ce ,Nd ,etc)andtransitionmetal(TM =Fe ,Co ,Ni,etc)elementshaveanattractivecombinationofmechanicalproper ties .Ithasbeenreportedthatmanyofth…  相似文献   

The oxidation behavior of copper-manganese alloys (2–35 wt. % Mn) in pure oxygen at 760 Torr was investigated at 100° intervals between 550 and 850°C. Gravimetric measurements of the oxidation kinetics have been combined with microstructural studies of the reacted samples in order to evaluate the reaction mechanisms. The scales formed on Cu-2Mn, Cu-5Mn, Cu-10Mn are always composed of three different layers; in any case manganese is present only in the inner layer. The scales formed on Cu-20Mn and Cu-35Mn are composed of two layers, both containing manganese, with a more Cu-rich outer layer. In all the samples internal oxidation in combination with external scale formation is observed.  相似文献   

A study of the oxidation of directionally solidified Co-W alloys were performed at 750, 900, and 1050°C. The study involved a comparison of the oxidation behavior of directionally solidified and as-cast alloys along with the oxidation behavior of the pure components. The study incorporated both thermogravimetric kinetic measurements and morphological studies of the oxides as a function of both temperature and time. Differences were noticed in both the oxidation rate and the oxide morphology and were attributed to differences in alloy microstructure. The directionally solidified Co-W alloy was found to be more spall resistant but also oxidized more rapidly than the conventionally as-cast alloy. Both alloys were more oxidation resistant than the pure components.  相似文献   

High-temperature oxidation of Al-deposited stainless-steel foils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The oxidation resistance of Al-deposited Fe–Cr–Al foils containing small amounts of La and Ce was assessed by a cyclic oxidation test with temperature varying between room temperature and 1323 K to 1423 K in static air. (1) The Al content of Fe–Cr–Al–La, Ce foils can be increased by depositing an Al layer from the vapor phase. The deposition of a 1-m-thick Al layer on both sides of the 50-m-thick foil is equivalent to a 1.5 mass% increase in the Al content. The deposited Al diffuses into the foil during heat treatment. The uniform distribution of Al is obtained by heating at 1273 K for 18 ks. (2) After the initial transition stage the oxidation follows the parabolic law until breakaway sets in. The scale consists mainly of -Al2O3 during the parabolic period. (3) The increase in the Al content by more than 5 mass% by the Al-deposition remarkably improves high-temperature oxidation resistance (smaller parabolic rate constant and longer protection time). (4) The Al-deposited foils have better oxidation resistance than the conventional foils with the same contents of Al and rare-earth elements. This is attributable to the different nature of the initially formed oxide on the Al-deposited foil. (5) The so-called rare-earth element effect was also observed for the Al-deposited foils. Predominant diffusion of oxygen through the Al2O3 scale and vacancy-sink mechanism are applicable to the present results.  相似文献   

Isothermal oxidation of a directionally solidified Ni-Al-Cr3C2 eutectic alloy results in development of an external -Al3O3-rich scale. However, this scale breaks down after relatively short times at temperature and a less protective Cr2O3-rich scale is formed, together with substantial internal oxide in the alloy. In an attempt to maintain the external -Al2O3-rich scale and prevent damaging subscale oxidation, modified yttrium-containing directionally solidified alloys have been developed. The oxidation resistance of these alloys at 1000 and 1100°C in flowing air has been investigated and found to be considerably better than that of the corresponding yttrium-free alloy. At both temperatures an external -Al2O3-rich scale is produced and is retained for much longer periods than on the yttrium-free alloys during isothermal and thermal cycling oxidation. Some scale breakdown does occur during thermal cycling at 1100°C, but -Al2O3 is able to re-form as the surface oxide. However, although external -Al2O3-rich scales are retained for long periods on these alloys, some oxide penetration into the alloy beneath these scales does occur where coarse carbide fibers intersect the alloy surface. This is associated with relatively poor scale integrity at these intersections.  相似文献   

The amorphous alloy Zr62Cu17Ni13Al8 exhibits a supercooled liquid state over a wide temperature range under high temperatures. In this present paper, the authors studied the micro-forming ability of the alloy by compressing specimens under a miniature pattern mold with a micro-gear shape. Micro-compressive formation is a formation method in which the surface of specimens of the Zr62Cu17Ni13Al8 amorphous alloy is compressed under conditions of dead loads and high temperatures and maintained for a given period for the fabrication of miniature patterns with a micro-gear shape. All the experiments were carried out under a vacuum environment to prevent the specimens from suffering deleterious effects, such as air traps in the miniature patterns and oxidation at the surface of the Zr62Cu17Ni13Al8 amorphous alloy. The characteristics of micro-compressive formation were investigated at temperatures higher than the glass transition temperature with different experimental parameters of loads and times. In addition, the micro-forming characteristics of the gear-like shape were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopes and a 3-D surface profiler system.  相似文献   

The isothermal oxidation behavior of a directionally solidified Ni-Al-Cr3C2 eutectic alloy in flowing air at 1100° C has been studied using various physical techniques. Initially, the alloy oxidizes relatively slowly as a protective - Al2O3 layer develops on its surface. However, this layer breaks down mechanically at temperature, enabling a more rapidly growing Cr2O3 -rich scale to develop, the carbide fibers supplying chromium for the oxidation process. The extent of oxidation is further increased by the development of substantial amounts of internal oxide in the alloy beneath this scale, with some preferential oxidation down the alloy-carbide fiber interfaces. The influence of carbide fiber orientation on the oxidation behavior is considered and discussed in relation to proposed oxidation mechanisms.  相似文献   

对一种Fe-Cr-Al系电热合金0Cr25Al5进行了不同温度(950、1050、1150 ℃)的氧化质量增加试验。结果表明,合金试样在950 ℃下属于完全抗氧化级,在1050 ℃下属于抗氧化级,在1150 ℃下保温40 h以上时,由于Cr2O3的氧化挥发导致氧化膜出现空洞,大大降低了合金的抗氧化性能。XRD物相分析表明合金表面氧化膜主要由TiO2、Al2O3和FeCr2O4组成。  相似文献   

1INTR0DUCTIONHavinghighstrengthandgoodelectricalandthermalconductivities,Cu-Cralloysareusedinanumberofengineeringapplications,suchaselectricresistanceweldingelectrode,thelinertubeofcontinuouscastingcrystallizer,integrat-edcircuitleadframe,stiltwire0felectricloco-motive.However,higherstrengthismoreandmorerequiredforc0pperalloyswiththerapiddevelopmentofelectronicindustry.Forexam-ple,tensilestrengthdb>600MPa,hardnessHV>180andconductivity>80%(IACS)arede-mandedforleadframematerialsinverylar…  相似文献   

The kinetics, structural aspects, and phase morphologies were studied for tantalum oxidation in air from 600 to 1000°C for samples of different purity (99.15%, 99.76%, and 99.95% Ta). Regardless of purity, tantalum oxidation in the temperature range of 600–800°C as a rule is governed by a linear rate law. From 900 to 1000°C the initial-stage oxidation is governed by the parabolic rate law, which changes to the linear rate law with time. TGA, XRD, SEM, and AES methods were used. The, effect of purity on tantalum oxidation was shown to be determined by the mechanism of intermediate-oxide formation. They are TaO z (Ta2O) at 600–800°C and TaO at 900–1000°C. The final product of oxidation was -Ta2O5.  相似文献   

Titanium aluminide (Ti3Al–Nb) has potential for high-temperature applications because of its low density and high-temperature strength. This research is aimed at improving the high-temperature oxidation resistance of a Ti3Al–Nb alloy by modification of its composition. The oxidation rates of Ti3Al–Nb alloys were measured from 600 to 900°C in air. The oxide layer was examined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and electron probe microanalysis. The experimental results reveal that alloys with added Nb tend to form denser oxide layers and that oxidation rate can be reduced by increasing Nb content (up to 11 at.% in this study), which is in good agreement with other investigators. The only exception is a Ti65Al25Nb10 alloy, which shows better oxidation resistance than the commercial Ti65Al24Nb11 alloy. The oxidation resistance of Ti65Al25Nb10 alloy can also be improved slightly by the addition of small amounts of Si or Cr. An increase in the oxidation resistance of Ti65Al25Nb10 alloy containing Y was observed at 900°C but not at 800°C or below. The parabolic oxidation rate equation is adequate to describe the high-temperature oxidation reaction of the Ti3Al–Nb alloys in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

An alumina coating, produced from the oxidation of an aluminum-electroplated deposit, improved the oxidation resistance in air of a ferritic, AISI-type 446 stainless steel, Fe-24Cr-1.2Al containing 0.15% of mischmetal, and an austenitic AISI 321 stainless steel containing 0.53% Ti, at least up to 1100°C. In thermal-cycling tests from 1000°C to room temperature, the alumina coating was adherent on the ferritic and austenitic steels, for at least 1000 and about 700 cycles, respectively. The addition of rare earths to the ferritic steels and titanium to the austenitic, provided good adhesion between the coating and substrate. The porous nature of the coating was found to be very beneficial by causing the coating to be more resistant to thermal and growth stresses. Oxidation mechanisms are discussed in the light of results obtained from the thermogravimetric tests and metallographic observations by SEM-ED analysis.  相似文献   

通过分析钴基超合金外扩散型铝化物涂层的高温氧化及退化行为 ,并采用近似方法推算 ,得出了这类涂层氧化和退化与时间的关系。研究表明 ,涂层外侧退化主要由氧化反应驱动力所控制 ,涂层的外侧退化速率正比于其氧化速率 ;而涂层的氧化寿期近似正比于其主体层厚的平方。运用氧化退化与时间的关系式 ,进行简便的辅助实验 ,即可预测出这类涂层的高温氧化寿命。  相似文献   

研究了高温氧化对铁基非晶Fe78Si9B13合金软磁性能的影响。结果表明:非晶Fe78Si9B13合金带材经高温氧化处理后,在其表面形成了一层厚度约为10μm的高电阻率铁的氧化物层;Fe78Si9B13合金高温氧化磁化变得困难,且饱和磁感应强度Bs由氧化前的Bs=1.42~1.46 T下降到氧化后的Bs=1.29~1.38 T。同时,对非晶Fe78Si9B13合金带材经高温氧化处理后磁化困难的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

采用铜模铸造法,可以制备出直径为3 mm的非晶圆柱棒.结合差热分析、X射线衍射和透射电镜分析测试结果,从动力学和结构学等方面阐述了Ni元素对Fe58Co10-xNixZr10Mo5W2B15(x=0,3,4,5,6,摩尔分数,%)合金系玻璃形成能力和热稳定性的影响.结果表明:Ni元素含量的微量变化可以明显改善Fe58Co10-xNixZr10Mo5W2B15(x=0,3,4,5,6)合金系的玻璃形成能力;当Ni含量达到4%时,Fe58Co6Ni4Zr10Mo5W2B15具有最佳的玻璃形成能力,晶化温度(Tx)、玻璃转变温度(Tg)、过冷液相区宽度(△Tx)、玻璃形成能力判据Trg和y分别为887 K、957 K、70 K、0.590 2和0.400 4.  相似文献   

In the present work, the microstructural characterization of a melt-spun Al–20 Sb alloy has been carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The phases present in the melt-spun Al–20 Sb alloy were determined to be -Al and AlSb, identical to those in the ingot-cast alloy. The microstructure of the melt-spun Al–20 Sb alloy is dominantly composed of primary AlSb dendrites embedded in the -Al matrix, different from that of the ingot-cast alloy composed of primary AlSb plates within an -Al/AlSb eutectic matrix. In addition, some areas comprise primary AlSb particles within the -Al matrix in the melt-spun alloy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the structure and corrosion resistance of amorphous, amorphous‐crystalline, and crystalline Mg67Zn29Ca4 alloy for biodegradable applications. This paper presents a preparation method and results of the structural characterization and corrosion resistance analysis of the material. Samples were prepared in the form of 3 mm diameter rods. The structure of the alloy was examined with the use of X‐ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy. The thermal properties of the samples were examined with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Results of DSC analysis were used to determine heat treatment temperatures, allowing to obtain different fractures of crystalline phase in the material. Corrosion resistance of heat‐treated samples was investigated by immersion tests and electrochemical measurements performed in the simulated body fluid. The X‐ray diffraction results confirmed that the prepared Mg67Zn29Ca4 alloy's structure is fully amorphous. After heat treatment, samples with different fractions of amorphous phase in the structure were obtained. Immersion tests of the samples showed that the structure significantly influenced corrosion resistance in examined materials. It should be pointed out, that certain amounts of crystalline phase in amorphous matrix can greatly improve the corrosion resistance of Mg67Zn29Ca4 alloy.  相似文献   

Chung  Y. H.  McNallan  M. J. 《Oxidation of Metals》1989,31(1-2):167-179
The oxidation of an austenitic Fe-16.7% Mn-2.1% Ni-6.6% Si (by weight) alloy in SO2 in the temperature range 600–900°C is described. The corrosion products formed on this alloy in this environment below 800°C consist only of oxides, rather than a mixture of oxides and sulfides as is observed for unalloyed Fe or Mn. The kinetics of oxidation of the alloy in SO2 in this temperature range are similar to those in O2. It is proposed that these characteristics result from the presence of a thin silicate layer near the scale-metal interface that alters the gradient of oxygen potential within the scale.  相似文献   

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