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Optical remote sensing of waters with vertical structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optical remote sensing of ocean color is a well-established technique that is used to produce maps of marine constituents on a routine basis. Retrieval algorithms used to infer pigment concentrations from measurements of ocean color are usually based on the assumption that the upper ocean column is vertically homogeneous. However, stable stratification of the water column is often encountered in coastal waters and in fjords. This stratification is decisive for the initiation, maintainance, and species composition of phytoplankton blooms. Here we present an optical remote-sensing algorithm with the ability to resolve such a vertical structure of oceanic waters. The vertical structure is assumed to consist of two homogeneous layers with different concentrations of chlorophyll a. The algorithm is designed to determine the chlorophyll-a concentrations of the two layers as well as the thickness of the upper layer. These three parameters influence the ocean color and are simultaneously retrieved through an inverse-modeling technique. This technique consists of using radiative-transfer computations for a coupled atmosphere-ocean system to simulate radiances received in various bands of the satellite sensor and to compare these simulated results with measured radiances. The sum of absolute values of differences between simulated and measured radiances is minimized by use of an optimization algorithm, and the retrieved parameters are those that yield the minimum sum of differences between measured and simulated data. The optimization algorithm that we used in our study is the simulated annealing method, which is an extension of the downhill simplex algorithm. In this study the algorithm was tested on synthetic data generated by the forward model. The results indicate that it should be possible to retrieve vertical variations in the pigment concentration. The synthetic data were generated for spectral bands that coincide with those of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer sensor, which will be a part of the instrument package of the upcoming Environmental Satellite.  相似文献   

Sydor M  Arnone RA 《Applied optics》1997,36(27):6905-6912
We use remote sensing reflectance (RSR) together with the inherent optical properties of suspended particulates to determine the backscattering ratio b(b)/b for coastal waters. We examine the wavelength dependence of b(b)(lambda) and f(lambda)/Q(lambda) and establish the conditions when C(lambda) in RSR(lambda) approximately or = C(lambda)b(b)(lambda)/a(lambda) can be treated as a constant. We found that for case 2 waters, RSR was insensitive to the natural fluctuations in particle-size distributions. The cross-sectional area of the suspended particulate per unit volume, x(g), showed an excellent correlation with the volume scattering coefficient.  相似文献   

Two-band algorithms that use the ratio of reflectances at 672 and 704 nm have already proved successful for chlorophyll a retrieval in a range of coastal and inland waters. An analysis of the effect of reflectance measurement errors on such algorithms is made. It provides important indications of the range of validity of these algorithms and motivates the development of an entirely new type of adaptive two-band algorithm for hyperspectral data, whereby the higher wavelength is chosen for each input spectrum individually. When one selects the wavelength at which reflectance is equal to the reflectance at the red chlorophyll a absorption peak, chlorophyll a retrieval becomes entirely insensitive to spectrally flat reflectance errors, which are typical of imperfect atmospheric correction, and is totally uncoupled from the retrieval or an estimation of backscatter. This new algorithm has been tested for Dutch inland and Belgian coastal waters.  相似文献   

Relationships between the satellite-derived diffuse attenuation coefficient of downwelling irradiance (K(d)) and airborne-based vertical attenuation of lidar volume backscattering (α) were examined in two coastal environments. At 1.1 km resolution and a wavelength of 532 nm, we found a greater connection between α and K(d) when α was computed below 2 m depth (Spearman rank correlation coefficient up to 0.96), and a larger contribution of K(d) to α with respect to the beam attenuation coefficient as estimated from lidar measurements and K(d) models. Our results suggest that concurrent passive and active optical measurements can be used to estimate total scattering coefficient and backscattering efficiency in waters without optical vertical structure.  相似文献   

Holmes JF  Peacock JS  Draper DC 《Applied optics》1994,33(33):7770-7776
Using a CO(2), cw, coherent lidar, we have measured the surface roughness of diffuse targets through 1000 m of turbulent atmosphere. The technique measures the phase fluctuations of the speckle field at the receiver and relates the measured phase variance to the surface roughness. Measurements were made with aluminum targets that had been sandblasted with 8-, 16-, and 30-grit material and also with a flame-sprayed aluminum target. It was found that a linear relationship exists between the standard deviation (SD) of the unwrapped phase fluctuations and the SD of the target surface-height fluctuations. Good results were obtained with modest transmitter power and small receiver optics in just a few seconds of averaging time.  相似文献   

This paper presents chlorophyll-a estimation in coastal waters off the Gulf of Finland using remote optosensors. Concurrent remote optosensor data and in situ measurements of water quality were obtained in the study area. Significant correlations were observed between digital values and chlorophyll-a measurements. The results as a case study show that the estimated accuracy of chlorophyll-a retrieval using neural networks is higher than the accuracy of chlorophyll-a estimation using regression analyzes in the area. The study also shows one example why remote optosensors are critical to monitor water quality in coastal areas such as the Gulf of Finland.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral remote sensing for shallow waters. I. A semianalytical model   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
For analytical or semianalytical retrieval of shallow-water bathymetry and/or optical properties of the water column from remote sensing, the contribution to the remotely sensed signal from the water column has to be separated from that of the bottom. The mathematical separation involves three diffuse attenuation coefficients: one for the downwelling irradiance (K(d)), one for the upwelling radiance of the water column (K(u)(C)), and one for the upwelling radiance from bottom reflection (K(u)(B)). Because of the differences in photon origination and path lengths, these three coefficients in general are not equal, although their equality has been assumed in many previous studies. By use of the Hydrolight radiative-transfer numerical model with a particle phase function typical of coastal waters, the remote-sensing reflectance above (R(rs)) and below (r(rs)) the surface is calculated for various combinations of optical properties, bottom albedos, bottom depths, and solar zenith angles. A semianalytical (SA) model for r(rs) of shallow waters is then developed, in which the diffuse attenuation coefficients are explicitly expressed as functions of in-water absorption (a) and backscattering (b(b)). For remote-sensing inversion, parameters connecting R(rs) and r(rs) are also derived. It is found that r(rs) values determined by the SA model agree well with the exact values computed by Hydrolight (~3% error), even for Hydrolight r(rs) values calculated with different particle phase functions. The Hydrolight calculations included b(b)/a values as high as 1.5 to simulate high-turbidity situations that are occasionally found in coastal regions.  相似文献   

It is shown that the absorption field inside an inhomogeneous, rotationally symmetric medium with a spatially variable refractive index can be reconstructed by means of a tomographic technique. The classic Abel transform is extended to non-Euclidean optical media. The optical behavior of such a medium is described and, provided that the product of the refractive index with the radial distance is a monotonic function, an exact inverse formula is found. Both a numerical and an analytical test on a phantom function is carried out to prove the exactness of this formula. In contrast, when the assumption of a monotonic function is not true, it is shown that the reconstruction problem becomes subdeterminate because of the presence of annular regions, known as blind areas, inside of which no curved path reaches an extremum. The spatial localization and the size of these regions are related to the extrema of the index of refraction times the radial distance.  相似文献   

We discuss the problems with and the real possibilities of determining oil pollution in situ in coastal marine waters with fluorescence spectroscopy and of using artificial neural networks for data interpretation. In general, the fluorescence bands of oil and aquatic humic substance overlap. At oil concentrations in water from a few to tens of micrograms per liter, the intensity of oil fluorescence is considerably lower than that of humic substances at concentrations that typically are present in coastal waters. Therefore it is necessary to solve the problem of separating the small amount of oil fluorescence from the humic substance background in the spectrum. The problem is complicated because of possible interactions between the components and variations in the parameters of the fluorescence bands of humic substances and oil in water. Fluorescence spectra of seawater samples taken from coastal areas of the Black Sea, samples prepared in the laboratory, and numerically simulated spectra were processed with an artificial neural network. The results demonstrate the possibility of estimating oil concentrations with an accuracy of a few micrograms per liter in coastal waters also in cases in which the contribution from other organic compounds, primarily humic substances, to the fluorescence spectrum exceeds that of oil by 2 orders of magnitude and more.  相似文献   

The Indian remote sensing satellite (irs) programme, is a major step forward in the overall programme for using space technology for defined applications in India. The principal elements of this programme are (i) to design, develop and deploy a three-axis stabilized polar sun-synchronous satellite carrying state-of-the-art payloads using charge coupled devices for acquiring images of the earth, (ii) to establish and routinely operate ground-based systems for spacecraft control, data reception and recording, processing, generation of data products, analysis and archival, and (iii) to useirs data either alone or in conjunction with supplementary and complementary data for applications in selected resources surveys. Various considerations that have gone into the definition of different subsystems of each of the above are discussed in this paper. Different elements of theirs utilization programme and their role in the evolution of a national natural resources management system are also outlined.  相似文献   

Accurate radiative transfer modeling in the coupled atmosphere-sea system is increasing in importance for the development of advanced remote-sensing applications. Aiming to quantify the uncertainties in the modeling of coastal water radiometric quantities, we performed a closure experiment to intercompare theoretical and experimental data as a function of wavelength lambda and water depth z. Specifically, the study focused on above-water downward irradiance E(d)(lambda, 0+) and in-water spectral profiles of upward nadir radiance L(u)(lambda, z), upward irradiance E(u)(lambda, z), downward irradiance E(d)(lambda, z), the E(u)(lambda, z)/L(u)(lambda, z) ratio (the nadir Q factor), and the E(u)(lambda, z)/E(d)(lambda, z) ratio (the irradiance reflectance). The theoretical data were produced with the finite-element method radiative transfer code ingesting in situ atmospheric and marine inherent optical properties. The experimental data were taken from a comprehensive coastal shallow-water data set collected in the northern Adriatic Sea. Under various measurement conditions, differences between theoretical and experimental data for the above-water E(d)(lambda, 0+) and subsurface E(d)(lambda, 0-) as well as for the in-water profiles of the nadir Q factor were generally less than 15%. In contrast, the in-water profiles of L(u)(lambda, z), E(d)(lambda, z), E(u)(lambda, z) and of the irradiance reflectance exhibited larger differences [to approximately 60% for L(u)(lambda, z) and E(u)(lambda, z), 30% for E(d)(lambda, z), and 50% for the irradiance reflectance]. These differences showed a high sensitivity to experimental uncertainties in a few input quantities used for the simulations: the seawater absorption coefficient; the hydrosol phase function backscattering probability; and, mainly for clear water, the bottom reflectance.  相似文献   

利用人工神经网络方法进行了高光谱遥感反演浅海水深的初步研究.在产生模拟数据时,为保证模拟数据的合理性,引入了根据水体和海底特性来划分光学浅水和光学深水的方法,并初步研究了利用光谱徽分技术进行光学浅水和光学深水区分的有效性.在人工神经网络建模过程中,采用主成分分析的方法对网络的输入数据进行预处理,显著提高了网络的学习速度.建立的人工神经网络模型和基于非线性最优化方法的反演算法与实测数据的反演结果相比较,人工神经网络模型的反演精度明显高于非线性最优化反演算法.  相似文献   

Chang G  Barnard A  Zaneveld JR 《Applied optics》2007,46(31):7679-7692
An optical dataset was collected on a mooring in the Santa Barbara Channel. Radiative transfer modeling and statistical analyses were employed to investigate sources of variability of in situ remote sensing reflectance [r(rs)(lambda,4 m)] and the f/Q ratio. It was found that the variability of inherent optical properties and the slope of the particle size distribution (xi) were strongly related to the variability of r(rs)(lambda,4 m). The variability of f/Q was strongly affected by particle type characteristics. A semianalytical radiative transfer model was applied and effects of variable particle characteristics on optical closure were evaluated. Closure was best achieved in waters composed of a mixture of biogenic and minerogenic particles.  相似文献   

Above- and in-water radiometric data were collected from two coastal platforms: a small boat and an oceanographic tower. The above-water data were processed with and without a correction for bidirectional effects (Q02 and S95, respectively). An intercomparison of water-leaving radiances over a wide range of environmental conditions showed (a) total uncertainties across the blue-green domain were to within 4%, (b) a convergence of the Q02 method with the in-water method (average Q02 intercomparisons were to within 4%), and (c) chlorophyll a concentrations derived from Q02 reflectances and the OC4V4 (Ocean Color 4 Version 4) algorithm agreed with independent high-performance liquid-chromatography determinations to within approximately 32%.  相似文献   

U R Rao  S Chandrasekhar 《Sadhana》1983,6(4):373-386
Starting with the initial aim of reconnaissance technical developments in remote sensing have progressed sufficiently for the large-scale realisation of practical benefits. During the eighties a number of countries will have remote sensing satellite systems in operation. There are however a few technical, legal, political and economic issues that still remain unresolved. The resolution of these issues would facilitate practical applications especially in developing countries. Apart from the purely technical and economic issues such as the ability to compare data from two different satellites, the cost of the data etc one of the major hurdles in the application of this technology is the establishment of an international regime governing the activities of states in remote sensing. This is particularly important in view of the link between surveillance and remote sensing. Even though discussions have been going on for quite some time at the United Nations, the prospects of reaching agreement remain bleak. The main problems precluding agreement are national security, commercial and sovereignty concerns of the developed and developing countries. The key issues relate to the right of countries to conduct remote sensing over other countries, the right of countries collecting remote sensing data (over other countries) to distribute this data freely and the modalities of how the “sensitivity” aspects of remote sensing for surveillance and economic espionage can be reconciled with a legal regime that emphasises international cooperation. A critical analysis of existing international space law seems to indicate that there are two kinds of remote sensing—passive and active. In passive remote sensing the satellite sensor detects the sun-reflected or self-emitted radiation from objects on the ground. In active remote sensing a pulse of electromagnetic radiation is transmited from the satellite and its reflectance or scattering by objects on the earth’s surface is measured. A strict reading of existing legal principles on space seem to imply that passive sensing is legal while active sensing could be interpreted as violating the sovereignty of the sensed state. Agreement on remote sensing can be reached if a resolution or a range of resolutions can be defined to discriminate between “sensitive” and “non-sensitive” data. The only international agreement in this area between the USSR and a group of nine socialist countries uses a resolution limit of 50m. Available information on the subject seems to indicate that the range is from 25–50 m. One other aspect dealt with relates to the use of satellite data for verification of arms control measures, for crisis monitoring and the prospects of setting up an International Satellite Monitoring Agency (ISMA). It appears that the huge expense that this would entail would be justified only if theISMA can monitor the superpowers and the arms race between them.  相似文献   

Y S Rajan  Jacob Ninan 《Sadhana》1983,6(4):355-371
A brief survey of the status of remote sensing or earth observations from space as applied to earth-bound resources management is made. Glimpses of space systems under execution and under planning are given. Utilisation of the remote sensing technology by developed and developing countries is reviewed, pointing out current problems and future potentials.  相似文献   

A brief overview of pattern recognition and image processing with special emphasis on the first topic and its application to remote sensing is presented. Some of the recent areas of work in pattern recognition are also highlighted.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of optical scattering and backscattering of particulates for three coastal sites that represent a wide range of optical properties that are found in U.S. near-shore waters. The 6000 scattering and backscattering spectra collected for this study can be well approximated by a power-law function of wavelength. The power-law exponent for particulate scattering changes dramatically from site to site (and within each site) compared with particulate backscattering where all the spectra, except possibly the very clearest waters, cluster around a single wavelength power-law exponent of -0.94. The particulate backscattering-to-scattering ratio (the backscattering ratio) displays a wide range in wavelength dependence. This result is not consistent with scattering models that describe the bulk composition of water as a uniform mix of homogeneous spherical particles with a Junge-like power-law distribution over all particle sizes. Simultaneous particulate organic matter (POM) and particulate inorganic matter (PIM) measurements are available for some of our optical measurements, and site-averaged POM and PIM mass-specific cross sections for scattering and backscattering can be derived. Cross sections for organic and inorganic material differ at each site, and the relative contribution of organic and inorganic material to scattering and backscattering depends differently at each site on the relative amount of material that is present.  相似文献   

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