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散状固体物料在气力输送管道内的流动是极其复杂的,每种物料都有其独特的流动特征。通过分析散状固体物料在输送管道内的运动状态,可为正确选择输送参数和设计气力输送系统提供依据。 相似文献
循环流化床燃烧条件下煤的成灰磨耗特性是影响床内的流化特性和锅炉整体性能的重要因素之一 .利用静态燃烧然后冷态流化实验方法 ,可以得到给煤的成灰及磨耗参数并提出煤种的本征成灰概念 .在此基础上建立稳态的 CFBC冷态灰平衡模型来研究流化床内物料的粒径分布规律 .分析了流化风速、分离器效率和煤灰的磨耗系数对飞灰、排渣和床料的粒径分布的影响 . 相似文献
离子交换法脱除磷矿废水中Mg^2+的动力学 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
用动边界模型描述了磷矿脱镁废水中Mg2+在强酸铵型树脂(001×7)上的交换动力学。Mg2+交换过程是颗粒扩散控制,活化能25.12kJ·mol-1,动力学方程文章编号:##71003-9015(1999)06-0572-04 相似文献
UV–visible (UVV) technique is used for monitoring of polymer film dissolution. These films are formed from pyrene (P)‐labeled poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) latex particles, sterically stabilized by poly isobutylene (PIB, Annealing of films was performed above Tg at various temperatures for 30‐min time intervals. Diffusion of solvent molecules (chloroform) into the annealed latex film was followed by desorption of PMMA chains. Desorption of P‐labeled PMMA chains was monitored in real time by the absorbance change of P in the polymer–solvent mixture. A diffusion model with a moving boundary was used to quantify real time UVV data. Diffusion coefficients of desorbed PMMA chains were measured and found to be between 2 and 0.6 × 10−11 cm2 s−1 in the 100 and 275°C temperature range. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 75: 1075–1082, 2000 相似文献
采用201′7树脂对拜耳法生产Al2O3流程中种分母液沉钒后再浸出,对制得的Na2VO4溶液进行了静态吸附动力学研究,分析了吸附机理. 采用批式离子交换法,考察了树脂粒径、温度、搅拌速率、溶液浓度对离子交换过程的影响,并用动边界模型对树脂吸附钒的离子交换过程进行了描述. 结果表明,离子交换过程由颗粒内扩散控制,搅拌速率和反应温度对交换速率影响较小,吸附速率随Na2VO4溶液中钒初始浓度的增加而升高;交换过程的反应速率常数为10.052 cm4/(mol×s),反应级数n为0.5507,表观活化能为39.67 kJ/mol. 吸附机理分析结果表明,在动力学实验过程中201′7树脂主要吸附的钒阴离子为V10O286-. 相似文献
The size of initial bubbles is an important factor to the developed bubble size distribution in a gas-liquid contactor. A liquid cross-flow over a sparger can produce smaller bubbles, and hereby enhance the performance of contactor. A one stage model by balancing the forces acting on a growing bubble was developed to describe the formation of the bubble from an orifice exposed to liquid cross-flow. The prediction with this model agrees with the experimental data available in the literatures, and show that orifice size strongly affects the bubble size. It is showed that the shear-lift force, inertia force, surface tension force and buoyancy force are major forces, and a simplified mathematical model was developed, and the detachment bubble diameter can be predicted with accuracy of ±21%. 相似文献
在一半无限大区域水合物分解过程描述基础上,建立了Stefan移动边界径向拟稳定传热数学模型,利用Paterson指数积分函数求解了分解带和水合物带的温度精确解,结合Deaton方法和Clausius-Clapeyron分解热方程确定水合物分解前缘位置。对一给定物性参数的稳定水合物储层例子进行计算,得出了水合物径向分解规律:随着径向距离增加温度急剧下降到分解温度8.416℃,再降到储层温度5.33℃,分解前缘位置变化趋势变缓;随着时间增加温度从5.33℃缓慢上升到8.416℃后急剧上升,时间足够长接近注入热水温度100℃;随着时间增加径向半径增加趋势减缓,分解时间到150 d时80~100℃温度变化为27.3℃,100~150℃温度变化为49.3℃。 相似文献
五氧化二钒的生产过程中三废排放量大,污染严重,治理污染的理论基础是产品的物料衡算和水平衡,本文旨在对五氧化二钒的生产进行物料衡算和水平衡计算,为生产企业的环保治理提供一些参考数据。 相似文献
煤气化工序消耗大量的原料煤,所以必然要作为一个重点能耗单元来进行细致分析、核算。文章通过煤气化工序中气化炉系统的节能分析与计算,利用实例对气化炉系统的物料平衡和热平衡计算评估过程做了阐述,介绍了节能分析与计算在实际操作中的应用。 相似文献
浓度激波现象是固定床中非线性吸附-反应过程的重要特征。本文将激波面考虑为分割空间光滑区域的运动边界,将激波间断条件作为相应的边界条件,采用移动坐标系中的试验函数来近似浓度剖面,将双组分吸附反应问题化为4个简单的一阶常微分方程的求解,获得了问题的完整解答,据此讨论了浓度激波的运动特征。 相似文献
以介孔硅材料MCM-41为基体,采用接枝法设计合成了三类含巯基和胺基的新型吸附材料,通过X射线衍射、Fourier变换红外光谱及N2吸附–脱附实验,对材料的结构进行了表征,探讨了改性剂APTS与MPTMS配比对结构的影响,并对材料Co2+的吸附性能进行了静态吸附实验。结果表明:APTS与MPTMS的质量比为1:2时制备的吸附材料MA-MCM-2对低浓度Co2+具有较高的去除率,达到50%以上,好于其他两种;MA-MCM-1和MA-MCM-2等温吸附结果与Langmuir方程及Freundlich方程均能较好地拟合,其饱和吸附容量分别为0.227mmol/g和0.251mmol/g;吸附过程遵循Lagergren准二级动力学方程,Co2+在MA-MCM-1的吸附过程受液膜扩散和颗粒扩散共同作用,而MA-MCM-2和MA-MCM-3受液膜扩散作用主导。在干扰离子Ca2+和Mg2+含量达到200mg/L时,MA-MCM-2对低浓度Co2+的去除效率仍达到38%,表现出了一定的干扰能力。 相似文献
赖氨酸作为人体必须氨基酸之一,在食品工业、医药工业和饲料工业上有着广泛的应用。由于发酵法工艺简单,生产周期短,本文选择以发酵法进行赖氨酸的工艺设计。针对该工艺进行了物料衡算和热量衡算,经过该工艺生产工艺设计可以得到较高产率和纯度的赖氨酸。 相似文献
In this article, the coagulation rate of PAN/DMSO dope was studied by observing the boundary movement of the gelled rods in different coagulation bath. Then the effect of the nature of solvent and coagulant and the coagulation conditions on the coagulation rate was discussed. It was found that the molecular size and molecular structure of coagulants is the most significant variable affecting the coagulation rate. The intermolecular affinity between coagulant and solvent determines the activation energy of coagulants, whereas the molecular volume is not a dominant factor. The coagulation rate depends not only on the diffusion coefficient of coagulants but also the nature of solvents. A solvent with strong polarity usually leads to a low‐coagulation rate. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2008 相似文献
对摩洛哥塔法雅(Tarfaya)地区油页岩在SJ型方炉中干馏的热平衡和物料平衡进行了计算。结果表明,干馏1 000 kg塔法雅油页岩总需热为981 754.62 k J,干馏炉内总供热546 985.08 k J,需要燃烧15.85 m3的干馏气维持干馏过程中的热量平衡;入方总质量为1 585.71 kg,出方总质量为1 583.96 kg,损失质量为1.75 kg,基本能够维持干馏炉内物料平衡。 相似文献
A kinetic-empirical model for particle size distribution evolution during pulverised fuel combustion
Particle size is an essential parameter in pulverised fuel (PF) combustion as many of the problems or further areas of development in these systems are strongly influenced by the fuel and ash size distribution. This is particularly true for dynamic processes like pollutant formation, corrosion, erosion, slagging and fouling and the related decrease of the combustion and boiler efficiency. The evolution of particle size distribution (PSD) is a complex interaction of various competing chemical and physical transformations. Char oxidation, devolatilization and fragmentation, etc. represent first line physical and chemical transformations which can amend the particle size in the radiation zone. The evolution of the PSD represents the convolution of all of these physical and chemical transformations, operating over the entire size distribution. As a consequence, it is difficult to extract the relative importance of all competing size altering processes from the experiments. Various models such as break-up, thermal stress, shrinking core, percolation and particle-population model have been developed by incorporating numerous ash transformation mechanisms to predict the particle size evolution during the pulverised fuel combustion. The present work describes an adaptation of the numerical kinetic-based particle-population balance for predicting particle size evolution during PF combustion developed by Dunn-Rankin and Mitchell. The model is further simplified analytically and validated against experimental results. Several empirical parameters derived from the experiments are incorporated into the model. The resulting simplified PSD evolution model shows good agreement with literature and experimental results, with maximum 10% absolute standard deviation. 相似文献
原丝烘干是整个玻璃纤维生产过程中重要的工艺控制环节,若干燥不良会引起丝饼水分不干或发黄等情况,严重时会影响产品质量,甚至会导致产品降级或不合格。从这两个方面来计算烘干过程中所需的能量,并探讨如何优化烘干炉的结构设计,提高热利用率。 相似文献