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Method This paper presents methods of measuring the longitudinal relaxation time using inversion recovery turbo spin echo (IR-TSE) and magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo (MPRAGE) sequences, comparing and optimizing these sequences, reporting T 1 values for water protons measured from brain tissue at 1.5, 3, and 7T. T 1 was measured in cortical grey matter and white matter using the IR-TSE, MPRAGE, and inversion recovery echo planar imaging (IR-EPI) pulse sequences. Results In four subjects the T 1 of white and grey matter were found to be 646±32 and 1,197±134ms at 1.5T, 838±50 and 1,607±112ms at 3T, and 1,126±97, and 1,939±149ms at 7T with the MPRAGE sequence. The T 1 of the putamen was found to be 1,084±63ms at 1.5T, 1,332±68ms at 3T, and 1,644±167ms at 7T. The T 1 of the caudate head was found to be 1,109± 66ms at 1.5T, 1,395±49ms at 3T, and 1,684±76ms at 7T. Discussion There was a trend for the IR-TSE sequence to underestimate T 1 in vivo. The sequence parameters for the IR-TSE and MPRAGE sequences were also optimized in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the fitted T 1. The optimal sequence for IR-TSE in terms of SNR in the fitted T 1 was found to have five readouts at TIs of 120, 260, 563, 1,221, 2,647, 5,736ms and TR of 7 s. The optimal pulse sequence for MPRAGE with readout flip angle = 8° was found to have five readouts at TIs of 160, 398, 988, 2,455, and 6,102ms and a TR of 9 s. Further optimization including the readout flip angle suggests that the flip angle should be increased, beyond levels that are acceptable in terms of power deposition and point-spread function.  相似文献   



To evaluate the efficacy of three dose levels of the oral hepatobiliary manganese-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent CMC-001, and assess its safety profile and patient acceptability.

Materials and methods

After ethics committee approval, 32 healthy volunteers (males/females: 18/14) were included. Liver MRI was performed before and 3?h after ingestion of 0.8, 0.4, and 0.2?g of CMC-001 on separate occasions. Liver-to-muscle signal intensity (SI) ratio from baseline to post-contrast and image quality was assessed. Adverse drug reactions/adverse events (ADRs/AEs) and clinico-laboratory tests were monitored.


The increase in liver-to-muscle SI ratio was significantly higher after 0.8?g (0.696) compared to 0.4?g (0.458) and 0.2?g (0.223) (in all pair-wise comparisons, P?Conclusion Liver MRI using 0.8?g CMC-001 has the highest efficacy and still acceptable ADRs and should therefore be preferred.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Investigation of the feasibility and performance of phosphorus (31P) magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) at 9.4 T with a...  相似文献   

Object: Demonstrating the feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 1.5 T of ultrasmall particle iron oxide (USPIO)-antibody bound to tumor cells in vitro and in a murine xenotransplant model. Methods: Human D430B cells or Raji Burkitt lymphoma cells were incubated in vitro with different amounts of commercially available USPIO-anti-CD20 antibodies and cell pellets were stratified in a test tube. For in vivo studies, D430B cells and Raji lymphoma cells were inoculated subcutaneously in immunodeficient mice. MRI at 1.5 T was performed with T1-weighted three-dimensional fast field echo sequences (17/4.6/13°) and T2-weighted three-dimensional fast-field echo sequences (50/12/7°). For in vivo studies MRI was performed before and 24 h after USPIO-anti-CD20 administration. Results: USPIO-anti-CD20-treated D430B cells, showed a dose-dependent decrease in signal intensity (SI) on T2*-weighted images and SI enhancement on T1-weighted images in vitro. Raji cells showed lower SI changes, in accordance to the fivefold lower expression of CD20 on Raji with respect to D430B cells. In vivo 24 h after USPIO-anti-CD20 administration, both tumors showed an inhomogeneous decrease of SI on T2*-weighted images and SI enhancement on T1-weighted images. Conclusions: MRI at 1.5 T is able to detect USPIO-antibody conjugates targeting a tumor-associated antigen in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of a new oral manganese contrast agent (CMC-001) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) intensities at different magnetic field strengths. Twelve healthy volunteers underwent abdominal MRI 1 week before and within 2.5–4.5 h after CMC-001 (MnCl2 and absorption promoters dissolved in water) intake at three different MR scanners of 0.23, 0.6 and 1.5 T. Image contrast and intensity enhancement of liver and pancreas were analysed relatively to muscle and fat intensities. Manganese blood levels were followed for 24 h. Whole-blood manganese concentration levels stayed within the normal range. The liver intensities on T2w images decreased about 10% for the 1/2 contrast dose and about 20% for the full contrast dose independent of the field strength. The liver intensities on T1w images increased more than 30% for 1/2 contrast dose and over 40% for full contrast dose. The maximum T1 enhancement was achieved at the highest field. Pancreas intensities were not affected. Contrast between liver, muscle and fat intensities increased with magnetic field, as well as standard errors of the volunteer-averaged intensities. Oral intake of CMC-001 influences liver intensities and does not affect pancreas intensities at different magnetic field strengths.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - The aim of this study was to demonstrate that eloquent cortex and epileptic-related hemodynamic changes can be safely and reliably...  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - High-permittivity pads have shown promising results in enhancing SNR and transmit efficiency when used for MRI of the brain, but...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of unenhanced and ferumoxides-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging with that of dual-phase spiral CT and spiral CT during arterial portography (CTAP) for the detection of colorectal liver metastases. Fourteen patients with liver metastases candidates for partial hepatectomy were examined with dual-phase spiral CT, unenhanced and ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging at 1.5 T, and spiral CTAP. Imaging tests were read blinded, prospectively, quantitating number of lesions excepting CTAP which used US to exclude cysts. Subsequent intraoperative US and pathologic findings were correlated with preoperative imaging results. At surgery, 36 lesions 0.5–13 cm in diameter (mean ±standard deviation, 2.9±2.1 cm) were identified. Dual-phase spiral CT depicted 21/36 (58%); precontrast MR imaging, 19/36 (53%); ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging, 30/36 (83%); and spiral CTAP, 34/36 (94%) lesions. Ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging was significantly more sensitive than spiral CT and unenhanced MR imaging (P<0.01). The difference in sensitivity between ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging and spiral CTAP was not statistically significant (P>0.1). Spiral CTAP, however, depicted nine false-positive lesions (2 hemangiomas, 7 perfusion defects). The positive predictive value was 79% for spiral CTAP and 100% for combined pre- and postcontrast MR imaging. We conclude that ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging is superior to unenhanced MR imaging and biphasic spiral CT for depiction of colorectal liver metastases. Further investigation is needed to clarify whether MR imaging with use of ferumoxides might replace spiral CTAP for preoperative evaluation of liver resection candidates. Recipient of a Cum Laude award for a scientific exhibit at the 1997 ESMRMB annual meeting.  相似文献   

OBJECT: The objective of this study was to evaluate breathing influence on precision in temperature determination by using the proton resonance frequency (PRF) shift method depending on the location in abdominal organs at 0.2 and 1.5 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Phase images were acquired with gradient echo sequences in a total of 12 volunteers at 1.5 and 0.2 T. Different examination protocols were performed (each 8 measurements with (1) in-/expiration, (2) free breathing, (3) under breathhold, (4) with breathing belt triggering, and (5) with navigator triggering (integrated in MR signal acquisition). Regions of interest were placed on liver and kidneys, and the resulting phase differences between the measurements were transformed into corresponding temperature differences. RESULTS: Precision significantly varied depending on the liver segment or location in the kidney. Gating techniques were found better than breathhold techniques and clearly better than non-gated examinations. The most precise approach reached a standard deviation of 2.0 degrees C under continuous breathing when navigator gating was used at 1.5 T. CONCLUSION: PRF temperature measurement is feasible even for moving organs in the abdomen at 0.2 and 1.5 T. The location of the target region and the required precision of the measurements should direct the choice of examination mode.  相似文献   



The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the normal physiologic ranges of the renal corticomedullary 23Na-concentration ([23Na]) gradient at 3.0T in healthy volunteers. The corticomedullary [23Na] gradient was correlated with other functional MR imaging parameters—blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)—and to individual and physiologic parameters—age, gender, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), body mass index (BMI), and blood serum sodium concentration ([23Na]serum).

Methods and materials

50 healthy volunteers (30 m, 20 w; mean age: 29.2 years) were included in this IRB-approved study, without a specific a priori preparation in regard to water or food intake. For 23Na-imaging a 3D density adapted, radial gradient echo (GRE)-sequence (spatial resolution = 5 × 5 × 5 mm3) was used in combination with a dedicated 23Na-coil and 23Na-reference phantoms. [23Na] values of the corticomedullary [23Na] gradient were measured by placement of a linear region of interest (20 × 1 mm2) from the renal cortex in the direction of the renal medulla. By using external standard reference phantoms, [23Na] was calculated in mmol/L of wet tissue volume (mmol/l WTV). Axial diffusion-weighted images (spatial resolution = 1.7 × 1.7 × 5.0 mm3) and 2D GRE BOLD images (spatial resolution = 1.2 × 1.2 × 4.0 mm3) were acquired. Mean values ± standard deviations for [23Na], apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values, and R2* values were computed for each volunteer. The corticomedullary 23Na-concentration gradient (in mmol/l/mm) was calculated along the area of linear concentration increase from the cortex in the direction of the medulla. Correlations between the [23Na] and DWI, BOLD, and the physiologic parameters were assessed with Pearson correlation coefficients.


The mean corticomedullary [23Na] for all healthy volunteers increased from the renal cortex (58 ± 17 mmol/l WTV) in the direction of the medulla (99 ± 18 mmol/l WTV). The inter-individual differences ranged from respective cortical and medullary values of 27 and 63 mmol/L WTV to 126 and 187 mmol/L WTV. No statistically significant differences in renal [23Na] were found based on differences in individual or physiologic parameters (age, gender, [23Na]serum, BMI, GFR). No ADC or R2* gradients were identified, and [23Na] did not correlate with these parameters.


Renal corticomedullary [23Na] values increase from the cortex in the direction of the medullary pyramid, demonstrating wide inter-individual ranges and no significant correlations with age, gender, [23Na]serum, BMI, GFR, ADC, or R2* values. For future clinical evaluations, an approach relying on renal stimulation (e.g. pharmacologically induced diuresis) may be applicable to account for wide inter-individual ranges of normal [23Na].  相似文献   

Introduction The aim of this work was to study the effects of restricted diffusion in a biological phantom consisting of green asparagus stems using q-space MRI at a clinical scanner. Method Measurements of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the displacement distribution were performed with varied diffusion time (T d). The accuracy of the measurements was investigated with respect to the degree of violation of the short gradient pulse (SGP) condition, partial volume effects and a FWHM-based tensor model. Results The measurements showed a reasonably constant FWHM perpendicular to the capillaries in the vascular bundles and an increased FWHM parallel with the bundles when the T d was increased. A 15% decrease in FWHM perpendicular to the bundles was observed when the diffusion encoding duration was prolonged from 24 to 74 ms, owing to the violation of the SGP condition. For a population of different confinement sizes, simulations indicated that the FWHM reflects the smaller sizes rather then the mean size of the confinements. Conclusion A new method allowing tensor analysis of FWHM was derived and yielded accurate results. In conclusion, we found it possible to measure the effects of restricted diffusion with q-space MRI using a clinical MRI scanner.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Both fibroadenomas (FAs) and phyllodes tumors (PTs) are classified as fibroepithelial lesions. PTs are rare fibroepithelial neoplasms...  相似文献   

Object Clinical diffusion imaging is based on two assumptions of limited validity: that the radial projections of the diffusion propagator are Gaussian, and that a single directional diffusivity maximum exists in each voxel. The former can be removed using the biexponential and diffusional kurtosis models, the latter using generalised diffusion-tensor imaging. This study provides normative data for these three models. Materials and methods Eighteen healthy subjects were imaged. Maps of the biexponential parameters D fast, D slow and f slow, of D and K from the diffusional kurtosis model, and of diffusivity D′ were obtained. Maps of generalised anisotropy (GA) and scaled entropy(SE) were also generated, for second and fourth rank tensors. Normative values were obtained for 26 regions. Results In grey versus white matter, D slow and D′ were higher and D fast, f slow and K were lower. With respect to maps of D′, anatomical contrast was stronger in maps of D slow and K. Elevating tensor rank increased SE, generally more significantly than GA, in: anterior limb of internal capsule, corpus callosum, deep frontal and subcortical white matter, along superior longitudinal fasciculus and cingulum. Conclusion The values reported herein can be used for reference in future studies and in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Purpose: To assess the potential value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with67Ga single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) versus computed tomography (CT) in the staging and in the monitoring of mediastinal malignant lymphoma. Materials and methods: Twenty-three patients, referred to our institute for the evaluation of lymphoma, underwent CT,67Ga scan, and MRI between April 1993 and February 1996 at sequential intervals. The tests studied (MRI,67Ga, and CT) were performed according to the following schedule: 1) before start of therapy; 2) after four courses of chemotherapy; and 3) 2, 6, 12, and 18 months after the end of treatment. Results: All patients studied at the time of diagnosis had abnormal gallium accumulation in the mediastinum as well as pathologic CT and pathologic signal intensity at MRI. Six months after the end of treatment full consistency was found between the results of MRI and SPECT, whereas during treatment and 2 months after the end of therapy MRI and67Ga scan were not in agreement in nine patients. In the 23 patients in follow-up, in CT there were nine false-positive and three false-negative findings; in SPECT three false negatives; in MRI one false positive and one false negative. Conclusion: MRI can give morphologic information similar to CT, even superior due to multiplanarity and with major precision in the distinction between fibrosis and active disease. MRI is thus an alternative to CT. The association with SPECT allows a great diagnostic accuracy in the positive and negative predictive value.  相似文献   



Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were shown to be metabolically highly active. In order to get insight into short-term regulation of IMCL and to reveal related problems with standardization in metabolic studies using the common signal ratio IMCL/Cr3, relative concentration changes from morning to evening in the same day were examined under four different nutritional and exercise conditions.  相似文献   



Our aim was to determine topographical variations in zonal properties of articular cartilage over the medial tibia in an experimental osteoarthritis (OA) model using 7-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Materials and methods

An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-transection canine model was subjected to study at 8 (six) and 12 (seven) weeks after the surgery. Each medial tibia was divided into five topographical locations. For each specimen, T2 relaxation (at 0° and 55°) was quantified at microscopic resolution. The imaging data grouped the five locations into two topographical areas (meniscus-covered and -uncovered).


The T2 (55°) bulk values from the meniscus-covered area were significantly lower than those from the uncovered area. The total cartilage thicknesses on the meniscus-covered area were significantly thinner than those on the meniscus-uncovered area. Significant differences in the T2 (0°) values were observed in most thicknesses of the four subtissue zones and whole-tissue from the uncovered area, while the same significant changes were detected in the superficial zone from the meniscus-covered area.


By quantifying high-resolution imaging data both topographically and depth-dependently (zonal-wise), this study demonstrates that the rate of disease progression varies topographically over the medial tibia. Future correlation with OA pathology could lead to better detection of early OA.

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