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A number of studies have modeled flow and mixing of granular materials using the discrete element method (DEM). In an attempt to reduce computational costs, many of these DEM studies model particles larger than the actual particle size without investigating the implications of this assumption. Using DEM, the influence of the modeled particle size on flow and mixing in a bladed granular mixer is studied. The predicted flow microdynamics, including mixing rates, are strongly dependent on the particle diameter. The effect of particle size on macroscopic advective flow also is significant, particularly for dilute flow regions. These results suggest that the influence of particle size needs to be taken into consideration when using larger particles in DEM mixing simulations. To guide scale‐up efforts, particle‐size‐based scaling relationships for several key flow measurements are presented. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 46–57, 2015  相似文献   

This study aims at unveiling the effect of particle shape on granular flow behavior. Discrete element method is used to simulate cylindrical particles with different aspect ratios in the rotating drum operating in the rolling regime. The results demonstrate that the cylindrical particles exhibit similar general flow patterns as the spherical particles. As the aspect ratio of the cylindrical particles increases, the active‐passive interfaces become steeper, and the number fraction, solid residence time, and collision force in the active region decreases. The mechanism underlying the difference is the preferential orientation, with particles of greater aspect ratios increasingly orientating their longitudinal axes perpendicular to the drum length. Also, particle alignment in the active region is more uniform than that in the passive region. The results obtained in this work provide new insights regarding the impact of particle shape on granular flow in the rotating drum. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 3835–3848, 2018  相似文献   

Particle characteristics are important factors affecting gas fluidization. In this work, the effects of both particle size and shape on fluidization in different flow regimes are studied using the combined computational fluid dynamic–discrete element method approach. The results are first analyzed in terms of flow patterns and fluidization parameters such as pressure drop, minimum fluidization, and bubbling velocities. The results show that with particle size decreasing, agglomerates can be formed for fine ellipsoidal particles. In particular, “chain phenomenon,” a special agglomerate phenomenon exists in expanded and fluidized beds for fine prolate particles, which is caused by the van der Waals force. The minimum fluidization velocity increases exponentially with the increase of particle size, and for a given size, it shows a “W” shape with aspect ratio. A correlation is established to describe the dependence of minimum fluidization velocity on particle size and shape. Ellipsoids have much higher minimum bubbling velocities and fluidization index than spheres. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 62–77, 2016  相似文献   

Discrete element method simulations of confined bidisperse granular shear flows elucidate the balance between diffusion and segregation that can lead to either mixed or segregated states, depending on confining pressure. Results indicate that the collisional diffusion is essentially independent of overburden pressure. Because the rate of segregation diminishes with overburden pressure, the tendency for particles to segregate weakens relative to the remixing of particles due to collisional diffusion as the overburden pressure increases. Using a continuum approach that includes a pressure-dependent segregation velocity and a pressure-independent diffusion coefficient, the interplay between diffusion and segregation is accurately predicted for both size and density bidisperse mixtures over a wide range of flow conditions when compared to simulation results. Additional simulations with initially segregated conditions demonstrate that applying a high enough overburden pressure can suppress segregation to the point that collisional diffusion mixes the segregated particles. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 65: 875–881, 2019  相似文献   

Resistance force exerted on an obstacle in a gravity‐driven slow granular silo flow is studied by experiments and numerical simulations. In a two‐dimensional granular silo, an obstacle is placed just above the exit. Then, steady discharge flow is made and its flow rate can be controlled by the width of exit and the position of obstacle. During the discharge of particles, flow rate and resistance force exerting on the obstacle are measured. Using the obtained data, a dimensionless number characterizing the force balance in granular flow is defined by the relation between the discharge flow rate and resistance‐force decreasing rate. The dimensionless number is independent of flow rate. Rather, we find the weak shape dependence of the dimensionless number. This tendency is a unique feature for the resistance force in granular silo flow. It characterizes the effective flow width interacting with the obstacle in granular silo flow. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 3849–3856, 2018  相似文献   

A discrete element method (DEM) study is conducted to investigate the mixing and heat‐transfer characteristics of steel spherical particles under various rotation speeds and flow regimes of a rotating tumbler. The mixing degree, weighted temperature, temperature discrepancy at the mixing interface, temperature radial distribution, and information entropy are used to analyze the effect of mixing structure and evolution duration on the heat‐transfer characteristics. The results under the same revolution and the same evolution time are compared to show the effects of evolution time and mixing structure on thermal conduction. After a detailed analysis, the joint contribution of mixing degree and duration to granular heat transfer is explained, and the different approaches in static thermal conduction and dynamic mixing are shown. Moreover, a new method is proposed using the mean increase rate of temperature information entropy to determine the most effective operating condition for thermal conduction in granular particles. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 1906–1918, 2013  相似文献   

One significant hindrance to the development of granular segregation rate models is the inherent difficulty of performing the dynamic experiments required for validation. Here, we seek to overcome this experimental hurdle by establishing an “equilibrium” between segregation and flow perturbation in free surface granular flows and use steady‐state—rather than dynamic—measurements for validation. That is, we combine the segregation rate expressions to be tested with a segregation control framework such that the perturbation rate enables us to infer the segregation rate by measuring simply the steady state extent of segregation. We use periodic flow inversions via an axially located baffle in a tumbler‐type mixer to provide the perturbations that ultimately alter the steady‐state distribution of particles. This work examines the efficacy of existing models for binary segregation driven by either size or density differences. For completeness, we test our model validation framework both computationally and experimentally. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 3756–3763, 2017  相似文献   

A discrete element model of spherical glass particles flowing down a rotating chute is validated against high quality experimental data. The simulations are performed in a corotating frame of reference, taking into account Coriolis and centrifugal forces. In view of future extensions aimed at segregation studies of polydisperse granular flows, several validation steps are required. In particular, the influence of the interstitial gas, a sensitivity study of the collision parameters, and the effect of system rotation on particle flow is investigated. Shirsath et al. have provided the benchmark laboratory measurements of bed height and surface velocities of monodisperse granular flow down an inclined rotating chute. With a proper choice of the friction coefficients, the simulations show very good agreement with our experimental results. The effect of interstitial gas on the flow behavior is found to be relatively small for 3‐mm granular particles. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 3424–3441, 2014  相似文献   

In this study, a Schulze ring shear tester and the discrete element method (DEM) are employed to investigate the effect of polydispersity on the binary shear flows. Both experimental results and DEM simulations show that the preshear stresses are greater for binary blends than for monodispersed particles. The flowability of these mixtures is strongly affected by the solid fraction, with minimal flow function values correlating to maximum packing fraction. However, minimum flow function values are not observed at the same packing fractions where the maximum preshear stress occurs. Using DEM, it is demonstrated that the decrease of angular velocity of larger particles due to the addition of small adhesive particles reduces and the fraction of large-small particle contact both make contributions to shear stress difference. A mechanism is proposed to quantify the effects of these two factors.  相似文献   

The impact of particle properties on segregation and mixing of bidisperse granular beds in a rotating horizontal drum have been studied by discrete element method (DEM) simulations. Bidispersities in radius, density, and mass have pronounced influences on the stationary mixing pattern, although they hardly affect the granules' flow regime. At 50% fill level, all beds mix well for a Froude number of ~0.56, corresponding to a flow regime intermediate to cascading and cataracting, while segregation occurs both at lower (rolling and cascading regime) and higher (cataracting/centrifuging regime) Froude numbers. These observations are explained qualitatively by noticing that the angular drum velocity dictates the flow regime, which in turn determines the effectiveness and direction of four competing (de)mixing mechanisms: random collisions, buoyancy, percolation, and inertia. A further dozen particle properties have been varied, including the friction coefficients and elastic modulus, but these proved inconsequential to the steady‐state degree of mixing. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 50–59, 2014  相似文献   

We investigate the average drag, lift, and torque on static assemblies of capsule-like particles of aspect ratio 4. The performed simulations are from Stokes flow to high Reynolds numbers (0.1 ≤ Re ≤ 1,000) at different solids volume fraction (0.1 ≤ ɛs ≤ 0.5). Individual particle forces as a function of the incident angle ϕ with respect to the average flow are scattered. However, the average particle force as a function of ϕ is found to be independent of mutual particle orientations for all but the highest volume fractions. On average, a sine-squared scaling of drag and sine-cosine scaling of lift holds for static multiparticle systems of elongated particles. For a packed bed, our findings can be utilized to compute the pressure drop with knowledge of the particle-orientation distribution, and the average particle drag at ϕ = 0° and 90°. We propose closures for average forces to be used in Euler–Lagrange simulations of particles of aspect ratio 4.  相似文献   

Particle shape impacts the flow behavior of granular material but this effect is still far from being fully understood. Using discrete element method, the current work explores the segregation phenomena of the binary mixtures of cylindrical particles (differing in length but with the same diameter) in the three-dimensional rotating drum operating in the rolling regime, with each cylindrical particle fully represented by the superquadric equation. The important characteristics and the effect of length ratio on the flow dynamics of the binary mixtures are discussed. Some trends are in sync with those of binary mixtures of spherical particles. Unique to nonspherical particles is the orientation of particles, with results indicating that the cylindrical particles align their major axes perpendicular to the drum axis and this behavior becomes more significant for large particles when the length ratio increases. The length-induced radial segregation causes the orientation of large cylindrical particles to be less uniform.  相似文献   

This article presents a numerical study on the settling of uniform spheres in liquids by means of the discrete element method. The effects of particle and liquid properties, such as particle size, Hamaker constant, liquid density, and viscosity, on the formation of packed beds or cakes were studied in terms of packing fraction, radial distribution function (RDF), and coordination number (CN). The results showed that the packing fraction of a cake increases with increasing particle size but decreases with increasing the Hamaker constant, liquid density, and viscosity. RDF and CN also change correspondingly: packings with lower packing fraction generally have RDFs with fewer peaks and smaller mean CNs. A good correlation between packing fraction and other structural properties was identified. The analysis of the particle‐particle and liquid‐particle interactions showed that the packing properties are mainly affected by the ratio of the interparticle cohesion to the effective gravity of particles. The previously proposed equation linking packing fraction with the interparticle forces has been extended to incorporate the impact‐induced pressure force in a settling process. Based on the modified equation, the effects of key variables on the relationship between packing fraction and particle size were re‐examined for general application. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012.  相似文献   

Granular materials exhibit unique secondary flow behaviors upon shearing. We demonstrate, using particle dynamics simulations, that the secondary flow patterns are controlled by a pressure exerted on particle bed. A threshold pressure, at which vortex flow transitions to disturbed or chaotic flow, depends on particle shape, that influences interparticle contacts and rheological performance. Our results show that the flow patterns are essentially determined by a dimensionless term combining pressure and granular temperature for all the spherical and Platonic solid-shaped particles explored. Particle mixing is promoted by the vortex flow or disturbed flow with strong diffusion. The highest mixing rate under a specified pressure is obtained for cubic particles, due to the significant microstructural ordering near the boundaries causing a high gradient of packing density. These findings shed light on how applied pressure and particle shape affect secondary flows which is critical to the understanding and control of granular mixing.  相似文献   

The effect of particle aspect ratio on the rheology of the flow of granular materials is studied experimentally in a quasi–two‐dimensional rotating cylinder, using two varieties of prolate spheroidal grains with different aspect ratios. Image analysis of high speed videos is used to obtain the flow profiles near the centre of the cylinder. The dynamic angle of repose and apparent viscosity in the medium show significant increase with increasing aspect ratio. The mean velocity, root mean square velocity and shear rate profiles are qualitatively similar for nonspherical and spherical particles, however, their magnitudes increase with increasing aspect ratio. A simple scaling is shown to predict the maximum thickness of the flowing layer for all the particles. The predictions of a model for the flow match with the measured mean velocity profiles and layer thickness. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 4307–4315, 2017  相似文献   

In biomass processing fluidized beds are used to process granular materials where particles typically possess elongated shapes. However, for simplicity, in computer simulations particles are often considered spherical, even though elongated particles experience more complex particle– particle interactions as well as different hydrodynamic forces. The exact effect of these more complex interactions in dense fluidized suspensions is still not well understood. In this study we use the magnetic particle tracking technique to compare the fluidization behavior of spherical particles to that of elongated particles. We found a considerable difference between fluidization behavior of spherical versus elongated particles in the time-averaged particle velocity field as well as in the time-averaged particle rotational velocity profile. Moreover, we studied the effect of fluid velocity and the particle's aspect ratio on the particle's preferred orientation in different parts of the bed, which provides new insight in the fluidization behavior of elongated particles.  相似文献   

Discrete Element Method simulations of Homogeneous Cooling Systems (HCS) are used to develop a collisional dissipation rate model for non‐spherical particle systems that can be incorporated in a two‐fluid multiphase flow framework. Two types of frictionless, elongated particle models are compared in the HCS simulations: glued‐sphere and true cylinder. Simulation results show that the ratio of translational to rotational granular temperatures is equal to one for the true cylindrical particles with particle aspect ratios (AR) greater than one and glued‐sphere particles with AR >1.5, while the temperature ratio is less than one for glued‐sphere particles with 1 < AR <1.5. The total collisional dissipation rate, which is associated with both translational and rotational granular temperature change rates, increases linearly with the particle aspect ratio. Thus, a collisional dissipation rate model for the elongated cylinders is developed by a simple modification of the existing spherical particle model. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 5384–5395, 2017  相似文献   

张立栋  韦庆文  秦宏  王擎 《化工进展》2016,35(10):3057-3064
采用离散单元法DEM(discrete element method)对圆柱形生物质颗粒和钢球颗粒在滚筒中的混合进行了数值模拟,分析了滚筒转速和颗粒数量比对混合质量的影响。结果表明:在本文设定的工况下,颗粒的混合模式为阶梯模式,并且颗粒在混合时可以分成3个区域,即左面的单层钢球颗粒区、中间的钢球颗粒和生物质颗粒混合区、右面的生物质颗粒堆积区。左右两边的颗粒混合效果较差,中间的颗粒混合效果较好。当滚筒转速相同时,钢球颗粒和生物质颗粒数量比为3000∶200时的颗粒混合效果比钢球颗粒和生物质颗粒数量比为3000∶100时的好,即当钢球颗粒数量远大于生物质颗粒数量时,增加生物质颗粒的数量可以提高混合效果。在钢球颗粒和生物质颗粒数量比相同的情况下,当滚筒转速在5~25r/min的范围内,滚筒转速越高,颗粒的混合质量越好,并且颗粒混合达到稳定的时间就越短。  相似文献   

采用离散单元方法(DEM)模拟了重力驱动的颗粒流横掠圆管和不同椭圆度(e=1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5)的滴形管下的流动与换热情况,分析了滴形管的椭圆度对停滞区大小、管周受力以及有效传热系数的影响,并与圆管进行了对比。主要结论如下:滴形管的停滞区和空区均小于圆管,随着椭圆度增大,管顶部颗粒流速增加,流动性变好;滴形管受颗粒流的法向力和切向力均小于圆管,在椭圆度大于1.0后,增加椭圆度,两力不再减小;滴形管的有效传热系数小于圆管,且随着椭圆度增大,有效传热系数降低。  相似文献   

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