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The product design project is a complex problem because objectives and constraints must be considered simultaneously, the sustainability context is highly relevant and specific, decision-making involves not only customer needs but also of other stakeholders, especially the organization in which the design project takes place. This work presents a systematic literature review of design methodologies for chemical products to identify how that problem has been addressed and which are the future challenges to be met. The review involved the analysis of 262 research papers and 336 patents, classified according to the chemical product type, the design phase studied, and whether they consider association with a business context. The study highlights the need for holistic product design methodologies applicable from the early design stages, covering the assessment of customer needs and the requirements of other stakeholders, as well as the business context where the design process is carried out.  相似文献   

Due to the complexity of the screen-printing operation and the rheological behaviors of the screen-printable paste, such a paste is usually formulated by trial-and-error. In this report, a systematic procedure, based on heuristics and mechanistic models, for the design of a screen-printable paste is developed. The procedure is demonstrated by a case study of the formulation of a conductive paste of copper particles.  相似文献   

In this work, we first solved the partial differential equation of the one-dimensional axial diffusion model in an open-source platform, that is, FEniCS, to explore the influence of the axial dispersion on the reaction yield-to-time profile. Then, we built an automatic platform, which included a photomicroreactor, a continuously controlled pump, a high-power UV-LED light source, an in-line visible-light absorbance analytical unit, and a Raspberry Pi based controlling unit. Moreover, steady-state feeding and sampling functions could be realized in this continuous-flow photochemical platform. The homogeneous photolysis of methylene blue and the photo-Favorskii rearrangement synthesis of ibuprofen as the model reactions were used to validate the robustness of this automatic platform with unsteady-state and steady-state operations, through which kinetic study was carried out using genetic algorithm based symbolic regression, leading to deep understanding on reaction mechanisms and benefits for process optimization.  相似文献   

Chemical product design is a multidisciplinary and diverse subject. This article provides an overview of product design while focusing on product conceptualization. Four product types are considered – molecular products, formulated products, devices and functional products. For molecular products, computer-aided design tools are used to predict the physicochemical properties of single molecules and blends. For formulated products, an integrated experiment-modeling approach is used to generate the formula with the specified product attributes. For devices and functional products, conceptual product design is carried out by modeling the product based on thermodynamics, kinetics and transport processes, by performing experiments, and by decision making based on rule-based methods The results are product specifications in terms of the type of ingredients, composition, and the structure, form, shape or configuration of the product.  相似文献   

A central problem in modeling, namely that of learning an algebraic model from data obtained from simulations or experiments is addressed. A methodology that uses a small number of simulations or experiments to learn models that are as accurate and as simple as possible is proposed. The approach begins by building a low‐complexity surrogate model. The model is built using a best subset technique that leverages an integer programming formulation to allow for the efficient consideration of a large number of possible functional components in the model. The model is then improved systematically through the use of derivative‐free optimization solvers to adaptively sample new simulation or experimental points. Automated learning of algebraic models for optimization (ALAMO), the computational implementation of the proposed methodology, along with examples and extensive computational comparisons between ALAMO and a variety of machine learning techniques, including Latin hypercube sampling, simple least‐squares regression, and the lasso is described. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 2211–2227, 2014  相似文献   

Manual preparation of polymer samples for molecular weight characterization by solution methods such as gel permeation chromatography (GPC) is a time-consuming, labor-intensive, and redundant task. Preparation of samples for high-temperature GPC characterization further complicates the procedure. A typical manual high-temperature sample preparation exposes the analyst to both hot surfaces and solvent vapors. An automated system to prepare samples for high temperature GPC analysis has been developed. The system is based on a Zymark laboratory robotic system, and custom hardware peripherals developed at The Dow Chemical Company. The automated procedure performs all the steps required to prepare samples for high-temperature GPC analysis, including the hot steps. The samples were analyzed using the Waters 150-C GPC in combination with the differential refractive index (DRI) and low-angle laser light scattering (LALLS) detectors to demonstrate the reproducibility and reliability of the automated procedure. The system hardware, software options, and performance are presented in this paper. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 64: 1613–1623, 1997  相似文献   

张磊  贺丁  刘琳琳  都健 《化工进展》2021,40(4):1746-1754
近年来,化学工业的重点持续向亟需大宗化学品及高附加值化工产品的生产转化。这些化工产品的开发不仅需要相应的产品筛选与设计方法,同时需要对其可持续的生产过程、经济效益以及环境影响加以考虑。因此,化工产品的开发是一个系统性的多尺度问题。本文对基于模型的化工产品设计方法进行了综述与展望。基于模型的化工产品设计可以对大量可能的设计结果进行快速的虚拟筛选,从而大大降低实验成本。然而,对于不同的产品类型,准确的模型、数据以及规则方法通常难以获取,从而限制了基于模型方法的大规模应用。另外,产品开发的多尺度、跨学科特性也使得产品设计问题变得非常复杂。因此,为获得创新的设计结果,能够降低产品设计问题复杂度的系统性的建模方法的开发已成为近年来的研究热点。本文综述了近年来化工产品设计方法及应用的研究热点问题,对基于实验、经验规则、数学模型等方法的产品设计模型与相关软件开发进行了系统的回顾,对化工产品设计未来的挑战与机遇进行了讨论。  相似文献   

石墨作为重要的基础原材料和战略矿物资源,应用广泛,产品种类繁多。本文引用离散型工业中"产品平台"的概念与思想,对石墨产品进行纵向分类。将石墨产品中的"材料级石墨产品"替代离散型工业中"产品平台"的概念,并以提纯、细化、改性为技术主导方向对材料级石墨产品进行了系统分析与分类,为石墨产业链的延伸与优化提供依据。  相似文献   

阐述了智能自动化系统在纺丝生产现场的应用对生产过程的影响,实现全过程自动化运行后,现场操作人员减少,人力成本降低。通过对各个流程环节进行管控,外观丝饼油污、夹结丝、碰毛、成型不良、破筒等降级数量明显减少,降等率由1.51%降低至0.43%,产品降级率大幅降低,整体产品质量稳定,客户满意度上升。  相似文献   

Fuels with high-knock resistance enable modern spark-ignition engines to achieve high efficiency and thus low CO2 emissions. Identification of molecules with desired autoignition properties indicated by a high research octane number and a high octane sensitivity is therefore of great practical relevance and can be supported by computer-aided molecular design (CAMD). Recent developments in the field of graph machine learning (graph-ML) provide novel, promising tools for CAMD. We propose a modular graph-ML CAMD framework that integrates generative graph-ML models with graph neural networks and optimization, enabling the design of molecules with desired ignition properties in a continuous molecular space. In particular, we explore the potential of Bayesian optimization and genetic algorithms in combination with generative graph-ML models. The graph-ML CAMD framework successfully identifies well-established high-octane components. It also suggests new candidates, one of which we experimentally investigate and use to illustrate the need for further autoignition training data.  相似文献   

Miniaturisation and parallelisation are fundamental strategies to enable the productivity improvements achievable by high-throughput experimentation (HTE). This paper reports how the approach has been used to allow robotic preparation of supported precious metal catalysts and parallel techniques for subsequent reaction testing. It will be shown how HTE can shorten catalyst development times through increased productivity, as well as enabling a greater diversity space to be explored than would otherwise occur. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用PLC自动完成预先设定的程序,对油管举升机的一系列运动过程进行控制,减少人员参与设备的操作.降低劳动强度,消除安全隐患。  相似文献   

陈子凡 《广州化工》2012,40(15):190-192
介绍FP565G2全自动TAG闭口闪点测试仪的工作原理及测定方法,通过使用FP56 5G2自动闭口闪点仪对已知闭口闪点的样品进行测定,分析自动闪点仪使用的影响因素并对操作进行改进。将FP565G2测定结果与现行闭口闪点的国家标准GB/T261的测试结果进行比较,FP565G2自动闭口闪点仪重复性要求和精确度要求都在标准方法允许的误差范围内。  相似文献   

In chemical product design, the aim is to formulate a product with desired performance. Ingredients and internal product structure are two key drivers of product performance with direct impact on the mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties. Thus, there is a keen interest in elucidating the dependence of product performance on ingredients, structure, and the manufacturing process to form the structure. Design of product structure, particularly microstructure, is an intrinsically complex problem that involves different phases of different physicochemical properties, mass fraction, morphology, size distribution, and interconnectivity. Recently, computational methods have emerged that assist systematic microstructure quantification and prediction. The objective of this paper is to review these computational methods and to show how these methods as well as other developments in product design can work seamlessly in a proposed performance, ingredients, structure, and manufacturing process framework for the design of structured chemical products. It begins with the desired target properties and key ingredients. This is followed by computation for microstructure and then selection of processing steps to realize this microstructure. The framework is illustrated with the design of nanodielectric and die attach adhesive products.  相似文献   

The recent covid crisis has provided important lessons for academia and industry regarding digital reorganization. Among the fascinating lessons from these times is the huge potential of data analytics and artificial intelligence. The crisis exponentially accelerated the adoption of analytics and artificial intelligence, and this momentum is predicted to continue into the 2020s and beyond. Drug development is a costly and time-consuming business, and only a minority of approved drugs generate returns exceeding the research and development costs. As a result, there is a huge drive to make drug discovery cheaper and faster. With modern algorithms and hardware, it is not too surprising that the new technologies of artificial intelligence and other computational simulation tools can help drug developers. In only two years of covid research, many novel molecules have been designed/identified using artificial intelligence methods with astonishing results in terms of time and effectiveness. This paper reviews the most significant research on artificial intelligence in de novo drug design for COVID-19 pharmaceutical research.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) show remarkable selectivity toward lipid membranes and possess promising antibiotic potential. Their modes of action are diverse and not fully understood, and innovative peptide design strategies are needed to generate AMPs with improved properties. We present a de novo peptide design approach that resulted in new AMPs possessing low‐nanomolar membranolytic activities. Thermal analysis revealed an entropy‐driven mechanism of action. The study demonstrates sustained potential of advanced computational methods for designing peptides with the desired activity.  相似文献   

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