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The effects of operating parameters (capillary and Reynolds numbers) and microchannel aspect ratio (α=w/h=[1;2.5;4]α=w/h=[1;2.5;4]) on the recirculation characteristics of the liquid slug in gas–liquid Taylor flow in microchannels have been investigated using 3-dimensional VOF simulations. The results show a decrease in the recirculation volume in the slug and an increase in recirculation time with increasing capillary number, which is in good agreement with previous results obtained in circular and square geometries (Thulasidas et al., 1997). In addition, increasing the aspect ratio of the channel leads to a slight decrease in recirculating volumes but also a significant increase in recirculation times.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effect of ultrasonic waveforms on the gas–liquid mass transfer process. For a given load power (P), continuous rectangular wave yielded stronger bubble oscillation and higher mass transfer coefficient (kLa) than continuous triangular and sinusoidal wave. For pulsed ultrasound, the kLa decreased monotonically with decreasing duty ratio (D), resulting in weak enhancement at low D (≤33%). For a given average load power (PA), concentrating the P for a shorter period resulted in a higher kLa due to stronger cavitation behavior. For a given PA and D, decreasing the pulse period (T) led to an increase in kLa, which reached a constant high level when the T fell below a critical value. By optimizing the D and T, a kLa equivalent to 92% of that under continuous ultrasound was obtained under pulsed ultrasound at a D of 67%, saving 33% in power consumption.  相似文献   

Gas–liquid–liquid three-phase slug flow was generated in a glass microreactor with rectangular microchannel, where aqueous slugs were distinguished by relative positions to air bubbles and organic droplets. Oxygen from bubbles reacted with resazurin in slugs, leading to prominent color changes, which was used to quantify mass transfer performance. The development of slug length indicated a film flow through the corner between bubbles and the channel wall, where the aqueous phase was saturated with oxygen transferred from bubble body. This film flow results in the highest equivalent oxygen concentration within the slug led by a bubble and followed by a droplet. The three-phase slug flow subregime with alternate bubble and droplet was found to benefit the overall mass transfer performance most. These results provide insights into a precise manipulation of gas–liquid–liquid slug flow in microreactors and the relevant mass transfer behavior thereof.  相似文献   

We present a computational study of planar extrudate swell flows of Newtonian liquids with a viscous liquid–gas interface. The model consists of the equations of motion coupled with the Boussinesq–Scriven constitutive equation for the interfacial stress tensor. The resulting set of equations is solved with the finite element method coupled with an elliptic mesh generation strategy to capture the free surface. The results show a detailed parametric study in terms of the capillary number and the Boussinesq number, a dimensionless parameter used to measure the ratio of viscous forces at the interface to viscous forces in the bulk liquid. The predictions reveal that the extrudate swells dramatically as the interfacial viscosity grows. The interfacial viscosity slows down the flow both in the bulk liquid and at the interface, and thus the extrudate size increases to conserve mass in the slow plug flow that develops under the free surface.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamics and mass transfer of gas–liquid flow such as pressure drop, liquid holdup, and gas–liquid mass-transfer coefficient in micropacked bed reactors (μPBRs) with metal foam packing are investigated with an automated platform. Parametric studies are conducted varying gas and liquid superficial velocities, pore diameters of foam packing, and liquid physical properties. Experimental results show that μPBRs with foam packing have comparative mass transfer rate and 10 times lower pressure drop compared to the microparticles. The values of mass-transfer coefficient for three types of foam packing in μPBRs are 1–2 orders of magnitude larger than those in large-scale trickle bed reactors with foam packing. Furthermore, empirical correlations of pressure drop, liquid holdup, and gas–liquid mass-transfer coefficient in μPBRs with foam packing are proposed and the predicted values are found to be in good agreement with the experimental values.  相似文献   

A packed bed reactor with orifice plates (PBR@OP) was designed by adding orifice plates periodically in packed beds. Hydrodynamics and droplet size distribution in PBR@OP were experimentally investigated using fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)/water as the model liquid–liquid system. In PBR@OP, the flow pattern was close to plug flow. Droplets with Sauter mean diameter (d32) of 150–550 μm were generated. The pressure drop of orifice, flow velocity and plate spacing were key parameters to control the droplet size. The reactor performance was evaluated by analyzing a FAME epoxidation process. At the same d32 and residence time, the length and total pressure drop of PBR@OP were about 1/3 and 1/4 of those of PBR without orifice plates, respectively. Furthermore, a semi-empirical correlation describing the d32 change in PBR@OP was developed, revealing a relative mean deviation of 8.64%. PBR@OP presents a cost-effective option for the intensification of liquid–liquid medium rate reactions.  相似文献   

The gas–liquid swirl flow in a gas–liquid cylindrical cyclone separator has been characterized first qualitatively by flow visualizations. The emerged findings were then confirmed quantitatively by Laser Doppler Velocimetry measurements. The vortex core presents a very complex hydrodynamics, characterized by an alternation between a laminar and a turbulent state. The laminar regime is associated with velocities pointing in the same direction as the mean flow, while the turbulent state induces velocities in the opposite direction, i.e. a flow reversal. These observations give a first understanding of the origin of the double flow reversal regime that is encountered in swirl flows. It is shown that this flow structure appears for high swirl intensities, and results from a frequent laminarization of the vortex core. Results show that, contrary to the commonly assumed hypothesis, this flow structure is associated with good separation performance of the cyclone. Accordingly, we propose the use of multiple tangential inlets to generate the swirl motion in the cyclone, which is supposed to favor the double flow reversal regime, and thus, improve the separation efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper presents the use of ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV–Vis) spectroscopy in a slurry of particles, a packed bubble column, and a trickle bed to assess the changes in the state of an active component on the surface of the solid support. As a model system, insoluble pH indicators deposited on the particles and on a solid foam packing (used as the packing material in the packed bubble column and the trickle bed) are used which fluoresce different UV–Vis spectra according to the liquid pH. The experimental results indicate that for the slurry the UV–Vis spectra obtained from the moving particles can be used to characterize the state of the pH indicator and to determine the transition point. The UV–Vis spectra can also be used to characterize the concentration of particles. Bubbles in the packed bubble column result in disturbances in the UV–Vis spectra collected from the pH indicator adsorbed to the solid surface and this interference is removed successfully with a newly developed tolerance-and-averaging method. In the trickle bed the liquid film flowing over the solid surface does not disturb the UV–Vis spectra. An abrupt change in the state of the pH indicator is therefore observed successfully.  相似文献   

The gas–liquid vortex reactor (GLVR) has substantial process intensification potential for multiphase processes. Essential in this respect is the micromixing efficiency, which is of great importance in fast reaction systems such as crystallization, polymerization, and synthesis of nanomaterials. By creating a vortex flow and taking advantage of the centrifugal force field, the liquid micromixing process can be intensified in the GLVR. Results show that introducing a liquid into a gas-only vortex unit results in suppression of primary and secondary gas flow. The Villermaux–Dushman protocol is applied to study the effects of the gas flow rate, liquid flow rate, and liquid viscosity based on a segregation index. Based on the incorporation model and reaction kinetics, the micromixing time of the GLVR is determined to be in the range of 10−4 ~ 10−3 s, which is comparable to the highly efficient rotating packed bed and substantially better than a static mixer.  相似文献   

This study addresses the hydrodynamics and mass transfer characterisation of a Higee bioreactor (HBR) for application to polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production from Pseudomonas putida KT2442 fermentation. The motivation for this work is to address the potential oxygen transfer limitations which can severely impede the progress of this aerobic fermentation process and reduce PHA productivity in conventional bioreactors. It is shown that a maximum of 2.5 transfer units can be achieved in an oxygen-stripping operation where the presence of packing, higher rotor speeds, higher air flowrates and lower liquid flowrates all have a positive influence on the number of transfer units (NTU). We also observed from a visualisation study that gas bubbles as small as 0.36 mm in diameter can be generated within the HBR operating at 1200 rpm. Preliminary results from the P. putida fermentation studies in the HBR indicate that biomass concentrations of up to 0.5 g/l can be achieved with a maximum PHA yield of 6.2%, both of which are lower than those achieved in a conventional stirred tank reactor. The reasons for the relatively poor performance of the HBR in the context of the fermentation study are discussed and suggestions for improvement are presented.  相似文献   

The solid–liquid mass transfer rate at a stack of circular fin surfaces in a gas sparging contactor was investigated. A diffusion-controlled dissolution technique of copper in an acidified chromate solution was employed. Variables studied included the number of actively exposed fins ranging from 5 to 20, pertinent physical properties of the solution, and air superficial velocity. Experimental data showed that the rate of the diffusion-controlled mass transfer increases with increasing superficial air velocity and decreases with increasing chromate solution acid concentration. Moreover, at relatively low superficial air velocity, increasing the number of actively exposed fins results into a continuous increase in the mass transfer coefficient. At relatively higher superficial air velocity, however, the mass transfer coefficient decreases in the 5–10 range of actively exposed fins and then reverts to increase in the 15–20 range. An empirical correlation relating the mass transfer j factor to Reg, Fr, and a dimensionless height defined as the ratio of the height of actively exposed fins to the column equivalent diameter was developed based on the data generated in this study, with ±6.45% average deviation.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of liquid slugs in gas–liquid Taylor flow in straight and meandering microchannels have been studied using micro Particle Image Velocimetry. The results confirm a recirculation motion in the liquid slug, which is symmetrical about the center line of the channel for the straight geometry and more complex and three-dimensional in the meandering channel. An attempt has also been made to quantify and characterize this recirculation motion in these short liquid slugs (Ls/w<1.5) by evaluating the recirculation rate, velocity and time. The recirculation velocity was found to increase linearly with the two-phase superficial velocity UTP. The product of the liquid slug residence time and the recirculation rate is independent of UTP under the studied flow conditions. These results suggest that the amount of heat or mass transferred between a given liquid slug and its surroundings is independent of the total flow rate and determined principally by the characteristics of the liquid slug.  相似文献   

For the design and optimization of a tubular gas–liquid atomization mixer,the atomization and mixing characteristics of liquid jet breakup in the limited tube space is a key problem.In this study,the primary breakup process of liquid jet column was analyzed by high-speed camera,then the droplet size and velocity distribution of atomized droplets were measured by Phase-Doppler anemometry (PDA).The hydrodynamic characteristics of gas flow in tubular gas–liquid atomization mixer were analyzed by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulation.The results indicate that the liquid flow rate has little effect on the atomization droplet size and atomization pressure drop,and the gas flow rate is the main influence parameter.Under all experimental gas flow conditions,the liquid jet column undergoes a primary breakup process,forming larger liquid blocks and droplets.When the gas flow rate (Q_g) is less than 127 m~3·h~(-1),the secondary breakup of large liquid blocks and droplets does not occur in venturi throat region.The Sauter mean diameter (SMD) of droplets measured at the outlet is more than 140μm,and the distribution is uneven.When Q_g127 m~3·h~(-1),the large liquid blocks and droplets have secondary breakup process at the throat region.The SMD of droplets measured at the outlet is less than 140μm,and the distribution is uniform.When 127Q_g162 m~3·h~(-1),the secondary breakup mode of droplets is bag breakup or pouch breakup.When 181Q_g216 m~3·h~(-1),the secondary breakup mode of droplets is shear breakup or catastrophic breakup.In order to ensure efficient atomization and mixing,the throat gas velocity of the tubular atomization mixer should be designed to be about 51 m·s~(-1)under the lowest operating flow rate.The pressure drop of the tubular atomization mixer increases linearly with the square of gas velocity,and the resistance coefficient is about 2.55 in single-phase flow condition and 2.73 in gas–liquid atomization condition.  相似文献   

Drop size distribution(DSD) or mean droplet size(d32) and liquid holdup are two key parameters in a liquid–liquid extraction process. Understanding and accurately predicting those parameters are of great importance in the optimal design of extraction columns as well as mixer–settlers. In this paper, the method of built-in endoscopic probe combined with pulse laser was adopted to measure the droplet size in liquid–liquid dispersions with a pump-impeller in a rectangular mixer. The dispersion law of droplets with holdup range 1% to 24% in batch process and larger flow ratio range 1/5 to 5/1 in continuous process was studied. Under the batch operation condition, the DSD abided by log-normal distribution. With the increase of impeller speed or decrease of dispersed phase holdup, the d32 decreased. In addition, a prediction model of d32 of kerosene/deionized system was established as d_(32)/D = 0.13(1 + 5.9φ)We~(-0.6). Under the continuous operation condition, the general model for droplet size prediction of kerosene/water system was presented as d_(32)/D = C_3(1 + C_4φ)We~(-0.6). For the surfactant system and extraction system, the prediction models met a general model as d_(32)/D = bφ~nWe~(-0.6).  相似文献   

An electrical resistance tomography (ERT) linear probe was used to measure gas hold-up in a two-phase (gas–liquid) and three phase (gas–solid–liquid) stirred-tank system equipped with a Rushton turbine. The ERT linear probe was chosen rather than the more commonly used ring cage geometry to achieve higher resolution in the axial direction as well as its potential for use on manufacturing plant. Gas-phase distribution was measured as a function of flow regime by varying both impeller speed and gas flow rate. Global and local gas hold-up values were calculated using ERT data by applying Maxwell's equation for conduction through heterogeneous media. The results were compared with correlations, hard-field tomography data, and computational fluid dynamic simulations available in the literature, showing good agreement. This study thus demonstrates the capability of ERT using a linear probe to offer, besides qualitative tomographic images, reliable quantitative data regarding phase distribution in gas–liquid systems.  相似文献   

In this study, based on the Luo bubble coalescence model, a model correction factor Ce for pressures according to the literature experimental results was introduced in the bubble coalescence efficiency term. Then, a coupled modified population balance model (PBM) with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to simulate a high-pressure bubble column. The simulation results with and without Ce were compared with the experimental data. The modified CFD-PBM coupled model was used to investigate its applicability to broader experimental conditions. These results showed that the modified CFD-PBM coupled model can predict the hydrodynamic behaviors under various operating conditions.  相似文献   

In contrast to the concurrent mixer-settler, the interaction between the mixing and settling chambers have to be taken into account in the simulation of the countercurrent mixer-settler, and no work has been reported for this equipment. In this work, a three-phase flow model based on the Eulerian multiphase model, coupled with a sliding mesh model is proposed for a countercurrent mixer-settler. Based on this, the dispersed phase distribution, flow pattern, and pressure distribution are investigated, which can help to fill the gap in the operation mechanism. In addition, the velocity vector distribution at the phase port shows an intriguing phenomenon that two types of vectors with opposite directions are distributed on the left and right sides of the same plane, which indicates that the material exchange in the mixing and settling chambers is simultaneous. Analysis of this variation at this location by a fast Fourier transform (FFT) method reveals that it is mainly influenced by the mixing chamber and is consistent with the main period of the outlet flow fluctuations. Therefore, by monitoring the fluctuation of the outlet flow and then analyzing it by the FFT method, the state of the whole tank can be determined, which makes it promising for the design of control systems for countercurrent mixer-settlers.  相似文献   

A wire-mesh sensor has been employed to study air/water and air/silicone oil two-phase flow in a vertical pipe of 67 mm diameter and 6 m length. The sensor was operated with a conductivity-measuring electronics for air/water flow and a permittivity-measuring one for air/silicone oil flow. The experimental setup enabled a direct comparison of both two-phase flow types for the given pipe geometry and volumetric flow rates of the flow constituents. The data have been interrogated at a number of levels. The time series of cross-sectionally averaged void fraction was used to determine characteristics in amplitude and frequency space. In a more three-dimensional examination, radial gas volume fraction profiles and bubble size distributions were processed from the wire-mesh sensor data and compared for both flow types. Information from time series and bubble size distribution data was used to identify flow patterns for each of the flow rates studied.  相似文献   

Ejectors are widely used as effective distributors in many chemical and bioprocess industries. Gas entrainment rate as a function of liquid flow rate in ejectors is investigated using nozzles of different geometries. The data are analyzed through macro-energy balance for each phase considering air and water inlet line discharge coefficients. Nozzles with smaller discharge coefficients are effective in producing higher vacuum and hence higher entrainment rates. It has been observed that the factor limiting the air entrainment rate is the low discharge coefficient in the air inlet line. Higher air inlet line discharge coefficients can increase the entrainment rate.  相似文献   

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