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在美国玩具协会今年公布的潮流趋势中,"绿色、环保、可持续发展"是其中之一。这个潮流涵盖了利用环保材料制造的玩具、教育孩子建立环保意识并养成环保行为习惯的主题玩具等。而且,这个潮流并不会昙花一现,将会是未来的大趋势。美国玩具协会市场传播高级副总裁AdrienneAppell表示:"在购买玩具的时候,越来越多的家长会考虑到...  相似文献   

美国玩具市场变化与中国玩具业对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年,世界玩具业在不断发展和进步,其产值已经达到690.49亿美元,尤其是美国玩具市场正悄悄地发生着变化,其中以高科技智能玩具和互动玩具的出现为代表。目前,我国已成为世界上重要的玩具  相似文献   

香港玩具展既是新产品、新潮流的发布平台,也是业界精英云集,畅谈交流的盛会。展会期间,《中外玩具制造》记者采访了多位玩具企业家,参与了"探讨玩具采购策略-精明采购及分析市场趋势与机遇"、"香港玩具及婴儿用品大奖得奖产品展示"、"香港玩具业会议——2012最新玩具安全指引"、"玩具及游戏授权-协助传统玩具商升级转型"等多场活动。  相似文献   

芬欧汇川集团以创新为动力,引领全新生物森林工业走向可持续发展的未来。集团由三大事业部组成,即能源和纸浆事业部、纸张事业部以及复合材料事业部。芬欧汇川全球拥有员工24000人,生产企业位于16个国家和地区。集团2011年销售额超过100亿欧元,股票在赫尔辛基证券交易所上市。  相似文献   

美国玩具潮流专家Reyne Rice近日在美国一玩具杂志上向读者分享了她对来年美国玩具业潮流的5大预测:重视游戏体验随着科技的发展,与新技术结合的玩具和游戏产品也层出不穷。可穿戴设备如智能手表、活动健身腕带、迷你版的动作识别传感器等产品在儿童用品行业掀起一股热潮。弹性玻璃、节能纤维等新材料和现实增强技术、视线传感器、  相似文献   

纺织行业的绿色环保势在必行,就纤维的生产和对环境污染最大的加工环节印染后整理两个方面来探讨纺织品的绿色生产和处理。  相似文献   

二十一世纪的时尚:绿色环保家具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球经济一体化的进程中,世界各国政府都非常关注环境保护问题,我国政府也提出保护环境是我国重要国策之一。因而社会各界都非常重视环保工作。家具作为国民经济中一个重要的产业,其产品与人们的生活息息相关,因此家具的绿色环保产品逐渐被关注和重视。 什么是绿色环保家具? 有益于使用者的健康,对人体没有毒害与伤害的隐患,满足使用者多种需求,在生产过程和回收再利用方面符合环境保护要求的家具为绿色环保家具。 绿色环保家具应具备如下特点: 1、绿色环保家具的用料是倾向自然的,本身不含有有害物  相似文献   

朱敏 《印刷经理人》2011,(12):74-74
今年11月1日,国家新闻出版总署和中国环境保护部联合举行了绿色印刷推进会,会上向首批获得绿色印刷认证的60家企业颁发了认证证书,北京华联印刷有限公司(以下简称“华联印刷”)成为其中之一。  相似文献   

国际上绿色环保纺织标准的实施,使纺织产品开发的绿色决策成为大热所趋。绿色纺织品对企业带来很好的环境生态效益和绿色市场信誉。本文以大豆蛋白纤维纱与棉纱的价格对比表现了绿色纱线的经济效益十分可观。绿色纺织品内容丰富,前景广阔。  相似文献   

据《德国商报》报道,有鉴于消费者日渐重视玩具安全,不少知名德国玩具业者纷纷增加国内及欧洲地区投资。Playmobil2012年计划投资8000多万欧元,用于添购机器模块及扩建厂房,这笔金额约相当该集团15%营业额。年营业额达5100万欧  相似文献   

玩具仍然是美国孩子生活中重要部分; 家长愿意为孩子购买价格不菲的玩具; 未来四年儿童人数有较大增长;[编者按]  相似文献   

The US dairy industry has realized tremendous improvements in efficiencies and milk production since the 1940s. During this time, farm and total cow numbers have decreased and average herd size has increased. This intensification, combined with the shift to a largely urban public, has resulted in increased scrutiny of the dairy industry by social and environmental movements and increased concern regarding the dairy industry’s sustainability. In response to these concerns, a group of scientists specializing in animal welfare, nutrient management, greenhouse gas emissions, animal science, agronomy, agricultural engineering, microbiology, and economics undertook a critical review of the US dairy industry. Although the US dairy system was identified as having significant strengths, the consensus was that the current structure of the industry lacks the resilience to adapt to changing social and environmental landscapes. We identified several factors affecting the sustainability of the US dairy industry, including climate change, rapid scientific and technological innovation, globalization, integration of societal values, and multidisciplinary research initiatives. Specific challenges include the westward migration of milk production in the United States (which is at odds with projected reductions in precipitation and associated limitations in water availability for cattle and crops), and the growing divide between industry practices and public perceptions, resulting in less public trust. Addressing these issues will require improved alignment between industry practices and societal values, based upon leadership from within the industry and sustained engagement with other interested participants, including researchers, consumers, and the general public.  相似文献   

美国是世界上最大的玩具市场。因此,造就了美泰(Mattel)、孩之宝(Hasbro)这样巨无霸型的玩具企业。在我们对美国百年来玩具市场了解后,我们发现,曾经市场中的霸主是吉尔伯特(Gilbert)、路易斯马克斯(LouisMarx)这样.  相似文献   

从简单到多元,从模仿到自主创新,中国玩具业快速发展的30余年,中国玩具设计师群体在这条路上不懈追求探索。《中外玩具制造》关注中国原创力量,乐于为院校师生、年轻设计师们提供展示的舞台。创刊十周年之际,本刊记者采访了数位各具特色的玩具设计师,他们同时也是本刊的优秀作者,曾在常设栏目“创意设计”中为学生设计作品点评建言。回看中国玩具设计之路,一同探索发展脉络。  相似文献   

玩具在人的成长过程中扮演着重要角色,特别对于少年儿童来说,玩具具有开发智力、培养动手能力和陪伴成长的安抚作用。毛绒、布制玩具作为玩具中非常重要的一部分,具有外形可爱、手感柔软的特点,不仅孩子喜欢,成年人也会爱不释手,然而,根据最近几年来相关的报道,作者发现国内毛绒玩具市场现状令人担忧:面料问题多、内藏“黑心棉”,三无产品随处可见,甚至掉毛掉色,给消费者带来健康隐患。  相似文献   

近日,记者留意到在淘宝上.噢咕熊出没发声公仔、宝思智雪花片拼插积木、卡尔贝比多功能A5笑脸点读笔等多款玩具正在发起试用活动,线上渠道希望通过消费者的试用体验来拉动产品销售,以此进一步拉拢热衷于线下实体店消费的粉丝。  相似文献   

作者自述:我在提出一种概念,一种有预见性的东西。目的是拓展“玩具”的内涵和外延,积极引领一种新的设计理念。设计者简介陈鹏,22岁,自小受家庭书香文化熏陶,酷爱文学和艺术,接受了良好的  相似文献   

Mycotoxins, toxins produced by fungi that colonise food crops, can pose a heavy economic burden to the US corn industry. In terms of economic burden, aflatoxins are the most problematic mycotoxins in US agriculture. Estimates of their market impacts are important in determining the benefits of implementing mitigation strategies within the US corn industry, and the value of strategies to mitigate mycotoxin problems. Additionally, climate change may cause increases in aflatoxin contamination in corn, greatly affecting the economy of the US Midwest and all sectors in the United States and worldwide that rely upon its corn production. We propose two separate models for estimating the potential market loss to the corn industry from aflatoxin contamination, in the case of potential near-future climate scenarios (based on aflatoxin levels in Midwest corn in warm summers in the last decade). One model uses the probability of acceptance based on operating characteristic (OC) curves for aflatoxin sampling and testing, while the other employs partial equilibrium economic analysis, assuming no Type 1 or Type 2 errors, to estimate losses due to proportions of lots above the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) aflatoxin action levels. We estimate that aflatoxin contamination could cause losses to the corn industry ranging from US$52.1 million to US$1.68 billion annually in the United States, if climate change causes more regular aflatoxin contamination in the Corn Belt as was experienced in years such as 2012. The wide range represents the natural variability in aflatoxin contamination from year to year in US corn, with higher losses representative of warmer years.  相似文献   

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