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One of the most important diseases in calves worldwide is neonatal calf diarrhea (NCD), which impairs calf welfare and leads to economic losses. The aim of this study was to test whether the activity patterns of calves can be used as early indicators to identify animals at risk for suffering from NCD, compared with physical examination. We monitored 310 healthy female Holstein-Friesian calves on a commercial dairy farm immediately after birth, equipped them with an ear tag–based accelerometer (Smartbow, Smartbow GmbH), and conducted daily physical examinations during the first 28 d of life. The Smartbow system captured acceleration data indicative of standing and lying periods and activity levels (active and inactive), shown as minutes per hour. We categorized calves as diarrheic if they showed fecal scores of ≥3 on a 4-point scale on at least 2 consecutive days. Incidence of diarrhea was 50.7% (n = 148). A mixed logistic regression model showed that lying [odds ratio (OR) = 1.19], inactive (OR = 1.14), and active (OR = 0.92) times, 1 d before clinical identification of diarrhea (d ?1), were associated with the odds of diarrhea occurring on the subsequent day. Receiver operating characteristics curve showed that lying time at d ?1 was a fair predictor for diarrhea on the subsequent day (area under curve = 0.69). Average lying time on d ?1 was 64.8 min longer in diarrheic calves compared with their controls. Median lying and inactive times decreased, and active time increased with age over the study period. The 24-h pattern of behavior indices based on the output of the Smartbow system followed periods of resting and active times, and showed that between 2200 h and 0600 h, calves spent the greatest percentage of time lying and inactive. These results showed that the accelerometer system has the potential to detect early indicators associated with NCD. In future studies, additional data for the development and testing of calf- and event-specific algorithms (e.g., for detecting milk intake, playing behavior) should be collected, which might further improve the early detection of diarrhea in calves.  相似文献   

Time sampling techniques are useful in collecting feeding behavior data because they minimize the time required for observation. Instantaneous recording is often used in the collection of feeding behavior data for dairy calves; however, the recording intervals used vary widely and it is unclear what minimum interval is necessary to yield accurate data. The objective of this study was to validate data obtained using instantaneous recording of feeding behavior of dairy calves across a range of time intervals with data obtained from continuous recording. Ten Holstein bull calves were observed continuously using time-lapse video for 3 d during the milk-feeding period while they were fed milk ad libitum and for 3 d post-milk-weaning while they consumed solid feed. Feeding behavior data obtained from continuous recording were compared with data obtained from instantaneous recording at intervals ranging from 15 s to 10 min. As expected, the strength of linear association between behavior measures obtained from continuous recording and instantaneous recording decreased with increasing recording interval. The relationship varied between feeding behavior measures; feeding time was represented well (R2 >0.76) by instantaneous recording at up to 5-min intervals, but a strong linear association of meal frequency and meal time (R2 >0.8) required intervals no greater than 1 min and 30 s, respectively. The relationship between feeding behavior measures obtained from continuous recording and recording at different intervals was similar in both periods; however, sensitivity of time sampling data across recording intervals was greater during the milk-feeding period. Sensitivity was low in both periods (<0.7 with scanning intervals as short as 1 min), indicating that instantaneous recording may not represent within-meal feeding behavior well. Instantaneous recording can provide accurate calf feeding behavior data if the recording interval is sufficiently short.  相似文献   

Developments in accelerometer technology offer new opportunities for automatic monitoring of animal behavior. Until now, commercially available accelerometers have been used to measure walking in adult cows but have failed to identify walking in calves. We described the pattern of acceleration associated with various gaits in calves and tested whether measures of acceleration could be used to count steps and distinguish among gait types. A triaxial accelerometer (sampling at 33 readings/s with maximum measurement at ±3.2 g) was attached to 1 hind leg of 7 dairy calves, and each calf was walked to a familiar large arena (29.1 × 4.8 m) and encouraged to walk and run for 8 to 10 min while being video recorded. The video recordings were watched in slow motion and a total of 54 recordings of 3 to 6 s duration of either galloping (n = 21), trotting (n = 13), or walking (n = 21) were identified and the number of steps were counted. Accelerometer data was then analyzed for each gait. Steps could be clearly identified by changes in the acceleration in the forward and vertical axes and vector sum, but less clearly in the lateral axis. The number of steps counted using the forward axis was highly correlated with the number observed from the video recordings. Galloping, trotting, and walking differed significantly in the median interpeak intervals in acceleration in the forward axis and in the vector sum of the acceleration in the 2 axes. Interpeak intervals could be used to discriminate among the 3 gaits, although walking was most clearly distinguished from galloping. Automated measures of acceleration of the leg in the forward and vertical dimensions can be used to count steps and classify gaits of calves.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to validate the CowManager SensOor ear-tag accelerometer (Agis Automatisering BV, Harmelen, the Netherlands) against visual observations of feeding, rumination, resting, and active behaviors of tiestall-housed dairy cows. Prior validation of the sensor has been published for freestall and grazing dairy herds. However, the behavioral differences that exist among these and a tiestall system necessitate additional validation. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 10) at different lactation stages and parities were included in the study. Cows were monitored both visually and with the sensor for 10 h/d for 4 consecutive days (10 cows × 10 h × 4 d = 400 h of observation total). A single trained observer classified each minute of visual observation into 1 of 13 behaviors and then summarized them into the 4 behavioral categories of eating, rumination, not active, or active. The sensor registered ear movements continuously and, based on a proprietary model, converted them into the behavioral categories. Multivariate mixed models were run to obtain covariance estimates, from which correlation coefficients were computed to assess agreement between visual observation and sensor data. The models included the percentage of time spent performing each behavior per day as the dependent variable and technology (visual observation versus sensor) and day as fixed effects. The models also included the random effects of technology and the repeated effects of technology and day. The correlation strength between visual observation and sensor data varied from poor to almost perfect by behavioral category (eating: r = 0.27; rumination: r = 0.69; eating–rumination: r = 0.83; not active: r = 0.95; and active: r = 0.89). The results suggest that the sensor can be used to accurately monitor active and not-active behaviors of tiestall-housed dairy cows. The results also suggest that although the sensor shows promise for identifying feeding behaviors in general, the independent classification of rumination and eating requires additional sensitivity.  相似文献   

Evaluation of a system for monitoring rumination in heifers and calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Hi-Tag electronic rumination-monitoring system (SCR Engineers Ltd., Netanya, Israel), based on capturing audio recordings, provides a reasonable measure of rumination time in dairy cows, but has not been validated for milk-fed or weaned heifers. The objective of this study was to validate the Hi-Tag rumination-monitoring system in heifers and calves and to assess whether suckling from a teat interfered with recording from this system. Assessments of 2 independent observers were highly correlated (r = 0.99, n = 20), indicating that direct visual observations provide a useful standard. Measures from the Hi-Tag system were validated by comparing values with those from a single human observer, using observations from three 2-h intervals from 35 Holstein calves and heifers aged 4, 6, and 9 wk and 3, 6, and 9 mo, respectively. In 9-mo-old heifers, rumination times obtained from the electronic system were highly correlated with visual observations (r = 0.88, R2 = 0.77, n = 15), and the mean difference was minor (−4 ± 8 min/2-h interval). The accuracy of data from the automated system decreased when used on heifers less than 9 mo old. Suckling did not interfere with the electronic system (r = −0.1, n = 18). These results indicate that the Hi-Tag system is an accurate tool for monitoring rumination behavior in Holstein Friesian heifers from the age of 9 mo.  相似文献   

An electronic system has been designed that allows for passive monitoring of feeding behavior of individual cows housed in a free-stall barn. The objective of this study was to validate the data generated by this GrowSafe feed alley monitoring system. Twelve lactating cows were each monitored for 24 h using both the GrowSafe system and time-lapse video. The GrowSafe estimation of number of meals consumed by each cow showed perfect agreement with meal frequency identified using the video recordings. The duration of these meals, as estimated by GrowSafe, was highly correlated with the meal duration derived from the video (R2 = 0.98). Despite the excellent agreement for these meal-based measures, for each cow we found some instances in which the video showed that a cow was present at the feed alley but GrowSafe failed to detect cow presence (12.6% of observations) and a few instances in which the reverse was true (3.5% of observations). However, all the missed or extraneous data from the GrowSafe system were closely associated in time with known periods of feeding. These results indicate that this feed alley monitoring system can provide very good measures of meal frequency and meal duration and reasonable estimates of instantaneous feed alley attendance for loose-housed dairy cattle.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6555-6558
Precision dairy monitoring technologies have become increasingly popular for recording rumination and feeding behaviors in dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to validate the rumination and feeding time functions of the CowManager SensOor (Agis, Harmelen, the Netherlands) against visual observation in dairy heifers. The study took place over a 44-d period beginning June 1, 2016. Holstein heifers equipped with CowManager SensOor tags attached according to manufacturer specifications (n = 49) were split into 2 groups based on age, diet, and housing type. Group 1 heifers (n = 24) were calves (mean ± SD) 2.0 ± 2.7 mo in age, fed hay and calf starter, and housed on a straw-bedded pack. Group 2 heifers (n = 25) were 17.0 ± 1.3 mo in age, fed a TMR, confirmed pregnant, and housed in freestalls. Visual observation shifts occurred at 1500, 1700, 1900, and 2100 h. Each heifer was observed for 2 hour-long periods, with both observation periods occurring on the same day. Visual observations were collected using a synchronized watch, and “start” and “stop” times were recorded for each rumination and feeding event. For correlations, data from CowManager SensOor tags and observations were averaged, so a single 1-h observation was provided per animal, reducing the potential for confounding repeated measures being collected for each animal. Concordance correlations (CCC; epiR package; R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) and Pearson correlations (r; CORR procedure; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) were used to calculate association between visual observations and technology-recorded behaviors. Visually observed rumination time was correlated with the CowManager SensOor (r = 0.63, CCC = 0.55). Visually observed feeding time was also correlated with the CowManager SensOor (r = 0.88, CCC = 0.72). The difference between technology-recorded data and visual observation was treated as the dependent variable in a mixed linear model (MIXED procedure of SAS). Time of day, age in months, and group were treated as fixed effects. Individual heifers were treated as random and repeated effects. The effects of time of day, age, and group on rumination and feeding times were not significant. The CowManager SensOor was more effective at recording feeding behavior than rumination behavior in dairy heifers. The CowManager SensOor can be used to provide relatively accurate measures of feeding time in heifers, but its rumination time function should be used with caution.  相似文献   

Group housing and computerized feeding of preweaned dairy calves is gaining popularity among dairy producers worldwide, yet disease incidence and detection remain a challenge in these systems. The aim of this prospective observational cohort study was to describe the relationship between morbidity and feeding behavior around the period of illness detection. Calves were enrolled upon entrance to the group pen on 10 farms in Minnesota (n = 4) and Virginia (n = 6) utilizing group housing and computerized feeding from February until October 2014. Morbidity and mortality events were recorded by the calf caregiver. Farms were visited either every week (Minnesota) or every other week (Virginia) to collect calf enrollment data, feeding behavior data, and health records. Daily average feeding behaviors (drinking speed, mL/min; daily consumption, L/d; rewarded visits to the feeder; and unrewarded visits to the feeder) were described both overall and for sick and healthy calf days. Multivariable mixed models were built to assess the differences in daily average feeding behaviors (drinking speed, daily consumption, rewarded visits, unrewarded visits) between matched sick and healthy calves around the time of an illness event (?10 to 10 d). Final models were controlled for calf age, region (Minnesota and Virginia), group size, disease diagnosis, the random effect of farm, and repeated measurements on calf. A stratified analysis was performed by both day from treatment event and disease diagnosis. We enrolled 1,052 calves representing 43,607 calf days over 9 mo. From these, 176 sick calves had a matched control and were carried forward to the matched pair analysis. Fifty-five percent of sick calves (97/176) were treated for diarrhea, 30% (53/176) were treated for pneumonia, and 15% (26/176) were treated for ill thrift. Sick calves drank 183 ± 27 mL/min (mean ± standard error) more slowly, drank 1.2 ± 0.6 L/d less, and had 3.1 ± 0.7 fewer unrewarded visits than control calves on the first day of treatment. These differences began up to 4 d before the calf was detected as sick, and persisted for 7 to 10 d after treatment. However, changes in feeding behaviors varied by disease diagnosed. Rewarded visits were not associated with morbidity status. The results of this study indicate that sick calves change their feeding behavior before and during an illness event, suggesting that feeding behavior may be a useful tool to detect disease onset.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in using precision dairy technologies (PDT) to monitor real-time animal behavior and physiology in livestock systems around the world. Although PDT in adult cattle is extensively reviewed, PDT use for the management of preweaned dairy calves has not been reviewed. We systematically reviewed research on the use and application of precision technologies in calves. Accelerometers have the potential to be used to monitor lying behavior, step activity, and rumination, which are useful to detect changes in behavior that may be indicative of disease, responses to painful procedures, or positive welfare behaviors such as play. Automated calf feeding systems can control delivery of nutritional plans to individualize feeding and weaning of calves; changes in feeding behaviors (such as milk intake, drinking speed, and unrewarded visits) may also be used to identify early onset of disease. The PDT devices also measure physiological and physical attributes in dairy calves. For instance, temperature monitoring devices such as infrared thermography, ruminal boluses, and implanted microchips have been assessed in calves, but no herd management-based commercial system is available. Many other PDT are in development with potential to be used in dairy calf management, such as image and acoustic-based monitoring, real-time location, and use of enrichment items for monitoring positive emotional states. We conclude that PDT have great potential for application in dairy calf management, enabling precise behavioral and physiological monitoring, targeted feeding programs, and identification of calves with poor health or behavioral impairments. We strongly encourage further development and validation of commercially available technologies for on-farm application of the monitoring of dairy calf welfare, performance, and health.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to validate an ear-tag accelerometer sensor (CowManager SensOor, Agis Automatisering BV, Harmelen, the Netherlands) using direct visual observations in a grazing dairy herd. Lactating crossbred cows (n = 24) were used for this experiment at the University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center grazing dairy (Morris, MN) during the summer of 2016. A single trained observer recorded behavior every minute for 6 h for each cow (24 cows × 6 h = 144 h of observation total). Direct visual observation was compared with sensor data during August and September 2016. The sensor detected and identified ear and head movements, and through algorithms the sensor classified each minute as one of the following behaviors: rumination, eating, not active, active, and high active. A 2-sided t-test was conducted with PROC TTEST of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) to compare the percentage of time each cow's behavior was recorded by direct visual observation and sensor data. For total recorded time, the percentage of time of direct visual observation compared with sensor data was 17.9 and 19.1% for rumination, 52.8 and 51.9% for eating, 17.4 and 11.9% for not active, and 7.9 and 21.1% for active. Pearson correlations (PROC CORR of SAS) were used to evaluate associations between direct visual observations and sensor data. Furthermore, concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), bias correction factors, location shift, and scale shift (epiR package of R version 3.3.1; R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) were calculated to provide a measure of accuracy and precision. Correlations between visual observations for all 4 behaviors were highly to weakly correlated (rumination: r = 0.72, CCC = 0.71; eating: r = 0.88, CCC = 0.88; not active: r = 0.65, CCC = 0.52; and active: r = 0.20, CCC = 0.19) compared with sensor data. The results suggest that the sensor accurately monitors rumination and eating behavior of grazing dairy cattle. However, active behaviors may be more difficult for the sensor to record than others.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a technique used to evaluate rumen development in young calves, including removal, dissection, and analysis of tissue. The method allowed for examination of the different sacs of the rumen (dorsal, ventral, cranial, and caudal) using scanning electron microscopy to measure papillae denseness and histology slides to measure papillae length and width. Computer software was used to produce accurate measurements of papillae. The rumens of young calves were dissected, and samples were taken from the cranial, caudal, ventral, and dorsal sections. Calves were part of a nutrition research study, and dietary treatments did have an effect on development measurements such as length, width, and papillae denseness.  相似文献   

Group housing and computerized feeding of preweaned dairy calves are gaining in popularity among dairy producers, yet disease detection remains a challenge for this management system. The aim of this study was to investigate the application of statistical process control charting techniques to daily average feeding behavior to predict and detect illness and to describe the diagnostic test characteristics of using this technique to find a sick calf compared with detection by calf personnel. This prospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 10 farms in Minnesota (n = 4) and Virginia (n = 6) utilizing group housing and computerized feeding from February until October 2014. Calves were enrolled upon entrance to the group pen. Calf personnel recorded morbidity and mortality events. Farms were visited either every week (MN) or every other week (VA) to collect calf enrollment data, computer-derived feeding behavior data, and calf personnel–recorded calf morbidity and mortality. Standardized self-starting cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts were generated for each calf for each daily average feeding behavior, including drinking speed (mL/min), milk consumption (L/d), and visits to the feeder without a milk meal (no.). A testing subset of 352 calves (176 treated, 176 healthy) was first used to find CUSUM chart parameters that provided the highest diagnostic test sensitivity and best signal timing, which were then applied to all calves (n = 1,052). Generalized estimating equations were used to estimate the diagnostic test characteristics of a single negative mean CUSUM chart signal to detect a sick calf for a single feeding behavior. Combinations of feeding behavior signals were also explored. Single signals and combinations of signals that included drinking speed provided the most sensitive and timely signal, finding a sick calf up to an average (±SE) of 3.1 ± 8.8 d before calf personnel. However, there was no clear advantage to using CUSUM charting over calf observation for any one feeding behavior or combination of feeding behaviors when predictive values were considered. The results of this study suggest that, for the feeding behaviors monitored, the use of CUSUM control charts does not provide sufficient sensitivity or predictive values to detect a sick calf in a timely manner compared with calf personnel. This approach to examining daily average feeding behaviors cannot take the place of careful daily observation.  相似文献   

Pulse oximetry is a well-established technique in human and veterinary medicine. In farm animals, it could also be a useful tool for the detection of critical conditions relating to oxygen supply and the cardiovascular system. Among other uses, an innovative application could be the monitoring of fetuses during birth. This could help in the early identification of critical situations and support farmers and veterinarians in their decision to start obstetric or life-support interventions. Until now, however, its use in ruminant medicine was still limited to experimental applications. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the Radius-7 Wearable Pulse CO-Oximeter (Masimo Corporation, Irvine, CA) for monitoring vital parameters in newborn calves. All measurements were conducted on animals in the lying down position. The sensor of the pulse oximeter was placed in the interdigital space of the calves' front legs and fixed with a homemade latex hoof cover. The pulsoximetric measurements of arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) in 40 newborn calves were compared with the corresponding results (SaO2) from a portable blood gas analyzer (VetScan iStat1, Abaxis Inc., Union City, CA), which served as the reference. For this, an arterial blood sample was taken from the medial intermediate branch of the caudal auricular artery. In addition, the pulse rate was measured in 10 calves aged between 0 and 7 d with the pulse oximeter and simultaneously with a heart rate belt (Polar Equine Belt, Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland) to determine their level of agreement. Spearman correlation coefficient for oxygen saturation was 93.8% for the pulse oximeter and the blood gas analyzer, and 97.7% for the pulse rate measured with the pulse oximeter and the heart rate belt. Bland-Altman plots revealed an overestimation of SaO2 by 2.95 ± 6.39% and an underestimation of the pulse rate by ?0.41 ± 3.18 beats per minute compared with the corresponding reference methods. In summary, the pulse oximeter is suitable for continuous monitoring of arterial oxygen saturation and pulse in newborn Holstein Friesian calves. For practical use, purpose-built technical equipment is required to attach the sensor to the calves' legs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop and validate a computerized system to monitor feeding behavior and feed intake of loose-housed dairy cattle. The system consisted of 28 scales located in front of each self-locking place of a regular feedbunk. All cows had access to all scales indifferently. Each visit to the feedbunk was monitored by a transponder in the ear of each cow that was detected by a proximity reader located at the top right corner of each headlock. The data from the scales and the proximity readers were continuously recorded by a computer with an average scanning time of 3.5 s. The monitoring system was validated using all 28 feeding places and 51 lactating cows in a series of 4-h observations during 5 different d. During the observation periods, for each feeder, 2 observers recorded the cow number and the exact time of the visit. The observed data were then compared with the computer records. To validate the ability of the system to monitor feed consumption, on separate days, the amount of feed consumed by a cow during a visit was also measured manually with an external scale, and the feed that disappeared from each scale in 2 different 24-h periods was compared with the sum of feed consumed in each scale during these 2 periods. The average time spent in a given scale by each cow determined by direct observations was similar to that determined by the computer. The system was accurate and showed a high specificity (98.8%) and sensitivity (99.6%) for cow detections. Feed weights determined by the computer system were similar to those measured manually with an external scale, implying that the system was also accurate in measuring individual intake weights. In conclusion, the system provided a reasonable estimate of the number of visits per animal, length of each visit, amount of feed consumed per visit and animal, the total amount of feed consumed daily by each animal, and the rate at which animals consume feed.  相似文献   

Efficacy of passive transfer of immunity in young calves is commonly assessed using total serum protein (STP) or serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration tested within the first few days of life. To our knowledge, no research has measured changes in these concentrations over this period to establish an appropriate age range for testing. The aim of this study was to monitor changes in STP and serum IgG concentrations from birth until 10 d of age to provide a basis for recommendations for when passive transfer of immunity in dairy calves can be measured. Concentrations of STP and IgG of 12 calves were measured at 11 time points: at approximately 30 min before colostrum feeding, at 24 h after colostrum feeding, and daily from d 2 to 10 of age. Mean (± standard deviation) STP and IgG concentrations were 4.61 ± 0.3 g/dL and 0.6 ± 0.6 mg/mL at birth, 5.83 ± 0.73 g/dL and 22.2 ± 9.6 mg/mL at 24 h after colostrum feeding, and 5.78 ± 0.52 g/dL and 16.1 ± 7.3 mg/mL at d 10 of age, respectively. The IgG concentration declined over subsequent days relative to IgG measured at 24 h at a rate of approximately 0.69 mg/mL per day, declining by 27.6 ± 6.2% (mean ± SD) on d 10. The concentration of STP did not decrease over time. Concentrations of IgG at 24 h after colostrum feeding were highly correlated with each of the measures of IgG over the 10-d period (r ≥0.97). These correlations were supported by the Bland-Altman plots of agreement between the 24-h sample and subsequent samples. Compared with the reference value at 24 h, STP concentrations were highly correlated on d 2 and 3 (r ≥0.98), highly correlated but variable from d 4 to 9 (r ≥0.88), and lower at d 10 (r = 0.76). These results indicate that calves may be reliably tested for passive transfer of immunity using IgG or STP concentrations up to 9 d of age.  相似文献   

Many farms using teat-based systems for supplying milk for calves provide only one or a small number of teats for a group of calves, but no previous research has addressed how competition for teats affects calf behavior or milk intake. The aim of this study was to determine how restricted access to teats affects calf competitive behavior, meal-based feeding patterns, and milk intake. Female calves (n=15) were divided into 5 groups of 3 calves each and fed with a teat-to-calf ratio that varied daily from 1:3 to 4:3 using a switchback design. Feeding behavior was recorded by scoring the time and duration of each sucking event. We defined meals using the frequency distribution of log intervals between visits to the teat and identified the within-meal and between-meal distributions intersection points. Three classes of intervals were identified based on the intersection points of the distributions: 1) intervals <2 min, representing small breaks away from the teat within a meal; 2) intervals >41 min, providing an objective definition of a new meal; and 3) an intermediate distribution of intervals from 2 to 41 min could be included in either of the other 2 classes. Meal number showed no significant decrease with decreasing teat number. However, total time on the teat decreased from 40.2 to 32.7 (+/-2.6) min/d, and milk consumption declined from 14.0 to 11.4 (+/-0.8) L/d as teat number declined from 4 to 1. In addition, competitive interactions became more frequent when teat access was reduced; the number of times calves displaced one another from a teat increased from 18 to 41 (+/-5) times/d when teat number decreased from 4 to 1. In conclusion, reduced access to teats increases competitive interactions, decreases feeding time and decreases milk intake by group-housed calves.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):1206-1217
Automated milk feeders (AMF) are an attractive option for producers interested in adopting practices that offer greater behavioral freedom for calves and can potentially improve labor management. These feeders give farmers the opportunity to have a more flexible labor schedule and more efficiently feed group-housed calves. However, housing calves in group systems can pose challenges for monitoring calf health on an individual basis, potentially leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Feeding behavior recorded by AMF software could potentially be used as an indicator of disease. Therefore, the objective of this observational study was to investigate the association between feeding behaviors and disease in preweaning group-housed dairy calves fed with AMF. The study was conducted at a dairy farm located in the Upper Midwest United States and included a final data set of 599 Holstein heifer calves. The farm was visited on a weekly basis from May 2018, to May 2019, when calves were visually health scored and AMF data were collected. Calf health scores included calf attitude, ear position, ocular discharge, nasal discharge, hide dirtiness, cough score, and rectal temperatures. Generalized additive mixed models (GAMM) were used to identify associations between feeding behavior and disease. The final quasibinomial GAMM included the fixed (main and interactions) effects of feeding behavior at calf visit-level including milk intake (mL/d), drinking speed (mL/min), visit duration (min), rewarded (with milk being offered) and unrewarded (without milk) visits (number per day), and interval between visits (min), as well as the random effects of calf age in regard to their relationship with calf health status. Total milk intake (mL/d), drinking speed (mL/min), interval between visits (min) to the AMF, calf age (d), and rewarded visits were significantly associated with dairy calf health status. These results indicate that as total milk intake and drinking speed increased, the risk of calves being sick decreased. In contrast, as the interval between visits and age increased, the risk of calves being sick also increased. This study suggests that AMF data may be a useful screening tool for detecting disease in dairy calves. In addition, GAMM were shown to be a simple and flexible approach to modeling calf health status, as they can cope with non-normal data distribution of the response variable, capture nonlinear relationships between explanatory and response variables and accommodate random effects.  相似文献   

Calves can be ruminally cannulated at young ages, but equipment size limitations preclude use of an infusion and sampling device in these small animals. Likewise, a procedure to easily evacuate rumen contents in young calves has not been described. Overcoming these technical complications related to assessment of ruminal passage kinetics, nutrient digestion, and volatile fatty acid absorption would aid in future studies advancing our knowledge of dairy calf nutrition. The first objective was to design and fabricate 2 devices (one device for infusion and sampling, and another for vacuum-assisted collection) suitable for use in young ruminally cannulated dairy calves. The second objective was to test the utility of these tools when performing procedures commonly used in ruminant nutrition research. A single weaned 62-d-old ruminally cannulated calf was used to evaluate the ability to infuse a solution of LiCoEDTA and sample rumen contents through the cannula cap over a period of 2 h to assess the rumen liquid passage rate (procedure 1). The device was capable of infusing the LiCoEDTA and sampling the rumen fluid, as evidenced by the presence of elevated Co concentrations in the sampled rumen fluid. Using the fluid samples obtained, liquid passage rate within the calf was estimated to be 40.2% of ruminal fluid/h. The second procedure tested the vacuum-assisted collection device and consisted of evacuating and weighing the rumen contents, which is considered a key preparatory step in washed reticulorumen technique experiments that aim to measure nutrient absorption. In agreement with existing literature, evacuated rumen contents represented approximately 4% of the calf's body weight. In conclusion, custom-built devices for infusion, sampling, and vacuum-assisted collection were efficacious when tested in a 62-d-old ruminally cannulated calf fed a diet of 100% texturized starter (18% crude protein, as-fed). Fellow scientists may employ and further modify these techniques to suit their needs when assessing passage kinetics, nutrient digestion, and volatile fatty acid absorption in calves.  相似文献   

Monitoring sickness behavior may improve identification, management, and welfare of sick animals. The objective of this study was to characterize components of sickness behavior in group-housed dairy calves, using an experimental disease challenge model with Mannheimia haemolytica (MH). Holstein bull calves (aged 3–7 weeks; 58.0 ± 12.0 kg of body weight) were group-housed based on age and body weight in sand-bedded pens (6 calves/pen, 6.6 m2/calf) and provided pasteurized waste milk (8 L/d) 2×/d and grain concentrate ad libitum. Within group, calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments: (1) inoculation at the tracheal bifurcation with 3 × 109 cfu of MH suspended in 5 mL of sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) followed by a 120 mL wash PBS (MH; n = 12, 3/pen), or (2) inoculation with 5 mL + 120 mL of sterile PBS only (control; n = 12, 3/pen). Rectal temperature and health scores were collected from d 0 to +6 of the challenge. A range of behaviors, including feeding patterns and social interactions, were recorded from video from d 0 to +2. The challenge model resulted in calves experiencing a mild disease state: rectal temperatures of MH calves were elevated throughout the challenge compared with control calves, peaking at 12 h postinoculation (39.2 vs. 38.9°C; standard error = 0.14). Many behavioral responses were subject to treatment by day effects, with calves generally becoming less active following inoculation with MH and then returning to baseline. Affected behaviors surrounding feeding included milk feeding time, frequency of competitive displacements, and concentrate feeding time. Lying time was similarly subject to treatment by day effects, and MH calves also spent more time lying on their left side compared with their right (604 vs. 471 min/h; standard error = 32), whereas control calves expressed no laterality. Duration of social lying did not differ, but frequency of social lying bouts decreased in MH calves following inoculation (0.44 vs. 0.75 bouts/h; standard error = 0.04). Social grooming was initiated less by MH calves (0.78 vs. 1.96 min/h; standard error = 0.38), but they tended to receive more social grooming for a greater duration of time (1.59 vs. 1.25 min/h; standard error = 0.13). Overall, we found that infected calves exhibited reduced grooming, feeding, and social interactions, suggesting that these behavioral changes may be useful indicators of early stages of respiratory disease.  相似文献   

This paper presents the validation of a software tool called Cow-Gait-Analyzer (University of Bern, Switzerland) to determine gait-cycle variables in lame and non-lame dairy cows using features derived from low-cost, stand-alone 3-dimensional accelerometers (400 Hz). The Cow-Gait-Analyzer automatically extracts the relevant gait events of foot load and toe off, which characterize gait-cycle duration, stance phase, and swing phase during walking. A nonautomatic step is visual inspection of the pedograms. If the software does not automatically choose the right peaks according to pedogram definitions, peaks can be manually chosen. We validated the algorithms by comparing the accelerometer data (pedogram) with the synchronized video data, which we used as a gold standard. We carried out the measurements at the metatarsal level of paired hind limbs during walking. We included 12 non-lame cows and 5 lame cows and expressed overall differences between the Cow-Gait-Analyzer and the gold standard as relative measurement error (RME). We analyzed 34 hind limbs with a mean of 9 gait cycles. The median RME for gait-cycle duration and stance phases were 0 and 1.69%, respectively. The peaks of gait-cycle variables showed RME of 0.67 and 0.24% for foot load and toe off, respectively. The semi-automated Cow-Gait-Analyzer can accurately determine gait-cycle variables in both lame and non-lame cows, and could be used to assess gait patterns in routine clinical and research practice focusing on individual cows.  相似文献   

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