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Methionine, together with Lys, is the most limiting AA for milk production in dairy cows. Besides its crucial role in milk production, Met and its derivate metabolites (e.g., glutathione, taurine, polyamines) are well-known immunonutrients in nonruminants, helping support and boost immune function and activity. In the present study, the effects of Met or choline, as its precursor, were investigated using an ex vivo whole blood challenge. The study involved 33 multiparous Holstein cows (from a larger cohort with a factorial arrangement of treatments) assigned from d ?21 to +30 relative to parturition to a basal control (CON) diet, CON plus rumen-protected Met (MET, Smartamine M, Adisseo NA, Alpharetta, GA) at a rate of 0.08% of dry matter, or CON plus rumen-protected choline (CHOL, ReaShure, Balchem Inc., New Hampton, NY) at 60 g/d. Blood was sampled on d ?15, ?7, 2, 7, and 20 for ex vivo lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge, and on d 1, 4, 14, and 28 relative to parturition for phagocytosis and oxidative burst assays. The MET cows had greater energy-corrected milk production and milk protein content. Overall, IL-6 response to LPS increased around parturition, whereas IL-1β remained constant, casting doubt on the existence of systemic immunosuppression in the peripartal period. Supplementation with MET dampened the postpartal blood response to LPS (lower IL-1β), while improving postpartum neutrophil and monocyte phagocytosis capacity and oxidative burst activity. In contrast, CHOL supplementation increased monocyte phagocytosis capacity. Overall, the data revealed a peripartal immune hyper-response, which appeared to have been mitigated by MET supplementation. Both MET and CHOL effectively improved immune function; however, MET affected the immune and antioxidant status before parturition, which might have been beneficial to prepare the cow to respond to metabolic challenges after parturition. These results provide insights on potential differences in the immunomodulatory action of methionine and choline in dairy cows. As such, the effects observed could have implications for ration formulation and dietary strategies.  相似文献   

Heat stress negatively affects cow performance, compromises immune function, and increases susceptibility to metabolic disorders, particularly during the dry period and as cows transition from gestation to lactation. Metabolic adaptations of the liver are critical for successful transition, yet it is unclear how heat stress affects metabolic pathways within the liver at the proteomic level. The objective of this study was to investigate the liver proteome of postpartum cows that were cooled or heat stressed during the dry period to gain insight into how protein expression is altered by prior heat stress and may contribute to performance and disease outcomes. During the dry period, cows were either housed in shaded barns with fans and water soakers [cooled group (CL); n = 5] or in shaded barns lacking these cooling devices [heat-stressed group (HT); n = 5]. Liver biopsies were collected at 2 d postpartum, and protein content was analyzed by label-free quantitative shotgun proteomics (nanoscale liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry). In the most comprehensive bovine liver proteomics analysis completed to date, we identified 3,270 proteins, 75 of which were differentially expressed between HT and CL cows (fold change ±1.2). The top pathways differing between HT and CL cows were oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial dysfunction, farnesoid X receptor/retinoid X receptor (FXR/RXR) activation, and the methylmalonyl pathway. Cooling cows during the dry period likely improves ATP production, reduces oxidative stress, and prevents excessive accumulation of hepatic triglycerides and cholesterol, which may contribute to greater milk yield and lower susceptibility to transition-related diseases.  相似文献   

An effective immune response relies on efficient activation of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes (PMNL). The PMNL release cellular ATP in response to inflammatory mediators. Although extracellular ATP is rapidly degraded to adenosine, both compounds can readily bind to either the purinergic receptor P1 (adenosine) or P2 (ATP). The P1 and P2 receptors are members of the G-protein-coupled receptor family. The peripartal period is characterized by marked changes in metabolic and inflammatory status that are functionally related with immune responses in the cow. We evaluated the mRNA expression of genes associated with purinergic signaling in PMNL during the peripartal period. Seven multiparous Holstein cows were dried off at d −50 relative to expected parturition and fed a controlled-energy diet (net energy for lactation = 1.24 Mcal/kg of dry matter) for ad libitum intake during the entire dry period. After calving, all cows were fed a common lactation diet (net energy for lactation = 1.65 Mcal/kg of dry matter) until 30 d in milk. Blood PMNL collected at −10, 3, and 21 d in milk were used to study the expression of 22 genes associated with adhesion to endothelium, chemoattractant binding at the plasma membrane, and purinergic signaling. Other blood samples around calving were used to analyze concentrations of insulin, metabolites, and whole-blood phagocytosis. The expression of purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 2 (P2RY2) increased on d 3 and then decreased on d 21. This response suggested that ATP could play a role in the amplification of chemotactic signals. In contrast, the expression of genes encoding cell adhesion [selectin L (SELL) and selectin P ligand (SELPLG)], chemoattractant receptors [complement component 5a receptor 1 (C5AR1), IL-8 receptor α (CXCR1), IL-8 receptor β (CXCR2), and platelet-activating factor receptor (PTAFR)], and adenosine receptors [adenosine A1 receptor (ADORA1) and adenosine A3 receptor (ADORA3)] decreased between −10 and 3 d. The decrease coincided with a marked increase in blood nonesterified fatty acids and hydroxybutyrate concentrations, and a decrease in glucose and insulin concentrations. The increase in metabolites also was associated with greater expression of leukotriene B4 receptor (LTB4R) on d 3 and 21 compared with d −10, which is involved in inflammatory prostaglandin synthesis. Most chemoattractant receptors increased by 21 d, but cell adhesion genes and blood leukocyte phagocytosis was lower. The expression of adenosine A2a receptor (ADORA2A), which is associated with immunosuppression of PMNL and that of adenosine uptake channels [solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 1 (SLC29A1) and member 2 (SLC29A2)] and the nucleotidase adenosine deaminase (ADA) was greater at 3 and 21 d compared with −10 d. The reduction in key immune responses, such as cell adhesion and chemotaxis, by bovine PMNL could partly be a function of changes in mRNA expression of genes associated with purinergic signaling.  相似文献   

Methionine (Met) is one of the 2 most limiting amino acids for milk production in dairy cow diets. The accepted “ideal” ratio of lysine (Lys) to Met (L:M) when formulating diets is 3:1. However, blood from cows fed corn silage-based diets without supplemental rumen-protected Met averages approximately 3.6:1 L:M. Recent in vivo research on cattle immunonutrition has revealed that the immune system could benefit from greater Met supply. To study more closely the effects of different L:M ratios, blood polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) were isolated from 5 Holstein cows in mid-lactation (238 ± 20 d postpartum, 33.8 ± 3.8 kg of milk/d; mean ± SD). The PMN were incubated at 3 different levels of L:M (3.6:1, 2.9:1, or 2.4:1) and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at either 0 or 50 μg/mL for 2 h at 37°C. Target genes were associated with cytokines, pathogen recognition, nuclear receptors, killing mechanisms, and Met and glutathione metabolism. Data were subjected to ANOVA using PROC MIXED in SAS, with L:M, LPS, and their interaction as fixed effects. Stimulation with LPS upregulated genes related to cytokines (IL1B, TNF, IL10 and IL6) and nuclear receptors, including nuclear factor kappa B (NFKB1) and glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1), and downregulated the mRNA abundance of chemokine receptor 1 (CXCR1), lysozyme (LYZ) and glutathione reductase (GSR). A linear decrease was observed in the mRNA abundance of TNF when L:M was decreased. A similar response was observed for interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 (IRAK1) and NFKB1 abundance in cells stimulated with LPS (linear effect). A linear increase of LYZ mRNA expression as L:M decreased was detected in unstimulated cells. Furthermore, a decrease in L:M led to a linear decrease of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) mRNA abundance in cells challenged with LPS. Overall, LPS challenge triggered the activation of isolated PMN from mid-lactation cows. However, data suggest the use of a shorter incubation time to capture the peak response and not the resolution of the inflammatory response as in the present study. Our results indicate a possible involvement of Met in modulating PMN inflammatory and oxidative stress status and in helping the resolution of inflammation after initial stimulation.  相似文献   

Choline is important for assembly of very low density lipoproteins to export triglyceride from liver; however, studies to assess the effect of rumen-protected choline (RPC) supplementation on blood lipid metabolites in periparturient dairy cows have not been conducted. Thirty-two multiparous Holstein and 10 multiparous Jersey cows were randomly assigned to control or RPC treatments. A close-up diet was fed from approximately 3 wk before parturition through parturition, followed by a lactation diet from parturition through 49 d postpartum. For RPC, diets were top-dressed once daily with 60 g of a RPC product (25% choline as choline chloride) from 21 d before expected parturition through 21 d postpartum. Treatment did not affect dry matter intake either prepartum (12.0 vs. 12.1 kg/d for RPC and control, respectively) or during the first 3 wk postpartum (14.8 vs. 15.7 kg/d, respectively). Daily yields of 3.5% fat-corrected milk (39.4 vs. 37.4 kg/d), fat (1.46 vs. 1.38 kg/d), and protein (1.09 vs. 1.05 kg/d) did not differ statistically by treatment (RPC vs. control, respectively). Jersey cows in the control group had lower concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate in plasma during d 1 to 10 postpartum than did other breed and treatment combinations. Cows fed RPC tended to have greater serum triglycerides prepartum (17.0 vs. 14.7 mg/dL) and lower plasma phospholipid at parturition (65.2 vs. 78.1 mg/dL) than control cows. Treatment did not affect cholesterol and phospholipid at other time points, but concentrations followed patterns of dry matter intake pre- and postpartum. Cows were in moderate body condition score (mean = 3.3) at the start of the study and did not lose excessive condition by 3 wk postpartum (mean body condition score loss = 0.5); therefore, cows might not have been at great risk for hepatic lipid accumulation. Additionally, calculated Met balance was negative postpartum; supplemental RPC might not have spared enough Met to produce a physiological benefit. More research is needed to determine how choline affects prevention or alleviation of fatty liver syndrome and to confirm potential differences between Holstein and Jersey cows.  相似文献   

The periparturient period is the most critical period during the lactation cycle of dairy cows and is characterized by increased oxidative stress status. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of supplementing rumen-protected methionine on nuclear factor erythroid 2-like 2 (NFE2L2, formerly NRF2) protein and target gene expression in the mammary gland during the early postpartal period. Multiparous Holstein cows were used in a block design experiment with 30 cows per treatment. Treatments consisting of a basal control diet (control) or the basal diet plus rumen-protected methionine (methionine) were fed from d ?28 to 60 relative to parturition. Mammary tissue biopsies were harvested on d 21 postpartum from 5 cows per treatment. Compared with control, methionine increased dry matter intake, milk yield, and milk protein content. Among plasma parameters measured, methionine led to greater methionine and lower reactive oxygen metabolites. Compared with control, methionine supply resulted in greater mRNA abundance of the NFE2L2 target genes glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC), glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit (GCLM), glutathione reductase (GSR), glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1), malic enzyme 1 (ME1), ferrochelatase (FECH), ferritin heavy chain 1 (FTH1), and NAD(P) H quinone dehydrogenase 1 (NQO1) in the mammary tissue. In addition, methionine upregulated the mRNA abundance of NFE2L2, NFKB1, MAPK14 and downregulated KEAP1. The ratio of phosphorylated NFE2L2 to total NFE2L2 protein, and total heme oxygenase 1 (HMOX1) protein were markedly greater in response to methionine supply. In contrast, total protein abundance of Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1), which sequesters NFE2L2 in the cytosol and reduces its activity, was lower with methionine. Besides the consistent positive effect of methionine supply on systemic inflammation and oxidative stress status, the present data indicate a positive effect also on antioxidant mechanisms within the mammary gland, which are regulated, at least in part, via phosphorylation of NFE2L2 and its target genes. The exact mechanisms for these responses merit further study.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(7):4559-4579
Feeding supplemental choline and Met during the periparturient period can have positive effects on cow performance; however, the mechanisms by which these nutrients affect performance and metabolism are unclear. The objective of this experiment was to determine if providing rumen-protected choline, rumen-protected Met, or both during the periparturient period modifies the choline metabolitic profile of plasma and milk, plasma AA, and hepatic mRNA expression of genes associated with choline, Met, and lipid metabolism. Cows (25 primiparous, 29 multiparous) were blocked by expected calving date and parity and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: control (no rumen-protected choline or rumen-protected Met); CHO (13 g/d choline ion); MET (9 g/d DL-methionine prepartum; 13.5 g/d DL-methionine, postpartum); or CHO + MET. Treatments were applied daily as a top dress from ∼21 d prepartum through 35 d in milk (DIM). On the day of treatment enrollment (d −19 ± 2 relative to calving), blood samples were collected for covariate measurements. At 7 and 14 DIM, samples of blood and milk were collected for analysis of choline metabolites, including 16 species of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and 4 species of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). Blood was also analyzed for AA concentrations. Liver samples collected from multiparous cows on the day of treatment enrollment and at 7 DIM were used for gene expression analysis. There was no consistent effect of CHO or MET on milk or plasma free choline, betaine, sphingomyelin, or glycerophosphocholine. However, CHO increased milk secretion of total LPC irrespective of MET for multiparous cows and in absence of MET for primiparous cows. Furthermore, CHO increased or tended to increase milk secretion of LPC 16:0, LPC 18:1, and LPC 18:0 for primi- and multiparous cows, although the response varied with MET supplementation. Feeding CHO also increased plasma concentrations of LPC 16:0 and LPC 18:1 in absence of MET for multiparous cows. Although milk secretion of total PC was unaffected, CHO and MET increased secretion of 6 and 5 individual PC species for multiparous cows, respectively. Plasma concentrations of total PC and individual PC species were unaffected by CHO or MET for multiparous cows, but MET reduced total PC and 11 PC species during wk 2 postpartum for primiparous cows. Feeding MET consistently increased plasma Met concentrations for both primi- and multiparous cows. Additionally, MET decreased plasma serine concentrations during wk 2 postpartum and increased plasma phenylalanine in absence of CHO for multiparous cows. In absence of MET, CHO tended to increase hepatic mRNA levels of betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase and phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1 choline, α, but tended to decrease expression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase 2 and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α irrespective of MET. Although shifts in the milk and plasma PC profile were subtle and inconsistent between primi- and multiparous cows, gene expression results suggest that supplemental choline plays a probable role in promoting the cytidine diphosphate-choline and betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase pathways. However, interactive effects suggest that this response depends on Met availability, which may explain the inconsistent results observed among studies when supplemental choline is fed.  相似文献   

We investigated how prepartal body condition score (BCS) alters key hepatic enzymes associated with 1-carbon, carnitine, and glutathione metabolism and the related biomarkers in liver tissue and plasma of periparturient dairy cows. Twenty-six multiparous Holstein dairy cows were retrospectively selected according to BCS at 4 wk prepartum and divided into high (HighBCS, BCS ≥ 3.50) and normal (NormBCS, BCS ≤ 3.25) BCS groups (n = 13 each). Blood plasma samples were obtained at ?30, ?10, 7, 15, and 30 d relative to calving. Liver tissue biopsies were performed at ?15, 7, and 30 d relative to calving, and samples were used to assess protein abundance via Western blot assay. Cows in the HighBCS group lost ~1 unit of BCS between ?4 and 4 wk around calving, while NormBCS cows lost ~0.5 unit in the same period. Prepartal dry matter intake (DMI, kg/d) did not differ between groups. Compared with NormBCS cows, HighBCS cows had higher postpartal DMI and milk yield (+5.34 kg/d). In addition, greater overall plasma concentrations of fatty acids and activity of the neutrophil-enriched enzyme myeloperoxidase were observed in HighBCS compared with NormBCS cows. Despite similar reactive oxygen metabolite concentrations in both groups at 30 d, HighBCS cows had lower overall concentrations of β-carotene and tocopherol, explaining the lower (BCS × Time) antioxidant capacity (ferric reducing ability of plasma). The HighBCS cows also had greater liver malondialdehyde concentrations and superoxide dismutase activity at 30 d. Overall, compared with NormBCS cows, HighBCS cows had lower hepatic protein abundance of the 1-carbon metabolism enzymes cystathionine-β-synthase, betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase, and methionine adenosyltransferase 1 A (MAT1A), as well as the glutathione metabolism-related enzymes glutathione S-transferase α 4 and glutathione peroxidase 3 (GPX3). A lower protein abundance of glutathione S-transferase mu 1 (GSTM1) at ?15 and 7 d was also observed. Regardless of BCS, cows had increased abundance of GSTM1 and GPX3 between ?15 and 7 d around calving. A marked decrease of gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase 1 from ?10 to 7 d in HighBCS compared with NormBCS cows suggested a decrease in de novo carnitine synthesis that was partly explained by the lower abundance of MAT1A. Overall, data suggest biologic links between BCS before calving, milk yield, immune response, and hepatic reactions encompassing 1-carbon metabolism, carnitine, and antioxidant synthesis.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(9):5988-6004
Peripartum rumen-protected choline (RPC) supplementation is beneficial for cow health and production, yet the optimal dose is unknown. In vivo and in vitro supplementation of choline modulates hepatic lipid, glucose, and methyl donor metabolism. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of increasing the dose of prepartum RPC supplementation on milk production and blood biomarkers. Pregnant multiparous Holstein cows (n = 116) were randomly assigned to one of 4 prepartum choline treatments that were fed from −21 d relative to calving (DRTC) until calving. From calving until +21 DRTC, cows were fed diets targeting 0 g/d choline ion (control, CTL) or the recommended dose (15 g/d choline ion; RD) of the same RPC product that they were fed prepartum. The resulting treatments targeted: (1) 0 g/d pre- and postpartum [0.0 ± 0.000 choline ion, percent of dry matter (%DM); CTL]; (2) 15 g/d pre- and postpartum of choline ion from an established product (prepartum: 0.10 ± 0.004 choline ion, %DM; postpartum: 0.05 ± 0.004 choline ion, %DM; ReaShure, Balchem Corp.; RPC1RD▸RD); (3) 15 g/d pre- and postpartum of choline ion from a concentrated RPC prototype (prepartum: 0.09 ± 0.004 choline ion, %DM; postpartum: 0.05 ± 0.003 choline ion, %DM; RPC2, Balchem Corp.; RPC2RD▸RD); or (4) 22 g/d prepartum and 15 g/d postpartum from RPC2 [prepartum: 0.13 ± 0.005 choline ion, %DM; postpartum: 0.05 ± 0.003 choline ion, %DM; high prepartum dose (HD), RPC2HD▸RD]. Treatments were mixed into a total mixed ration, and cows had ad libitum access via a roughage intake control system (Hokofarm Group). From calving to +21 DRTC, all cows were fed a common base diet and treatments were mixed into the total mixed ration (supplementation period, SP). Thereafter, all cows were fed a common diet (0 g/d choline ion) until +100 DRTC (postsupplementation period, postSP). Milk yield was recorded daily and composition analyzed weekly. Blood samples were obtained via tail vessel upon enrollment, approximately every other day from −7 to +21 DRTC, and at +56 and +100 DRTC. Feeding any RPC treatment reduced prepartum dry matter intake compared with CTL. During the SP, no evidence for a treatment effect on energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield was found, but during the postSP, RPC1RD▸RD and RPC2RD▸RD treatments tended to increase ECM, protein, and fat yields. During the postSP, the RPC1RD▸RD and RPC2RD▸RD treatments tended to increase, and RPC2HD▸RD increased, the de novo proportion of total milk fatty acids. During the early lactation SP, RPC2HD▸RD tended to increase plasma fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations, and RPC1RD▸RD and RPC2RD▸RD reduced blood urea nitrogen concentrations compared with CTL. The RPC2HD▸RD treatment reduced early lactation serum lipopolysaccharide binding protein compared with CTL. Overall, peripartum RPC supplementation at the recommended dose tended to increase ECM yield postSP, but no evidence was seen of an additional benefit on milk production with an increased prepartum dose of choline ion. The effects of RPC on metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers support the potential for RPC supplementation to affect transition cow metabolism and health and may support the production gains observed.  相似文献   

The liver functionality index (LFI) represents an assessment of transition cow metabolic health by measuring changes in biomarkers associated with liver plasma protein synthesis (albumin), lipoprotein synthesis (cholesterol), and heme catabolism (bilirubin). The present analysis was conducted to determine the role of peripartal rumen-protected Met or choline (CHOL) supplementation on LFI groupings, and to assess relationships with performance, inflammation, oxidative stress status, and plasma AA profiles. A cohort of 40 multiparous Holstein cows that were part of a randomized complete block design with 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of Met (Smartamine M, Adisseo NA, Alpharetta, GA) and CHOL (ReaShure, Balchem Inc., New Hampton, NY) level (with or without) were used. From ?21 d to calving, cows received the same close-up diet and were assigned randomly to each treatment. From calving to 30 d, cows were on the same postpartal diet and continued to receive the same treatments until 30 d. Addition of Met was adjusted daily at 0.08% dry matter of diet and CHOL was fed at 60 g/cow per day. Liver (?10, 7, 20, and 30 d) and blood (?10, 4, 8, 20, and 30 d) samples were harvested for biomarker analyses. Cows were ranked retrospectively and assigned to low (LLFI, LFI <0) and high (HLFI, LFI >0) LFI groups regardless of Met or CHOL supplementation. Compared with cows in LLFI, close-up and lactation DMI, milk yield, milk fat yield, and milk protein yield were greater in HLFI cows. As expected, cows in LLFI had lower plasma cholesterol and albumin but greater bilirubin concentrations around parturition. Plasma haptoglobin concentration was also lower in HLFI cows, but plasma paraoxonase and hepatic total and reduced hepatic glutathione concentrations were greater. Although higher concentrations of His, Met, and Trp, as well as a tendency for greater Ile, were observed in HLFI cows, overall essential AA concentrations did not differ with LFI status. In contrast, overall concentrations of nonessential AA were greater in HLFI cows due to greater circulating concentrations of Ala, Asn, Gln, Pro, and Ser. Similarly, overall concentrations of total AA and total sulfur-containing compounds were greater in cows with HLFI. Feeding Met compared with CHOL led to a tendency for more cows classified as HLFI. Overall, results support the broader application of the LFI in the management of transition cows. In that context, the fact that precalving concentrations of compounds such as reduced glutathione, total sulfur-containing compounds, Met, Tau, and homocysteine differed between HLFI and LLFI independent of Met or CHOL feeding also underscores their potential for monitoring cows that might be at a greater risk of developing health problems after calving. Further studies on the applicability of these biomarkers to monitor transition success appears warranted.  相似文献   

The aim of this in vivo study was to examine the effect of intramammarily administered endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) on the expression of L-selectin (CD62L) and the beta2-integrin subunits CD11b and CD18 on circulating bovine PMN. Six early lactating cows were infused with Escherichia coli LPS. The adhesion molecules under study were stained at the cell surface and analyzed flow cytometrically. In addition, some of the clinical parameters associated with adhesion molecule mobilization such as fever, blood cortisol levels, somatic cell count (SCC), and total and differential blood leukocyte count were measured. In analogy with observations during clinical coliform mastitis, a progressive decrease of CD62L expression levels was observed early after LPS infusion, concomitantly with a continuous rise of CD11b and CD18 density. However, no correlation was found between the kinetics of CD11b and CD18 density. The initial changes in adhesion molecule expression paralleled the decrease in blood PMN numbers, together with the increase in rectal temperature, cortisol levels, SCC, and number of circulating immature PMN. In conclusion, intramammarily administered LPS seems to play an important role in modulating adhesion receptor expression on circulating bovine PMN. Interestingly, in contrast to coliform mastitis, the net CD18 variation is not principally influenced by CD11b upregulation during endotoxin administration. The knowledge of adhesion molecule kinetics in relation to the different parameters evaluated in the present study contributes to an improved understanding of the inflammatory reaction.  相似文献   

Enhanced postruminal supply of Met during the periparturient period increases dry matter intake and milk yield. In nonruminants, adipose tissue is responsive to AA supply, and can use AA as fuels or for protein synthesis regulated in part via insulin and mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling. Whether enhancing supply of Met has an effect on insulin and mTOR pathways in adipose tissue in peripartal cows is unknown. Multiparous Holstein cows were assigned from ?28 to 60 d relative to parturition to a basal diet (control; 1.47 Mcal/kg of dry matter and 15.3% crude protein prepartum; 1.67 Mcal/kg and 17.7% crude protein postpartum) or the control plus ethyl-cellulose rumen-protected Met (RPM). The RPM was fed individually at a rate of 0.09% of dry matter intake prepartum and 0.10% postpartum. Subcutaneous adipose tissue harvested at ?10, 10, and 30 d relative to parturition (days in milk) was used for quantitative PCR and Western blotting. A glucose tolerance test was performed at ?12 and 12 d in milk to evaluate insulin sensitivity. Area under the curve for glucose in the pre- and postpartum tended to be smaller in cows fed Met. Enhanced Met supply led to greater overall mRNA abundance of Gln (SLC38A1), Glu (SLC1A1), l-type AA (Met, Leu, Val, Phe; SLC3A2), small zwitterionic α-AA (SLC36A1), and neutral AA (SLC1A5) transporters. Abundance of AKT1, RPS6KB1, and EIF4EBP1 was also upregulated in response to Met. A diet × day interaction was observed for protein abundance of insulin receptor due to Met cows having lower values at 30 d postpartum compared with controls. The diet × day interaction was significant for hormone-sensitive lipase due to Met cows having greater abundance at 10 d postpartum compared with controls. Enhanced Met supply upregulated protein abundance of insulin-responsive proteins phosphorylated (p)-AKT, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, and fatty acid synthase. Overall abundance of solute carrier family 2 member 4 tended to be greater in cows fed Met. A diet × day interaction was observed for mTOR protein abundance due to greater values for RPM cows at 30 d postpartum compared with controls. Enhanced RPM supply upregulated overall protein abundance of solute carrier family 1 member 3, p-mTOR, and ribosomal protein S6. Overall, data indicate that mTOR and insulin signaling pathways in adipose tissue adapt to the change in physiologic state during the periparturient period. Further studies should be done to clarify whether the activation of p-AKT or increased availability of AA leads to the activation of mTOR.  相似文献   

Impaired function of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte (PMNL) during the peripartal period is a major reason for increased susceptibility of dairy cows to infections in this critical interval. Factors dysregulating PMNL function are widely unknown. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) enhanced PMNL functions in vitro. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of IGF-I and, additionally, β-hydroxybutyrate and nonesterified fatty acid concentrations on phagocytic activity (PA, percentage of viable PMNL) and phagocytic capacity (PC, mean fluorescence intensity of phagocytic PMNL) assessed by flow cytometry. Antepartum (i.e., wk −3, −2, −1; before calving), plasma concentrations of IGF-I were high (80-110 ng/mL) without significant differences between primiparous and pluriparous cows (n = 18 and n = 41, respectively). Concentrations of IGF-I declined toward the week of calving (wk 1). Postpartum (i.e., wk 2, 3, and 4; after calving), IGF-I remained lower than before parturition, with concentrations higher in primiparous compared with those of pluriparous cows. The PA was constant in primiparous cows throughout the study period. Conversely, PMNL of pluriparous cows had a significantly increased and higher PA in wk 2 and 3 postpartum compared with that of primiparous cows. The PC decreased significantly only in primiparous cows the week of calving, whereas the number of PMNL in primiparous cows exceeded that of pluriparous cows significantly. The phagocytic power (PP, a product of PA by PC), but not the phagocytic overall performance (POP, a product of PA, PC, and PMNL number), differed between primiparous and pluriparous cows in wk 3 postpartum. No significant differences in POP were found, except in wk 4 after calving between the primi- and pluriparous cows. In both groups, POP increased in the week of calving (wk 1). In contrast to β-hydroxybutyrate, which was weakly positive correlated with PA and PP in pluriparous cows in the transition period (wk −3 antepartum to wk 4 postpartum), pluriparous animals had weak negative correlations of PMNL number, PA, PP, POP, and IGF-I concentration in this period. In primiparous animals, only PP and PC were weakly negatively correlated with IGF-I in the transition period. Increased plasma IGF-I concentrations were not associated with enhanced phagocytosis function of bovine blood PMNL ex vivo and, thus, can not be regarded as a suitable predictor for this function.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine the effect of providing additional prepartum concentrate on the occurrence and severity of ruminal acidosis (RA) and lactational performance during the periparturient period in primiparous cows; and 2) to characterize the occurrence and severity of RA during the periparturient period. We hypothesized that providing additional concentrate prepartum would reduce postpartum RA. Fourteen ruminally cannulated Holstein heifers were paired by expected calving date and body condition score. The heifers were assigned to 1 of 2 prepartum feeding regimens: 1) a control treatment consisting of a far-off diet (forage:concentrate, F:C = 80:20) fed from d −60 to d −25 and a close-up diet (F:C = 54:46) fed from d −24 until parturition; or 2) a high-concentrate (HC) feeding program consisting of 4 prepartum diets, HC-1 (F:C = 68:32) fed from d −60 to d −43, HC-2 (F:C = 60:40) fed from d −42 to d −25, HC-3 (F:C = 52:48) fed from d −24 to d −13, and HC-4 (F:C = 46:54) fed from d −12 until parturition. All cows received the same lactation diet postpartum. Ruminal pH was measured continuously from d −5 to d +5, and for 3 consecutive days starting on d +17 ± 1.2, d +37 ± 1.4, and d +58 ± 1.5 relative to parturition using an indwelling ruminal pH system. Ruminal acidosis was considered to occur when ruminal pH was <5.8 (total RA). Ruminal acidosis was further partitioned into: 1) mild RA (5.8 > ruminal pH > 5.5), 2) moderate RA (5.5 > ruminal pH > 5.2), and 3) acute RA (ruminal pH < 5.2). Feeding additional concentrate prepartum did not reduce postpartum RA. In fact, cows fed the HC treatment had more daily episodes of acute RA than cows fed the control treatment. Day relative to parturition affected the occurrence and severity of RA; RA increased following parturition and was sustained thereafter. The DM intake during the last 5 d of gestation was lower for cows fed the HC treatment compared with cows fed the control treatment, but lactational performance was not affected. We conclude that, under the conditions imposed, feeding additional concentrate prepartum does not reduce postpartum RA. Furthermore, the incidence and severity of RA increases immediately postpartum, emphasizing the need to develop and implement feeding strategies that reduce this risk.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to identify relationships between endometritis and metabolic state during the calving transition and early lactation periods. A subset of mixed age and breed dairy cows (n = 78) from a seasonal, pasture-grazed herd of 389 cows was examined. The selected cows were grouped as having endometritis at d 42 postpartum or being unaffected by endometritis. Endometritis was defined as >6% (upper quartile) of uterine nucleated cells being polymorphonuclear cells (H-PMN; n = 38); unaffected by endometritis was defined as ≤1% of nucleated cells being polymorphonuclear (L-PMN; n = 40). Milk yield was determined at each milking, and milk composition (fat and protein) was determined at 2-wk intervals. Blood samples collected on d −14, 0 (d of calving), 4, 7, 14, 28, and 42 were analyzed for indicators of energy status (nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, and urea), liver function (albumin, globulin, glutamate dehydrogenase, and aspartate aminotransferase), inflammation (haptoglobin), and mineral status (Ca and Mg). Samples collected weekly from d 21 to 63 or 70 were analyzed for progesterone content. The postpartum anovulatory interval was defined to end on the first day postpartum that plasma progesterone concentration was ≥1 ng/mL. A greater percentage of H-PMN cows failed to ovulate before d 63 or 70 (34%) compared with L-PMN cows (10%), although the proportions of cows ovulating within either polymorphonuclear group was similar through d 56 postpartum. Plasma concentrations of albumin and the albumin:globulin ratio were consistently lower in H-PMN cows. Plasma Mg was lower, whereas glutamate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase were higher, in H-PMN cows during early lactation compared with L-PMN cows. Circulating metabolites indicative of energy status (nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, and urea) were not different between polymorphonuclear groups. Among 3- to 5-yr-old cows, daily milk yield for the first 42 d after calving was lower for H-PMN cows than for L-PMN cows. Among cows >5 yr old, protein percentage was lower in H-PMN cows compared with L-PMN cows. In summary, endometritis at 42 d postpartum in the herd studied was associated with an increased likelihood of remaining anovulatory. These cows had lower albumin concentrations throughout the calving transition period, perhaps indicating impaired liver function, with lower plasma Mg and evidence of hepatocellular damage in early lactation. Similar profiles of nonesterified fatty acids and glucose indicated that energy status was not a risk factor for endometritis.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11718-11729
Adipose tissue response to endocrine stimuli, such as insulin, is crucial for metabolic adaptation at the onset of lactation in dairy cows. However, the exact molecular mechanisms behind this response are not well understood. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the dynamics in protein expression and phosphorylation of key components in insulin signaling in subcutaneous (SCAT) and retroperitoneal (RPAT) adipose tissues of Holstein dairy cows. Furthermore, by ex vivo examinations, response to insulin was assessed in SCAT and RPAT at different time points during the periparturient period. Biopsy samples were taken 42 d prepartum, and 1, 21, and 100 d postpartum. Insulin and glucose concentrations were measured in blood serum in consecutive serum samples from d −42 until d +100. After parturition, the majority of the key components were downregulated in both adipose tissues but recovered by d +100. The extent of hormone-sensitive lipase phosphorylation increased postpartum and remained high throughout the experimental period. Strong differences in molecular response were observed between the 2 depots. The RPAT expressed a remarkably greater extent of AMP-activated kinase phosphorylation compared with SCAT, indicating that AMP-activated kinase as an energy sensor is highly active particularly in RPAT in times of energy scarcity. Consequently, this depot expressed a greater extent of hormone-sensitive lipase phosphorylation over the whole experimental period. Insulin response after parturition appeared to be greater in RPAT too, due to the significantly greater expression of the insulin receptor at d +21 and +100. Although insulin concentrations in plasma were low postpartum, the depot-specific changes in molecular modulation of insulin signaling and insulin response suggested that both adipose tissue depots studied were contributing to the periparturient homeorhetic adaptation, although most likely to a different extent.  相似文献   

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