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Neurons selective for binocular disparity are found in a number of visual cortical areas in primates, but there is little evidence that any of these areas are specialized for disparity processing. We have examined the organization of disparity-selective neurons in the middle temporal visual area (MT), an area shown previously to contain an abundance of disparity-sensitive neurons. We recorded extracellularly from MT neurons at regularly spaced intervals along electrode penetrations that passed through MT either normal to the cortical surface or at a shallow oblique angle. Comparison of multiunit and single-unit recordings shows that neurons are clustered in MT according to their disparity selectivity. Across the surface of MT, disparity-selective neurons are found in discrete patches that are separated by regions of MT that exhibit poor disparity tuning. Within disparity-selective patches of MT, we typically observe a smooth progression of preferred disparities (e.g. , near to far) as our electrode travels parallel to the cortical surface. In electrode penetrations normal to the cortical surface, on the other hand, MT neurons generally have similar disparity tuning, with little variation from one recording site to the next. Thus disparity-tuned neurons are organized into cortical columns by preferred disparity, and preferred disparity is mapped systematically within larger, disparity-tuned patches of MT. Combined with other recent findings, the data suggest that MT plays an important role in stereoscopic depth perception in addition to its well known role in motion perception.  相似文献   

We see the world as three-dimensional, but because the retinal image is flat, we must derive the third dimension, depth, from two-dimensional cues. Image movement provides one of the most potent cues for depth. For example, the shadow of a contorted wire appears flat when the wire is stationary, but rotating the wire causes motion in the shadow, which suddenly appears three-dimensional. The neural mechanism of this effect, known as 'structure-from-motion', has not been discovered. Here we study cortical area MT, a primate region that is involved in visual motion perception. Two rhesus monkeys were trained to fixate their gaze while viewing two-dimensional projections of transparent, revolving cylinders. These stimuli appear to be three-dimensional, but the surface order perceived (front as opposed to back) tends to reverse spontaneously. These reversals occur because the stimulus does not specify which surface is in front or at the back. Monkeys reported which surface order they perceived after viewing the stimulus. In many of the neurons tested, there was a reproducible change in activity that coincided with reversals of the perceived surface order, even though the stimulus remained identical. This suggests that area MT has a basic role in structure-from-motion perception.  相似文献   

2 studies were conducted bearing on the hypothesis that frightened boys attribute malice to male adults but attribute fear to other boys. In the 1st experiment, a Halloween setting was used to elicit fear. The experimental group, in comparison to a matched control group, manifested a reliable increment in attribution of maliciousness to pictures of men and boys but no significant change in attribution of fear. Because of possible complications due to hostility arousal, a 2nd experiment was carried out in which judgments were elicited from boys who thought they were going to participate in a study involving frightening equipment. Under these conditions, the experimental Ss attributed reliably more maliciousness to men and reliably more fear to boys. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

After milk ejection, piglets spend several minutes massaging their own teats on the sow. We examined whether this behaviour could be a mammalian counterpart to begging in young birds, and hence be explained by theories of honest begging. In one experiment, the behaviour of piglets was examined in relation to their previous milk intake. In each of 16 litters, one focal piglet was exposed to three treatments for three consecutive sucklings: 'no milk', where the piglet was withheld from the teat during milk ejection; 'extra milk', where it was fed 10 ml of extra milk directly after milk ejection; and 'control', when it received its normal intake. Average massage duration in the next three sucklings was significantly longer in the 'no milk' than in the control piglets. 'No milk' pigs massaged more intensely (number of massage movements/min), were more persistent in attempting to maintain udder contact and spent less time away from the udder. However, there were no significant differences between 'control' and 'extra milk' treatments. In a second experiment, in which we manually massaged teats for 0, 3 or 10 min, we found no significant effect of massage duration on milk output (measured by weighing piglets before and after milk ejection), although massage tended to increase output. We conclude that post-sucking massage in piglets has a number of aspects similar to honest begging in birds. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Extrastriate cortical area MT is thought to process behaviorally important visual motion signals. Psychophysical studies suggest that visual motion signals may be analyzed by multiple mechanisms, a "first-order" one based on luminance, and a "second-order" one based upon higher level cues (e.g. contrast, flicker). Second-order motion is visible to human observers, but should be invisible to first-order motion sensors. To learn if area MT is involved in the analysis of second-order motion, we measured responses to first- and second-order gratings of single neurons in area MT (and in one experiment, in area V1) in anesthetized, paralyzed macaque monkeys. For each neuron, we measured directional and spatio-temporal tuning with conventional first-order gratings and with second-order gratings created by spatial modulation of the flicker rate of a random texture. A minority of MT and V1 neurons exhibited significant selectivity for direction or orientation of second-order gratings. In nearly all cells, response to second-order motion was weaker than response to first-order motion. MT cells with significant selectivity for second-order motion tended to be more responsive and more sensitive to luminance contrast, but were in other respects similar to the remaining MT neurons; they did not appear to represent a distinct subpopulation. For those cells selective for second-order motion, we found a correlation between the preferred directions of first- and second-order motion, and weak correlations in preferred spatial frequency. These cells preferred lower temporal frequencies for second-order motion than for first-order motion. A small proportion of MT cells seemed to remain selective and responsive for second-order motion. None of our small sample of V1 cells did. Cells in this small population, but not others, may perform "form-cue invariant" motion processing (Albright, 1992).  相似文献   

We have previously shown that some neurons in extrastriate area MT are capable of signaling the global motion of complex patterns; neurons randomly sampled from V1, on the other hand, respond only to the motion of individual oriented components. Because only a small fraction of V1 neurons projects to MT, we wished to establish the processing hierarchy more precisely by studying the properties of those neurons projecting to MT, identified by antidromic responses to electrical stimulation of MT. The neurons that project from V1 to MT were directionally selective and, like other V1 neurons, responded only to the motion of the components of complex patterns. The projection neurons were predominantly "special complex," responsive to a broad range of spatial and temporal frequencies, and sensitive to very low stimulus contrasts. The projection neurons thus comprise a homogeneous and highly specialized subset of V1 neurons, consistent with the notion that V1 acts as clearing house of basic visual measurements, distributing information appropriately to higher cortical areas for specialized analysis.  相似文献   

We have used optical imaging based on intrinsic signals to explore the functional architecture of owl monkey area MT, a cortical region thought to be involved primarily in visual motion processing. As predicted by previous single-unit reports, we found cortical maps specific for the direction of moving visual stimuli. However, these direction maps were not distributed uniformly across all of area MT. Within the direction-specific regions, the activation produced by stimuli moving in opposite directions overlapped significantly. We also found that stimuli of differing shapes, moving in the same direction, activated different cortical regions within area MT, indicating that direction of motion is not the only parameter according to which area MT of owl monkey is organized. Indeed, we found clear evidence for a robust organization for orientation in area MT. Across all of MT, orientation preference changes smoothly, except at isolated line- or point-shaped discontinuities. Generally, paired regions of opposing direction preference were encompassed within a single orientation domain. The degree of segregation in the orientation maps was 3-5 times that found in direction maps. These results suggest that area MT, like V1 and V2, has a rich and multidimensional functional organization, and that orientation, a shape variable, is one of these dimensions.  相似文献   

The human homologue of area V5A of rotation-selective cells in the monkey medial superior temporal area (MST) was identified using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). It was located within the border region of occipito-temporo-parietal cortex, in four of 10 subjects on both sides, and on the right or left side in three subjects each. The stimulus was a black-and-white sine-modulated windmill presented either stationary or in rotation phases of 1 s duration. Areas V1-V3 did not show up with this paradigm. Focusing attention by mentally counting the number of rotation phases ensured high signal intensity in V5A, whereas moving attention away by counting electric stimuli to the wrist diminished it despite persistent fixation of gaze to the centre of the windmill.  相似文献   

Stereopsis is the perception of depth based on small positional differences between images formed on the two retinae (known as binocular disparity). Neurons that respond selectively to binocular disparity were first described three decades ago, and have since been observed in many visual areas of the primate brain, including V1, V2, V3, MT and MST. Although disparity-selective neurons are thought to form the neural substrate for stereopsis, the mere existence of disparity-selective neurons does not guarantee that they contribute to stereoscopic depth perception. Some disparity-selective neurons may play other roles, such as guiding vergence eye movements. Thus, the roles of different visual areas in stereopsis remain poorly defined. Here we show that visual area MT is important in stereoscopic vision: electrical stimulation of clusters of disparity-selective MT neurons can bias perceptual judgements of depth, and the bias is predictable from the disparity preference of neurons at the stimulation site. These results show that behaviourally relevant signals concerning stereoscopic depth are present in MT.  相似文献   

The effects of V4, MT, and combined V4 + MT lesions were assessed on a broad range of visual capacities that included measures of contrast sensitivity, wavelength and brightness discrimination, form vision, pattern vision, motion and flicker perception, stereopsis, and the selection of stimuli that were less prominent than those with which they appeared in stimulus arrays. The major deficit observed was a loss in the ability, after V4 lesions, to select such less prominent stimuli; this was the case irrespective of the manner in which the stimulus arrays were made visible, using either luminance, chrominance, motion, or stereoscopic depth as surface media. In addition, V4 lesions yielded mild deficits in color, brightness, and form vision whereas MT lesions yielded mild to moderate deficits in motion and flicker perception. Both lesions produced mild deficits in contrast sensitivity, shape-from-motion perception, and yielded increased reaction times on many of the tasks. The impairment resulting from combined V4 and MT lesions was not greater than the sum of the deficits of either lesion. None of the lesions produced significant deficits in stereopsis. The findings suggest that (1) area V4 is part of a neural system that is involved in extracting stimuli from the visual scene that elicit less neural activity early in the visual system than do other stimuli with which they appear and (2) several other extrastriate regions and more than just two major cortical processing streams contribute to the processing of basic visual functions in the extrastriate cortex.  相似文献   

Pt/V2O5/Al2O3 and Pt/Al2O3 monolithic catalysts were prepared by wet impregnation method, and the influence of V2 O5 addition on the catalytic activity for NO reduction by C3 H6 under lean burn condition was investigated in detail.The results show that Pt/V2O5/Al2O3 has better activity of NO reduction than Pt/Al2O3 , adding V2O5 to Pt catalyst makes the temperature window of NO reduction shift further to a lower temperature region.The activity of NO reduction decreases and there is a similar degree of deactivation over the two catalysts in the presence of SO2 in feed gas.Moreover, adding V2 O5 to Pt catalyst resulted in improvement of resistance to SO2 oxidation, which decreases the emission of sulfate particulate.Thermal aging treatment counteractes the promoting effect of V2O5 on NO reduction.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made in a midbrain slice preparation of the rat brain containing the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Dopaminergic principal cells were identified by their electrophysiological properties and their hyperpolarizing responses to dopamine. Superfusion with dopamine (100 microM) caused hyperpolarization and a decrease of the apparent input resistance. By contrast, two structural analogues of ATP, 2-methylthio ATP (2-MeSATP; 10 microM) and alpha,beta-methylene ATP (alpha, beta-meATP; 30 microM) had no effect, when added to the superfusion medium. Pressure applied dopamine also hyperpolarized the membrane, while both 2-MeSATP and alpha,beta-meATP were ineffective. Hence, dopaminergic principal neurons of the VTA do not possess somatic P2 purinoceptors present on peripheral and central noradrenergic neurons.  相似文献   

The neurons which selectively reacted to approaching vs. removal of the visual stimulus were described. These selective properties were shown to be fixed in the operative memory.  相似文献   

Previous immunohistochemical studies combined with retrograde tracing in macaque monkeys have demonstrated that corticocortical projections can be differentiated by their content of neurofilament protein. The present study analyzed the distribution of nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein in callosally projecting neurons located at the V1/V2 border. All of the retrogradely labeled neurons were located in layer III at the V1/V2 border and at an immediately adjacent zone of area V2. A quantitative analysis showed that the vast majority (almost 95%) of these interhemispheric projection neurons contain neurofilament protein immunoreactivity. This observation differs from data obtained in other sets of callosal connections, including homotypical interhemispheric projections in the prefrontal, temporal, and parietal association cortices, that were found to contain uniformly low proportions of neurofilament protein-immunoreactive neurons. Comparably, highly variable proportions of neurofilament protein-containing neurons have been reported in intrahemispheric corticocortical pathways, including feedforward and feedback visual connections. These results indicate that neurofilament protein is a prominent neurochemical feature that identifies a particular population of interhemispheric projection neurons at the V1/V2 border and suggest that this biochemical attribute may be critical for the function of this subset of callosal neurons.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be used to simulate the effects of highly circumscribed brain damage permanently present in some neuropsychological patients, by reversibly disrupting the normal functioning of the cortical area to which it is applied. By using TMS we attempted to recreate deficits similar to those reported in a motion-blind patient and to assess the specificity of deficits when TMS is applied over human area V5. We used six visual search tasks and showed that subjects were impaired in a motion but not a form 'pop-out' task when TMS was applied over V5. When motion was present, but irrelevant, or when attention to colour and form were required, TMS applied to V5 enhanced performance. When attention to motion was required in a motion-form conjunction search task, irrespective of whether the target was moving or stationary, TMS disrupted performance. These data suggest that attention to different visual attributes involves mutual inhibition between different extrastriate visual areas.  相似文献   

The effects of the stimulus duration (10 to 300 ms) on the responses of chinchilla inferior colliculus neurons to pure tones were studied in 41 units. The responses of the majority of the neurons (90%) were classified as sustained, onset, pause with onset peak and pause without onset peak response patterns. Three neurons were found to have response to the stimulus offset (offset response pattern). One neuron responded to the sound with the decrease of the spontaneous discharge rate (inhibitory response pattern). The responses restricted within the stimulus duration could be simply predicted from the peristimulus time histogram (PSTH) to the longer duration. The leading part of the PSTH to the longer stimulus duration resembled that to the shorter stimulus duration. The function of the spike number versus duration was correlated with the PSTH patterns. The response following the stimulus offset (including inhibitory response) could vary with the stimulus duration nonmonotonically and show a band-pass or band-reject property. Overall, four (about 10%) of the neurons could be regarded as duration-tuned units. The duration selectivity could be understood by the interaction between the ongoing and the offset process of the neurons.  相似文献   

Single-cell activity was recorded from the postcruciate cortex of acutely prepared cats during a differential classical conditioning procedure. The conditioned stimuli (CS) were hind paw stimuli, and the unconditioned stimulus (US) was pyramidal tract stimulation that produced an antidromic response in the recorded cortical neuron. A control group was also examined in which the pyramidal stimulus was set below the threshold to produce an antidromic response. Clear differential conditioning was found for the experimental group, with antidromic activation of the neuron as the US. There was no evidence of differential conditioning in the control group without antidromic activation. Any activation of orthodromic pathways should have been the same in the control and experimental groups. The absence of conditioning in the control group demonstrated that orthodromic pathways were not contributing to the differential conditioning observed in the experimental group. This indicates that it was activation of the neuron produced by antidromic firing which was important for conditioning. All the evidence suggests that the site of learning was in the cortex. It is concluded that the the role of the US in conditioning may be simply to activate the neuron at an appropriate interval following the CS.  相似文献   

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during storage of the motion aftereffect (MAE) to examine the relationship between motion perception and neural activity in the human cortical motion complex MT+ (including area MT and adjacent motion-selective cortex). MT+ responds not only to physical motion but also to illusory motion, as in the MAE when subjects who have adapted to continuous motion report that a subsequent stationary test stimulus appears to move in the opposite direction. In the phenomenon of storage, the total decay time of the MAE is extended by inserting a dark period between adaptation and test phases. That is, when the static test pattern is presented after a storage period equal in duration to the normal MAE, the illusory motion reappears for almost as long as the original effect despite the delay. We examined fMRI activation in MT+ during and after storage. Seven subjects viewed continuous motion, followed either by an undelayed stationary test (immediate MAE) or by a completely dark storage interval preceding the test (stored MAE). Like the perceptual effect, activity in MT+ dropped during the storage interval then rebounded to reach a level much higher than after the same delay without storage. Although MT+ activity was slightly enhanced during the storage period following adaptation to continuous motion (compared with a control sequence in which the adaptation grating oscillated and no MAE was perceived), this enhancement was much less than that observed during the perceptual phenomenon. These results indicate that following adaptation, activity in MT+ is pronounced only with the presentation of an appropriate visual stimulus, during which the MAE is perceived.  相似文献   

To test the effects of complex visual motion stimuli on the responses of single neurons in the middle temporal visual area (MT) and the medial superior temporal area (MST) of the macaque monkey, we compared the response elicited by one object in motion through the receptive field with the response of two simultaneously presented objects moving in different directions through the receptive field. There was an increased response to a stimulus moving in a direction other than the best direction when it was paired with a stimulus moving in the best direction. This increase was significant for all directions of motion of the non-best stimulus and the magnitude of the difference increased as the difference in the directions of the two stimuli increased. Similarly, there was a decreased response to a stimulus moving in a non-null direction when it was paired with a stimulus moving in the null direction. This decreased response in MT did not reach significance unless the second stimulus added to the null direction moved in the best direction, whereas in MST the decrease was significant when the second stimulus direction differed from the null by 90 degrees or more. Further analysis showed that the two-object responses were better predicted by taking the averaged response of the neuron to the two single-object stimuli than by summation, multiplication, or vector addition of the responses to each of the two single-object stimuli. Neurons in MST showed larger modulations than did neurons in MT with stimuli moving in both the best direction and in the null direction and the average better predicted the two-object response in area MST than in area MT. This indicates that areas MT and MST probably use a similar integrative mechanisms to create their responses to complex moving visual stimuli, but that this mechanism is further refined in MST. These experiments show that neurons in both MT and MST integrate the motion of all directions in their responses to complex moving stimuli. These results with the motion of objects were in sound agreement with those previously reported with the use of random dot patterns for the study of transparent motion in MT and suggest that these neurons use similar computational mechanisms in the processing of object and global motion stimuli.  相似文献   

While trying to mimic the dose and time course of nicotine as it is obtained by a smoker, we found the following results. The initial arrival of even a low concentration of nicotine increased the firing rate of dopaminergic neurons from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and increased the spontaneous vesicular release of GABA from hippocampal neurons. Longer exposure to nicotine caused variable, but dramatic, desensitization of nicotinic receptors and diminished the effects of nicotine. The addictive properties of nicotine as well as its diverse effects on cognitive function could be mediated through differences in activation and desensitization of nicotinic receptors in various areas of the brain.  相似文献   

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