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针对太钢与上海某钢厂产 08 钢薄板进行了化学成份、机械性能和杯突试验, 同时对零件出现拉深缺陷的部位进行了金相组织分析。找出了产生缺陷的原因, 并确定了解决办法, 对生产具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

研究固化温度、乌洛托品(HMTA)加入量、酚醛树脂结构和加入促进剂对聚合速度的影响。结果表明,固化温度的升高和乌洛托品加入量的提高均可使聚合速度加快,高邻位酚醛树脂比普通酚醛树脂具有更快的聚合速度,加入促进剂对酚醛树脂的固化起到促进作用,不同程度地加快树脂的聚合速度。  相似文献   

通过试验,探索在泡沫陶瓷过滤器的制作工艺过程中加入适量的Fe2O3以增加其整体的韧性,从而提高过滤器的承压能力,并进一步简化泡沫陶瓷过滤器的制作工艺。  相似文献   

近年来以对苯二胺类防老剂、次磺酰胺类促进剂等为代表的绿色产品已成为我国橡胶助剂行业的主导产品,但仍有部分产品亟待开发清洁生产技术。在10月19日举办的第九届全国橡胶工业新材料技术论坛暨2009年橡胶助剂专业委员会会员大会上,专家提出:加快开发促进剂M的清洁生产工艺,推进氧气氧化和H2O2氧化工艺在次磺酰胺类促进剂制备中的推广应用。  相似文献   

细胞三维结构的观察分析能提供更多细胞显微水平结构和功能的信息。现代显微影像仪器及相关的三维重建等技术是研究细胞三维结构的有力工具。本文概述多种可用于细胞三维结构观察的显微工具,简单介绍其原理、优势、最新技术动态及应用领域等。  相似文献   

磁力抛光机利用磁场的力量,引导磨具(磁针)做快速旋转运动而抛光工件。为了使磁力抛光机对45钢轴的抛光效果及效率更佳,从理论上分析了磁力抛光的工作原理、磁力抛光过程中磨具的运动方式和影响磁力抛光效率的因素,提出加入钢珠会提升抛光效果及效率,并对45钢轴进行磁力抛光实验。实验结果表明:加工频率、磁针长度均对抛光效果及效率有不同程度的影响;加入钢珠后,抛光效果及效率都有提升;最佳磁针与钢珠的质量混合比例为1∶3。  相似文献   

金刚石工具头超声波复合加工的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了金刚石工具头超声波复合加工方法的可行性及加工参数与材料去除率的关系。在研究超声加工,超声复合加工和金刚石工具的基础上,借助SEM分析其典型塑性材料和脆性材料的加工形貌,初步讨论了该方法去除材料的机理。  相似文献   

焊接结构虚拟疲劳试验技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兆奇  丁彦闯 《机械设计》2007,24(1):48-50
针对焊接结构的疲劳问题,提出虚拟疲劳试验技术.基于有限元数值仿真技术及焊接接头S-N曲线数据库,在计算机中模拟物理样机的疲劳试验过程,预测焊接结构的疲劳寿命,使产品在设计阶段开展抗疲劳设计成为可能.虚拟疲劳试验在铁路车辆焊接摇枕上的应用验证了该技术的可行性.  相似文献   

利用直径为2 mm的立铣刀对铝合金进行铣槽实验,研究分析切削速度与每齿进给量交互作用对加工槽底表面粗糙度的影响.实验结果表明:每齿进给量小于4μm时,随着切削速度的提高表面粗糙度值呈先减小后增大的变化趋势;而每齿进给量大于6μm时,随切削速度的提高表面粗糙度值先增大后减小.切削速度较低时,表面粗糙度值随每齿进给量的增大先减小后增大;但切削速度大于30 m/min时,随着每齿进给量的增大,表面粗糙度值呈现逐渐增大的趋势.  相似文献   

含钢骨架橡胶密封条在切断时往往出现钢片扭曲,刀具崩断的现象。介绍了某型含钢骨架橡胶封条的铣削切断加工刀具、夹具及工艺参数。这些刀具、夹具和工艺参数被应用于某型家用轿车密封条生产线,生产实践表明能够保证密封条的加工质量,同时刀具的寿命也较长。  相似文献   

Elastic deformation machining is a fabrication method that exploits the elastic deformation properties of materials under stress. Coupled with plane lapping machining process, this new fabrication method is suitable for machining complex aspheric surfaces. Upon completion of the machining process, the workpiece under process will be shaped into a desired surface form. The elastic deformation machining has several advantages over traditional fabrication methods, i.e., high machining compatibility and high fidelity of material property during machining process. The subject of this study is to determine the surface shape of the finished glass workpiece after the lapping process of the elastic deformation machining. The experimental results were compared with theoretical calculations. In the case when the vacuum pressure is 50 kPa, the maximum deviation value between the deformation curves from the theoretical calculation and the experiment results is within 62 μm. In order to improve the precision of form surface, the vacuum pressure is modified from 50 to 42 kPa. This reduction corresponds to a change of workpiece thickness when it is lapped. The results of the change of vacuum pressure show that the form accuracy produced is improved significantly and agrees very well with theoretical calculations. The maximum deviation in this case is 1.6 μm. The study indicates that the experimental plane lapping setup that exploits the material elasticity property can be utilized to fabricate aspheric lenses with axisymmetric surface and low complexity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to obtain detailed information for the micro fabrication of lead frames by applying spray technology to wet etching process. Wet etching experiments were performed with different etching parameters such as injection pressure, distance from nozzle tip to etched substrate, nozzle pitch and etchant temperature. The characteristics of single and twin spray were measured to investigate the correlation between the spray characteristics and the etching characteristics. Drop size and velocity were measured by Phase-Doppler Anemometer (PDA). Four liquids of different viscosity were used to reveal the effects of viscosity on the spray characteristics. The results indicated that the shorter the distance from nozzle tip and the nozzle pitch, the larger etching factor became. The average etching factor had good positive correlation with average axial velocity and impact force. It was found that the etching characteristics depended strongly on the spray characteristics.  相似文献   

柔性自适应桁架结构的振动控制方法实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高结构对外部环境的抗干扰能力,构造了空间柔性自适应桁架结构,并对其主动控制进行了研究。通过加速度传感器测量位移的实验,建立了由dSPACE数据采集与处理系统、压电传感器、压电作动器、桁架结构和微机实时测控组成的实时计算机控制系统。基于自适应桁架结构的有限元理论,采用改进的二次积分力反馈控制方法,研究了空间柔性自适应桁架结构的振动主动控制问题。通过正弦激励进行了实时控制实验,给出了控制前后节点18x方向的位移振幅抑制变化情况及功率谱响应曲线。实验研究结果表明,该控制方案对空间柔性结构的低频大幅振动有很好的控制效果。  相似文献   

泡沫铝夹芯结构高速移动工作台研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为满足高速、超高速加工对机床移动工作台轻质高动态性能的要求,设计了以铸铁为面板、泡沫铝为芯体材料的夹芯结构移动工作台,并利用有限元分析软件研究了该工作台的静、动态特性。研究结果表明与传统铸铁材料工作台相比,泡沫铝夹芯结构移动工作台具有质量轻、固有频率高、谐振响应幅值低等特点,从而证明了泡沫铝夹芯结构工作台在高速、超高速加工中应用的可行性和优越性。  相似文献   

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - Vulcanization, or curing, is a very important process in producing useful rubber products. The curing process takes place when heat is transferred to...  相似文献   

井下离心增压牵引器是一种通过增高井下流体压力,并使用橡胶封隔结构隔离高低压,利用形成的压差驱动牵引器前进的井下牵引器;橡胶封隔结构是井下离心增压牵引器的关键零件,由于橡胶封隔结构对离心增压牵引器的动力性能有较大影响,使用ANSYS软件对橡胶封隔结构在受压情况下的变形进行了仿真,分析了不同厚度、材料硬度、初始接触面积的仿真结果,得出了适用于离心增压牵引器样机橡胶封隔结构参数。  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental study of hydrodynamic lubrication in wire drawing in which different types of lubricants (straight oils, emulsions and grease) are used. The experiments were conducted on a specially designed laboratory wiredrawing test rig, to assess the frictional force and film thickness, while drawing an aluminium wire at different speeds. Hydro-dynamic performance, including frictional force and film thickness, were measured and plotted graphically, showing lubricant and drawing speed as the main influences. Results indicate that the frictional force decreased and the oil film thickness increased using straight oils with high viscosity at high drawing speed.  相似文献   

一.翻胎工艺技术发展的趋势 近年来,由于预硫化胎面胶和预硫化翻胎设备实现了国产化,使预硫化翻胎成本大幅下降,预硫化翻胎的价格与传统法翻胎的价格已经相差无几,更由于预硫化翻胎耐磨性和外观较好,用户普遍觉得性价比更划算,使之为广大用户所接受。由于预硫化翻胎迅速赢得市场大部份额,而使传统法翻胎厂家面临大量减产和停产的不利局面,  相似文献   

通过对橡皮筋半自动粘接设备的粘接原理及基本工艺的分析研究,进行自动粘接工艺规划,对从裁断设备到粘接设备的皮筋传输方案及传输设备的关键部件进行了设计.研究结果表明,进行自动粘接对传输方毂关键工作部件的合理设计,使橡皮筋裁断后自动输送到粘接设备,实现了产品生产的一体化及粘接自动化,在提高橡皮筋粘接质量的同时,生产效率提高50%以上,大大增加了产品的市场竞争能力.  相似文献   

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