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李永亮  徐秋霞 《半导体学报》2011,32(7):076001-5
研究了先进CMOS器件中poly-Si/TaN/HfSiON栅结构的干法刻蚀工艺。对于poly-Si/TaN/HfSiON栅结构的刻蚀,我们采用的策略是对栅叠层中的每一层都进行高选择比地、陡直地刻蚀。首先,对于栅结构中poly-Si的刻蚀,开发了一种三步的等离子体刻蚀工艺,不仅得到了陡直的poly-Si刻蚀剖面而且该刻蚀可以可靠地停止在TaN金属栅上。然后,为了得到陡直的TaN刻蚀剖面,研究了多种BCl3基刻蚀气体对TaN金属栅的刻蚀,发现BCl3/Cl2/O2/Ar等离子体是合适的选择。而且,考虑到Cl2对Si衬底几乎没有选择比,采用优化的BCl3/Cl2/O2/Ar等离子体陡直地刻蚀掉TaN金属栅以后,我们采用BCl3/Ar等离子体刻蚀HfSiON高K介质,改善对Si衬底的选择比。最后,采用这些新的刻蚀工艺,成功地实现了poly-Si/TaN/HfSiON栅结构的刻蚀,该刻蚀不仅得到了陡直的刻蚀剖面且对Si衬底几乎没有损失。  相似文献   

我们引入TaN/TiAl/top-TiN三层结构,通过变化TaN的厚度及top-TiN的生长条件来调节TiN-based金属栅叠层的有效功函数。实验结果显示:较薄的TaN和PVD-process生长的top-TiN组合可以得到较小的有效功函数(EWF),而较厚的TaN和ALD-process生长的top-TiN组合可以得到较大的有效功函数(EWF),文中EWF有从4.25eV to 4.56eV的变化。同时文中也给出了TaN厚度及top-TiN的生长条件调节有效功函数(EWF)的物理解释。与PVD-process在室温条件下生长TiN相比,ALD-process TiN是在400 ℃条件下生长的,400 ℃ ALD-process TiN 可以为整个工艺过程提供更多的热预算,从而促进更多的Al原子扩散进入top-TiN,导致扩散进入到bottom-TiN的Al原子数量减少。另外,厚的TaN也会阻止Al原子进入bottom-TiN。这些因素都减少了bottom-TiN中Al原子的数量,减弱了Al原子对有效功函数的调节作用,从而引起EWF的增加。  相似文献   

韩锴  马雪丽  杨红  王文武 《半导体学报》2013,34(8):086002-4
PMOS管需要金属栅的功函数接近硅的价带边,所以寻找到合适的方法调节TiN的功函数使之正向移动是金属栅工程的重点,也是难点。本文详细研究了TiN金属栅的厚度,栅介质沉积后退火,氧引入,以及N含量变化对TiN功函数的影响。发现随着TiN的厚度变厚,功函数会正向移动,但是在某一个厚度会达到饱和,另外,在少量氧气氛围下的栅介质沉积后退火,也能使功函数正向移动,而在TiN中引入氧元素,以及增大N的含量都会使TiN的功函数正向漂移。以上所述方法都能有效的调节TiN的功函数来适应PMOS的需要。  相似文献   

张满红  霍宗亮  王琴  刘明 《半导体学报》2011,32(5):053005-4
本文研究了反应溅射的TaN金属栅的电阻,晶体结构和有效功函数(EWF). 原始生长的TaN薄膜具有fcc 结构。经过900 oC后金属退火(PMA),反应溅射时的氮气流量大于6.5 sccm的TaN仍保持fcc 结构,而反应溅射时的氮气流量小于6.25 sccm的TaN显示了微结构的变化。接着测量了用TaN作为电极的SiO2 和HfO2 栅平带电压随TaN反应溅射时氮气流量的变化。结果显示在介电质和TaN的界面会形成一个电偶矩,它对EWF的贡献会随TaN中的Ta/N比、介质层的性质和 PMA条件不同而变化。  相似文献   

位于SiO_2/SiC界面处密度较高的陷阱,不仅俘获SiC MOSFET沟道中的载流子,而且对沟道中的载流子形成散射、降低载流子的迁移率,因而严重影响了SiC MOSFET的开关特性。目前商业化的半导体器件仿真软件中迁移率模型是基于Si器件开发,不能体现SiO_2/SiC界面处的陷阱对沟道中载流子的散射作用。通过引入能正确反映界面陷阱对载流子作用的迁移率模型,利用半导体器件仿真软件研究了界面陷阱对SiC MOSFET动态特性的影响。结果表明,随着界面陷阱密度的增加,SiC MOSFET开通过程变慢,开通损耗增加,而关断过程加快,关断损耗减小;但是由于沟道载流子数量的减少、导通电阻的增加,总损耗是随着界面陷阱密度的增加而增加。  相似文献   

针对GaAs MESFET在微波频率的应用中的射频过驱动导致高栅电流密度现象,设计了Tial栅和TiPtAu栅GaAs MESFET的高温正向大电流试验,通过对试验数据和试验样品的扫描电镜静态电压衬度像以及试验中的失效样品进行分析,确定了栅寄生并联电阻的退化是导致器件的跨导gm、栅反向漏电流Is、夹断电压Vp等特性退化,甚至导致器件烧毁失效的主要原因。  相似文献   

研究了pMOSFET中栅控产生电流(GD)的衬底偏压特性。衬底施加负偏压后,GD电流峰值变小;衬底加正向偏压后,GD电流峰值增大。这归因于衬底偏压VB调制了MOSFET的栅控产生电流中最大产生率,并求出了衬底偏压作用系数为0.3。考虑VB对漏PN结的作用,建立了包含衬底偏压的产生电流模型。基于该模型的深入分析,很好地解释了衬底负偏压比衬底正偏压对产生电流的影响大的实验结果。  相似文献   

基于流体动力学能量输运模型 ,利用二维仿真软件 Medici研究了深亚微米槽栅 PMOS器件衬底和沟道掺杂浓度对器件抗热载流子特性的影响 ,并从器件内部物理机理上对研究结果进行了解释。研究发现 ,随着沟道杂质浓度的提高 ,器件的抗热载流子能力增强 ;而随着衬底掺杂浓度的提高 ,器件的抗热载流子性能降低。这主要是因为这些结构参数影响了电场在槽栅 MOS器件内的分布和拐角效应 ,从而影响了载流子的运动并使器件的热载流子效应发生变化  相似文献   

HfO2/TaON叠层栅介质Ge MOS器件制备及电性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高高k/Ge MOS器件的界面质量,减小等效氧化物厚度(EOT),在high-k介质和Ge表面引入薄的TaON界面层.相对于没有界面层的样品,HfO2/TaON叠层栅介质MOSFET表现出低的界面态密度、低的栅极漏电和较好的输出特性.因此利用TaON作为Ge MOS器件的界面钝化层对于获得小的等效氧化物厚度和高的高k/Ge界面质量有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

采用不同厚度的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)作为栅绝缘层,制备了并五苯有机场效应晶体管(OFET)。测量了不同厚度的PMMA的介电特性,并详细分析了栅绝缘层厚度对器件性能的影响。其中,采用260nm厚的PMMA栅绝缘层的OFET具有比采用其它厚度的器件更优越的性能,其场效应迁移率、阈值电压与开关电流比分别达到3.39×10-3 cm2/Vs、-19V和103。  相似文献   

The resistivity,crystalline structure and effective work function(EWF) of reactive sputtered TaN has been investigated.As-deposited TaN films have an fcc structure.After post-metal annealing(PMA) at 900℃,the TaN films deposited with a N2 flow rate greater than 6.5 sccm keep their fee structure,while the films deposited with a N2 flow rate lower than 6.25 seem exhibit a microstructure change.The flatband voltages of gate stacks with TaN films as gate electrodes on SiO2 and HfO2 are also measured.It is concluded that a dipole is formed at the dielectric-TaN interface and its contribution to the EWF of TaN changes with the Ta/N ratio in TaN,the underneath dielectric layer and the PMA conditions.  相似文献   

The Mo-based metal inserted poly-Si stack (MIPS) structure is an appropriate choice for metal gate and high-k integration in sub-45 nm gate-first CMOS device. A novel metal nitride layer of TaN or AlN with high thermal stability has been introduced between Mo and poly-Si as a barrier material to avoid any reaction of Mo during poly-Si deposition. After Mo-based MIPS structure is successfully prepared, dry etching of poly-Si/TaN/Mo gate stack is studied in detail. The three-step plasma etching using the Cl2/HBr chemistry without soft landing step has been developed to attain a vertical poly-Si profile and a reliable etch-stop on the TaN/Mo metal gate. For the etching of TaN/Mo gate stack, two methods using BCl3/Cl2/O2/Ar plasma are presented to get both vertical profile and smooth etched surface, and they are critical to get high selectivity to high-k dielectric and Si substrate. In addition, adding a little SF6 to the BCl3/O2/Ar plasma under the optimized conditions is also found to be effective to smoothly etch the TaN/Mo gate stack with vertical profile.  相似文献   

马雪丽  韩锴  王文武 《半导体学报》2013,34(7):076001-3
High permittivity materials have been required to replace traditional SiO2 as the gate dielectric to extend Moore’s law.However,growth of a thin SiO2-like interfacial layer(IL) is almost unavoidable during the deposition or subsequent high temperature annealing.This limits the scaling benefits of incorporating high-k dielectrics into transistors.In this work,a promising approach,in which an O-scavenging metal layer and a barrier layer preventing scavenged metal diffusing into the high-k gate dielectric are used to engineer the thickness of the IL,is reported. Using a Ti scavenging layer and TiN barrier layer on a HfO2 dielectric,the effective removal of the IL and almost no Ti diffusing into the HfO2 have been confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report for the first time a novel dual metal gate (MG) integration process for gate-first CMOS platform by utilizing the intermixing (InM) of laminated ultra-thin metal layers during high-temperature annealing at 1000 °C. In this process, an ultra-thin (2 nm) TaN film is first deposited on gate dielectric as a buffer layer. Preferable laminated metal stacks for NMOS and PMOS are then formed on a same wafer through a selective wet-etching process in which the gate dielectric is protected by the TaN buffer layer. Dual work function for CMOS can finally be achieved by the intermixing of the laminated metal films during the S/D activation annealing. To demonstrate this process, prototype metal stacks of TaN/Tb/TaN (NMOS) and TaN/Ti/HfN (PMOS) has been integrated on a single wafer, with WF of 4.15 and 4.72 eV achieved, respectively. Threshold voltage (Vth) adjustment and transistor characteristics on high-k HfTaON dielectric are also studied.  相似文献   

A novel dry etching process of a poly-Si/TaN/HfSiON gate stack for advanced complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) devices is investigated.Our strategy to process a poly-Si/TaN/HfSiON gate stack is that each layer of gate stack is selectively etched with a vertical profile.First,a three-step plasma etching process is developed to get a vertical poly-Si profile and a reliable etch-stop on a TaN metal gate.Then different BCl3-based plasmas are applied to etch the TaN metal gate and find that BCl3/Cl2/O2/Ar plasma is a suitable choice to get a vertical TaN profile.Moreover,considering that Cl2 almost has no selectivity to Si substrate, BCl3/Ar plasma is applied to etch HfSiON dielectric to improve the selectivity to Si substrate after the TaN metal gate is vertically etched off by the optimized BCl3/Cl2/O2/Ar plasma.Finally,we have succeeded in etching a poly-Si/TaN/HfSiON stack with a vertical profile and almost no Si loss utilizing these new etching technologies.  相似文献   

It is important to find a way to modulate the work function of TiN metal gate towards the valence band edge of Si,which can meet the lower threshold voltage requirement of p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor(MOS) transistor.In this work,effects of TiN thickness,post-deposition annealing(PDA),oxygen incorporation and N concentration variation on the work function of TiN metal gate in MOS structures are systematically investigated. It can be found that the work function positively shifts at the initial stage as the thickness of the TiN layer increases and stabilizes at such a thickness.PDA at N2 ambience with a trace of O2 can also cause a positive shift in the work function of TiN metal gate.The same tendency can be observed when oxygen is incorporated into TiN.Finally, increasing the N concentration in TiN can also positively shift the work function.All these measures are effective in modulating the TiN metal gate so that it is more suitable for PMOS application.  相似文献   

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