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本人结合舟山连岛工程金塘大桥的水文气候等工程建设情况,制订了一套切实可行、组织严密的承台技术方案,为该大桥承台的顺利实施解决质量管理上的后顾之忧。  相似文献   

研究了西堠门大桥结构监测系统的设计原则,阐述桥梁结构监测系统的传感器子系统、数据采集与传输子系统、数据管理子系统以及结构状态识别与综合评估子系统的设计方法和功能要求。  相似文献   

研究了西堠门大桥结构监测系统的设计原则,阐述桥梁结构监测系统的传感器子系统、数据采集与传输子系统、数据管理子系统以及结构状态识别与综合评估子系统的设计方法和功能要求。  相似文献   

论述了桥梁结构监测系统软件的基本功能、基本组成;阐述了ArcObjects在软件中的应用;指出了软件设计的关键技术和难点。  相似文献   

采用"西堠门大桥结构监测系统的设计与实现(I):系统设计"中的设计方法,为西堠门大桥设计并实现桥梁结构监测系统。研究西堠门大桥结构监测系统的总体设计方案、子系统的设计方案及其软硬件的实现。分析西堠门大桥结构监测系统在运营中监测的桥梁荷载和结构响应。研究结果表明,西堠门大桥结构监测系统正常运行,实现了预期设计功能,基于工业以太网分布式数据采集与传输系统在桥梁结构监测系统中得以成功应用,可在其他工程中加以推广。  相似文献   

以济宁梁济运河大桥为工程背景,采用可进行长期稳定监测的光纤传感器,并结合多种光纤传感技术,部署传感器网络式分布结构。本系统建立了实用的安全评估及预警系统,模拟实时监测系统实际工作状态,实现了点面结合的大桥实时监测,具有数据自动采集、传输、存储、分析、远程监控与预警等功能,提高了大桥综合监测效率,基本满足大跨度桥实时监测需求。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了突发环境事件预警体系建设的必要性,并针对大数据背景下,突发环境事件预警体系的监测预报、大数据分析、指挥决策、应急管理板块的建设进行了深入分析研究.  相似文献   

本文介绍了专利价值评估体系的概念和国内外现状,提出了评估指标体系构建的原则,从评估指标的大数据分析入手,构建了"总-子-分"3层架构的评估模型,即以"法律、技术和经济"三方面为一级指标、"专利保护范围、专利稳定性、专利技术质量、专利技术应用性、市场、竞争、申请人因素"等7方面为二级指标、可量化的81个细分指标为三级指标的体系,并阐述了依据这一体系进行专利价值度计算的方法。在大数据基础上对指标进行量化之后,就可以根据这一体系和计算方法,快速、大规模、定量地对专利进行评估,对于项目筛选、投资决策、专利商用化有很好的帮助作用。  相似文献   

基于我国复杂机电系统现有标准的现状,探讨了复杂机电系统服役质量评估和维护质量控制标准体系的编制原则和思路,通过资料搜集、行业调研、体系框架构建等过程,建立了具有标准类型、体系层次、专业分类三维界面结构的标准体系,划分为基础通用、服役质量评估和维护质量控制管理、服役质量评估和维护质量控制技术3个子体系、5个级别层次。同时设计了标准明细划分表,分析了标准明细划分的必要性和可行性。该体系体现了我国复杂机电系统的特色,具有一定的适用性,对于行业领域尤其是我国高速列车、大型风力发电和航空航天的标准化建设以及标准体系的建立具有一定的促进意义和参考价值。  相似文献   


Throughout the past decade, scoured bridges in Taiwan have frequently collapsed as a result of heavy rainfall during typhoon seasons. To mitigate the bridge damage caused by scouring, an improved warning system is required. Three fundamental parameters including the water level, the flow velocity, and the scouring depth (SD) are significant for the structural safety of a scoured bridge. Nowadays, these parameters can be successfully detected by advanced monitoring instruments and serve as a database for a damage assessment system to carry out the function of early warning. Therefore, this article aims at developing the damage assessment system for scoured bridges as the core of a warning system.

We have proposed an analytical process as an assessment system. Through finite element analysis with respect to water level and flow velocity, the critical scouring depth with a specific degree of safety factor for a bridge foundation can be determined by choosing among different failure modes. Accordingly, the relationships between various possible sets of water levels, flow velocities and critical SD are established to present the surfaces of structural safety corresponding to different levels of safety factor. The surfaces obtained can then be applied to the warning system.

Based on the proposed assessment process, the collapse of the Shuang-Yuan Bridge caused by Typhoon Morakot in 2009 is discussed in detail. The consequence of bridge collapse is reasonably explained by the analytical surfaces of structural safety based on the reported parameters at the bridge site. In addition, the Dia-Jia-Hsi Bridge, which has implemented advanced monitoring instruments serves as the second case study. The surfaces of structural safety obtained have been used in conjunction with real-time observations of sensitive parameters to display the situation of structural safety at any time. The results obtained in this article benefit bridge engineers, giving a safety-management platform to speed up the decision making process during an emergency.  相似文献   

在分析鞍座抗滑机理的基础上,建立了基于最大静摩擦系数的三塔悬索桥中间塔鞍座抗滑基本评估模型,并发展了多种鞍座抗滑评估方法。包括基于目前使用的设计规范评估鞍座抗滑安全的确定性方法;基于静态车辆数据合成随机车流,并利用Rice公式外推其荷载效应极值,进而研究鞍座抗滑安全性能的评估方法;以及基于车辆荷载效应和抗力概率模型的鞍座抗滑概率评估方法。用上述三种方法分别对泰州大桥鞍座抗滑安全性进行全面评估,表明泰州大桥中塔鞍座抗滑安全可靠。  相似文献   

A series of experimental investigations are performed to show the potential of integrating sensing elements into an external fixation for healing assessment of a fracture femur. This investigation is supported by finite element analyses that highlight the fundamental structural dynamics, which enable a stiffness‐based healing assessment methodology. A saw‐bone femur externally fixated with a Hoffman II will be subjected to an artificial fracture. The healing of the fractured femur is simulated with the curing of epoxy applied to the fractured region. The finite element analyses results will help determine the useful modes for assessing the state of healing of the fracture that can be attributed to the changes in the stiffness of the fixated structure. The findings will be tested against a set of experiments to show how the stiffness‐related quantities can be delineated from the dynamic response. The results reported will show distinct changes to the frequency response functions as the epoxy cures demonstrating the potential of integrating sensors onto an external fixation for healing and fracture union assessment.  相似文献   

依托泰州大桥工程概略论述了特大悬索桥梁结构的健康监测系统设计。泰州大桥结构健康监测系统由传感器子系统、数据采集与传输子系统、数据处理与控制子系统3个子系统构成。其中,泰州大桥数据采集与传输系统将传统的有线采集模式和新型的无线采集模式进行了融合,是国内外首次大规模应用。  相似文献   

高土石坝工程安全评价与预警信息管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于现场监测数据及先进的数值分析方法,建立土石坝全生命周期的工程安全评价及预警信息系统,是目前土石坝发展的必然趋势。以糯扎渡高心墙堆石坝为依托,开发了理论严密、方法先进且可靠实用的大坝工程安全评价与预警信息管理系统。该系统由系统管理模块、安全指标模块、监测数据与工程信息模块、数值计算模块、反演分析模块、安全预警与应急预案模块和数据库及管理模块共7个模块构成。其中,数值计算和反演分析模块可利用所取得的坝体监测数据,进行渗流、大坝应力变形、坝体裂缝、地震动力反应和坝坡稳定等土石坝关键计算分析,是本系统的核心部分。利用工程前期已经取得的坝体变形监测数据,对坝体进行了变形反演分析并对大坝关键时间结点的形态进行了预测分析。  相似文献   

为了合理进行船舶风险评估,提出了一种基于模糊逻辑系统的船舶风险评估方法.根据模糊逻辑系统的基本原理,建立了船舶风险评估的模糊逻辑模型;按照国家标准、规范,并结合经验建立了风险指标的模糊集合、风险矩阵厦模糊规则,然后进行了模糊推理,得到了系统的风险等级,并制定了预防风险的措施.以某艇消防系统的风险评估为例,证明了其能够合理地评估出系统的风险,可为决策提供参考,  相似文献   

介绍了西堠门跨海大桥智能养护管理系统包括的各子系统及其功能,给出了智能养护管理系统集成方案,提出了该桥梁智能养护管理系统集成的软件实现和软件及网络集成技术。  相似文献   

Structural health monitoring system (SHMS) has been increasingly used for the maintenance of vehicle bridges nowadays. In this paper, a centralized SHMS is developed to monitor multiple bridges. The structural responses of two vehicle bridges in China, including the deformation of main components, creep and shrinkage of concrete, and strain caused by the temperature are estimated and analyzed based on the long-term monitored data. A numerical simulation has been carried out to investigate the deformation of the bridges, as well as the strain and stress on the specific sections. The results show a good agreement with the measured data. Wavelet analysis method has been introduced to investigate the characteristics in time and frequency domain, where the strain components caused by the season temperature variation, daily thermal effects, and random traffic loads can be clearly distinguished as the signals at four levels.  相似文献   

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