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In a fusion reactor based on the magnetized target fusion approach, the permanent power supply has to deliver currents up to a few mega-amperes to the target dropped into the reaction chamber. All the structures situated around the target will be destroyed after every pulse and have to be replaced at a frequency of 1–10 Hz. In this paper, an approach based on the use of spherical blanket surrounding the target, and pulsed plasma electrodes connecting the target to the power supply, is discussed. A brief analysis of the processes associated with creation of plasma electrodes is presented.  相似文献   

This paper provides a technical summary of the first U.S. Plasma Jet Workshop, which was sponsored by the DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences and held at Los Alamos National Laboratory on January 24–25, 2008. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together members of the national plasma jet research community in order to discuss ongoing research and identify research needs and opportunities in plasma jets and their applications, which include fundamental studies of high energy density (HED) plasmas, magneto-inertial fusion (MIF), laboratory astrophysics, and disruption mitigation and fueling for magnetic confinement devices. Over the course of the workshop, about equal time was devoted to short technical talks and group discussions.  相似文献   

Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF) efforts are based on calculations showing that the addition of a closed magnetic field relaxes the driver pressure and pulse width requirements for inertial confinement fusion by reducing thermal conductivity. Instabilities that result in convective bulk transport at the Alfven time scale are of particular concern since they are much faster than the implosion time. This paper focuses on the hard-core z-pinch and the field reversed configuration (FRC), two competing geometries presently being explored for MTF. Instabilities during compression may result from a violation of the Kadomstev stability criteria for the former, and increased angular velocity due to angular momentum conservation for the latter. Basic analytic considerations are addressed to provide a baseline for more detailed modeling.  相似文献   

A new experiment aims to form two field-reversed configurations (FRCs) and accelerate them into an interaction chamber in which they will collide, and undergo an adiabatic compression. Previous results obtained in a similar configuration showed that ion temperatures varied as a function of compression coil voltage, in the keV range. This paper outlines the physics of formation, acceleration, reconnection and compression of two FRCs.  相似文献   

We describe a physics scaling model used to design the high density field reversed configuration (FRC) at LANL that will translate into a mirror bounded compression region, and undergo Magnetized Target Fusion compression to a high energy density plasma. At Kirtland AFRL the FRC will be compressed inside a flux conserving cylindrical shell. The theta pinch formed FRC will be expelled from inside a conical theta coil. Even though the ideal FRC has zero helicity and toroidal magnetic field, significant non-ideal properties follow from formation within a conical (not cylindrical) theta coil. The FRC stability and lifetime properties may improve. Several experimental features will also allow unique scientific investigations of this high Lundquist number but collisional plasma.  相似文献   

We report on the development of compact toroid (CT) accelerators to create the target plasma for magnetized target fusion (MTF) devices. Due to the requirements of high initial density of ~1017 cm−3, strong internal fields of 5–10 T, and base temperatures of >100 eV, a design based on conical compression electrodes is an effective avenue to pursue. Progress is being made at General Fusion Inc, (Vancouver, Canada) to develop a pair of large CT accelerators for generating an MTF target plasma. In this design, tungsten coated conical electrodes (with a formation diameter of 1.9 m, a radial compression factor of 4, and overall accelerator length of 5 m) will be used to achieve ohmic heating and acceleration of the CT, yet with low wall sputtering rates. A pair of these accelerators can be synchronized and shot at one another, producing a collision and reconnection of the two CTs within the center of an MTF chamber. Depending on the choice of relative helicities, the two CTs will merge to form either a spheromak-like or an FRC-like plasma. ICC 2008 Reno NV, June 25th, IP: 021.  相似文献   

The propagation of a pressure wave through an imploding liquid metal liner near turnaround, due to the compression of magnetic flux and plasma is considered, based on which the pressure distribution near turnaround is derived analytically under the assumption of a small Mach number M (defined by the ratio between characteristic radial velocity of liner and the velocity of sound through the medium). It is shown that under certain conditions, the rarefaction wave from the outer (free) surface causes the apparition of a negative pressure in the imploding liner, with consequent liability of cavitation. The criterion for the generation of the negative pressure is found to be 0.6~0.7 for the range of parameters considered (A: liner thickness at turnaround normalized by the inner radius).  相似文献   

After considerable design and construction, we describe the status of a physics exploration of magnetized target fusion (MTF) that will be carried out with the first flux conserving compression of a high pressure field-reversed configuration (FRC). The upgraded Los Alamos (LANL) high density FRC experiment FRXL has demonstrated that an appropriate FRC plasma target can be created and translated on a time scale fast enough to be useful for MTF. Compression to kilovolt temperature is expected to form a Mbar pressure, high energy density laboratory plasma (HEDLP). Integrated hardware on the new Field Reversed Compression and Heating Experiment (FRCHX) at the Air Force Research Laboratory Shiva Star facility, has formed initial FRC’s and will radially compress them within a cylindrically symmetric aluminum “liner”. FRXL has shown that time scales for FRC translation to the target region are significantly shorter than the typical FRC lifetime. The hardware, diagnostics, and design rationales are presented. Pre-compression plasma formation and trapping experimental data from FRXL and FRCHX are shown.  相似文献   

We estimate numerically the rate of radiation by aluminum impurities for parameters relevant to magnetized target fusion (MTF) plasmas. We demonstrate that the coronal equilibrium is appropriate for expected MTF plasma parameters. Using the coronal equilibrium, we estimate the power radiated per impurity ion is 0.25–0.5 × 10−16 MW for temperatures and densities relevant to present plasma parameters taken from the FRX-L experiment at Los Alamos National Laboratory and is approximately 75.0 × 10−16 MW for temperatures and densities relevant to anticipated MTF plasmas. We calculate the sputtering rate of aluminum by thermal deuterium and tritium plasma ions is a few percent assuming an impact angle of 45°. Finally, we estimate that with aluminum impurity levels of a few percent, the impurity radiation power density would be approximately 25 kW/cm3 for FRX-L conditions and 2.5 GW/cm3 for anticipated conditions in a MTF plasma. While we have assumed a sputtering model of impurity generation, the results for the power density apply for impurity levels of a few percent, regardless of the generation mechanism.  相似文献   

A spherical tokamak (ST) with a plasma center column (PCC) can be formed via driven magnetic relaxation of a screw pinch plasma. An ST-PCC could in principle eliminate many problems associated with a material center column, a key weakness of the ST reactor concept. This work summarizes the design space for an ST-PCC in terms of flux amplification, aspect ratio, and elongation, based on the zero-β Taylor-relaxed analysis of Tang & Boozer [Phys. Plasmas 13, 042514 (2006)]. The paper will discuss (1) equilibrium and stability properties of the ST-PCC, (2) issues for an engineering design, and (3) key differences between the proposed ST-PCC and the ongoing Proto-Sphera effort in Italy.  相似文献   

在中国原子能科学研究院的放电泵浦的紫外KrF超短脉冲激光放大装置上,开展了紫外超短脉冲激光与铜薄膜靶相互作用加速产生质子束的实验研究。紫外超短脉冲激光输出能量为30 mJ、波长为248 nm、脉冲宽度为500 fs,采用离轴抛物面镜聚焦获得激光聚焦功率密度为1.2×1017 W/cm2。激光以45°入射5 μm厚的铜薄膜靶,质子最大能量超过300 keV。紫外超短脉冲激光的高对比度和高吸收效率是紫外激光加速的优点。  相似文献   

Using a plexiglas plate model, the performance of peristaltic flow acceleration in- duced by multiple DBD (dielectric barrier discharge) plasma actuators was studied based on PIV (particle image velocimetry). The asynchronous and the duty cycle pulsed actuation modes were proposed and tested. The velocity fields induced by multiple DBD plasma actuators with different phase angles and duty cycle ratios were acquired and the momentum transfer characteristics of the flow field were discussed. Consequently, the mechanism of the peristalsis-acceleration multi- ple DBD plasma actuation was analyzed. The results show that the peristaltic flow acceleration effect of multiple plasma actuators occurs mainly in paraelectric direction, and the mechanism of peristaltic flow acceleration is ejection pushing effect rather than injection pumping effect. The asynchronous and the duty cycle pulsed actuation modes can, with energy consumption increase of merely 10%, achieve 65% and 42% increase of downstream velocity, and thus are promising in velocity improvement and energy saving.  相似文献   

In this study, SiOx films were deposited by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma gun at an atmospheric pressure. The relationship of the film structures with plasma powers was investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was shown that an uniform and cross-linking structure film was formed by the DBD gun. As an application, the SiOx films were deposited on a carbon steel surface for the anti-corrosion purpose. The experiment was carried out in a 0.1 M NaCl solution. It was found that a very good anti-corrosive property was obtained, i.e., the corrosion rate was decreased c.a. 15 times in 5% NaCl solution compared to the non-SiOx coated steel, as detected by the potentiodynamic polarization measurement.  相似文献   

An experiment and analysis on removal of gaseous benzene by pulse corona inducedplasma is presented in this article. Important parameters effecting removal efficiency have been investigated, such as pulse peak voltage, pulse frequency, gas inlet concentration, gas flow rate and reactor temperature. The result shows that the removal efficiency increases with the increase in pulse peak voltage, pulse frequency and reactor temperature, but decreases in the rise of gas inlet concentration and gas flow rate. On the condition of Vp = 36 kV, f = 80 Hz, C = 1440 mg/m^3 and Q = 640 ml/min, the largest removal efficiency is 98%. Finally, the reacted products are qualitatively analysed and the reaction processes are deduced in combination with plasma-chemistry theory.  相似文献   

This is the report of a panel set up by the U.S. Department of Energy Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) in response to a charge letter on October 5, 2000, from Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus, then Director of the DOE's Office of Science. In that letter, Dr. Dresselhaus asked the FESAC to investigate the subject of burning plasma science. The report addresses several topics, including the scientific issues to be addressed by a burning plasma experiment and its major supporting elements, identification of issues that are generic to toroidal confinement, and the role of the Next-Step Options (NSO) Program.  相似文献   

As a new diagnostic means, plasma-imaging system has been developed on the HL-2A tokamak, with a basic understanding of plasma discharge scenario of the entire torus, checking the plasma position and the clearance between the plasma and the first wall during discharge. The plasma imaging system consists of (1) color video camera, (2) observation window and turn mirror, (3) viewing & collecting optics, (4) video cable, (5) Video capture card as well as PC. This paper mainly describes the experimental arrangement, plasma imaging system and detailed part in the system, along with the experimental results. Real-time monitoring of plasma discharge process, particularly distinguishing limitor and divertor configuration, the imaging system has become key diagnostic means and laid the foundation for further physical experiment on the HL-2A tokamak.  相似文献   

To understand the self sustained propagation of the plasma jet/bullet in air under atmospheric pressure, the ignition of the plasma jet/bullet, the plasma jet/bullet ignition point in the plasma pencil, the formation time and the formation criteria from a dielectric barrier configured plasma pencil were investigated in this study. The results were confirmed by comparing these results with the plasma jet ignition process in the plasma pencil without a dielectric barrier. Electrical, optical, and imaging techniques were used to study the formation of the plasma jet from the ignition of discharge in a double dielectric barrier configured plasma pencil. The investigation results show that the plasma jet forms at the outlet of the plasma pencil as a donut shaped discharge front because of the electric field line along the outlet’s surface. It is shown that the required time for the formation of the plasma jet changes with the input voltage of the discharge. The input power calculation for the gap discharge and for the whole system shows that 56% of the average input power is used by the first gap discharge. The estimated electron density inside the gap discharge is in the order of 1011cm-3 . If helium is used as a feeding gas, a minimum 1.48×10-8C charge is required per pulse in the gap discharge to generate a plasma jet.  相似文献   

An analysis has been made on the discharge plasma coupled with an adsorbent system for NOx removal. The cascaded plasma-adsorbent system may be perceived as a better alternative for the existing adsorbent-based abatement system in the industry. In this study the exhaust is sourced from a diesel generator set. It was observed that better NO removal in a plasma reactor can be made possible by achieving higher average fields and subsequent NO2 removal can be improved using an adsorbent system connected in cascade with the plasma system. The paper describes various findings pertaining to these comparative analyses.  相似文献   

Plasma boundary identification is a basic task for studies on equilibrium and confinement in a divertor tokamak. With the progress on the experiments after engineering experiments, the boundary identification becomes an important issue for HL-2A. In order to satisfy the requirements of preciseness, simplified measurements and quickness, the filament current method instead of solving the equilibrium equations is used to identify plasma boundary on HL-2A. The involved principle, mathematics and the progresses, which have been made with this method, are given.  相似文献   

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