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Numerical difficulties are present in the particle finite element method even though it has been shown to be a powerful and effective approach to simulating fluid‐structure interaction. To overcome problems of mass loss on the free surface and the added‐mass effect, an improved fractional step method (FSM) that handles added‐mass terms in a mathematically exact way is developed. A further benefit is that no assumptions regarding the structural response are made in handling added‐mass terms, thus it is straightforward to incorporate material nonlinearity in fluid‐structure interaction (FSI) under this approach. Patch tests and comparisons with experimental data are presented in order to verify and validate the improved FSM for FSI applications. The computational cost of this approach is shown to be negligible compared with the other aspects of the FSM, particularly when the size of the structure and the fluid‐structure interface is small relative to the volume of fluid. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the analysis of elastodynamic problems in 3D‐layered systems which are unbounded in the horizontal direction. For this purpose, a finite element model of the near field is coupled to a scaled boundary finite element model (SBFEM) of the far field. The SBFEM is originally based on describing the geometry of a half‐space or full‐space domain by scaling the geometry of the near field / far field interface using a radial coordinate. A modified form of the SBFEM for waves in a 2D layer is also available. None of these existing formulations can be used to describe a 3D‐layered medium. In this paper, a modified SBFEM for the analysis of 3D‐layered continua is derived. Based on the use of a scaling line instead of a scaling centre, a suitable scaled boundary transformation is proposed. The derivation of the corresponding scaled boundary finite element (SBFE) equations in displacement and stiffness is presented in detail. The latter is a nonlinear differential equation with respect to the radial coordinate, which has to be solved numerically for each excitation frequency considered in the analysis. Various numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy of the new method and its correct implementation. These include rigid circular and square foundations embedded in or resting on the surface of layered homogeneous or inhomogeneous 3D soil deposits over rigid bedrock. Hysteretic damping is assumed in some cases. The dynamic stiffness coefficients calculated using the proposed method are compared with analytical solutions or existing highly accurate numerical results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a new class of explicit coupling schemes for the numerical solution of fluid‐structure interaction problems involving a viscous incompressible fluid and an elastic structure. These methods generalize the arguments reported in [Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 267:566–593, 2013, Numer. Math., 123(1):21–65, 2013] to the case of the coupling with thick‐walled structures. The basic idea lies in the derivation of an intrinsic interface Robin consistency at the space semi‐discrete level, using a lumped‐mass approximation in the structure. The fluid–solid splitting is then performed through appropriate extrapolations of the solid velocity and stress on the interface. Based on these methods, a new, parameter‐free, Robin–Neumann iterative procedure is also proposed for the partitioned solution of implicit coupling. A priori energy estimates, guaranteeing the stability of the schemes and the convergence of the iterative procedure, are established within a representative linear setting. The accuracy and performance of the methods are illustrated in several numerical examples. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a hybrid variational‐collocation, immersed, and fully‐implicit formulation for fluid‐structure interaction (FSI) using unstructured T‐splines. In our immersed methodology, we define an Eulerian mesh on the whole computational domain and a Lagrangian mesh on the solid domain, which moves arbitrarily on top of the Eulerian mesh. Mathematically, the problem reduces to solving three equations, namely, the linear momentum balance, mass conservation, and a condition of kinematic compatibility between the Lagrangian displacement and the Eulerian velocity. We use a weighted residual approach for the linear momentum and mass conservation equations, but we discretize directly the strong form of the kinematic relation, deriving a hybrid variational‐collocation method. We use T‐splines for both the spatial discretization and the information transfer between the Eulerian mesh and the Lagrangian mesh. T‐splines offer us two main advantages against non‐uniform rational B‐splines: they can be locally refined and they are unstructured. The generalized‐α method is used for the time discretization. We validate our formulation with a common FSI benchmark problem achieving excellent agreement with the theoretical solution. An example involving a partially immersed solid is also solved. The numerical examples show how the use of T‐junctions and extraordinary nodes results in an accurate, efficient, and flexible method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We discuss explicit coupling schemes for fluid‐structure interaction problems where the added mass effect is important. In this paper, we show the close relation between coupling schemes by using Nitsche's method and a Robin–Robin type coupling. In the latter case, the method may be implemented either using boundary integrals of the stresses or the more conventional discrete lifting operators. Recalling the explicit method proposed in Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 198(5‐8):766–784, 2009, we make the observation that this scheme is stable under a hyperbolic type CFL condition, but that optimal accuracy imposes a parabolic type CFL conditions because of the splitting error. Two strategies to enhance the accuracy of the coupling scheme under the hyperbolic CFL‐condition are suggested, one using extrapolation and defect‐correction and one using a penalty‐free non‐symmetric Nitsche method. Finally, we illustrate the performance of the proposed schemes on some numerical examples in two and three space dimensions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A numerical method based on a hybrid meshfree‐Cartesian grid is developed for solving three‐dimensional fluid–solid interaction (FSI) problems involving solid bodies undergoing large motion. The body is discretized and enveloped by a cloud of meshfree nodes. The motion of the body is tracked by convecting the meshfree nodes against a background of Cartesian grid points. Spatial discretization of second‐order accuracy is accomplished by the combination of a generalized finite difference (GFD) method and conventional finite difference (FD) method, which are applied to the meshfree and Cartesian nodes, respectively. Error minimization in GFD is carried out by singular value decomposition. The discretized equations are integrated in time via a second‐order fractional step projection method. A time‐implicit iterative procedure is employed to compute the new/evolving position of the immersed bodies together with the dynamically coupled solution of the flow field. The present method is applied on problems of free falling spheres and tori in quiescent flow and freely rotating spheres in simple shear flow. Good agreement with published results shows the ability of the present hybrid meshfree‐Cartesian grid scheme to achieve good accuracy. An application of the method to the self‐induced propulsion of a deforming fish‐like swimmer further demonstrates the capability and potential of the present approach for solving complex FSI problems in 3D. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This contribution discusses extended physical interface models for fluid–structure interaction problems and investigates their phenomenological effects on the behavior of coupled systems by numerical simulation. Besides the various types of friction at the fluid–structure interface the most interesting phenomena are related to effects due to additional interface stiffness and damping. The paper introduces extended models at the fluid–structure interface on the basis of rheological devices (Hooke, Newton, Kelvin, Maxwell, Zener). The interface is decomposed into a Lagrangian layer for the solid‐like part and an Eulerian layer for the fluid‐like part. The mechanical model for fluid–structure interaction is based on the equations of rigid body dynamics for the structural part and the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations for viscous flow. The resulting weighted residual form uses the interface velocity and interface tractions in both layers in addition to the field variables for fluid and structure. The weak formulation of the whole coupled system is discretized using space–time finite elements with a discontinuous Galerkin method for time‐integration leading to a monolithic algebraic system. The deforming fluid domain is taken into account by deformable space–time finite elements and a pseudo‐structure approach for mesh motion. The sensitivity of coupled systems to modification of the interface model and its parameters is investigated by numerical simulation of flow induced vibrations of a spring supported fluid‐immersed cylinder. It is shown that the presented rheological interface model allows to influence flow‐induced vibrations. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel characteristic–based penalty (CBP) scheme for the finite‐element method (FEM) is proposed to solve 2‐dimensional incompressible laminar flow. This new CBP scheme employs the characteristic‐Galerkin method to stabilize the convective oscillation. To mitigate the incompressible constraint, the selective reduced integration (SRI) and the recently proposed selective node–based smoothed FEM (SNS‐FEM) are used for the 4‐node quadrilateral element (CBP‐Q4SRI) and the 3‐node triangular element (CBP‐T3SNS), respectively. Meanwhile, the reduced integration (RI) for Q4 element (CBP‐Q4RI) and NS‐FEM for T3 element (CBP‐T3NS) with CBP scheme are also investigated. The quasi‐implicit CBP scheme is applied to allow a large time step for sufficient large penalty parameters. Due to the absences of pressure degree of freedoms, the quasi‐implicit CBP‐FEM has higher efficiency than quasi‐implicit CBS‐FEM. In this paper, the CBP‐Q4SRI has been verified and validated with high accuracy, stability, and fast convergence. Unexpectedly, CBP‐Q4RI is of no instability, high accuracy, and even slightly faster convergence than CBP‐Q4SRI. For unstructured T3 elements, CBP‐T3SNS also shows high accuracy and good convergence but with pressure oscillation using a large penalty parameter; CBP‐T3NS produces oscillated wrong velocity and pressure results. In addition, the applicable ranges of penalty parameter for different proposed methods have been investigated.  相似文献   

When applying the combined finite‐discrete element method for analysis of dynamic problems, contact is often encountered between the finite elements and discrete elements, and thus an effective contact treatment is essential. In this paper, an accurate and robust contact detection algorithm is proposed to resolve contact problems between spherical particles, which represent rigid discrete elements, and convex quadrilateral mesh facets, which represent finite element boundaries of structural components. Different contact scenarios between particles and mesh facets, or edges, or vertices have been taken into account. For each potential contact pair, the contact search is performed in an hierarchical way starting from mesh facets, possibly going to edges and even further to vertices. The invalid contact pairs can be removed by means of two reasonable priorities defined in terms of geometric primitives and facet identifications. This hierarchical contact searching scheme is effective, and its implementation is straightforward. Numerical examples demonstrated the accuracy and robustness of the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional higher‐order eXtended finite element method (XFEM)‐computations still pose challenging computational geometry problems especially for moving interfaces. This paper provides a method for the localization of a higher‐order interface finite element (FE) mesh in an underlying three‐dimensional higher‐order FE mesh. Additionally, it demonstrates, how a subtetrahedralization of an intersected element can be obtained, which preserves the possibly curved interface and allows therefore exact numerical integration. The proposed interface algorithm collects initially a set of possibly intersecting elements by comparing their ‘eXtended axis‐aligned bounding boxes’. The intersection method is applied to a highly reduced number of intersection candidates. The resulting linearized interface is used as input for an elementwise constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization, which computes an appropriate subdivision for each intersected element. The curved interface is recovered from the linearized interface in the last step. The output comprises triangular integration cells representing the interface and tetrahedral integration cells for each intersected element. Application of the interface algorithm currently concentrates on fluid–structure interaction problems on low‐order and higher‐order FE meshes, which may be composed of any arbitrary element types such as hexahedra, tetrahedra, wedges, etc. Nevertheless, other XFEM‐problems with explicitly given interfaces or discontinuities may be tackled in addition. Multiple structures and interfaces per intersected element can be handled without any additional difficulties. Several parallelization strategies exist depending on the desired domain decomposition approach. Numerical test cases including various geometrical exceptions demonstrate the accuracy, robustness and efficiency of the interface handling. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Voxel‐based micro‐finite‐element (μFE) models are used extensively in bone mechanics research. A major disadvantage of voxel‐based μFE models is that voxel surface jaggedness causes distortion of contact‐induced stresses. Past efforts in resolving this problem have only been partially successful, ie, mesh smoothing failed to preserve uniformity of the stiffness matrix, resulting in (excessively) larger solution times, whereas reducing contact to a bonded interface introduced spurious tensile stresses at the contact surface. This paper introduces a novel “smooth” contact formulation that defines gap distances based on an artificial smooth surface representation while using the conventional penalty contact framework. Detailed analyses of a sphere under compression demonstrated that the smooth formulation predicts contact‐induced stresses more accurately than the bonded contact formulation. When applied to a realistic bone contact problem, errors in the smooth contact result were under 2%, whereas errors in the bonded contact result were up to 42.2%. We conclude that the novel smooth contact formulation presents a memory‐efficient method for contact problems in voxel‐based μFE models. It presents the first method that allows modeling finite slip in large‐scale voxel meshes common to high‐resolution image‐based models of bone while keeping the benefits of a fast and efficient voxel‐based solution scheme.  相似文献   

Motivated by nano‐scale experimental evidence on the dispersion characteristics of materials with a lattice structure, a new multi‐scale gradient elasticity model is developed. In the framework of gradient elasticity, the simultaneous presence of acceleration and strain gradients has been denoted as dynamic consistency. This model represents an extension of an earlier dynamically consistent model with an additional micro‐inertia contribution to improve the dispersion behaviour. The model can therefore be seen as an enhanced dynamic extension of the Aifantis' 1992 strain‐gradient theory for statics obtained by including two acceleration gradients in addition to the strain gradient. Compared with the previous dynamically consistent model, the additional micro‐inertia term is found to improve the prediction of wave dispersion significantly and, more importantly, requires no extra computational cost. The fourth‐order equations are rewritten in two sets of symmetric second‐order equations so that ‐continuity is sufficient in the finite element implementation. Two sets of unknowns are identified as the microstructural and macrostructural displacements, thus highlighting the multi‐scale nature of the present formulation. The associated energy functionals and variationally consistent boundary conditions are presented, after which the finite element equations are derived. Considerable improvements over previous gradient models are observed as confirmed by two numerical examples. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cyclic behavior of materials is complex and difficult to model. A combination of hardening rules in classical plasticity is one possibility for modeling this complex material behavior. Neural network (NN) constitutive models have been shown in the past to have the capability of modeling complex material behavior directly from the results of material tests. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for NN‐based modeling of the cyclic behavior of materials. The proposed NN material model uses new internal variables that facilitate the learning of the hysteretic behavior of materials. The same approach can also be used in modeling of the hysteretic behavior of structural systems or structural components under cyclic loadings. The proposed model is shown to be superior to the earlier versions of NN material models. Although the earlier versions of the NN material models were effective in capturing the multi‐axial material behavior, they were only tested under cyclic uni‐axial state of stress. The proposed NN material model is capable of learning the hysteretic behavior of materials under even non‐uniform stress state in multi‐dimensional stress space. The performance of the proposed model is demonstrated through a series of examples using actual experimental data and simulated testing data. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the non‐isothermal elasto‐plastic behaviour of multiphase geomaterials in dynamics is investigated with a thermo‐hydro‐mechanical model of porous media. The supporting mathematical model is based on averaging procedures within the hybrid mixture theory. A computationally efficient reduced formulation of the macroscopic balance equations that neglects the relative acceleration of the fluids, and the convective terms is adopted. The modified effective stress state is limited by the Drucker–Prager yield surface. Small strains and dynamic loading conditions are assumed. The standard Galerkin procedure of the finite element method is applied to discretize the governing equations in space, while the generalized Newmark scheme is used for the time discretization. The final non‐linear set of equations is solved by the Newton method with a monolithic approach. Coupled dynamic analyses of strain localization in globally undrained samples of dense and medium dense sands are presented as examples. Vapour pressure below the saturation water pressure (cavitation) develops at localization in case of dense sands, as experimentally observed. A numerical study of the regularization properties of the finite element model is shown and discussed. A non‐isothermal case of incipient strain localization induced by temperature increase where evaporation takes place is also analysed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shape‐memory polymers (SMPs) belong to a class of smart materials that have shown promise for a wide range of applications. They are characterized by their ability to maintain a temporary deformed shape and return to an original parent permanent shape. In this paper, we consider the coupled photomechanical behavior of light activated shape‐memory polymers (LASMPs), focusing on the numerical aspects for finite element simulations at the engineering scale. The photomechanical continuum framework is summarized, and some specific constitutive equations for LASMPs are described. Numerical implementation of the multiphysics governing partial differential equations takes the form of a user defined element subroutine within the commercial software package ABAQUS . We verify our two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional finite element procedure for multiple analytically tractable cases. To show the robustness of the numerical implementation, simulations are performed under various geometries and complex photomechanical loading. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A cell‐based smoothed discrete shear gap method (CS‐FEM‐DSG3) based on the first‐order shear deformation theory (FSDT) was recently proposed for static and dynamic analyses of Mindlin plates. In this paper, the CS‐FEM‐DSG3 is extended to the C0‐type higher‐order shear deformation plate theory (C0‐HSDT) and is incorporated with damping–spring systems for dynamic responses of Mindlin plates on viscoelastic foundations subjected to a moving sprung vehicle. At each time step of dynamic analysis, one four‐step procedure is performed including the following: (1) transformation of the weight of a four‐wheel vehicle into the sprung masses at wheels; (2) dynamic analysis of the sprung mass of wheels to determine the contact forces; (3) transformation of the contact forces into loads at nodes of plate elements; and (4) dynamic analysis of the plate elements on viscoelastic foundations. The accuracy and reliability of the proposed method are verified by comparing its numerical solutions with those of other available numerical results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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