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We present a formalization and a formal total correctness proof of a MiniSAT-like SAT solver within the system Isabelle/HOL. The solver is based on the DPLL procedure and employs most state-of-the-art SAT solving techniques, including the conflict-guided backjumping, clause learning, and the two-watched unit propagation scheme. A shallow embedding into Isabelle/HOL is used and the solver is expressed as a set of recursive HOL functions. Based on this specification, the Isabelle’s built-in code generator can be used to generate executable code in several supported functional languages (Haskell, SML, and OCaml). The SAT solver implemented in this way is, to our knowledge, the first fully formally and mechanically verified modern SAT solver.  相似文献   

学习子句删除策略是CDCL-SAT求解器中的一个重要内容,可以避免内存爆炸和加速单元传播。评估学习子句有用性的标准不同导致所删除的学习子句是不同的,极大地影响求解效率。基于CDCL算法的求解过程可被形式化为增加管理学习子句策略的归结演绎过程,基于此,提出一种基于演绎长度的学习子句评估方法,并与现有的基于文字块距离的评估方法结合,根据排序子句的基准不同,形成两种不同的结合算法。采用国际SAT竞赛的基准实例,与目前主流的求解器进行了实验对比分析。结果表明,所提的结合算法能更好地评估学习子句的有用性,较基于文字块距离策略的求解个数提高了4.1%,说明所提策略具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

This paper describes the integration of a leading SAT solver with Isabelle/HOL, a popular interactive theorem prover. The SAT solver generates resolution-style proofs for (instances of) propositional tautologies. These proofs are verified by the theorem prover. The presented approach significantly improves Isabelle's performance on propositional problems, and furthermore exhibits counterexamples for unprovable conjectures.  相似文献   

The refinement calculus provides a methodology for transforming an abstract specification into a concrete implementation, by following a succession of refinement rules. These rules have been mechanized in theorem provers, thus providing a formal and rigorous way to prove that a given program refines another one. In a previous work, we have extended this mechanization for object-oriented programs, where the memory is represented as a graph, and we have integrated our approach within the rCOS tool, a model-driven software development tool providing a refinement language. Hence, for any refinement step, the tool automatically generates the corresponding proof obligations and the user can manually discharge them, using a provided library of refinement lemmas. In this work, we propose an approach to automate the search of possible refinement rules from a program to another, using the rewriting tool Maude. Each refinement rule in Maude is associated with the corresponding lemma in Isabelle, thus allowing the tool to automatically generate the Isabelle proof when a refinement rule can be automatically found. The user can add a new refinement rule by providing the corresponding Maude rule and Isabelle lemma.  相似文献   

We present an abstraction refinement algorithm for model checking of safety properties that relies exclusively on a SAT solver for checking the abstract model, testing abstract counterexamples on the concrete model, and refinement. Model checking of the abstractions is based on bounded model checking extended with checks for the existence of simple paths that help in deciding passing properties. All minimum-length spurious counterexamples are eliminated in one refinement step by an incremental procedure that combines the analysis of the conflict dependency graph produced by the SAT solver while looking for concrete counterexamples with an effective refinement minimization procedure.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for combining “off-the-shelf” SAT and constraint solvers for building an efficient Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver for a wide range of theories. Our method follows the abstraction/refinement approach to simplify the implementation of custom SMT solvers. The expected performance penalty by not using an interweaved combination of SAT and theory solvers is reduced by generalising a Boolean solution of an SMT problem first via assigning don’t care to as many variables as possible. We then use the generalised solution to determine a thereby smaller constraint set to be handed over to the constraint solver for a background theory. We show that for many benchmarks and real-world problems, this optimisation results in considerably smaller and less complex constraint problems. The presented approach is particularly useful for assembling a practically viable SMT solver quickly, when neither a suitable SMT solver nor a corresponding incremental theory solver is available. We have implemented our approach in the ABsolver framework and applied the resulting solver successfully to an industrial case-study: the verification problems arising in verifying an electronic car steering control system impose non-linear arithmetic constraints, which do not fall into the domain of any other available solver.  相似文献   

We present a formal semantics for an object-oriented specification language. The formal semantics is presented as a conservative shallow embedding in Isabelle/hol and the language is oriented towards ocl formulae in the context of uml class diagrams. On this basis, we formally derive several equational and tableaux calculi, which form the basis of an integrated proof environment including automatic proof support and support for the analysis of this type of specifications. We show applications of our proof environment to data refinement based on an adapted standard refinement notion. Thus, we provide an integrated formal method for refinement-based object-oriented development.  相似文献   

A translation from higher-order logic (on top of the simply typed λ-calculus) to propositional logic is presented, such that the resulting propositional formula is satisfiable iff the HOL formula has a model of a given finite size. A standard SAT solver can then be used to search for a satisfying assignment, and such an assignment can be transformed back into a model for the HOL formula. The algorithm has been implemented in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL, where it is used to automatically generate countermodels for non-theorems.  相似文献   

适当的重启有助于求解器跳出局部最优,但频繁重启会严重降低效率。为解决CDCL求解器重启触发条件随意性大的问题,提出一种基于搜索路径识别的延迟重启算法。该算法使用Luby序列触发延时重启判断,将当前搜索路径和已搜索路径转换为向量空间模型,通过计算向量空间相似度来判断当前搜索过程是否会进入重复搜索空间。若向量空间相似度达到设定阈值,则触发重启,否则延迟重启。采用SAT国际竞赛的实例,与两个主流的求解器进行了对比实验。结果表明,所提算法能够有效规避重复搜索空间问题,并显著提高求解效率。  相似文献   

Nowadays, many real-world problems are encoded into SAT instances and efficiently solved by modern SAT solvers. These solvers, usually known as Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) SAT solvers, include a variety of sophisticated techniques, such as clause learning, lazy data structures, conflict-based adaptive branching heuristics, or random restarts, among others. However, the reasons of their efficiency in solving real-world, or industrial, SAT instances are still unknown. The common wisdom in the SAT community is that these technique exploit some hidden structure of real-world problems.In this thesis, we characterize some important features of the underlying structure of industrial SAT instances. Namely, they are the community structure and the self-similar structure. We observe that most industrial SAT formulas, viewed as graphs, have these two properties. This means that (i) in a graph with a clear community structure, i.e. having high modularity, we can find a partition of its nodes into communities such that most edges connect nodes of the same community; and (ii) in a graph with a self-similar pattern, i.e. being fractal, its shape is kept after re-scalings, i.e., grouping sets of nodes into a single node. We also analyze how these structures are affected by the effects of CDCL techniques during the search.Using the previous structural studies, we propose three applications. First, we face the problem of generating pseudo-industrial random SAT instances using the notion of modularity. Our model generates instances similar to (classical) random SAT formulas when the modularity is low, but when this value is high, our model is also adequate to model realistic pseudo-industrial problems. Second, we propose a method based on the community structure of the instance to detect relevant learnt clauses. Our technique augments the original instance with this set of relevant clauses, and this results into an overall improvement of the efficiency of several state-of-the-art CDCL SAT solvers. Finally, we analyze the classification of industrial SAT instances into families using the previously analyzed structure features, and we compare them to other classifiers commonly used in portfolio SAT approaches.In summary, this dissertation extends the understandings of the structure of SAT instances, with the aim of better explaining the success of CDCL techniques and possibly improve them, and propose a number of applications based on this analysis of the underlying structure of SAT formulas.  相似文献   

Object-oriented databases (OODBs) provide powerful data abstractions and modeling facilities but they usually lack a suitable framework for query processing and optimization. Even though there is an increasing number of recent proposals on OODB query optimization, only few of them are actually focused on query optimization in the presence of object identity and destructive updates, features often supported by most realistic OODB languages. This paper presents a formal framework for optimizing object-oriented queries in the presence of side effects. These queries may contain object updates at any place and in any form. We present a language extension to the monoid comprehension calculus to express these object-oriented features and we give a formal meaning to these extensions. Our method is based on denotational semantics, which is often used to give a formal meaning to imperative programming languages. The semantics of our language extensions is expressed in terms of our monoid calculus, without the need of any fundamental change to our basic framework. Our method not only maintains referential transparency, which allows us to do meaningful query optimization, but it is also practical for optimizing OODB queries since it allows the same optimization techniques applied to regular queries to be used with minimal changes for OODB queries with updates.  相似文献   

The recently emerging idea of Algorithm Engineering in the community of Computer Science is about how to engineer computer algorithms by integrating the design, analysis, implementation, experimental testing, refine-ment, etc. of them, aiming at improving their runtime performance.In this paper, we try to develop the main idea of the theory and methodology of algorithm engineering, and givean introduction to some useful tools. In order to concretize our discussion and illustrate the effectiveness of algorithm engineering, we will base our study on the engineering of SAT algorithms. According to the rules and methodologies of algorithm engineering we have learned, we implement a simple but efficient SAT solver, Quick SAT, as a testbed.Although we haven‘t utilized most of the advanced techniques used in modern SAT solvers, the result of experimental comparison shows that Quick SAT is close in performance to zChaff, one of the leading SAT solvers in the world to-day.  相似文献   

This paper presents a bounded model checking tool called Hydlogic{\texttt{Hydlogic}} for hybrid systems. It translates a reachability problem of a nonlinear hybrid system into a predicate logic formula involving arithmetic constraints and checks the satisfiability of the formula based on a satisfiability modulo theories method. We tightly integrate (i) an incremental SAT solver to enumerate the possible sets of constraints and (ii) an interval-based solver for hybrid constraint systems (HCSs) to solve the constraints described in the formulas. The HCS solver verifies the occurrence of a discrete change by using a set of boxes to enclose continuous states that may cause the discrete change. We utilize the existence property of a unique solution in the boxes computed by the HCS solver as (i) a proof of the reachability of a model and (ii) a guide in the over-approximation refinement procedure. Our Hydlogic{\texttt{Hydlogic}} implementation successfully handled several examples including those with nonlinear constraints.  相似文献   

动态规划是一种递归求解问题最优解的方法,主要通过求解子问题的解并组合这些解来求解原问题.由于其子问题之间存在大量依赖关系和约束条件,所以验证过程繁琐,尤其对命令式动态规划类算法程序正确性验证是一个难点.基于动态规划类算法Isabelle/HOL函数式建模与验证,通过证明命令式动态规划类算法程序与其的等价性,避免证明正确性时处理复杂的依赖关系和约束条件,提出命令式动态规划类算法程序设计框架及其机械化验证.首先,根据动态规划类算法的优化方法(备忘录方法)和性质(最优子结构性质和子问题重叠性质)描述问题规约、归纳递推关系式和形式化构造出循环不变式,并且基于递推关系式生成IMP (Minimalistic Imperative Programming Language)代码;其次,将问题规约、循环不变式和生成的IMP代码输入VCG (Verification Condition Generator),自动生成正确性的验证条件;然后,在Isabelle/HOL定理证明器中对验证条件进行机械化验证.算法首先设计为命令式动态规划类算法的一般形式,并进一步实例化得到具体算法.最后,例证了所提框架的有效性,为动态规划类算法的自动化推导和验证提供参考价值.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mechanisation of psi-calculi, a parametric framework for modelling various dialects of process calculi including (but not limited to) the pi-calculus, the applied pi-calculus, and the spi calculus. psi-calculi are significantly more expressive, yet their semantics is as simple in structure as the semantics of the original pi-calculus. Proofs of meta-theoretic properties for psi-calculi are more involved, however, not least because psi-calculi (unlike simpler calculi) utilise binders that bind multiple names at once. The mechanisation is carried out in the Nominal Isabelle framework, an interactive proof assistant designed to facilitate formal reasoning about calculi with binders. Our main contributions are twofold. First, we have developed techniques that allow efficient reasoning about calculi that bind multiple names in Nominal Isabelle. Second, we have adopted these techniques to mechanise substantial results from the meta-theory of psi-calculi, including congruence properties of bisimilarity and the laws of structural congruence. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive formalisation of process calculi mechanised in a proof assistant to date.  相似文献   

We define a predicate-transformer semantics for an object oriented language that includes specification constructs from refinement calculi. The language includes recursive classes, visibility control, dynamic binding, and recursive methods. Using the semantics, we formulate notions of refinement. Such results are a first step toward a refinement calculus  相似文献   

The refinement calculus is a well-established theory for formal development of imperative program code and is supported by a number of automated tools. Via a detailed case study, this article shows how refinement theory and tool support can be extended for a program with real-time constraints. The approach adapts a timed variant of the refinement calculus and makes corresponding enhancements to a theorem-prover based refinement tool.  相似文献   

The fact that Z is a specification language only, with no associated program development method, is a widely recognised problem. As an answer to that, we present ZRC, a refinement calculus based on Morgan's work that incorporates the Z notation and follows its style and conventions. This work builds upon existing refinement techniques for Z, but distinguishes itself mainly in that ZRC is completely formalised. In this paper, we explain how programs can be derived from Z specifications using ZRC. We present ZRC-L, the language of our calculus, and its conversion laws, which are concerned with the transformation of Z schemas into programs of this language. Moreover, we present the weakest precondition semantics of ZRC-L, which is the basis for the derivation of the laws of ZRC. More than a refinement calculus, ZRC is a theory of refinement for Z. Received July 1997 / Accepted in revised form October 1998  相似文献   

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