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We show how codatatypes can be employed to produce compact, high-level proofs of key results in logic: the soundness and completeness of proof systems for variations of first-order logic. For the classical completeness result, we first establish an abstract property of possibly infinite derivation trees. The abstract proof can be instantiated for a wide range of Gentzen and tableau systems for various flavors of first-order logic. Soundness becomes interesting as soon as one allows infinite proofs of first-order formulas. This forms the subject of several cyclic proof systems for first-order logic augmented with inductive predicate definitions studied in the literature. All the discussed results are formalized using Isabelle/HOL’s recently introduced support for codatatypes and corecursion. The development illustrates some unique features of Isabelle/HOL’s new coinductive specification language such as nesting through non-free types and mixed recursion–corecursion.  相似文献   

We show how to mechanise equational proofs about higher-order languages by using the primitive proof principles of first-order abstract syntax over one-sorted variable names. We illustrate the method here by proving (in Isabelle/HOL) a technical property which makes the method widely applicable for the λ-calculus: the residual theory of β is renaming-free up-to an initiality condition akin to the so-called Barendregt Variable Convention. We use our results to give a new diagram-based proof of the development part of the strong finite development property for the λ-calculus. The proof has the same equational implications (e.g., confluence) as the proof of the full property but without the need to prove SN. We account for two other uses of the proof method, as presented elsewhere. One has been mechanised in full in Isabelle/HOL.  相似文献   

Formal verification methods have gained increased importance due to their ability to guarantee system correctness and improve reliability. Nevertheless, the question how proofs are to be formalized in theorem provers is far from being trivial, yet very important as one needs to spend much more time on verification if the formalization was not cleverly chosen. In this paper, we develop and compare two different possibilities to express coinductive proofs in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. Coinduction is a proof method that allows for the verification of properties of also non-terminating state-transition systems. Since coinduction is not as widely used as other proof techniques as e.g. induction, there are much fewer “recipes” available how to formalize corresponding proofs and there are also fewer proof strategies implemented in theorem provers for coinduction. In this paper, we investigate formalizations for coinductive proofs of properties on state transition sequences. In particular, we compare two different possibilities for their formalization and show their equivalence. The first of these two formalizations captures the mathematical intuition, while the second can be used more easily in a theorem prover. We have formally verified the equivalence of these criteria in Isabelle/HOL, thus establishing a coalgebraic verification framework. To demonstrate that our verification framework is suitable for the verification of compiler optimizations, we have introduced three different, rather simple transformations that capture typical problems in the verification of optimizing compilers, even for non-terminating source programs.  相似文献   

本文针对命题演算形式系统,在机器辅助定理证明系统Isabelle/HOL中为其建立逻辑模型,并分别形式化验证了PC和ND的主要性质,以及完备性定理的证明。通过对PC和ND的分析和验证表明,采用机器辅助定理证明系统,对以数理逻辑为平台的各种形式系统进行严格的分析和证明是可行的。  相似文献   

We report on an experiment in combining the theorem prover Isabelle with automatic first-order arithmetic provers to increase automation on the verification of distributed protocols. As a case study for the experiment we verify several averaging clock synchronization algorithms. We present a formalization of Schneider’s generalized clock synchronization protocol [Sch87] in Isabelle/HOL. Then, we verify that the convergence functions used in two clock synchronization algorithms, namely, the Interactive Convergence Algorithm (ICA) of Lamport and Melliar-Smith [LMS85] and the Fault-tolerant Midpoint algorithm of Lundelius–Lynch [LL84], satisfy Schneider’s general conditions for correctness. The proofs are completely formalized in Isabelle/HOL. We identify parts of the proofs which are not fully automatically proven by Isabelle built-in tactics and show that these proofs can be handled by automatic first-order provers with support for arithmetics.  相似文献   

We present a formalization of the topological ring of formal power series in Isabelle/HOL. We also formalize formal derivatives, division, radicals, composition and reverses. As an application, we show how formal elementary and hyper-geometric series yield elegant proofs for some combinatorial identities. We easily derive a basic theory of polynomials. Then, using a generic formalization of the fraction field of an integral domain, we obtain formal Laurent series and rational functions for free.  相似文献   

We present a formalization of the first 100 pages of Winskel's textbook The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL: 2 operational, 2 denotational, 2 axiomatic semantics, a verification condition generator, and the necessary soundness, completeness and equivalence proofs, all for a simple imperative programming language. Received March 1997 / Accepted in revised form June 1998  相似文献   

Sledgehammer is a component of Isabelle/HOL that employs resolution-based first-order automatic theorem provers (ATPs) to discharge goals arising in interactive proofs. It heuristically selects relevant facts and, if an ATP is successful, produces a snippet that replays the proof in Isabelle. We extended Sledgehammer to invoke satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers as well, exploiting its relevance filter and parallel architecture. The ATPs and SMT solvers nicely complement each other, and Isabelle users are now pleasantly surprised by SMT proofs for problems beyond the ATPs’ reach.  相似文献   

This paper presents a full formalization of the semantics of definite programs, in the calculus of inductive constructions. First, we describe a formalization of the proof of first-order terms unification: this proof is obtained from a similar proof dealing with quasi-terms, thus showing how to relate an inductive set with a subset defined by a predicate. Then, SLD-resolution is explicitely defined: the renaming process used in SLD-derivations is made explicit, thus introducing complications, usually overlooked, during the proofs of classical results. Last, switching and lifting lemmas and soundness and completeness theorems are formalized. For this, we present two lemmas, usually omitted, which are needed. This development also contains a formalization of basic results on operators and their fixpoints in a general setting. All the proofs of the results, presented here, have been checked with the proof assistant Coq.  相似文献   

We introduce a semantics for classical logic with partial functions, in which ill-typed formulas are guaranteed to have no truth value, so that they cannot be used in any form of reasoning. The semantics makes it possible to mix reasoning about types and preconditions with reasoning about other properties. This makes it possible to deal with partial functions with preconditions of unlimited complexity. We show that, in spite of its increased complexity, the semantics is still a natural generalization of first-order logic with simple types. If one does not use the increased expressivity, the type system is not stronger than classical logic with simple types. We will define two sequent calculi for our semantics, and prove that they are sound and complete. The first calculus follows the semantics closely, and hence its completeness proof is fairly straightforward. The second calculus is further away from the semantics, but more suitable for practical use because it has better proof theoretic properties. Its completeness can be shown by proving that proofs from the first calculus can be translated.  相似文献   

Isabelle [28, 30] is an interactive theorem prover that supports a variety of logics. It represents rules as propositions (not as functions) and builds proofs by combining rules. These operations constitute a meta-logic (or logical framework) in which the object-logics are formalized. Isabelle is now based on higher-order logic-a precise and well-understood foundation.Examples illustrate the use of this meta-logic to formalize logics and proofs. Axioms for first-order logic are shown to be sound and complete. Backwards proof is formalized by meta-reasoning about object-level entailment.Higher-order logic has several practical advantages over other meta-logics. Many proof techniques are known, such as Huet's higher-order unification procedure.  相似文献   

We present a case study illustrating how to exploit the expressive power of higher-order logic to complete a proof whose main lemma is already proved in a first-order theorem prover. Our proof exploits a link between the HOL4 and ACL2 proof systems to show correctness of a cone of influence reduction algorithm, implemented in ACL2, with respect to the classical semantics of linear temporal logic, formalized in HOL4.  相似文献   

The real-time process calculus Timed CSP is capable of expressing properties such as deadlock-freedom and real-time constraints. It is therefore well-suited to model and verify embedded software. However, proofs about Timed CSP specifications are not ensured to be correct since comprehensive machine-assistance for Timed CSP is not yet available. In this paper, we present our formalization of Timed CSP in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover, which we have formulated as an operational coalgebraic semantics together with bisimulation equivalences and coalgebraic invariants. This allows for semi-automated and mechanically checked proofs about Timed CSP specifications. Mechanically checked proofs enhance confidence in verification because corner cases cannot be overlooked. We additionally apply our formalization to an abstract specification with real-time constraints. This is the basis for our current work, in which we verify a simple real-time operating system deployed on a satellite. As this operating system has to cope with arbitrarily many threads, we use verification techniques from the area of parameterized systems for which we outline their formalization.  相似文献   

Huffman’s algorithm is a procedure for constructing a binary tree with minimum weighted path length. Our Isabelle/HOL proof closely follows the sketches found in standard algorithms textbooks, uncovering a few snags in the process. Another distinguishing feature of our formalization is the use of custom induction rules to help Isabelle’s automatic tactics, leading to very short proofs for most of the lemmas. This work was supported by the DFG grant NI 491/11-1.  相似文献   

First-order temporal logic is a concise and powerful notation, with many potential applications in both Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. While the full logic is highly complex, recent work on monodic first-order temporal logics has identified important enumerable and even decidable fragments. Although a complete and correct resolution-style calculus has already been suggested for this specific fragment, this calculus involves constructions too complex to be of practical value. In this paper, we develop a machine-oriented clausal resolution method which features radically simplified proof search. We first define a normal form for monodic formulae and then introduce a novel resolution calculus that can be applied to formulae in this normal form. By careful encoding, parts of the calculus can be implemented using classical first-order resolution and can, thus, be efficiently implemented. We prove correctness and completeness results for the calculus and illustrate it on a comprehensive example. An implementation of the method is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Sledgehammer is a component of the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant that integrates external automatic theorem provers (ATPs) to discharge interactive proof obligations. As a safeguard against bugs, the proofs found by the external provers are reconstructed in Isabelle. Reconstructing complex arguments involves translating them to Isabelle’s Isar format, supplying suitable justifications for each step. Sledgehammer transforms the proofs by contradiction into direct proofs; it iteratively tests and compresses the output, resulting in simpler and faster proofs; and it supports a wide range of ATPs, including E, LEO-II, Satallax, SPASS, Vampire, veriT, Waldmeister, and Z3.  相似文献   

智能合约是实现各类区块链应用的核心软件程序.近期,以太坊区块链平台(Ethereum)上的智能合约暴露出大量错误和安全隐患,在国际上引发了智能合约形式化验证的研究热潮.为提供高可信度的验证结果,智能合约程序语言的形式化必不可少.本工作对以太坊中间语言Yul进行形式化,首次给出了其类型系统和小步操作语义的形式化定义.该语义为可执行语义(executable semantics),由120个Yul语言程序组成的测试集进行测试.本工作在Isabelle/HOL证明辅助工具中完成,为基于定理证明的智能合约正确性、安全性验证奠定了基础.  相似文献   

We present a variant of the basic ordered superposition rules to handle equality in an analytic free-variable tableau calculus. We prove completeness of this calculus by an adaptation of the model generation technique commonly used for completeness proofs of superposition in the context of resolution calculi. The calculi and the completeness proof are compared to earlier results of Degtyarev and Voronkov. Some variations and refinements are discussed.  相似文献   

给出了一个寄存器架构的虚拟机模型Micro-Dalvik,包括虚拟机指令集和虚拟机运行时状态的形式化,并以大步操作语义(big-step operational semantics)的方式给出了指令单步执行的状态转换以及定义在单步执行上的自反传递闭包来表达虚拟机程序的运行时状态转换.最后,以定理的形式描述了语义满足的性质,并得到证明.这个模型的指令集包括了大部分Dalvik虚拟机指令,为获得形式语义的清晰化,它在Dalvik VM指令集上进行了必要的抽象,对其实质没有改变,因而具有较大的实用性.该形式化模型通过了定理证明助手Isabelle/HOL的验证.  相似文献   

Continuous random variables are widely used to mathematically describe random phenomena in engineering and the physical sciences. In this paper, we present a higher-order logic formalization of the Standard Uniform random variable as the limit value of the sequence of its discrete approximations. We then show the correctness of this specification by proving the corresponding probability distribution properties within the HOL theorem prover, summarizing the proof steps. The formalized Standard Uniform random variable can be transformed to formalize other continuous random variables, such as Uniform, Exponential, Normal, etc., by using various non-uniform random number generation techniques. The formalization of these continuous random variables will enable us to perform an error free probabilistic analysis of systems within the framework of a higher-order-logic (HOL) theorem prover. For illustration purposes, we present the formalization of the Continuous Uniform random variable based on the formalized Standard Uniform random variable, and then utilize it to perform a simple probabilistic analysis of roundoff error in HOL.  相似文献   

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