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We study the simultaneous analysis and design (SAND) formulation of the ‘classical’ topology optimization problem subject to linear constraints on material density variables. Based on a dual method in theory, and a primal‐dual method in practice, we propose a separable and strictly convex quadratic Lagrange–Newton subproblem for use in sequential approximate optimization of the SAND‐formulated classical topology design problem. The SAND problem is characterized by a large number of nonlinear equality constraints (the equations of equilibrium) that are linearized in the approximate convex subproblems. The availability of cheap second‐order information is exploited in a Lagrange–Newton sequential quadratic programming‐like framework. In the spirit of efficient structural optimization methods, the quadratic terms are restricted to the diagonal of the Hessian matrix; the subproblems have minimal storage requirements, are easy to solve, and positive definiteness of the diagonal Hessian matrix is trivially enforced. Theoretical considerations reveal that the dual statement of the proposed subproblem for SAND minimum compliance design agrees with the ever‐popular optimality criterion method – which is a nested analysis and design formulation. This relates, in turn, to the known equivalence between rudimentary dual sequential approximate optimization algorithms based on reciprocal (and exponential) intervening variables and the optimality criterion method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present an efficient adjoint-based framework for computing sensitivities of quantities of interest with respect to material parameters for coupled fluid-structural acoustic systems with explicit interface coupling. The fluid is modeled using the Helmholtz equation and the structure is modeled using the Navier-Cauchy equations. Sensitivities are used to drive a gradient based optimization algorithm to solve important problems in structural acoustics, viz noise minimization and vibration isolation. For each problem, we consider two different priors: one where the optimal solution has a smooth variation and another with a bimaterial distribution. These priors are imposed with the help of suitable regularization terms. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated on both interior and exterior structural acoustic problems.  相似文献   

It is common in solving topology optimization problems to replace an integer‐valued characteristic function design field with the material volume fraction field, a real‐valued approximation of the design field that permits ‘fictitious’ mixtures of materials during intermediate iterations in the optimization process. This is reasonable so long as one can interpolate properties for such materials and so long as the final design is integer valued. For this purpose, we present a method for smoothly thresholding the volume fractions of an arbitrary number of material phases which specify the design. This method is trivial for two‐material design problems, for example, the canonical topology design problem of specifying the presence or absence of a single material within a domain, but it becomes more complex when three or more materials are used, as often occurs in material design problems. We take advantage of the similarity in properties between the volume fractions and the barycentric coordinates on a simplex to derive a thresholding, method which is applicable to an arbitrary number of materials. As we show in a sensitivity analysis, this method has smooth derivatives, allowing it to be used in gradient‐based optimization algorithms. We present results, which show synergistic effects when used with Solid Isotropic Material with Penalty and Rational Approximation of Material Properties material interpolation functions, popular methods of ensuring integerness of solutions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main feature of the geometrically exact theory of contact is that all objects, which are necessary for computation, weak form and residual, linearized weak form, and tangent matrices are given in a covariant closed form in the local coordinate system corresponding to the geometry of contact pairs. This allows easily to construct computational algorithms for the normal and tangential follower forces as an inverse contact algorithm. In this case, following the definition of the follower forces as given and not changing in the local coordinate system, we have to modify all objects for the contact taking into account the definition of follower forces instead of constitutive relationships for the contact interfaces. The main feature is that the tangent matrices for both normal and tangential part being split into the rotational and the curvature parts are symmetric for any order of approximation. The following numerical examples are selected in the current article to illustrate the effectiveness of implementation: (1) the modeling of a pure bending with a moment applied either as a pair of single forces or a distributed follower forces (pressure) in both 2D and 3D cases; (2) modeling of inflation of a plate as application of the distributed follower normal forces (pressure); and (3) modeling of twisting of a beam with the rectangular cross‐section as application of the tangential follower forces algorithm. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, two emerging areas of photonics research, ultrafast photonics, and nanophotonics have started to come together. One of the main problems in this field is the precise control of spatial and temporal profiles of the optical pulses. In this paper, we propose a design method for user-specified spatiotemporal optical pulses using a level set-based time-domain topology optimization method. In the proposed method, the optimization problem is formulated based on time domain Maxwell equations so that the spatiotemporal optical pulses can be treated directly. The objective function is defined using the envelope information of the pulses, and an efficient way to calculate this information, based on calculations of the complex electromagnetic field, is introduced. A level set-based topology optimization method is applied to obtain optimized configurations. Using the proposed method, the spatiotemporal user-specified pulse profiles can be designed by modifying the structural details of the nanostructures through which the pulses propagate. As a simple example, we demonstrate that the optimized structures focus optical pulses into a single or multiple focal points with a user-specified pulse-width. The results show that the proposed method is able to design highly controlled spatiotemporal optical pulses by engineering the nanophotonic structure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new BEM for level‐set based topology optimization. In the proposed BEM, the nodal coordinates of the boundary element are replaced with the nodal level‐set function and the nodal coordinates of the Eulerian mesh that maintains the level‐set function. Because this replacement causes the nodal coordinates of the boundary element to disappear, the boundary element mesh appears to be immersed in the Eulerian mesh. Therefore, we call the proposed BEM an immersed BEM. The relationship between the nodal coordinates of the boundary element and the nodal level‐set function of the Eulerian mesh is clearly represented, and therefore, the sensitivities with respect to the nodal level‐set function are strictly derived in the immersed BEM. Furthermore, the immersed BEM completely eliminates grayscale elements that are known to cause numerical difficulties in topology optimization. By using the immersed BEM, we construct a concrete topology optimization method for solving the minimum compliance problem. We provide some numerical examples and discuss the usefulness of the constructed optimization method on the basis of the obtained results. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对回转窑托轮偏斜对接触区应力分布的影响,运用赫兹接触理论,推导出托轮与滚圈最大接触应力比与托轮偏斜角的关系;采用有限元方法计算某支承结构托轮平行与呈最大偏斜角时的接触问题,得到支承部件接触应力和等效应力应变分布情况,并得出滚圈和托轮的危险易损部位;为回转窑的轴向调控提供了有效的理论依据。  相似文献   

广义逆特征值方法在动力模型修正中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文针对土木工程中理论计算的要求和特点,基于逆特征值理论给出了一种适合有限元动力模型修正的广义逆特征值方法,该方法在给出修正解的表达式基础上,要求修正解满足动力模型的力学特征,且仅需要少量试验数据,是一种简单、实用的有限元模型修正方法。  相似文献   

应用有限元分析技术,对无应力奇异性条件下的双材料粘接接头的应力集中问题进行了数值研究。首先,根据特征方程分析求解出消除接头界面端和界面角奇异应力场的材料组合和几何条件;据此提出了几种无应力奇异性影响并且为宏观等截面的双材料粘接接头几何模型。然后在轴对称假设条件下,对上述模型理想粘接界面上的应力分布进行了分析,着重讨论了材料组合和界面几何形状对这些应力大小的影响。结果表明:由于材料性能错配,界面上的应力集中现象不可避免,其大小依赖于材料组合和界面几何形状。这些分析结果对于指导界面几何形状优化设计,最终提高界面强度具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

An approach for the topological representation of simplicial finite element meshes as graphs is presented. It is shown that by using a graph, the topological changes induced by fracture reduce to a few, local kernel operations. The performance of the graph representation is demonstrated and analyzed, using as reference the three‐dimensional fracture algorithm by Pandolfi and Ortiz (Eng. Comput. 1998; 14 (4):287–308). It is shown that the graph representation initializes in O(N) time and fractures in O(N) time, while the reference implementation requires O(N) time to initialize and O(N) time to fracture, where NE is the number of elements in the mesh and NI is the number of interfaces to fracture. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The scaled boundary finite‐element method is extended to the modelling of thermal stresses. The particular solution for the non‐homogeneous term caused by thermal loading is expressed as integrals in the radial direction, which are evaluated analytically for temperature changes varying as power functions of the radial coordinate. When applied to model a multi‐material corner, only the boundary of the problem domain is discretized. The boundary conditions on the straight material interfaces and the side‐faces forming the corner are satisfied analytically without discretization. The stress field is expressed semi‐analytically as a series solution. The stress distribution along the radial direction, including both the real and complex power singularity and the power‐logarithmic singularity, is represented analytically. The stress intensity factors are determined directly from their definitions in stresses. No knowledge on asymptotic expansions is required. Numerical examples are calculated to evaluate the accuracy of the scaled boundary finite‐element method. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

崔振山  刘才 《工程力学》1999,16(2):134-139
本文针对塑性大变形有限元中静水压力计算精度低的问题,研究了三维八节点等参元的偏应力导数佳点,提出了一种改进的静水压力间接积分算法。将该算法应用于金属塑性成型过程的有限元模拟,较好地解决了大步长情况下应力计算精度低的问题。  相似文献   

A super‐element for the dynamic analysis of two‐dimensional crack problems is developed based on the scaled boundary finite‐element method. The boundary of the super‐element containing a crack tip is discretized with line elements. The governing partial differential equations formulated in the scaled boundary co‐ordinates are transformed to ordinary differential equations in the frequency domain by applying the Galerkin's weighted residual technique. The displacements in the radial direction from the crack tip to a point on the boundary are solved analytically without any a priori assumption. The scaled boundary finite‐element formulation leads to symmetric static stiffness and mass matrices. The super‐element can be coupled seamlessly with standard finite elements. The transient response is evaluated directly in the time domain using a standard time‐integration scheme. The stress field, including the singularity around the crack tip, is expressed semi‐analytically. The stress intensity factors are evaluated without directly addressing singular functions, as the limit in their definitions is performed analytically. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamic relaxation is an iterative method to solve nonlinear systems of equations, which is frequently used for form finding and analysis of structures that undergo large displacements. It is based on the solution of a fictitious dynamic problem where the vibrations of the structure are traced by means of a time integration scheme until a static equilibrium is reached. Fictitious values are used for the mass and damping parameters. Heuristic rules exist to determine these values in such a way that the time integration procedure converges rapidly without becoming unstable. Central to these heuristic rules is the assumption that the highest convergence rate is achieved when the ratio of the highest and lowest eigenfrequency of the structure is minimal. This short communication shows that all eigenfrequencies become identical when a fictitious mass matrix proportional to the stiffness matrix is used. If, in addition, specific values are used for the fictitious damping parameters and the time integration step, the dynamic relaxation method becomes completely equivalent to the Newton‐Raphson method. The Newton‐Raphson method can therefore be regarded as a specific form of dynamic relaxation. This insight may help to interpret and improve nonlinear solvers based on dynamic relaxation and/or the Newton‐Raphson method.  相似文献   

In this paper, an approach for three‐dimensional frictionless contact based on a dual mortar formulation and using a primal–dual active set strategy for direct constraint enforcement is presented. We focus on linear shape functions, but briefly address higher order interpolation as well. The study builds on previous work by the authors for two‐dimensional problems. First and foremost, the ideas of a consistently linearized dual mortar scheme and of an interpretation of the active set search as a semi‐smooth Newton method are extended to the 3D case. This allows for solving all types of nonlinearities (i.e. geometrical, material and contact) within one single Newton scheme. Owing to the dual Lagrange multiplier approach employed, this advantage is not accompanied by an undesirable increase in system size as the Lagrange multipliers can be condensed from the global system of equations. Moreover, it is pointed out that the presented method does not make use of any regularization of contact constraints. Numerical examples illustrate the efficiency of our method and the high quality of results in 3D finite deformation contact analysis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The determination of space-dependent functions from boundary measurements or inner pointwise measurements is ill-posed inverse problems that require regularization tools to be stabilized. Among numerous regularization strategies, the Tikhonov penalization is one of the most used in the field of space-dependent function estimation. Its efficient use relies on the Tikhonov parameter value for which search is time consuming although necessary, especially in the field of nonlinear inversion. Other strategies, such as appropriate parameterization, have recently proven to be very efficient to cope with the ill-posedness of such problems. This paper shows that the optimal Tikhonov parameter is almost independent of the mesh used to project the functions to be retrieved. As a consequence, this value should be seeked using a coarse mesh even though reconstructions could further be done on finer meshes. This conclusion is validated by numerical means.  相似文献   

In the present paper, a solution scheme is proposed for frictionless contact problems of linear elastic bodies, which are discretized using the finite element method with lower order elements. An approach combining the interior‐point method and the semismooth Newton method is proposed. In this method, an initial active set for the semismooth Newton method is obtained from the approximate optimal solution by the interior‐point method. The simplest node‐to‐node contact model is considered in the present paper, that is, pairs of matching nodes exist on the contact surfaces. However, the discussions can be easily extended to a node‐to‐segment or segment‐to‐segment contact model. In order to evaluate the proposed method, a number of illustrative examples of the frictionless contact problem are shown. The proposed combined method is compared with the interior‐point method and the semismooth Newton method. Two numerical examples that are difficult to solve using the semismooth Newton method are solved effectively using the proposed combined method. It is shown that the proposed method converges within far fewer iterations than the semismooth Newton methods or the interior‐point method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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