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’96上半年化工市场趋势市场看好的品种硝酸,硫酸,盐酸,液氯,烧碱,铬盐,氰化钠,双氧水,钛白粉,硫酸铜,黄磷,磷酸,三氯化磷,三氯氧磷,炭黑,氯酸钾,亚硝酸钠,一氯甲烷,四氯乙烯,烷基苯,丁二烯,对二甲苯,新戊二醇,三羟甲基丙烷,环氧氯丙烷,冰醋酸...  相似文献   

2001—2002年国外塑料工业进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
收集了2001年7月到2002年6月有关国外塑料工业的相关期刊资料,介绍了2001年到2002年国外塑料工业的发展情况,提供了世界各地域塑料原材料的产量及构成比,日本,美国,加拿大,德国,法国,比利时,墨西哥,芬兰,西班牙等国家的树脂产量,消费量及增长率,以及日本,西欧,北美等地区的不同品种塑料原料消费量和增长率统计,按通用热塑性树脂(聚乙烯,聚丙烯,聚苯乙烯,聚氯乙烯,ABS树脂),工程塑料(尼龙,聚碳酸酯,聚甲醛,热塑性聚酯,聚苯醚),通用热固性树脂(酚醛,聚氨酯,不饱和树脂,环氧树脂),特种工程塑料(聚苯硫醚,液晶聚合物,聚醚醚酮)不同品种的顺序,对树脂的产量,消费量及合成工艺,产品应用开发,树脂品种的延伸及应用的进一步扩展等有关技术作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

刘少倩 《陶瓷研究》2002,17(4):25-28
陶瓷美术作品的艺术魅力,在于巧用艺术手法,艺术手法大致可分引用,映衬,象征,双关,拟人,夸张,借代,对比,比喻,渲染等类,巧用这些手法,能大大地增强作品的艺术感染力。  相似文献   

温润如君子,豪迈如丈夫,风流如词客,丽娴如佳人,葆光如隐士,潇洒如少年,短小如侏儒,朴讷如仁人,飘逸如仙子,廉洁如高士,脱俗如衲子。美名众多的宜兴紫砂在历史发展的长河中,造型变化繁多,各类品种万余种,既有源于自然,又有作者创作构思,结构外形趋向简洁明快,符合时代的节奏,给人以美的享受,同时又是很好的实用茶具,因而成为众多茶具中出类拔萃的优秀工艺品之一。  相似文献   

顺酐又名马来酸酐,化学品称顺丁烯二酸酐,是一种重要的有机化工原料,是仅次于苯酐,醋酐的第三大酸酐,顺酐主要用于生产不饱和聚酯,醇酸树脂,另外还用于农药,涂料,油墨,润滑油添加剂,造纸化学品,纺织品整理剂,表面活性剂等领域,以顺酐为原料可以生产1,4-丁二醇,γ-丁内酯,四氢呋喃,马来酸,富马酸和四氢酸酐等一系列重要的有机化学品和精细化学品。  相似文献   

根据调整目录,从2007年7月1日起,我国约380余种化工产品完全取消了出口退税。所涉及的化工产品包括粗苯,粗甲苯,粗二甲苯,萘,氟,氯,溴,碘,升华、沉淀、胶态硫磺,钠,汞,氯化氢(盐酸),氯磺酸,硫酸,发烟硫酸,红发烟硝酸,五氧化二磷,磷酸及偏磷酸、焦磷酸,硼的氧化物,硼酸,氨,氨水,  相似文献   

本文介绍了塑料在汽车,情报通信,电子,家电,办公机器,电线电缆,机械部件,船舶,航空宇航,铁道车辆,原子能设备,包装容器,医疗等领域的应用实例。  相似文献   

烟花爆竹的安全,质量,环保问题是社会,各级政府关注的热点,只有开发,研究应用新材料,新烟火药剂,不断创新,才能满足国内,外花炮市场的需求,文中介绍了新材料,新药剂的研究成果。  相似文献   

生产陶瓷制品包括五道主要工序:粉料制备,坯体压制,坯体加工,烧结和磨削,在必须提高坯体的加工性和改善工艺过程中烧结材料的物理机械悸能的情况下,可增添粉料的液体静压加工工序,坯体和预烧,二次机械加工等,该工艺适用于制作切削工具的工作部件,拉模,制作有色金属合金型材的工具,轴承,铰链,阀门,球阀,水枪喷嘴,压模部件,里衬构件,研磨体等。  相似文献   

腐植酸与生物肥料   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
腐植酸(HA)是动植物残体经过微生物一系列分解和合成而形成的一种高分子有机物,它广泛存在于风化煤,褐煤和泥炭中,此外,土壤,堆肥,厩肥,河泥,塘泥,造纸废液,酒精废液中也含有一定数量。腐植酸组分中主要有黄腐酸,棕腐酸和黑腐酸三个组分,其中黄腐酸(FA)分子量小,活性高,效果好,是腐植酸的精化,腐植酸不是单一的化合物,而是由几个结构相似,分子大小不同的结构单元组成的大复合体,生物肥料是指含有活的微生物,通过其生命活动而产生肥效和促进农作物生长的生物活性肥料,将腐植酸与生物肥料结合,二者互惠互利,取长补短,是创新新型环保肥料的重要途径之一,近年来,我们在发酵HA的工艺上,筛选了适合在其发酵过程中的微生物肥料菌株,实现了HA与生物肥料有机结合,开发出一种新型高校的有机生物肥,取得了1+1>2的技术优势。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of large single applications of North Carolina reactive rock phosphate, Queensland non-reactive rock phosphate, and Calciphos, were compared to the effectiveness of superphosphate in field experiments in south-western Australia for up to 11 years after application. As measured using plant yield, superphosphate was the most effective fertilizer in the year of application, and relative to freshly-applied superphosphate, the effectiveness of the superphosphate residues declined to be about 15 to 65% as effective in the year after application, and 5 to 20% as effective 9 to 10 years after application. Relative to freshly-applied superphosphate, all the rock phosphates were 10 to 30% as effective in the year of application, and the residues remained 2 to 20% as effective in the 10 years after application. The bicarbonate soil test reagent predicted a more gradual decrease in effectiveness of superphosphate of up to 70% 10 years after application. For rock phosphate, the reagent predicted effectiveness to be always lower than for superphosphate, being initially 2 to 11% as effective in the year after application, and from 10% to equally as effective 10 years later. Therefore rock phosphates are unlikely to be economic alternatives to superphosphate in the short or long term on most lateritic soils in south-western Australia.  相似文献   

Flehmen is a stereotyped response of ungulates and other mammals to urine. In black-tailed deer, Flehmen occurs typically in males (rarely in females), and its frequency shows an annual cycle. Flehmen in response to female urine was most frequent in November, and to male urine in January. The response minimum to both types of urine occurred in May. Fifty-five to 100% of initial responses to female urine resulted in Flehmen. The deer responded more often to female urine, and the difference between the responses to female and male urine increased from May to November. A male's own urine released Flehmen more often than did urine of other males. The response intensity varied with the spatial orientation of the male to the urinating female, and responses were usually limited to distances of 15 m or less.  相似文献   

This article examines changes to the morphology of rotationally molded metallocene catalyzed linear low density polyethylene brought about by varying the cooling rate during processing. These changes in morphology lead to variations in the impact performance, which is reflected in the dynamic mechanical characteristics of the materials. Various analytical techniques are used in an attempt to explain the differences in impact behavior. Slow cooling is shown to result in high crystallinity, and in the formation of large spherulites, which in turn is detrimental to the impact performance of the material, particularly at low temperatures. The high crystallinity corresponds with a shift in the β transition of the material to a higher temperature, and is shown to result in a higher brittle–ductile transition. A case study was also carried out on samples from a finished part provided by an industrial molder, one section of which failed in a brittle manner when impact tested while the other failed in a ductile manner. Microscopy results showed that the brittle material had large spherulites at the inside surface, while the ductile material showed incipient degradation at this surface, which has previously been shown to be of benefit to impact strength in rotationally molded parts. Dynamic mechanical studies again showed a β transition at a higher temperature in the brittle samples. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 101: 1963–1971, 2006  相似文献   

Thanks to their reduced size, great surface area, and capacity to interact with cells and tissues, nanomaterials present some attractive biological and chemical characteristics with potential uses in the field of biomedical applications. In this context, graphene and its chemical derivatives have been extensively used in many biomedical research areas from drug delivery to bioelectronics and tissue engineering. Graphene-based nanomaterials show excellent optical, mechanical, and biological properties. They can be used as a substrate in the field of tissue engineering due to their conductivity, allowing to study, and educate neural connections, and guide neural growth and differentiation; thus, graphene-based nanomaterials represent an emerging aspect in regenerative medicine. Moreover, there is now an urgent need to develop multifunctional and functionalized nanomaterials able to arrive at neuronal cells through the blood-brain barrier, to manage a specific drug delivery system. In this review, we will focus on the recent applications of graphene-based nanomaterials in vitro and in vivo, also combining graphene with other smart materials to achieve the best benefits in the fields of nervous tissue engineering and neural regenerative medicine. We will then highlight the potential use of these graphene-based materials to construct graphene 3D scaffolds able to stimulate neural growth and regeneration in vivo for clinical applications.  相似文献   

Type 2 transglutaminase (TG2) is the main autoantigen in coeliac disease (CD), a widespread inflammatory enteropathy caused by the ingestion of gluten-containing cereals in genetically predisposed individuals. As a consequence, serum antibodies to TG2 represent a very useful marker in CD diagnosis. However, TG2 is also an important player in CD pathogenesis, for its ability to deamidate some Gln residues of gluten peptides, which become more immunogenic in CD intestinal mucosa. Given the importance of TG2 enzymatic activities in CD, several studies have sought to discover specific and potent inhibitors that could be employed in new therapeutical approaches for CD, as alternatives to a lifelong gluten-free diet. In this review, we summarise all the aspects regarding TG2 involvement in CD, including its enzymatic reactions in pathogenesis, the role of anti-TG2 antibodies in disease management, and the exploration of recent strategies to reduce deamidation or to use transamidation to detoxify gluten.  相似文献   

Vaccination, being able to prevent millions of cases of infectious diseases around the world every year, is the most effective medical intervention ever introduced. However, immunosenescence makes vaccines less effective in providing protection to older people. Although most studies explain that this is mainly due to the immunosenescence of T and B cells, the immunosenescence of innate immunity can also be a significant contributing factor. Alterations in function, number, subset, and distribution of blood neutrophils, monocytes, and natural killer and dendritic cells are detected in aging, thus potentially reducing the efficacy of vaccines in older individuals. In this paper, we focus on the immunosenescence of the innate blood immune cells. We discuss possible strategies to counteract the immunosenescence of innate immunity in order to improve the response to vaccination. In particular, we focus on advances in understanding the role and the development of new adjuvants, such as TLR agonists, considered a promising strategy to increase vaccination efficiency in older individuals.  相似文献   

Catalysis, a driver for sustainability and societal challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Catalysis is an enabling technology to promote sustainability, environment, energy, health and quality of life. This contribution discusses the role of catalysis in achieving these objectives and some of the factors which will drive the changes in catalysis research in the next years, in particular the need to go to more sustainable and modular-design of the chemical processes (F3-factory), the use of biomass and of renewables, including solar energy, and the challenges offered from electrocatalysis. It is also emphasized the need to strength research on catalysis, and some examples of how to overcome fragmentation barriers, particularly in catalysis areas (homo-, hetero- and bio-) and in academy–industry interactions. The need to create a longer term vision and strong collaborations in order to develop a knowledge platform, in order to accelerate the innovation path. Finally, the need to develop new catalytic materials, particularly of tailoring catalyst nano-architectures and develop new catalysts based on the concepts of nanoreactors and catalytic nanofactories are discussed.  相似文献   

Abiotic stresses rewire plant central metabolism to maintain metabolic and energy homeostasis. Metabolites involved in the plant central metabolic network serve as a hub for regulating carbon and energy metabolism under various stress conditions. In this review, we introduce recent metabolomics techniques used to investigate the dynamics of metabolic responses to abiotic stresses and analyze the trend of publications in this field. We provide an updated overview of the changing patterns in central metabolic pathways related to the metabolic responses to common stresses, including flooding, drought, cold, heat, and salinity. We extensively review the common and unique metabolic changes in central metabolism in response to major abiotic stresses. Finally, we discuss the challenges and some emerging insights in the future application of metabolomics to study plant responses to abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Planktonic larvae of the marine polychaetePhragmatopoma californica preferentially attach to substrata and metamorphose to the adult form upon contact with cement in tubes built by conspecifics. This gregarious settlement and metamorphosis contributes to the formation of large aggregations or reefs. Larvae also metamorphose upon contact with 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (DBMP), a possible aromatic analog of cross-linked dihydrox-yphenylalanine (DOPA) residues (present in the polyphenolic protein cement as 2.6% of the amino acid residues). Morphogenesis occurs in the laboratory when larvae are exposed to DBMP either adsorbed to solid surfaces or when dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to render it soluble in seawater. Larvae in the ocean were induced to settle and metamorphose on plates coated with DBMP prior to their deployment in the ocean. This is the first report in which a defined organic molecule, identified as an inducer (or precursor to an inducer) of larval settlement and metamorphosis in the laboratory, has been shown to induce these processes in the ocean. Both forskolin and isobutylmethylxanlhine (IBMX) induce metamorphosis ofP. californica larvae, presumably by causing increases in intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP). A discussion of the pathway controlling chemically mediated metamorphosis and evidence suggesting the possible role of cAMP in the process are presented. Other compounds known to increase intracellular cAMP levels, including arachidonic, linoleic, and palmitoleic acids, found by other workers to induce settlement and metamorphosis ofP. californica, may exert this activity by direct modification of internal cAMP levels in the larvae.  相似文献   

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