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设计一种基于平板热管的太阳能-空气能双源集热蒸发器及由其组成的新型直膨式热泵系统,并对其进行实验研究与分析。实验测试平板热管在制冷剂低温取热条件下的均温性与导热性能,热泵运行工况下集热蒸发器表面温度分布、光电光热性能,以及在不同天气条件不同运行模式下热泵系统性能。结果表明,平板热管在低温取热条件下当量导热系数可达6.8×105W/(m·℃),集热蒸发器运行时纵向最大温差为3.9℃;在夏季晴朗天气条件下运行太阳能模式制热水时热泵平均COP为3.62;在低辐照阴天下运行太阳能-空气能双源模式与太阳能模式相比,单位面积集热功率提高18.8%,系统平均COP提高5.7%;在无辐照的夜晚,运行空气源模式系统COP为2.54。  相似文献   

设计了一套换热系统试验台,分别把磁纳米流体和水作为热管的工质,对玻璃真空管内插热管式太阳能集热器进行对比试验,分析两种集热器处于不同倾角、不同天气条件、不同总辐射量下的光热转换瞬时效率及日平均效率。此外,比较了玻璃真空集热器和热管内插式集热器的平均热损失系数。研究表明:内插热管式集热器的平均热损失系数约为全玻璃真空管集热器的2.32%,远小于全玻璃真空集热管,且工质为纳米流体的热管式玻璃真空管太阳能集热器的热损失系数比水工质热管真空集热管更低,其瞬时效率及日平均效率更高,运行更加高效、安全、稳定。  相似文献   

在原有平板集热器的基础上研制了一种与建筑结合的太阳能集中供热热管系统,并对策略热管的传热机理进行了分析,提出正常工况下该热管的集总参数模型,给出了热管的倾角范围。文中给出了该集热系统的理论预测和实验结果对比。热管太阳能集热器的理论模型以Duffie 和Beckman理论(1980)为基础,修改后用于能量传输。该文还给出了该集热器和传统的太阳能集热器的对比试验结果。热管太阳能集热器的瞬时效率在早上低于传统的太阳能集热器的,而当热管达到工作温度时,前者高于后者。  相似文献   

一种热管平板太阳能集热装置的性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决平板大阳能集热装置在冬季的防冻问题,设计建造了热管平板集热装置,并进行了实验测试.在实验中测量了系统的初末状态水温、流量、环境温度、辐照强度等数据.通过对数据的分析拟合出了系统效率与初始水温、环境温度以及辐照强度之间的经验公式,并且以该经验公式为依据对系统全年12个月典型晴天气象条件下的系统效率进行了模拟.结合实...  相似文献   

复合抛物面太阳能聚光热管集热器及换热器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁胜利  何剑斌 《新能源》1991,13(12):1-6

介绍了将热管技术应用于平板集热器,以克服其易冰冻、管内结垢、腐蚀等常见问题,论述了设计中需关注的影响因素,并针对热管及翅片的结构优化、加工工艺等进行了探讨.  相似文献   

李宏升  李晓裴 《节能》1990,(9):46-48,27
<正> 我们对平板式太阳能空气加热器进行了分析试验,并设计了一个模型来预测其空气质量流速和对有效能量的吸收能力。模型与实验数据表现了良好的一致性。这种装置的缺点是数据分散、效率低,但低效却可被其结构简单和价格低廉所弥补。  相似文献   

热管真空管集热器及太阳能热水系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热管真空管集热器是继闷晒式、平板式、全玻璃真空管集热器后的第四代太阳能集热产品.在太阳能领域得到了广泛的应用。分析了热管真空管的原理、结构及传热特性;以国外产品为例,论述了热管真空管集热器的特点及工作性能;对直流式热管真空管热水系统和典型的间接式供热供暖及泳池热水系统进行了分析。  相似文献   

热管太阳能集热器系统的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建筑物大面积集中供热已成为节能降耗的新,也是太阳能热利用发展的趋势。文章介绍了在原有铜铝复合板的基础上,试制的一种结合多层建筑的集中供热热管式太阳能供热系统,克服了原有的平板式和真空管式集热系统易炸管,易冻裂及结垢,单管损坏后整个系统失效等问题。  相似文献   

太阳能空气集热建筑模块冬季热性能优化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以建筑集成的太阳能空气集热建筑模块为研究对象,利用与实际住宅等大的实验平台,针对不同的集热板形式和空气流动方式对集热建筑模块热性能的影响进行了实验研究。重点讨论了开孔平板型、开孔孔径大小以及设置空气间层分隔板等对改善集热建筑模块热性能的影响。实验结果表明,开孔平板型较实心平板型的热性能得到明显的改善,孔径优化后(孔径为5mm、孔间距为15mm)的热效率可提高30%以上;另外,设置空气间层分隔板相对于小孔径(d=5mm)而言,采用大孔径(d=10mm)时出风口升温效果更明显。  相似文献   

Inspired by the sunflower, we report a new structure of a solar collector that integrates a pulsating heat pipe (PHP) into a flat-plate collector. The proposed flower-type PHP solar collector is designed after a sunflower with petals that absorb sunlight and transfer nutrients to the stem after photosynthesis. The evaporator section adopts the shape of a flower to absorb sunlight fully, and the condenser section is rolled into a cylinder and placed in the lower part of the structure. A systematic experimental study is conducted upon start-up, and the performance characteristics, with acetone as the working fluid, are evaluated. We also did a heat loss analysis, which has a deviation of 8%. The effects of the mass flow rate of cooling water, filling ratio, length of the condenser section, and solar intensity are assessed. As the temperature of the heat absorber plate increases, the thermal resistance of the PHP can decrease to a minimum of 0.14°C/W. Under sunny weather conditions, the instantaneous thermal efficiency of the system with a filling ratio of 50% reaches 50%. Besides, we discussed the unstable operation conditions and possible dryout phenomenon that happened inside the PHP.  相似文献   

For a novel prototype solar collector, using a plate heat pipe, condenser heat transfer was analysed in detail. The condenser has the shape of a rectangular channel. Flow and heat transfer of water in the rectangular channel was modelled and the heat transfer coefficient assessed, using the Fluent code. Under typical operating conditions a mixed convection situation occurs. The channel is inclined and heating is through one wall only (upper channel surface). The range of temperature differences considered was similar to the one verified under real operating conditions, covering a wide range of Grashof numbers. Results showed that the Nusselt number is significantly higher than the one for forced convection in a rectangular channel with fully developed boundary layers. In order to enhance heat transfer, a modification to the rectangular channel was analysed, using baffles to improve flow distribution and increase velocity. The effect of this modification on collector energy performance (efficiency) was assessed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, an experiment has been carried out with heat pipe vacuum or evacuated tube collector to produce water from atmospheric air. In this experiment, the regeneration and adsorption method has been adopted, that is, water has been produced through the adsorption and regeneration of desiccants. The desiccant is heated through a hot surface to facilitate its regeneration. Limited experiments have been conducted to obtain water through the regeneration of desiccant using a hot surface. For the condensation of water vapor, a novel box has been designed, named the “novel-designed acrylic box.” The water is collected in a measuring flask or beaker to determine its quantity. Silica gel desiccant has been used for the adsorption and regeneration of water vapors. In this experiment, the adsorption process for silica gel was carried out in two different ways. In the first method, 1 kg of silica gel was scattered on the copper tray, that is, inside the system, while in the second method, 1 kg of silica gel was scattered on the paper, that is, outside of the system. In the first case silica gel adsorbed 137 g water vapor, and in the second case, it adsorbed 232 g water vapor. In the first case of adsorption, 70 mL water was produced while in the second case of adsorption, 175 mL water was produced from ambient air. The system's maximum efficiency was found to be 4.9%. Effects of various parameters, such as solar intensity, ambient temperature, wind speed, and so forth, have been studied.  相似文献   

用于发电的太阳能聚光热管集热器   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
袁胜利  杨从明 《节能》2002,(8):14-17
复合槽形抛物面和渐开线反射镜面的聚光吸收太阳能的热管集热器 ,平均集热温度高达16 4℃ ,并省去了复杂的跟踪机构。用热管作太阳吸收体 ,传热效率高 ,向大气反向传热损失少。圆筒形换热器的热水温度 16 0℃ ,饱和水蒸气压力 4 0 .6kg .f cm2 ,用于汽轮机发电和蓄能  相似文献   

The performance of a heat-pipe solar collector was investigated experimentally using refrigerants R11 as the working fluid. The unit is fabricated locally and its performance is evaluated under Beirut Solar conditions. The heat transfer from the heat pipes to the hot-water storage tank took place through a circular end condenser section of the heat-pipe integrated within the collector frame. Tests of single heat pipes showed that the thermal performance of the heat pipe were dependent on its tilt angle, condenser section length and configuration, and type of internal wick used. A circular condenser end of the heat-pipe performed better than a straight condenser due to increased surface area for heat transfer. The R11-charged solar collector with integrated condenser for secondary cooling of water had an efficiency in early operation hours that reached values higher than 60% for the forced circulation mode. The instantaneous system efficiencies varied from 60 to 20%, which are in the range of conventional water solar collectors. System response was fast and sensitive to the incident solar radiation. The thermosyphonic mode of the system operation generated build up of stored energy in the condenser, resulting in oscillating-type flow thus reducing system efficiency below values obtained with forced circulation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在能量平衡方程的基础上,以《家用太阳热水器热性能试验方法》(GB/T12915—1991)为依据,对两种有渐开线反光板且吸热体形状不同的热管真空管和一种无反光板的热管真空管进行了对比实验。结果表明,渐开线反光板可大幅度提高热管真空管热水器的日平均效率,加反光板且吸热体为圆柱形的集热器能够达到更好的效果。  相似文献   

为利用太阳能获得稳定持续的高温空气工质,除了有效集热外,还需要解决因太阳辐射强度变化导致输出工质温度波动的问题。在性能优良的太阳能集热系统中采用蓄热技术是解决此问题的有效途径。根据给定的设计目标,研究将固-固相变蓄热材料季戊四醇应用到太阳能集热蓄热一体化的实验装置中。实验结果表明:按集热蓄热一体化思路设计的实验装置,集热单元能够输出最高温度超过220℃的高温空气,蓄热单元能够将高温空气的温度稳定在蓄热材料的相变温度附近。并且随着蓄热管级数的增加,空气出口温度稳定的时间就越长,为利用太阳能获得稳定持续的高温热媒工质奠定了基础。  相似文献   

通过实验研究四氧化三铁(Fe3O4)纳米流体重力热管的传热性能。在不同输入功率、不同充液率、不同纳米流体质量浓度的工况下测试热管的外壁温度,再理论计算其等效对流传热系数、热阻。结果表明:当充液率为50%,输入功率为40W时,水基液重力热管和纳米流体重力热管都有最高的等效对流传热系数,并且纳米流体质量浓度为1%时,重力热管具有最高的等效对流传热系数5455.4 W.m-2.K-1,较水基液重力热管最多可增大79.1%。四氧化三铁纳米流体运用于重力热管可以有效减小其热阻、强化其传热性能。  相似文献   

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